A/N: Seasons greetings dear followers, or anyone who has stopped by to have a read! Its been a while, but tradition is tradition! Unfortunately, I ran out of christmas carols to mentalise. If you want any, or just any song mentalised, shoot me a review or PM and ill get right on it - otherwise, sit back and enjoy this hopefully enjoyable christmas fic. A little AU because Australia is so behind, (just saw 6x03) but mostly canony. Anyway!

It was exactly a week before Christmas, and the CBI didn't look much different from any other time of year, except for some gold tinsel taped in random places; around the kitchenette and some windows and desks - it came off quite sad.

But this sadness was not felt by any in the serious crimes unit, as the rush of case after case to close before Christmas kept them very, very busy.

It was late on a Wednesday evening, lights dim in the empty bullpen, the only apparent light on the whole floor was sourced from behind the striped shutter blinds of Lisbon's office. She sat at her desk, and rubbed her eyes as she finally added the file of their most recent case to the pile filling her "out" tray. She sighed and leant back in her seat. Another day, another case closed. Yawning, she stood, and wrote "CLOSED" on the whiteboard behind her desk, next to the Raymar case. A noise from the other side of her office made her turn around. Jane was still here?

The blond's ruffled curls were a mess as he sat up from where he'd been napping on her cream office couch. Lisbon had totally forgotten he was there.

"I'm gonna... Head home now Jane," she said, watching him blink his tired eyes in reaction to the light.

"Let me walk you out." he said, suddenly more awake, grabbing his jacket as he stood from the couch and stretched.


It was almost eleven when Jane and Lisbon strolled out of the front of the CBI both shuddering a little at the sudden cold of Sacramento winter. No snow, but still.

"Strange..." Jane said, causing Lisbon to look up at him at they walked.


"Only a week 'til Christmas."


They arrived at Lisbon's car. Jane's parked not too far away.

"I can see it in your eyes Lisbon, you're let down... A little disappointment in your demeanour..."

Lisbon shook her head. "No.."

"Brothers not hosting Christmas this year?"

"None of your business Jane, Good night." she hopped in her car and he watched her drive off into the night.

Jane knew how much Christmas - not to mention family - meant to Lisbon, try though as she might to hide it. He usually either spent Christmas alone, or with the team working a case. But this year their team was scheduled a Christmas break, just for the Tuesday, (Christmas Eve), and the Wednesday after it. And as he got in his car, a small smile appeared on his lips as he decided,

Lisbon would not be alone this Christmas.

Hopefully it will get better. Let me know what you think! PLEASE review :)