Okay, this is my first Fanfic… Perhaps? Well, please enjoy the story!

Warning! If you don't like Yaoi, then please don't read this. But if you do, then please read it, and enjoy.

Disclaimer: Pokemon is not mine. But the character and the story are mine.

Chapter 1: Lost…

Going into an underwater cave without any equipment proved to be my biggest mistake in live. Not just it was dark, but it was very cold. But the biggest problem was that my lungs were screaming for airs!

'Oh no, what should I do?!' I started to panic as I felt weak. I scanned around and found a pair of eyes, red eyes, staring at me. Suddenly, I felt something smashed my head, which instantly made me loss me consciousness.

My head was throbbing madly. I grunted and opened my eye slowly. I found out that I was laying in a bed, with a quilava on me. At first, I thought it was fine, since it was just a quilava. But then again, I was shocked when I felt something poking my stomach. "Ehehe~, Luce~, you're such a naughty little..." the quilava mumbled in his sleep. My brain took its time to process what was happening. 'H-his member is - ' my thought was disturbed with a kiss, his kiss! On my lips! My eye was wide like a plate, completely shocked. Without any second thought, I kicked the quilava on the guts, sending him flying. Because of the kiss, my body got hotter and my cheeks were blushing vividly.

"Grah! What the -?!" the quilava quickly recovered and stood on his two hind-legs, while rubbing his stomach. He looked at me with his garnet eyes and he seemed shocked. "Luce, you're awake!" He quickly dashed and jumped onto me. But before he landed on me, I had extended my leg which hit his chest right on. He grunted in pain and fell onto the bed under me. Then, realization hit me hard. My legs had shrunk! I quickly ran and looked at my reflection on a mirror. 'I'm a buizel?!' My legs felt weak and I was about to fall down. But suddenly I felt a pair of paws rubbed my shoulder. The quilava was behind me and looking at my face's reflection on the mirror.

"How is your head?" He asked caringly. I blushed as I stared at his... rather beautiful garnet-colored eyes. "M-my head is fine," I answered, flustered for unknown reason. "But I'm a bit dizzy." He placed a paw on my head, which stung a bit, and examined it. He picked me up, which shocked me since his body wasn't any bigger than mine. "L-l-let me down!" I stammered, but ended up wrapping his neck with my hands, which caused the quilava smirked happily. I blushed heavily, seeing how happy he was, but something seemed a bit off. Why did I felt so happy with him? Why did I wish that I could still be with him forever? I wrapped his neck tighter and enjoyed every single second passed. But everything must come to an end. He put me down on a couch and headed for a cupboard.

With that, I started with recalling anything that had happen. First I was diving into an underwater cave, and I was hit by something, right on my head. I gasped when I realized something even more important. 'I transformed into a buizel?!' I shook my head and ignored the 'fact' that I was a buizel. I scanned around the room and saw many things. It was a big room, but a bit messy. I only saw a door, a big one, and a big hole, filled with water.

"Now, let me treat your head. And perhaps clean your old wound?" he smirked as he slowly and tenderly turned my head and started tending my head. Perhaps the transformation didn't heal the wound on my head. I was lost in thought for a minute or so, before snapping back to reality and turned and stared at the quilava, who was holding some cotton on his paw. "Err - thank you for treating my wound," I said, bowing my head a bit, "But, could you please tell me your name?" I didn't know whether what I said was wrong, but the quilava dropped the cotton and stared at me, in complete shock. "Y-y-you're j-joking, aren't you?" he stammered, as he grabbed my shoulders, feeling him squeezing me. "H-huh?"

I really made a big mistake. But it couldn't be help. As soon as I told him I was a human, he sprinted out of the room, leaving me all alone. Then, after five or ten minute, he returned with a floatzel and a slowbro. The slowbro examined my wound and did some quick medical check-up, which was very annoying. The floatzel, however, hugged me tightly, almost like a bear hugging a human, or something like that. "Luce, do you remember me?" the floatzel asked. I tilted my head and stared at it. "I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are," I shook my head in complete disappointment, which actually made the floatzel started sobbing like crazy, wetting my fur with her tears.

"She is your mother, Luce," the quilava said, before shivering because of the death-glare my 'mother' gave. She released me from her hug and pinned the quilava onto the ground, growling madly before shouting, "You're a pathetic excuse for a mate! How come you let him wandered alone?" I was taken by surprise when she said the quilava was my 'mate'. "W-wait, that quilava is my mate?" I stammered, trying my best not to lose my cool. I felt that it was normal for two males to be mate. But I felt it completely wrong to fall in love to a pokemon. Well, not that I can speak of it.

Oh, yeah! I'm a boy, and... Everything else was hazy memories for me, so I couldn't really tell what I was like when I was a human. I only remembered that I only had an eye. I lost the other long time ago, for a reason which I forgot. Now I felt that I really lost most of my memory. With all the shock hitting me like there's no tomorrow, I grew limp and collapsed. But before I hit the couch, the quilava had tenderly held me, supporting me.

"Thanks, er..." "Asch," he said with a smile, which made me blushed. "Thanks, Asch," I said, as I planted a kiss on his cheek. I could hear mom's growls, which shocked me because she pulled Asch from me and slammed him onto the ground. I gasped and quickly brushed her off from Asch and half-yelled, "Mom! Stop!" She gasped and stared at me with sad-filled eyes. I gulped down, knowing that I made another mistake. "Even after losing your memory, you still choose him over me? You... You!" she cried loudly while heading out of the room. I glanced at the door before glancing back at Asch. He was smirking naughtily and carried me like before, this time to the bed.

"You're such a naughty buizel, Luce. I guess it's one of the so many reasons I fall for you," he said, kissing my forehead. I sighed and purred in bliss as the quilava trailed his paws on my shoulders. Then suddenly, we stopped our activity because of a cough. Both of us glanced at the slowbro. The slowbro! I totally forgot that it was still here! "May I leave now?" yt asked innocently and oh man! I was blushing madly. Asch was blushing too, I could see that. I watched him moved away from me and lead the slowbro onto the exit. As he closed the door, he sighed loudly and turned around, staring at me. "Do you really forget about me?" he asked. Then, the mood was gloomy.

Did I really lose my memories? I forgot about many things, but I only remember my name... And that I was a human. I sighed in frustration as I shifted on the bed. Asch was sleeping beside me. He was snoring cutely, which made me smiled in happiness. My mind was in a mess though. I really wished I didn't transform into a buizel. But then again, without any memories of being a human, I didn't think I want to be a human again, fearing of what might happen if I became a human. Hah! Perhaps I felt the same when I was a human, fearing of what might happen if I became a pokemon.

"Luce~... Mhehe~..." Asch was probably having a naughty dream. Not that I care though. Luce. The name seemed familiar. I closed my eye and recall my past. What I remember was someone kept shouting 'Luce!' and the other was very hazy. I opened my eye and gasped. The one shouting was someone familiar, but I totally forgot about him. Yes, 'him'. I shook uncontrollably, feeling that I really missed that person for some reason. I felt Asch sat up and hugged me. "Don't worry, you're safe with me," he said, which surprised me! I was probably lost in thought and I didn't realize that he was watching me. "A-Asch," I stammered, staring at his sleepy eyes. I whimpered and got up from the bed. Then, I walked and stopped beside a mirror. I stared at my reflection, and found that I was still a buizel, which was very obvious. Then, I realized my right eye was covered with an eye patch. I reached the back of my head and undid the eye patch. As the eye patch slid down slowly, I saw that there was no eye. I wasn't shocked, but instead, I sighed in complete relieve.

"Another nightmare, huh?" Asch said, as he sleepily approached me and hugged me from behind. I stiffened from his hug, but let myself melted in his embrace. "Shh. I know that it's scary to be left alone."

I didn't know what the meaning of his words was. 'Left alone'? What did that suppose to mean? I was even more scared now. Did something happen before? Or would something bad happen? Knowing nothing really scared me. "A-Asch, please stay with me," I whimpered, holding his paws and started shaking, "I-I... I-I'm scared."

I felt the quilava's hug loosen. I glanced at him and found that he was picking up my eye patch and did it for me. He was so tender, and his eyes gave me warmth. "Now, let's get back to sleep," he suggested, with a big yawn. I giggled at him and nodded, following him to our bed.

I started wondering. Why did I feel so scared? Was it because I lost my memories? Or was it because I didn't want to lose this quilava? I knew, for sure, that part of my fear came from neither of those. Did I have a family when I was a human? Did I have a lover or... something equal to mate? Were they worried about me? Haha, was that what I was thinking about? Man! That scared me even more! I felt Asch's paws pushing me onto the bed. As I hit the bed, I saw him staring at me with his garnet eyes. "Don't think about anything. Keep thinking and you might get crazy. That was what you told me," ge said, with a yawn, and fell asleep on me. I extended my hands and hugged him, rubbing his back once in a while. It was true, the more I thought about it, the scarier it would be. I closed my eye and tried to forget everything. Perhaps I would get my answers if I slept.

To Be Continued…

I hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorry for lack of creativity in… name.

It'll be much appreciated if I can get some comment or suggestion for my (first) fanfic. ~Luce