Hi fam,

I'm happy to say that the WA reboot is happening! Thank you all for responding and for being so understanding/supportive. The new WA is now available on AO3 and is called "Wee Angels and Family". The first few chapters will not be changing too much. I'm just going to clean them up a bit. Once we start getting into the plot lines and all that fun stuff; however, things will start to look a lot more different. I want to continue exploring the other angels as baby angels so I have decided to keep "God's plan" as a plotline. I'll be changing it a little bit to prevent the headaches it gave me in WA though so it'll be interesting to see where that goes in comparison to the original.

WA will NOT be deleted from fanfic. I will be providing links in the author's notes of WAF chapters to the corresponding chapters of WA so readers (and myself) can compare them. If WAF helps boost my confidence again like I hope it will, I will continue to post here on the original WA and hopefully give it a proper ending (no promises tho).

My AO3 is Sea_Scribbles. Link to WAF is on my profile. See you there!

- Jinx


Q: "I don't know what AO3 is but you will be posting the reboot here?"

A: The reboot will not be posted on fanficnet. I will only be posting it on AO3. For those of you who do not know what AO3 (Archive of Our Own) is, it is a nonprofit site for posting fanfiction and other fanworks. It's probably one of the best fanfiction sites I've used so far and I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't already.