Please enjoy :)


Jack's POV

Rapunzel and I were married not a few months later. Her parents were shocked at first but agreed once they saw how happy she was. Rapunzel became queen and I was her Prince consort for many many years.

Every winter I would leave though to spread fun and snow. Rapunzel always said she loved seeing me turn back into my immortal 18 year old self every fall, but was sad to see me go.

One day, the day I returned from another winter and turned back into a mortal 30 year old Rapunzel told me she was pregnant.

She gave birth to Maximus James Frost the day I was about to leave for another winter. He had brown hair like mine and brown eyes as well.

When Maximus was one she was pregnant with our second child. I was there when she gave birth to our second child, though it was during winter and I had to sneak by the castle on my way to Moscow.

Anna Maria Frost was a beautiful baby girl with brown hair and green eyes.

James was the spitting image of me while Anna was just like her mother.

When James was 6 I told him my secret of being a Guardian. When Anna was the same age I showed her as well.

They were both sad and cried often when I had to leave and it broke my heart each time.

As time progressed they both grew older and understood why I had to leave. I always made sure to make the best snowfalls on their birthdays as a present. North, Tooth, Sandy, and Bunny often visited.

They always loved Christmas and Easter. Sandy would allow them to stay awake for when North and Bunny visited.

They also took turns watching over Rapunzel and the kids when I was out spreading winter. Just in case Pitch ever tried anything. day. I returned from a successful winter. James was 23 and Anna 21. Anna was married to the crown prince of the Southern Isles when she was twenty while James was preparing to be king one day.

But then Rapunzel was sick. I rushed to her side and saw just how much the years had worn on our mortal bodies. Her brown hair now had strands of grey and the bags under her eyes showed the toll being queen had on her.

She was still as beautiful as when I met her though.

She passed away in her sleep. Old age I suppose. Once she did the kingdom grieved and crowned James as the new king. Rapunzel appeared to me, looking 18 and with her long blonde hair once more the next week.

Both James and Anna were able to see her and I in our immortal forms.

I spread winter, and she spread summer.

We were opposites. Hot and Cold. Snow and Sun.

But hey, you know what they say.

Opposites attract.

I'm ending this story on a semi happy note. I'm sorry this is short. But it has to be this way. I just can't force myself to write anymore.

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