Hi guys! Omg, I missed you so much! I'm so sorry, I've been on my vacation and I've traveled a lot, I had internet only on my phone so it's been impossible to post this chapter before. PLEASE don't kill me for my delay. Anyway, Chapter 39 is here and it's Klaroline wedding. YAY! I hope I make it up for you with it. Oh, a few things:
1) This chapter happens only a week later from last one.
2) In case you don't remember the witch, you might need to read last few chapters.
3) I'm so sorry to announce this, but this is the last chapter. There WILL BE one more (chapter 40) but it will be the epilogue. Hope you all enjoy.

Klaus's POV:

The orange sunlight from the sunset shined on the ring that I was holding on the palm of my hand. I looked at it one last time before putting it back on the pocket of my suit. I took a deep breath again and my eyes ran to the people on the crowd nervously. I don't know why I was so nervous, this is supposed to be the happiest day of my life. After Henrik's birthday, of course.

Observing that white carpet where Caroline would step in soon, all that I could think about was how much my life has changed since I met her. It's not something like "Oh, she completely changed my life and I never was the same anymore", but it's deeper and meaningful than that. Every single day that I spent with her made me who I am today.

I'm still that old Klaus and maybe I'll never be able to escape from all my insecurities, but at the same time I'm a new Klaus who learned so much in so little time… Every new smile of my son I learned a new feeling and other things I've never experienced in the past thousand years.

My love for Caroline drove me for new and scary ways. Different roads that I never thought I'd step in one day. I loved her so much that sometimes it hurt me, but this pain was what fixed my dark and cold heart.

It's true the fact that I would live fearing to lose what I most love – my family – but on the contrary of what I thought before, this wouldn't make me weak. Once, Damon Salvatore told me "If you're gonna be bad, be bad with purpose"... I would keep being that grumpy and mean Klaus, but now I had a reason to fight for. Now my life had a true meaning and I was happy with it.

I was more than ready to let go all my insecurities and open my arms fully to all my love for that woman when the wedding bells started to ring and she appeared like an angel in a white dress on the begging of the carpet. Such a Goddess…

The whole world stopped and my eyes were stuck on her light. Her bright smile. Her pure soul. Heading to me, Caroline walked slowly with Stefan by her side. So many people to look at and she made all the way looking at me and only for me.

When Stefan arrived with her in front of me, I took a mental photograph to paint that moment later. He reached out his hand as a compliment and Caroline took one step ahead him, to my direction. Our arms intertwined and I guided her to the altar.

The priest was talking, but I couldn't listen to him. My eyes were stuck on the angel by my side and my fool smile didn't seem to be able of disappearing from my lips. Caroline seemed to notice and she gave me a smile to encourage me. When have she became the brave one of us?

"The vows?" The priest asked and I had to clear my throat before start talking.

"Caroline, I've lived a thousand years. And I confess that my biggest fear was to die. But... if I had to die now, I would do it gladly. Because now I've lived. Your love completed my life and taught me how bad moments can turn into good ones. So yes, I would be more than happy to die by your side. I want to do everything by your side. Because love, when I'm far from you, my world turn into black & white and your smile is the only thing that can bring color to it. So yes, I want to marry you, and in every new smile of yours, I'll be happy for loving you. You're beautiful, you're strong, you're full of light and I enjoy you. I'll always enjoy you" I said.

"Klaus... I took some time to admit to myself that I liked you. I thought that I was ok when you left Mystic Falls, but when you did, there was a hole in my heart. Mystic Falls wasn't the same. And I couldn't admit to myself that I liked you, because I was scared. I was scared once that you're the only one who makes my heart burn in fire with a simple look. Because every single piece of me belongs to you, and in some way, my heart knew since the beginning that I was supposed to be yours. So, I promise to love you even more everyday and love you not only in the light that we built together, but also in darkness. Because when one of us falls apart, the other one is there to hold. When one loses hope, the other will be the hope for both of us. And I'm ready to let you show me the world out there" she finished and I don't even need to say how much I held myself to not fall on my knees that moment.

"Are you sure, love? Are you sure that you wanna marry with someone this evil?" I asked her lower so people wouldn't hear it although I knew all vampires would.

"You're not evil, Klaus. You're just a broken angel" she said holding my face and that answer dig me so deep that it took away all the dark roots surrounding my cold but now so warm heart.

With a big smile, we exchanged the wedding rings and I kissed her with all my heart. People clapping just made it more special and I could hear cries and sobs coming from the crowd. Our foreheads stood glued for a while before we could turn away our looks from each other.

Everyone was standing on their feet and after taking Henrik from Liz' arms, I left the church holding Caroline's hand. The smile from my lips went away in the same minute I saw a familiar face in the middle of the crowd. That. Imbecile. Witch!

I didn't bother going after that witch that tried to kill Caroline on the day Henrik was born because she vanished after seeing her gray eyes. Of course she was on my list of "To do" but I didn't have time since and I knew she wouldn't try to hurt my family anymore. So… what was she doing there? For sure I didn't want to make a scene on our wedding and Caroline would kill me for it. I stood quiet always observing the witch and waiting a good opportunity to talk to her on my wedding party.

Caroline and I greeted people on the party and I was amazed with how much people – especially her old friends – were stunned with Henrik. I thought it would be a big shock to them, but truth to be told, they accepted it quite well.

Embracing Caroline by side, I was observing Elena holding him and playing with him. People on the party looked very happy and distracted, and I kissed Caroline's head.

"Are you happy?" I asked her.

"More than ever" she gave me sort of a comforting smile.

"Then I'm happy too" I smiled back to her.

"I can't wait to go to France on our honey-moon" she touched my face.

"I'm quite sure the four of us will have a lot of fun" I said and she raised her eyebrows, confused.

"You mean the three of us? You, me and Henrik?"

"No, I really meant four" I said, placing my hand on her belly. She looked to it and stared me again.

"What are you talking about?"

"We haven't used any protection last weeks" I winked at her.

"Klaus, I'm not pregnant"

"Are you sure?"

She thought a little and answered me with determination "Yes"

I was about to discuss it with her when I saw the witch hiding herself in the middle of the scrub… I was afraid she left before I talk to her so I wanted to enjoy the opportunity "Love… Do you mind to excuse me for a second?" I asked and Caroline smiled to me, releasing her arms from my trunk. "I promise is just a minute sweetheart" I kissed her forehead and headed where the witch was.

"You don't know… do you?" she asked me before I could say anything. I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes waiting for her to continue. "If her wolf side is the one responsible for her pregnancy…" she started talking and I, as always thinking fast, completed her thought:

"…she can only get pregnant on full moons" she nodded. "I see… and what exactly are you doing on my wedding?"

"I came here to apologize…"

"Apologize? After almost get my family killed?" I laughed.

"Yes… I'm sorry for that… And to prove my regret, I'll give you another vision" she reached out her hand so I could hold it. I'm not a man of forgiveness but I got myself curious to know what was going to happen. The first vision that she gave me happened so… I hesitated, and took a look behind between the scrubs at Caroline to see her smiling to Henrik on Stefan's arms. I reached out my hand to hold the witch' and I closed my eyes, preparing myself to whatever was ahead of me.

Hawaii. I could tell it because of the smell of salt air that only Hawaii has and the blue transparent water that I was capable of seeing even with the darkness of that night. I felt soft fingers caressing my hand as my feet touched the sand at each step I took. I looked aside and Caroline smiled to me.

"Why don't you let the ocean's water wet your feet?" she asked me and I looked to the ground, noticing that I was pushing her away from the waves of the ocean while we walked. "There's no vervain on it" she assured me, laughing. "Oh... Look how he's happy" she said and I looked ahead to where she was pointing at. A little boy was running in front of us with joy. I could notice his fairy hair even with the dark night sky and it was waving with the wind. His tiny legs were all muddled and I could tell there was little time that he knew how to walk.

"Mommy?" He called with a two-years old voice and looked behind – to us – still running with the wind messing up his hair. I narrowed my eyes even more to be able to see all the details on his angelical face.

"Do you need some help there sweetie?" Caroline asked and he smiled to us and stopped, waiting for us to arrive where he was. When we did so, Henrik lifted his small arm to me, so I could hold his hand. When I did it, he looked up to my eyes and smiled to me.

"Just as I know…" I mumbled very low to myself. His smile was still the same as Caroline's and his dimples just made it much sweeter. We kept walking. Caroline, me and Henrik. He jumped on the ocean tide as the waves came to our feet, making me and Caroline all wet. She laughed, so did I and when I could notice, the three of us were laughing out loud.

"Look, dadda" Henrik tried to say with his pitched and low voice. I looked down to him and he pointed to the horizon. A light orange light started to show up far away behind all that ocean water. The sun was rising. We stopped to admire it and I bent down to take him, lifting him up and seating him on my shoulder.

Henrik embraced my head and I kept holding Caroline's hand. Such a perfect moment. I had all I could ever want and all I didn't ever deserve. The sun rays didn't took too long to show up and shine weakly on our faces. I was stuck on that moment when Caroline's voice called my attention.

"Oh… she is kicking" she said and I was about to ask her what she was talking about when I looked at her. She was looking down caressing her swollen belly with her free hand. I could see it now because of the light emerging on the horizon.

I felt something stuck in my throat and I gasped, holding my cry.

"Henri wanto feel" Henrik said and I smiled, taking him from my shoulders and lowering him on Caroline's stomach's height. He reached out his little hand and touched it carefully. He stood quiet and suddenly he giggled.

"Did you feel it?" Caroline asked with a sweet voice "It's your sister" she told him and both of them smiled to each other. Another photograph in my mental album of "To paint later".

"What are you doing here by yourself?" I heard Rebekah's voice and I shook my head, coming back from reality. I heard the wedding party's songs playing and I got up in the middle of the scrubs. The witch must have left in the middle of the vision.

"I just needed some time…" I answered.

"And why are you smiling like a fool?" My sister asked me.

"I'm just happy" I told her with proud and looked on the tree's height to see the sun going down with its last rays. "I love my life" I told her and she smiled. She knew.

So... what do you think? PLEASE say something, it means so much to me... Hope you all liked it. If you have a special request for the epilogue too, let me know. I promise I won't take too long to post it. I'm back from my vacation already. Kisses... And let's always hope for Klaroline! Love you all S2