Sheldon smiled as Penny walked into the kitchen. They had stayed up until the wee hours of the morning talking. And kissing. She walked over and poured herself a cup of coffee, took a sip, and then plopped down in his lap. He looked at Mr. and Mrs. Cooper worriedly, but they just smiled and shook their heads with amusement.

Penny kissed him lightly and turned to her parents. "Mom and Dad, I guess you know I'm going back to Pasadena."

Wyatt nodded. "We figured as much."

Joyce giggled. "Honey, when a man drives all this way, fights through a blizzard and punches his friend, it's pretty obvious he won't be going home empty handed."

Penny laughed as Sheldon blushed deeply. He cleared his throat nervously. "Penny, you do realize that there may be hurt feelings on the part of Leonard and Amy, right?"

"If they are really your friends, they will support you," Wil said as he and Zac joined them. Howard and Bernadette were right behind, smiling widely.

Sheldon shot Bernadette and Howard a glare. "I am upset that none of you informed me of Raj's wedding."

Howard shrugged. "Sheldon, you made no effort to keep in touch with Penny. We figured you didn't care. Especially since it wasn't a secret. One look at Penny's facebook would have shown you what was going on."

Penny decided to change the subject before Sheldon started issuing strikes. "Wil's right, you know. We would support Leonard and Amy if the situation was reversed. But no matter what, I'm not letting you go, Sheldon. I love you too much."

Sheldon relaxed with relief. "Penny, you know I do not subscribe to fate or predestination. However, in this one case, it would seem the stars have aligned themselves perfectly."

Penny burst out laughing and hugged her man tight. "Come on, Moon Pie. The storm is over and I need to pack if we're going to go home any time soon."

Howard snagged Sheldon's vacated seat and looked at Joyce with puppy eyes. "I don't suppose there's any more of those rhubarb cookies, are there?"

Joyce laughed and went to get the cookie jar.

One Year Later

Sheldon walked quickly, each step more of a stomp than a step. Wil and Raj watched him with varying degrees of amusement as they kept pace.

"Nervous?" Raj teased.

Sheldon shot him a look of pure exasperation. "I swear that woman planned this."

Wil laughed and shook his head. "Sheldon, Penny may be a force of nature, but she can't actually control the weather."

Up ahead they could see the lights of the church twinkling in the gloom. Snow fluttered around them, wet and cold. They moved faster now that they could see their destination more clearly.

As soon as they reached the steps, the doors opened. Howard and Missy dragged them inside, while Zac and Priya handed them warm towels to dry the snow off their hair.

"You're almost late!" Carrie hissed as she and Bernadette hurried forward. "Penny is already nervous enough!"

"Sorry," Wil said. "We hit some ice and landed in a ditch."

"Oh good grief!" Bernadette whispered. "Well, don't tell her that! At least not until after the service!"

The vestibule doors opened and Mary Cooper peered out. She nodded with satisfaction, dabbing at the tears forming in her eyes. "It's 'bout time you boys got here. Places, people! We have a wedding to get through!"

The guys rushed inside and lined up quickly. Soon the music started and the doors were flung open. Penny walked slowly down the aisle, a beautiful smile on her face. Penny took her place beside Sheldon, and winked at Wil, Howard and Raj.

"Family and friends," the pastor intoned, "we are here today to witness the wedding of Sheldon Cooper and Penelope Queen."

Penny peered at Sheldon curiously. "Sweetie," she whispered, "why are you so wet?"

Sheldon sighed and took her hands in his. "Remind me to never let Wil Wheaton drive me anywhere again. He's going to get me killed one of these days."

Penny looked at Sheldon's best man with wide eyes. "You wrecked? Again?"

Wil had the good sense to look apologetic. He shrugged and gave them a smile. "I got him here, didn't I?"

"Barely," Sheldon muttered. "We ended up in a ditch."

Raj giggled. "At least you made it to the church before the wedding this time."

"Ahem." They all looked at the pastor who was looking at them sternly. "If I may continue?" he said stiffly.

The couple blushed and closed their mouths tightly. The pastor cleared his throat and began again.

Sheldon dropped down beside Penny, his breathing ragged. Penny pushed her hair out of her face, as she tried to catch her own breath. She draped an arm across his chest and snuggled close. Sheldon slipped an arm around her shoulders and held her tightly.

"It never fails to surprise me that you're a snuggler," Penny laughed.

Sheldon's cheeks turned pink, like they always did whenever she teased him about his keen interest in physical relations with her. "It's your fault," he reminded her. "You left me for almost two months. I am not about to let you go again."

Penny leaned up and kissed his lips softly. "Sweetie, that sounds perfect to me."

The cuckoo clock downstairs chimed out twelve times. Sheldon smiled and looked at Penny. "Merry Saturnalia," he said tenderly.

"Merry Saturnalia to you, too, Sheldon," she replied, hugging him tight.

In a small town outside Omaha, Nebraska, folks still talk about the blizzard that brought two people true love. And about the actor who wrecked in the exact same spot two years in a row, trying to get to a wedding.

To everyone here at fan fiction, I wish you joy and happiness as you celebrate whatever holiday you chose. May you be surrounded by love, peace, and rhubarb cracked cookies.

BTW, those are super easy to make. Follow whatever gingersnap cookie recipe you wish. (I use the recipe of opening a tube of Pillsbury gingersnap cookie dough and rolling it out.) Cut out your shapes. Use a small circle cookie cutter (or, like me, a washed and dried soda bottle lid) to make a hole in the center. Spoon a dollop of strawberry/rhubarb jam into the hole, bake until cookie is done, and voila! You are now the proud chef of Rhubarb cracked cookies. Works well with sugar cookie dough, too. Oh, and they are even better if you drizzle melted white chocolate over them! :D