Hello! I really suck at A/N's so I'm so sorry. This is my first Soul Eater fanfic so please be nice. If you like, please REVIEW! I would really like that!
Chapter 1: Debt
She fell to the ground. The pain in her ribs brought her back to Earth, and she laid there on her side, observing him as he opened the door and slammed it shut behind him into the streets of Death City. She coughed badly for the thousandth time this month. It wasn't strange, seeing specks of red drizzle her hand, as she covered her mouth while she was coughing. She laughed, wondering what the people at school would say if they saw her like this, hopeless and bloody on the floor. The toughest Maka Albarn, who was smart, strong, and bold at school, was now lying on the ground weak, bloody, and full of fear in the apartment she shared with her father, Spirit Albarn. She got up from the ground wincing at the pain. She quickly went to the door and locked it, and hurried to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and studied the reflection that she saw. Blood was all over the place, her face showered with bruises and her ash-blonde hair was in messy pigtails. She peered into her own emerald eyes. She didn't like the fact that she looked just like her Mama. That was the exact reason her father would beat her mercilessly.
"Why…?" was the only word she could let escape from her mouth.
She sighed rinsing her face and preparing a bath for herself. She took all of her clothes off, dipping her bruised body into the warm steamy tub, and relaxed. She didn't like anything about herself. Her personality, her parents, the way she lived. Her mom had left when she was around 6 years old, and her dad turned into an alcoholic and a gambler out of depression. He would always beat her because she reminded him of her mother, 'the stupid bitch that ran away' he calls her. Although he's been beating her for a long time, she still gets terrified whenever her father gets home, drunk and pissed because of losing a lot of money. He'd call her to the living room and tell her the story of how he and her mother met, how she gave birth to Maka, and 6 years later, she got up and left. Maka could've sworn that Kami Albarn, her mother loved them very much. Well her not her father. Her father had always been a lying, cheating, scum who never knew when to stop messing with other girls. That's the reason why she had left. Maka had thought of leaving herself of course, but she knew that she had nowhere to go. Even though she'd rather die than be with her father, she did plan a future ahead of her. She is 16, a sophomore in high school, and she wanted to be something useful in this world, not a gambler like her father. That most likely wouldn't get her anywhere.
She stepped out of her bath and dried herself. She went straight to her room and locked her door, slowly slipping into her pajamas so that the bruises on her body wouldn't awaken and start to bother her again. She sighed and lay in bed. She remembered the time she went looking for her mother, two years after she left, and when she had finally found her, she saw two other children and a man who grabbed her waist and would pull her closer making her giggle. The two children smiled at the sight of their parents. They were little girls, one was six and the other was five. Maka's smile turned into a frown and her lower lip trembled as tears fell down her cheeks. Ever since that day, she thought of her mother as a traitor. Maka kept thinking about her 'wonderful' life, when she finally tired herself out and fell asleep.
Maka woke up to a loud pounding at the door. Her eyes shot open and she heard the loud roars of her father.
"Shit!" she cursed to herself. She slept peacefully and hadn't woken up to cook breakfast for her father. She quickly dressed into her school uniform and got her jacket. Oh hell no was she going to put up with him. She didn't want to get beaten again; her bruises were still aching from yesterday. She opened her window and slowly crawled out. Since she lived in an apartment, she landed on the fire escape, and just when she went to close the window the door was blasted open by her father's foot. She shrieked and as he came close and landed his fingers on the window sill, she found that as an opportunity and slammed the window closed right on his fingers. He shouted in pain, and Maka could hear him cursing her out as she flew down the metal stairs. She jumped from the ladder and landed on the ground, running to school in case her father would catch up with her.
School wasn't interesting as always. She sat in class paying close attention, she read her book during lunch and sat alone as always, and she got dismissed at the same regular time. Almost every kid noticed the bruises on her face but didn't dare to question her. She remembered her dad told her that he wanted her to be humiliated in front of her whole class with the ugly face she had. Although some people snickered, and others gasped she walked through the hallways chin up and back straight. She didn't care what people said, and she sure as hell didn't need their pity.
She walked slowly to her home. She decided to leave before her father would actually kill her. She knew that he was gambling at this time, so she took the chance to get her stuff. She was sure he wouldn't waste his time to wait for her to get back home. He didn't have the patience to wait for even 5 minutes.
She got to her door and opened it slowly and quietly out of habit. She peered into the apartment and relaxed when she found nothing but silence. She entered and closed the door shut. Quickly, she went to her room and took a suitcase out of her closet. She went to her drawer that was by her window and went to open it, but her vision was caught by blood on her windowsill. She then recalled when she closed the window on his fingers and his loud shout of pain. She shivered at the memory that was now drilled inside of her head. She shook it away and took the clothes out of her drawer. Scared that he'd come back, she stuffed the clothes into her suitcase messily. She went to the bathroom and went to get other things and just when she got out, there was a loud bang by the door. She flinched and without thinking ran to the window in her room. Careful not to touch the blood stains but quick enough to opening the window her feet were about to land on the metal fire escape she fled from earlier, but a hand grabbed her collar and pulled her in. She made a weird noise because of the front of the shirt against her throat. She turned around expecting to see her dumb father, but it wasn't him. This man had light brown hair with spikes on one side. His teeth were pointy and he had a lot of piercings. He smirked at the fear in her eyes.
"I found her!" he shouted to no one. Well that's what Maka thought. In came a small man with a black suit and a black hat. He was about up to her knees and he looked pretty old.
"We must take her to Arachne…" he said with a deep voice. Maka squirmed, turning and pulling for freedom. She finally released herself when she felt a painful tug at her hair. She shrieked in pain and grabbed the man's hand.
"Giriko, you mustn't roughen her up!" said the old man. The man, Giriko, tightened his grip on Maka's hair and pulled back, making her let out a yelp.
"Oh don't complain! The old hag wanted her alive, right? And I'm sure after what she's told us she's not going to keep her alive so does it really matter if I give her a little black and blue?" he smirked, dragging Maka to the living room. "After all, they want her to be tortured in front of that old man of hers right?"
Her eyes widened at what he said. She was thrown in a seat and her hands were tied behind her.
"What does my Papa have to do with this?" she asked with a quivery voice.
They turned to face her and explained the situation. "Your PAPA… has a humungous debt with the Gorgon Casino. If he doesn't pay up then we kill him and his family, in other words you girly! Ah I'm Giriko, and this old geezer is Mosquito!"
The older man, Mosquito, chimed in. "You idiot, I don't think she's interested! Anyways he was supposed to pay today, but he didn't appear. Good thing we were quick enough to catch him with suitcase and all! The man was planning on leaving without paying and that's a BIG mistake if you have a debt with us so he left us with no other choice."
Maka couldn't believe what she was hearing. After all he did to her…he was planning on leaving a debt on her. She took all the strength and courage she had to ask the big question.
"How much…does he owe?"
Giriko smirked and started laughing. "Girly, I don't think you can pay it off-"
"How much does he owe!" I growled, irritated that he didn't answer my question. He lifted his clenched fist and pulled it back, clenching his teeth.
"Giriko, stop being an immature brat and just answer her question!" scolded Mosquito.
Giriko slowly let his anger out and blew out a breath. He then smirked again and looked down at Maka.
"Fine, but don't go raising your voice at me or you'll get taught a lesson. Your old man owes…"
Maka paused and shuddered in fear. Her courage and strength left her the moment Giriko told her the amount.
"T-ten m-million?" she repeated to herself slowly.
Giriko laughed at her, seeing how easily she turned into a terrified coward.
"Yeah! And now we're taking you to our place so be a good girl and don't cause us any trouble, got it?" he spat out. He grabbed her by the chin with one hand and peered into her emerald eyes. "Or else I'm gonna have to disobey my boss' orders and beat the shit out of you." Maka nodded slowly and Giriko untied her and yanked her to her feet.
Think…think of something Maka. You may be a bit afraid…okay you're REALLY afraid, but think of something with that brain of yours. Just by their looks, well Giriko's, your way smarter than him. Think of how you can escape. Do yourself a favor for ONCE in your life! She practically shouted in her mind. They got out of her apartment, her arm being gripped by Giriko's hand and they went down the stairs. Maka scowled at the sight around her. Usually there were people walking around but out of her amazing luck nobody was there to hear her cries of help. She kept looking around, desperately looking for anybody but no one appeared. Okay I guess it's up to me then… She took in a deep breath and yanked herself free from the man's grip, bringing her fist to his nose as strong as she could. She grinned and turned, running fast and happy that she heard a good crunch under her fist. She ran as fast as she could, and looked back to see her almost-kidnappers driving with their fancy limo behind her. She gasped and picked up her speed. She looked ahead and spotted the bridge that was filled with many cars. "Alright, either you die doing this…" she said staring at the bridge. "Or…" she turned to catch a glimpse of Giriko, sticking his head out and cursing her off. "You can get killed and tortured by them!" Maka happily chose the bridge and when she finally reached it she looked over the edge and took in a deep breath. Her last breath before she hit the road with a loud SPLAT and end her life. She silently cursed her father out for dragging her into his stuff. Thanks to him, she'd be ending her life at the young age of 16. No…he wasn't the only one to blame. She forgot all about her mother, the one who caused his depression. But wait…he was the one who cheated. Confused on who to blame, she jumped off the bridge. She heard the loud orders of Mosquito and the annoying shouts of Giriko but ignored them. She waited for the painful feeling of hard cracked Earth, but instead felt…a quilt-like surface? Her eyes batted open and she looked beneath her. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw a white tarp under her. The roaring sound brought a smile to her face. The truck she had landed on had perfect timing and appeared right when she jumped. She turned around snickering at Giriko who was blowing steam off his head almost about to explode. To cause the explosion, she flipped him off and burst out laughing when she saw him shout out a lot of curses.
Maka Albarn you are the luckiest girl on the planet. She laid down on the tarp that saved her life and looked up at the bright sky. A little nap won't do you wrong. It will take them long enough to get down here and get me, right? With that last thought in her head, she closed her eyes and drifted off into a blissful sleep.
It's been only 5 hours, but it seemed like days. Maka woke up the moment she felt a sudden halt. If it weren't for the rope that held the tarp down she would've flown off the truck. She looked ahead to see a deer walk across the road. She looked to her surroundings and all she saw was grass around her. Alright…where are we? The sky was darkening and the laughing sun was lowering by the second. Soon enough, Maka couldn't see anything at all. The truck kept on moving, passing over bumps and going from left to right, the fact that Maka was on top of it unknown. What in the world is going on? She shouted in her head. The truck pushed her back, yanked her upwards, and swung her side to side. She couldn't see well, but she heard loud honking noises from behind and under her. She turned back, and although it was dark, she noticed his evil smirk in the driver's seat of the car behind her.
"You have to be fucking kidding me!" she shouted.
Giriko grinned showing his pointy teeth and sped to the side of the truck. Knowing this would be a horrible car ride Maka lay back down and gripped both sides of the truck where the rope was, holding on for dear life. The truck swerved from left to right and it almost made it seem like a roller coaster, not that she's been on one before. She kept calm and took in deep breathes. Her whole body froze and her mind went blank the moment she heard gunshots being fired. She quickly calmed herself. Okay, they were just a FEW gunshots…so what? You are Maka Albarn…the one who escaped her brutal father, Spirit, the one who escaped those kidnappers from the casino, and the one who jumped off of the bridge. At this point, nothing can go wrong! Maka looked to her left and noticed that they were on a short bridge surrounded by water. The moment she saw the water glistening in the moonlight her heart sank. She didn't have a good feeling about this.
She turned slowly and took a long glare at the maniacs behind her. Giriko glared into her emerald orbs and lifted his gun, pointing it directly at her face. Maka gasped and thought quickly sinking herself against the tarp. She waited for the sound of the gunshot. At last the loud firing noise filled her ear, however she felt no pain. She looked up and saw the moon with his frightening grin.
"I-I'm alive-!" her sentence was cut off by a terrible screeching sound. Her eyes widened as she realized where the shot was directed at. Instead of shooting at her, he shot at the back left tire. The truck swayed from side to side and before she knew it, was in the air. Maka felt herself rise and she looked towards where she was falling to; the river. The truck had veered off the road because of their blown out tire and was in mid-air, seconds from hitting the water.
Maka closed her eyes shut, squeezing them tightly as she forced herself up on the tarp, and she knelt down holding onto the ropes.
"Nothing can go wrong…" she whispered to herself as she jumped off of the truck, not wanting to be brought down into the deep ocean with it. The moment she hit the water she panicked. Instantly, the water started to drag her down. She calmed herself a bit and started to swim with all her might. Having steadied her movement in the water, she turned back for a second and smiled slightly at Giriko's raged face. Hoping he'd noticed, she put her right hand to her forehead and saluted him, teasingly.
"ALBARN!" he shouted from the top of his lungs. Maka would've broken out into laughter, but she felt a slight tug to the right. She turned back toward where she was going only to find herself being pulled by the currents. She looked ahead and noticed a slight downfall in the water. Oh great… She waited for the small ride and closed her eyes as she felt herself going downwards. She eased again when she felt rocks under the soles of her shoes. She was happy that she was now in shallow water. She started walking to the trees that were on either side of the river when the force of the water brought her down to her knees. She gave a small yelp at the pain; the hard rocks scraping her knees. The rough water quickly pushed her down making her jump back up for air. Panting hard, she saw another downfall. Except this downfall, looked more like a waterfall. Oh look! It's another waterfall! That's great! Just FUCKIN great! She yelled sarcastically in her head. She let out a small laugh.
"Alright, Maka, it was great working with you, but looks like your luck just ran out." She let out a small sigh, a tear escaping her eye. "You had the worst life anybody could ever ask for, but I'm sure you were probably the strongest." She closed her eyes and let all of the noise around her fade away, her knees were stinging from the salt water. But before she'd completely let her mind go blank, she wondered to herself. What if she came back in another life? She wasn't religious or anything, but she did believe that it was possible returning with another life. And what if she had a family that loved her like a normal family does? What if she went to a school that didn't have graffiti all around it? What if she got new friends that would always be with her? What if…? She blushed at the thought but it still swam around her head. What if there was someone that she'd hold close in her heart? Someone who cared about her feelings, her thoughts…someone who cared about HER and would love HER the same way she loved HIM. She laughed on the inside. Only in your dreams… But it would feel nice. That was her last thought when she slid down the waterfall, losing all of her strength and consciousness the moment she hit the water.
SO? How was it? I'll be awhile with the updates because I'm still on my first story The Legend of Fairy Tail (Legend of Zelda and Fairy Tail crossover). But I promise you I WILL update! Now then, if you please leave a review, I will be very grateful! Thank you for reading!