A cold wind blew past Robin and Lon'qu. The day was closing to the end.

"I cannot kill you, Queen." Lon'qu kneeled in front of his beloved, his eyes nearly covered in tears. He did his best to stifle them as much as possible but to no avail. Why was fate so twisted that it had to come to such an unexpected turn of events? Of all the people, why her? Robin, who was pure with all her intentions, kinder and compassionate than anyone else among the Shepherds. Among all the millions of people on Earth, why was she to be the Fallen Dragon? It did not make sense to him. He held onto the hem of her lace dress and buried himself in it. The Swordsmaster had become desperate in every sense of the word. "Forgive me. Forgive me, Your Highness. This is a request I will never fulfill for your life is worth than million."

Robin bent down and caressed his cheeks. She knew she would always affectionate towards her first love. "Nonsense. My life is as equal value as to yours or anyone else's. Just do it, please, Sir." her voice sounded just as gentle as it always did. The Queen was calm and collected. It was as though she learned to accept the perils of her position. Queen or not, this was still the decision she was going to make. She could have been a peasant and still would have chosen to die if it meant for a better future of each and every single person out there. For her, it wasn't just of moral obligation. To Robin, it was what she owed the Earth and God. Deep down, she knew her life was never just hers. It was time merely borrowed from God and a purpose given by Chrom. She thought her life never truly belonged to her. And that was okay. "If I will die, it might as well be by your hands." she spoke quietly and gazed upon Lon'qu's eyes. It mystified the man on how beautiful she was.

"Please do not make me do such a decision." he sniffed before clearing his throat. This was not the image he wanted to project at all. But what else could he do? Nothing. Lon'qu felt helpless. He'd have fought many battles in his time but none of them prepared him to know that the person he truly loves the most was evil personified. If only he could suck all the negative power inside of her body and take it in inside his body, he thought. The man would be willing to die. Another gust of wind passed them by but no one moved. He wished he could stop time. "I cannot bear to kill the woman I-!?"

The Swordsmaster was cut off.

In that instant, Robin collapsed on the ground. Her body could no longer take it. As each second passed by, her life force was being drained and converted into power for Grima. There was no magic that can be used to cure this. Her fate was sealed. "Lon'qu... Hurry..." Robin struggled to even utter a single word. The brand on her hand began to brighten, her skin turning paler until the veins are protruding on every part of her body. "While there is still time..." The Queen wished to see her children so badly. How she missed them at that very second. Morgan was only a baby. In fact, her body was still in no condition after just giving childbirth a couple of months back. And Lucina, her daughter. Her daughter of which she prayed would one day forgive her for losing this war and tainting her blood with that of the fallen dragon. She wanted to apologize to them. But to Chrom most of all. She missed them badly. Oh what she would do to turn back time.

"Never! Never for the woman I love!" In that instant, Lon'qu covered her body with the cloak he had been wearing. His beloved's face has turned almost white and lifeless, her lips into purple. The only thing that remained in condition were her beautiful brown eyes and even then, they were staring into the distance. She was losing life every passing second. And to this end, there was nothing he could do. Absolutely nothing except to say the words he'd been meaning to. "Robin, I love-!?"

"Love...? Then..." Robin's eyes were flooded with tears. She had been waiting for this all her life.

"Do not speak." Lon'qu hoisted his beloved onto his back. He decided he was going to endure all the pain this will bring. The man chose to be with Robin to the end of her days, to serve her for as long as it is possible. There was no way he was giving up. Not for her. Not for their future. He thought about Olivia and Inigo in a split second before running towards the next village. It was only a mile away. Perhaps someone there could help them. "Yes. I love you, Robin. Ever since then. My heart has always belonged to you." he uttered with peace and integrity. If there was any truth to say, it would be that.

"If you love me... Then let's have an exchange..." Robin's voice changed from a peaceful to malicious. Lon'qu decided to ignore it at first before he felt his sword being pulled from its hilt. "Let me take your life instead! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Before he could even react, to turn and look at her one last time, it was too late.

He was her first victim.

(A/N: Did I make you guys wait? I'm sorry! But it's my birthday today and I decided to do you all a chapter as a way of saying thanks! I promise to finish this story by the end of the month so please stay tuned! Also, a spinoff with Morgan as the central character is in the works. Thank you for supporting this story and I will see you all in the next chapter!)