A/N: Part II is now up! Many of you have questions, and important things will be revealed in time! Thanks for reading! Frozen and its original characters are owned by Walt Disney Animation Studios. I own the rights to the characters Erik, Halvard, and Gnash. Enjoy!

The sails whipped, and the boards creaked as the Arendelle navy set into formation ahead of the approaching fleet.

"Stand strong, men! Today we show the world who has the greatest naval force!" Halvard proudly commanded. His crew responded enthusiastically, setting off a concatenation of 'hoorahs!' from ship to ship. Everyone seemed prepared for a fight.

Halvard smiled and retracted his mind to his senses. The wind was to their backs: a promising sign that perhaps fate would play to their side. His confidence in their chances grew.

Ahead of them was a mass of ship and sail alike. As opposed to the Arendelle Navy, which was organized and in uniform, the approaching fleet was unsystematic. No two ships were alike, with some bearing black pirate flags, or merchant colors. It was evident that their success would hinge upon their sheer numbers.

"Be prepared for anything… there's no telling what they have planned." Halvard stated.

One of the lieutenants pulled him aside. "Sir, shouldn't we open fire? This is most opportune time." He asked in a lowered voice.

"I want to try negotiations first." Halvard replied shortly.

The lieutenant's mouth dropped. "What? But sir! They've hoisted the black colors! They are hostile!"

Halvard remained calm, motioning with his hands to stay quiet. "Be that as it may, it will be a far better outcome if for us if the negotiation are a success." He whispered.

"Very well." With a downcast expressed, the lieutenant stepped down to the lower deck.

This did not go by unnoticed to Halvard, yet he remained stubborn in his ideals: he would not risk any man unless absolutely necessary.

The imposing fleet had noticeably stopped their advance. This was Halvard's cue.

"Take us forward, and command the rest of the navy to wait behind."

"As you say…" The lieutenant muttered.

Alone, they sailed towards the massive line. Halvard had hoped that by going alone, it would be taken as a sign of negotiation, yet none of the opposite fleet moved forward. It wasn't until they were halfway between the two fleets that Halvard realized his plan was not going to work.

With a panic in his heart, he quietly and calmly relayed orders to his second in command. "Signal the rest to follow. It appears negotiations are out of their favor…"

Perplexed, the young man merely nodded and went to work waving the signal flag back to the navy. Not a second later, an explosion rocked the portside of the boat. Splinters of wood scattered into the air, and several men were sent screaming overboard. Before Halvard could react, another explosion hit the main mast, causing it to collapse and render the ship completely immobile. The raiders had wasted no time exploiting a small plea of hope.


None of the men listened; instead they frantically scampered about, trying to keep what was left of the ship in tact. Frustrated, Halvard reiterated his demand. "WE NEED TO RESPOND! READY THE CANNONS!"

"WE'VE HAD ENOUGH!" One of them cried as another cannon ball whizzed past.

"IT'S JUST LIKE I SAID BEFORE, YOU HAVE LED US TO OUR DEATHS!" It was the lazy defector from before; his face was red with mixed terror and fury. "YOU ARE NOT FIT TO COMMAND US, AND NOW… WE WILL ALL PAY FOR IT!"

The opposing cannon fire continued, as the ship was ripped apart piece by piece. Through the smoke and fire, Halvard could see that the raiders had started to push forward once more. Within moments he deducted, they would be completely surrounded. They're right… he admitted. I've effectively led them to their demise… How could I have been so careless? So blind… It was unusual for him to make such a glaring mistake. For the first time, he felt lost. If only my brother were still here. Perhaps none of this would have happened.

He gripped the ledge and stared out across the sea, back to his beloved kingdom. It looks like it really is up to the kids… The world around him was slowing in time. Queen Elsa… please… take good care of him…

He returned to his duty. "MEN! LISTEN TO ME! Get to the life boats!"

"Wha?!" Some of them stopped in their tracks, looking dumbfounded.

"You heard me! Forget about saving the ship. You were right, I… It was a foolish thing to put all of you in this danger. Now go. Save what you can."

More cannon fire could be heard, however for once nothing was striking them.

"The navy has caught up!" The lieutenant screamed.

"Quick then! Head to the other ships, assist them if you choose so, otherwise, head for the shore!" Halvard motioned.

"And you?" The crew asked in unison.


"What are you planning to do?" The defector spoke up again.

Halvard blinked. "A captain goes down with his ship. This is the vessel I have chosen, I shall remain to provide cover."

Some quickly and quietly began loading into the boats, while others looked on stunned.

"Do as I command! Abandon ship!"

"With all due respect sir, we decline." The lieutenant placed his hand on Halvard's shoulder.


"We'll stay. We can at least return some of the damage to make this a real fight."

The others agreed. "Yeah! With the rest of our forces now taking on damage, we can't just sit around and wait."

It was a proud moment for the captain. "Very well. But you know the risks. This ship was barely holding up even before we set sail… Load the cannons!" He drew his sword out. "FOR ARENDELLE!"

It was a scene from a nightmare. Inescapable darkness and black masses were everywhere. Alone, Elsa stood above all on an artificial tower of snow and ice. From her perch she could unfortunately see everything. The town walls were being overrun now; the naval blockade was covered in thick smog of smoke and ash. More and more raiders were pouring in from over the mountains. A mere blink of light was all that was left in her, and even that would not be enough. She knew, deep down, that her heart was not strong enough. Not after everything that had happened. Could she go back to a world where he didn't know her? To take everything that had happened between them and casually toss it aside? Her hope was fading to the point that she wondered if failing would be so terrible.

The thought terrified her, and she did her best to shake it off. To fail would be to betray my sister, and my kingdom… I cannot leave yet until this threat is gone… But once it is gone… then perhaps so will I… After all, he won't miss me… he won't understand… he…

Her knees began to shake. She began to sob as she threw her magic about: which was just enough to repel the sinister forces. It was then that she saw it. Out of the corner of her eye, a bright flash of blue light. She turned in time to see hundreds of raider soldiers go flying into the air, with particles of frost completely dousing them. Her stomach began to free fall, and her mouth dropped open.

"E-Erik?!" She gasped.

He was raging through the surrounding forces, with Anna and Kristoff in tow. With his gleaming sword, he tore through his foes with ferocity and gritted teeth.

"Elsa!" He called.

"I told you to stay in the castle!"

"And leave you to fight alone? Come on! Let us help!"

"KEEP AWAY FROM ME!" Elsa shouted as she raised a wall of ice between them.

"Wha?!" Erik fell back, confounded.


"Elsa…" He pleaded.

"STOP! YOU'RE MAKING IT WORSE!" She sent an explosion into the crowd.

"I don't understand…. What are you talking about?!" He threw another raider off of him.

Elsa remained perched on her icy tower. She was uncontrollably shaking now, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"WH-WHY DID YOU COME BACK?!" She cried. "You… You don't even know me… you don't remember me at all…"

Her despair was long enough to distract her, and the cannons were finally able to reach their mark. With an impressive explosion, the side of her makeshift fortress collapsed into itself, flinging Elsa into a white abyss and out of sight.

"ELSA! NO!" Erik screamed.

The raiders began to cheer and cackle, while Erik scrambled to get closer. With a pounding heart he slammed his body into a group of thugs to clear a path directly to the site. With a snap of his wrists he tried to manipulate the blinding flurries to scatter, but his effort were nullified by a powerful shockwave. The snow seemed to be electrified.

"What just happened?!" Kristoff nervously asked.

"Elsa! Elsa!" Anna called.

Within a small pocket, underneath the vast swath of fallen snow, Elsa was still shaking. Her face was soaked and swollen with tears and sweat, and she could feel severe pain in her leg. She could hear him shouting, fighting to reach her. This is too much to bear… I can't… I can't go on anymore. She threw her fists into the ground again, feeling the shockwave expel from her body. With each thought of the loss of his memory, of how her world would be different now, a fire smoldered in her soul. There's no turning back. I am unfit to lead the kingdom. All of Arendelle is burning… Dark thoughts betrayed her mind, Anna won't need me anymore… she has Kristoff. Together, they can take my stead… it would be better that way… I have failed… everyone.

The stress, anger and fear weighed heavy upon her mind. This is it. I have one final act to play. Then… I'll truly make him forget me… "EVERYONE WILL FORGET ME!" She screamed and spread her arms out wide. An exuberant amount of wind pounded through the valley, ceasing all of the fighting together as everyone stood to watch what was happening. Elsa was quite literally floating above the ground, with a most fearsome expression. She bared her teeth, and then with the sound of a clap of thunder she brought her hands together above her head. The snow and wind seemed to become more organized, piecing itself together into an enormous shape. It began to hiss, and whip about as a tail formed on one end, while wings sprouted from either side of its now apparent body. The enormous weight caused it to free-fall to the ground, causing a small earthquake and leveling a side of the forest.

Erik struggled to believe what he was witnessing: For before him stood the formation of an awe-inspiring, powerful, and intimidating mountain of a dragon. Easily the size of a castle, it loomed over everyone with a piercing glow of blue eyes. The ice on its skin seemed to be so tightly packed, that it shone like diamonds. It reared its head to the sky, and let out a massive deafening roar, and then whooshed into the air. At this point, the raiders were panicking and falling back, some tried throwing their spears and daggers at the monster, but had no luck in piercing its hide. The dragon paid them back in kind by slamming its tail in their direction.

"Did that come from Elsa?!" Kristoff asked.

"I don't know, but it appears to be on our side for the moment. Come on! We need to find her!" Anna grabbed both of their wrists and tried to move forward, but Kristoff didn't move.

"What if that thing IS Elsa?" He stated with terror.

Erik looked back to where Elsa had been floating, and sure enough she was gone.

"Er. Well I suppose anything is possible at this point…"

"INCOMING!" Erik shouted.

The dragon swooped down with incredible might, toppling over the raiders with only the gusts from its wings.

"Well if that is her, she got a little too close for comfort!" Kristoff brushed the snow off of his head.

"She isn't the dragon. She's over there! She's… running?" Anna pointed.

Elsa was heaving heavily as she sprinted towards the forest. She didn't want to look back, but the impulse was too strong. She turned her head for merely a split of a second, and that was all it took. The first and only face she saw was his; pain and sickness flooded her. Why must I feel this way…? She cursed at herself. We never even got the chance to be together! I shouldn't be having these thoughts! With a whimper she forced herself to turn and continue on.

"Just like last time…" Anna pouted.

Erik sighed. "I'm not letting her go out there alone again!"

"We're right behind you!" They all took off after Elsa. Thanks to the dragon, most of the raiders were scattering and not paying the slightest mind to the three.

"Alright, but be wary of that dragon. I fear it's only out for itself." Erik threw a blast of magic against a straggling group.

"You don't think Elsa is controlling it?" Anna gasped.

"I'm honestly not sure…"

"He's got a point, Anna. I mean, look at what Marshmallow did to us." Kristoff said darkly.

"Marshmallow?" Erik raised his eyes.

"Yeah. He was a giant snowman-snow monster- er, thing. He attacked us and tossed us off a cliff…" Anna answered as if it was completely normal for such things to happen.


"Oh, it was okay. I mean, there was at least twenty feet of snow below us…"

Erik looked at both of them with complete bewilderment. Elsa meanwhile was continuing to put distance between them.

"How is she able to run this fast, after everything! Shouldn't she be tired?!" Erik complained.

"Well, that might slow her down a bit!" Kristoff pointed ahead. The raiders had regrouped after the initial shock of the dragon and now were forming back into a giant mass.

Erik growled. "They think she's controlling it. They're going after her! ELSA! ELSA!"

"It's pointless! She can't hear us with all of that going on!" Anna was right. It was a full-scale charge. The raiders were tearing down the hills again with reckless abandon.

"Someone, or something has convinced them to fight back…" Erik thought out loud.

Kristoff agreed, "Yeah, you're right! But isn't it pointless for them? That dragon doesn't seem to have many weaknesses."

"Their leader must be more terrifying than the dragon…" Anna shivered.

"Then we better not run into them." Erik muttered.

Elsa had backtracked from her original path and was now running perpendicular from Erik, Anna and Kristoff. Piles of snow and ice followed her, as she became more and more frantic to outpace the now rejuvenated raider army.

Unable to keep up with her, Erik engaged the men again. He drove a wall of ice straight into Elsa's pursuers knocking them clean off their feet. The army then seemed to split in two directions: One continued after Elsa while the rest went to Erik.

"Stay together! And watch for that dragon!"

"We know! We know!" Anna said sarcastically.

As if on cue, the dragon roared and blasted the area with ice. It then slammed its tail into the ground, kicking up dust and placing Elsa out of vision. With the sound of a sonic boom it cried to the heavens and took flight once more, leaving its victims shaking and moaning.

"Huh… well I figured a dragon would breath fire!" Kristoff remarked.

"It's an ice dragon Kristoff. Remember?!" Anna hissed.

Ah. Well. Good point." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's coming back. Duck out of the way!" Erik pushed them to ground as the mighty beast flew low over their heads. It viciously flapped its wings, swiping and clawing anything within range. Trees were splintering and cracking. The air was constantly changing from the explosions of cannon fire, to the frozen maw of the dragon; it seemed no one was safe to stand either with the constant threat of an earthquake or severe gust of wind.

Erik could see the castle, barely holding up. Parts of it were icy, and others were burning. He wondered if the raiders were finally able to reach it and had already lay claim to Elsa's throne. The battle needed to be swiftly ended if Arendelle was to stay in tact. He needed a better tactic, a different strategy. Halvard would know what to do…He lamented. Then, a sharp pain in his stomach erupted as he realized that he had no idea where Halvard was. With a sense of dread he turned to Kristoff and Anna.

"Uh…Where is my uncle?"

"Er… well…" Anna seemed unsure of what to say.

Kristoff answered for her. "He took a large portion of the Navy out of the harbor. It looked like he was going to head off the raider fleet."

"Raider fleet?" Erik jerked his head to look out to the harbor, and sure enough through the trees he could make out a massive battle in the waters.

"This isn't looking good for any of us… They're coming from all directions. If Halvard can't keep a hold against that fleet…" Erik trailed off. He imagined the fleet docking directly into the town. Even if they were able to finally defeat their current adversaries, would it be possible to evict them from the castle? Would it be worth it in the end to destroy Arendelle for the sake of keeping it out of the raiders' hands?

"We need to get to Elsa. She's our only chance to stop this!" Erik concluded.

Anna snapped him back to reality "Easier said than done! I don't even see her anymore! Kristoff, what do-"

But Anna's voice seemed to have the wind sucked out as she looked at him. Kristoff had become ghostly white and was standing in shock looking down at his leg: A small handle of a knife was protruding out. It took a moment for them to realize what had happened, before Kristoff screamed and collapsed to the ground. Still unable to speak Anna rushed to him and threw her whole body over him while looking around to see where the weapon had come from.

A shadowy figured appeared from behind a tree. Erik immediately attacked with what was becoming a signature ice wall move. The object dodged it easily and threw another small knife at Erik's head, which barely missed its target and cut his cheek.

"You've become predictable."

Gnash had a severe look, as he emerged closer. Gone was his over-confidence, and mocking attitude: instead he showed rage and coldness. Anna was shaking and unable to move; she watched with wide eyes as Erik wiped the blood off his face and stared down his enemy, not noticing that they were once again completely surrounded by raiders in all directions. They were all smiling crooked, demented smiles.

"U-uh… E-Erik?" Anna muttered, raising a sword feebly.

Erik snapped out of his trance of shock to notice his surroundings, which gave Gnash just enough time to catch him off guard. The thug lifted his massive leg and kicked the sword out of Erik's hand. In a same motion, he slashed his own weapon down before being quickly blasted in the face with snow. Blinded, he stumbled backwards while Erik continued to pummel him with frozen strikes. With fierceness and fury, Erik expelled as much of his newfound power at the surrounding onlookers, who seemed more intent to watch and wait. They yelped and ducked out of the way of the ice shards, before more of Elsa's snowman army met them from behind. With a battle cry from both the raiders and snowmen, the assault was back in full motion.

With Gnash distracted, Anna quickly got up and hastily charged. Despite the complete barrage of ice magic against him, the thug easily countered Anna's attack. He swung his weapon with all his might against her, and while the princess was able to block it, the concussing force was enough to send her rolling several feet away. She did not move.

"AH-N-NNA!" Kristoff winced as he tried to half walk, half crawl to her.

"Three against one is not enough for me young one. You will need an entire army, and from the looks of it: you have few left in numbers." Gnash coldly calculated.

He's right... there are more snowmen than soldiers… in fact; I don't think there is a single soldier in the vicinity! Unwavering from his duty to protect, Erik concentrated a full blast of cold wind at Gnash, sending him to the ground. This is my chance. I have to do it. I have to finish him… Erik was just about to summon as much power as he could muster, when an eerily familiar voice expanded as if from a ghost.


Emerging from the surrounding chaos, seemingly unscathed, was Hans.