Chapter 12: Lost Part 3

Vixy: Well this chapter is dedicated to sweetangel4. Thanks for the review. Also we'd like to apologize for the long wait. We were on vaction!

Chibi sythe wielding bat Duo: w00t!!!

Jenny: So now we're back and still in charge!

VJ: glares

CSWB Duo: prances around You can't punish us la la la!!

Jenny: grabs him Shut up. throws him over her sholder


Vixy: Anyway on with teh show!!

"Do you even know where you're going?" asked Catherine.

"Of course I do," snapped Dorothy.

They were both creeping down the hallway. Dorothy strode bravely out in front but the beam from her flashlight shook.

Music: If you are near to the dark

I will tell you 'bout the sun

You are here, no escape

From my visions of the world

You will cry all alone

But it doesn't mean a thing to me (1)

"What was that?" asked Catherine, her voice shaking.

"What was what?"

"That noise."

"Don't be such a pansy," said Dorothy. "It was just the wind."

"But it sounded like footsteps," said Catherine looking around nervously.

"It was probably just a branch scraping the house."

Catherine relaxed slightly. "Maybe you're right."

As they walked down the hallway Catherine again heard the noise, but she dismissed it. When the noise came a third time they both stopped.

"You heard that didn't you?" said Catherine.

Dorothy nodded. They listened intently.

Suddenly there was a loud noise, "Oooooooooooo!"

Dorothy and Catherine screamed and ran down the hall. Footsteps followed behind.

"Something's…following us!" said Catherine panting.

"I can see that!" said Dorothy. "Stay quiet and follow me."

Music (continued): the sun is in your eyes

The sun is in your ears

I hope you see the sun

Someday in the darkness (1)

They ran down the hall turned a corner and stopped. They pressed up against the wall and Dorothy turned to Catherine.

"Okay we wait until it's close then we jump it!" she whispered.

"How? We have no weapons," whispered Catherine.

"We have a flashlight, it'll have to work."

They waited in silence listening to the footsteps get closer. When the footsteps were by the corner Dorothy and Catherine jumped out screaming.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" yelled Quatre. He fell backwards and landed on his butt.

"Quatre?! What are you doing here?" asked Dorothy surprised.

Quatre had one hand over his heart and was panting. "I was looking for the others!"

"Well we were heading for the attic," said Catherine.

"Well you didn't have to scare me!!!!"

Dorothy tapped her foot irritated. "Enough, we're sorry, now lets get moving."

So they headed out.

Meanwhile at the attic…

"Where are those guys?" asked Wufei. "You'd think they'd be here by now."

"Maybe they got stopped by a train?" joked Duo.

"This is no time to joke," scolded Hilde.

Wufei, Heero, Duo, Trowa, Hilde, and Relena were all at the foot of the attic waiting for Quatre, Catherine, and Dorothy. While they waited the storm raged on outside. Just then they heard a sound.

"Heeellloooooo!" called a voice. "Any one there?"

"Over here!" called Duo.

Just then Quatre, Catherine, and Dorothy came around the corner.

"Thank God we finally found you!" said Catherine relived.

"So what now?" asked Dorothy.

"We get in the attic and find out who's doing this!" said Wufei.

So one by one they head up the stairs to the attic with Heero in the lead.

Music: Don't turn away

(Don't give in to the pain)

Don't try to hide

(Though they're screaming your name)

Don't close your eyes

(God knows what lies behind them)

Don't turn out the light

Never sleep never die (2)

My B.S.

1. "Aura" from .HackSign soundtrack

2. "Whisper" by Evanescence from Fallen

Vixie: Yeah we know it's short, but we wanted to get it up and leave you hanging!

CSWB Duo: Don't forget to review!

VJ: Holding up sign that reads "help me!"

Jenny: grabs sign Later!