A/N: Given how much I enjoyed writing the last part of Chojiro's classy execution of Ayon, I decided to get working real quick on this part. This one is pretty much winging it, taking advantage of a single instance, instead of revamping an entire battle play-by-play that happened in the Manga with varying results differing from Yama's Lawnmower execution. lol

I hope you all enjoy it! :D


Part 2 - The White King

As the battle of Captains and Visoreds ensued within the skyline against Sosuke Aizen, the Head Captain and his Lieutenant were nowhere to be seen. The sheer ferocity of the battle was enough to allow the two individuals to observe the progress of the conflict, safely hidden and busying themselves with a task. Most importantly, a plan to defeat Sosuke Aizen.

Going around in a circle where the battle took place, Chojiro watched patiently and curiously as his superior thrust the edge of his blade into unremarkable areas of the artificial city. Small sparks would exude from the place he stabbed his sword into, but would soon disappear, leaving nothing but a small amount of steam to exhale from the broken earth.

"Chojiro," Genryusai Yamamoto spoke in a grave, level tone as he plunged his Zanpakuto's edge into a sidewalk tile, "there is something I must tell you. It will be difficult to surmise, but I trust you will understand my reasoning."

"What is it, Captain-Commander?" Chojiro inquired.

"There is a good chance that Aizen will defeat the remaining Captains and exiles. Ichigo Kurosaki will be foolish enough to try and take him on afterwards, but he'll fall just like the others," Yamamoto spoke in a level, matter-of-fact tone as his eyes opened and locked onto Chojiro's.

Chojiro took his time absorbing what had been said. A bead of sweat slid down his dark skinned browline, emphasized further by the widened eyes of alarm that stared back at his old mentor and friend. As his eyes lowered for a few moments, he felt his hands balling into fists. As he shut his eyes, he asked in as calm of tone as he could muster, "Is there...no hope of victory?"

"There is," the Captain Commander responded with sincerity, "I'll wait until the last of his opponents have fallen, and then I will arrive. I am the only one he'll devote his full attention and focus upon. He won't be aware of anything else going on within this mock city."

"With all due respect, my Captain," Chojiro interrupted momentarily, a shred of caution laced within his voice as he continued, "but hasn't Aizen already taken in account all your abilities if you take him head-on? Ryujin Jakka and all other feats you're capable of?"

"He may be sharper than most," Yamamoto agreed, adding with a confident tone, "but he lacks experience that I've attained in the last thousand years I've been a Shinigami. Even the brightest prodigies make a single mistake, and they are swept away just as easily as the rest of those they looked down upon."

"I'm not following," Chojiro answered sheepishly.

Sighing, Yamamoto tapped the edge of his blade on the ground, "I know full well that he's taken into account everything that my Zanpakuto, Ryujin Jakka, can do. But he knows next to nothing of my combat prowess. Even if he's prepared for it and somehow finds a way to defeat me, there's a single Shinigami that he's never even considered to be a threat, let alone a equal."

"Who?" Chojiro asked curiously.

"You," Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto responded bluntly.

A Few Minutes Later...


That was the word Chojiro Sasakibe had when watching the ongoing conflict between his Captain Commander and Sosuke Aizen, from a safe perch. Of any battle that he witnessed his superior battle in over a millenia he's known him, this one would most definitely be the most pivotal in this generation. The fact he hadn't seen him reveal such power in hundreds of years, spoke bounds of how climactic of a moment this was for them all.

But the inferno, culminated in nearly a dozen pillars of scorching flames, would not last forever. A one-of-a-kind Mod Arrancar, Wonderweiss Margela, invoked his Ressureccion, Extinguir. After doing so, it singlehandedly sealed the entirety of the veteran Shinigami's flames and began to take the fight to him on foot. One would think that without a powerful weapon, the wielder would be helpless.

This would not be the case.

WHAM! A single arm thrust forth, striking the charging Arrancar's abdomen. The force it sustained with the air rippling punch was enough to tear nearly half of its guts out in an instant, while the rest of his body flew across the artificial town, blowing past dozens of buildings. As he disappeared into the horizon, Sosuke Aizen looked over at Yamamoto with a calm, yet cautious gait.

"Do not mistake yourself to have won, simply by ridding me of my Zanpakuto," Genryusai chided Aizen from a distance, his arm still extended as his body squatted into a fighting stance, "how else did you think I've remained Captain Commander of the Gotei 13 for over one thousand years? It is because there hasn't been a single Shinigami born in a thousand years who's power surpasses mine!"

And like that, the grizzled god of death charged.

His footing would reach Aizen's stalwart standing form in an instant, allowing him to thrust up a vicious uppercut towards his chin-

WHOOSH! Almost instantaneously, Wonderweiss's form returned in earnest, grappling the punch hard enough to cut into his wrist. The rest of Wonderweiss's body would skid to a halt and appear mere meters away from his Shinigami opponent.

As the Captain Commander peered through the dissipating smoke, he would see the moaning form of the Mod Arrancar. Blood trickled down his gaping mouth, his abdomen bubbling like goo as it regenerated itself from the damage taken from Yamamoto's blow. Groaning aloud with a thoughtless grin on his face, Wonderweiss walked towards its target mindlessly.

"Oh, you can still move after a punch like that? I wasn't even holding back," the veteran Shinigami noted, as his eyes locked onto the vacant holes where his own orbs were concealed.

Thrusting his arms into the folds of his Shikhakusho kosode, he pushed them out from its inner folds, allowing them to fall around his waist. This would reveal his heavily scarred, muscular torso as he readied himself to battle once more. "If one Ikkotsu wasn't enough, then perhaps I shall put you through some suffering. Do you find that alright?"

"Waaaaaaah," Wonderweiss groaned with a blank open smile.

"I see. He really did take your speech, hasn't he?" Genryusai asked rhetorically.

"RAAAAH!" The Mod Arrancar responded loudly, swinging his right arm forward, smashing the earth that Yamamoto stood upon.

As the elder Shinigami took the air swiftly, he scoffed at the predictability of his attack, "Your attacks are sloppy. Is all your power consolidated solely on your Ressureccion...?"

Wonderweiss was quick to follow his prey, appearing via Sonido behind his enemy. Another fast-punch was delivered through the air, easily evaded by the experienced Hakuda Master, employing a quick Shunpo to reappear to Wonderweiss's left flank. Groaning with frustration, Wonderweiss screamed a high pitched war cry as he swung both fists at incredible speeds.

"You certainly are spry, being able to keep up with me. But your attacks are too linear," Yamamoto chided Wonderweiss, parrying the air-popping punches with his forearms nonchalantly, "you're too young to be able to take me on!"

With a whisking motion of Shunpo, Yamamoto disappeared in front of the Mod Arrancar. As he descended upon his backside from above, Wonderweiss turned his head enough to glance at him from over his shoulder. With a sickening squelch, an additional arm sprouted from his enormous elliptical shaped pauldron, jettisoning out like a snake to catch him off guard.

Tearing away from his advance, the Shinigami spun sideways, allowing a good stretch of the new limb to pass him by. With a swift grapple to the halfway point of the pale limb, Yamamoto grunted with exertion as he tore it out of the shoulder socket.

"Graaah," Wonderweiss groaned with pain as he turned to face the Shinigami. The latter tossing the arm down to the ground as he readied himself once more. But that was fine with Wonderweiss, as six additional arms sprouted from each shoulder and began thrusting out with aggressive earnesty. He screamed at the top of his throat as he did so, aiming to pummel his target relentlessly and without quarry.

"You're still young! These tactics won't work against me!" Genryusai retorted with steadfast confidence as he continued to parry the rapidly discharging limbs.

Then, the Mod Arrancar grabbed both of the Shinigami's wrists, prying them apart and away from his body. Doing so, a grotesque squelch of erupting flesh would be seen, as dozens of arms slithered out of each arcing pauldron. Each of the hands clenched and flexed eagerly, the sheer ludicrous sight of their numbers and appearance was enough to cause the Captain Commander to widen his eyes with surprise.

"WAH-WAH-WAH-WAH-WAH-WAH-WAH-WAH-WAH!" Wonderweiss screamed aloud maddeningly, as dozens of fists struck his captive relentlessly. The air was distilled with high velocity impacts, quaking and rumbling the air, causing the onlooking mastermind below's coat to flourish around him. Rearing back one of his arms, he then swung with his full might, cracking the atmosphere mightily, and distilling the steam vented from the hits landed upon the body of Yamamoto.

However, a single voice shattered the confidence that Wonderwiess had.

"Is that it?" Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto asked, his eyes glaring down at him with bloodied cuts along his visage, "is that all you got?"

"Aaaaa...uhhhhh?" The Mod Arrancar moaned with query.

SPLURCH! With a mighty tug upon the arms holding him hostage, they were ripped from their sockets. As the volumes of blood oozed out of Wonderweiss's torso, Genryusai tossed away the large arms, glaring at him coolly, "It is a good thing that you are not in your child form. This way I can pummel you into oblivion without remorse!"

Wonderweiss trembled with genuine fear, groaning aloud with pain and trepidation.

But this didn't stop the Captain Commander's assault.

WHAM! As his body shimmered in front of the arm-less Mod Arrancar, the Shinigami swung out his fists in a perpendicularly parallel angle, smashing them into his abdomen with a powerful crackling impact. "Sokotsu!"

Within mere seconds, Wonderweiss's body shattered from the abdomen to all portions of his body, leaving only small fragments of his body left intact. As the fragments of the Mod Arrancar's body clattered upon the debris-ridden earth, Yamamoto landed next to its remains. He solemnly examining its cracked visage, sighing with disdain, "So he didn't take away your emotions? Poor wretched creature..."

Turning to face Aizen, he finished with a growl, "...what a cruel thing to do."

"Cruel?" Aizen asked rhetorically, smiling darkly as he continued, "a Hollow is a soul solely dedicated in consuming and killing. It is such a meaningless beast, with no purpose guiding it. What is cruel in gifting it a purpose?"

Raising his gaze to meet Yamamoto's, his smile spread with cruel enjoyment, "The only cruel thing I see, is the soul you smashed to pieces with your bare hands."

"I'm not going to have such a meaningless debate with you," the Captain Commander responded with a growl, raising his fists up in preparation for his next attack, "prattle on while you still can. This battle will soon be over!"

"Meaningless prattle? You're taking my words lightly," Aizen emphasized in a slow tone, "has caused you to let something of crucial importance slip your notice."

"What are you babbling about?" Genryusai inquired sharply.

"Recall carefully, what I said before," Aizen explained, "I believe I told you, that Extinguir was created for the sole purpose of sealing Ryujin Jakka's flames. Sealing, as in that no future flames can be called forth from the sword. But, were those the only flames? I believe the tongues that were given life, by creating your technique Ennetsu Jigoku, were also sealed.

Aizen's smile lightened as he concluded dramatically, "So then, where do you suppose those flames were sealed?"

The Captain Commander's eyes widened, as a subtle bubbling and hissing noise could be heard behind him. Swiftly turning on his heels, he sprinted towards the erupting conical shaped head of Wonderweiss. He didn't even hear the last words that his enemy spoke, as his palms slammed upon the exploding seal, pouring his Spiritual Power into the flames that discharged out like a geyser.

"G-Genryusai...Yama...moto?!" Chojiro gasped aloud, raising his left arm up to shield himself from the blast that sprouted upwards. Dozens of meters away, he could see Aizen's backside perfectly erect and relaxed. He saw the assurance of the enemy mastermind, as his hands remained pocketed the entire time the released flames poured out of the detonating seal.

More importantly, the Captain Commander's Spiritual Pressure was flowing through the air wildly and the explosion had taken Aizen's full notice.

"This is my chance!" Chojiro thought to himself. Swiftly, he reached for his Zanpakuto, releasing it as soon as it left the sheathe. Raising it upwards towards the sky, he poured his spiritual energy up into the partially cloudy sky. Harnessing the extreme heat of the explosion in sync with the moisture that had been used in the prior battles, Chojiro intended on creating a near instantaneous blanket of cumulonimbi overhead. As the flames died down, he uttered one low word that would shortly be followed by others, "Bankai...Koko Gonryo Rikyu!"

As the flames finally receded from Exinguir's explosion, dozens of meters of the artificially constructed city would be shown demolished, upheaved, and smoldering from the brief contact the flames had upon them. At its epicenter would be a charred crater, all that remained of the detonation. A burned and heaving Captain Commander stood amidst the absolute destruction, fixing a pair of hate-filled eyes at the perpetrator of such treachery.

It would only be rubbed further in, as Aizen clapped at the display of force that his enemy managed to exert, "Congratulations, Captain Commander. To have reduced the scale of damage to this much is certainly boasting of your reputation. Had that been released, much more than this paltry ghost town would've been transformed into ashes. I thank you, for protecting my world, Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto."

"B-Bastard...!" The beaten Shinigami growled out, before falling flat upon his face.

As the dark sky cracked and thundered with an ominous force above the ruined battlefield, Sosuke Aizen paused in his focus with the fallen enemy. After but a few seconds, he would step into the crater and approach his barely conscious enemy. Grasping the hilt of Kyoka Suigetsu, he unsheathed it fluidly from its scabbard as he held it aloft just above his burnt form.

"I will not say, 'I will not kill you' to you," Aizen began speaking, his eyes levelled at the beaten foe's backside as thunderous flashes lit up the landscape and skyline equally. This created a menacing silhouette for the mastermind victor, as his sword flashed briefly with each lightning that touched the ground within the horizon, "you are the embodiment of the Soul Society's history. When you die, the Gotei 13 will cease to exist, and my world will be erected anew-"

They would be the last words that Aizen would be able to speak over his fallen enemy.

KRAK-KOOOOM! Aizen's focus, having been so fixated upon the Captain Commander, was dimmed to the column of golden light that enveloped his being. The direct impact would hit his backside, causing his eyes to widen and nearly roll back, as his entire body would spasm. His body flew away from the fallen Shinigami's body, tearing a direct fissure through the earth, violently exploding with electrical light over a barely standing apartment structure.

"I will not allow that," Chojiro yelled aloud in a level, commanding tone from a good distance away. His hand would be outstretched, emphasizing the direction the attack had been sent, as the tall multi-pillared dome of golden electricity formed from behind him. Narrowing his eyes, he seethed visibly as he finished calling out to his enemy, "Sosuke Aizen!"

Silence overtook the proximity of which his target had been buried. Chojiro was unsure if Aizen was merely stalling or contemplating on what was happening. Then, he saw Aizen emerge.

A rising puff of steam and smoke puffed up from Aizen's backside. Gouts of blood trailed down his immaculate white coat and dripped down to its edges. His wound took full visage from the cauterized gash created on a foot wide hole in his coat. It wasn't fatal or incapacitating, but it was certainly the first legitimate wound that the White General had suffered.

Aizen turned to fixate an eerie, calm visage towards Chojiro's direction. With sword in hand, he employed Shunpo and appeared within a heartbeat's space of time before Chojiro. With only a dozen meters separating himself and his opponent, Aizen fixated his gaze upon Chojiro's golden eyes with his own hazel orbs.

"Lieutenant Chojiro Sasakibe. Your presence on the battlefield has largely been unnoticed," He began, his unnerving calm expression lacking the company of his false smile, "was this the Captain Commander's last bet? That you of all people were to defeat me when so many others have fallen?"

"Have you ever wondered why I remained out of your sight and notice this whole time, Aizen?" Chojiro asked pointedly, as he lowered his hand to his side, basking in the overwhelming golden-white light of his Bankai.

"Its not simply because you evaded my sight, Lieutenant. I quite frankly didn't find you an imposing threat," Aizen narrowed his eyes, his smile still not gracing his lips as he explained, "you were nothing more than a servant to that aging fossil of the Gotei 13. A bodyguard that was easily incapacitated by the Substitute Shinigami, Ichigo Kurosaki. You have none of the experience and cunning of his two favored disciples, the wisdom of Captain Unohana, or the raw power of his prime military assets of the Gotei 13..."

Looking up at the golden dome, Aizen finally smiled as his hazel eyes swirled with yellow hue at observing the massive dome of radiant electrical spirit energy above his head, "In the case of the latter point, I admit in making an error. Your Bankai is truly splendid and has enough power to even break through my defenses. Even if I knew about it, I don't think I could've blocked its first strike."

Raising his blade to point towards the Captain Commander's faithful errand, Aizen's smile widened in sync with the narrowing of his sharp, cold gaze, "It will not get by me again, however. Your power, while commendable, will not reach me again."

Chojiro, in turn, stared impassively back at the traitorous general. The stoic resolve in his eyes never waned or faltered. He stood his ground, under the immense dome that surrounded him with many continually siphoning pillars of electrical energy. But after the silence became palpable enough to ignite the confrontation, Chojiro allowed himself a rare smile as a chuckle escaped his lips.

"You find imminent death, amusing?" Aizen asked with a curious tone, lowering his blade to be more aloft with his person.

"Tell me, Aizen," Chojiro began, as he raised his right hand towards Aizen's person, his smile intact as a sinister glare emanated from his golden hued irises, "you talked about ascending into the Heavens and claiming the throne of God for yourself. But have you ever thought...that the Heavens itself...would try to cast you down back to the Earth?"

"What are you-?" Aizen began to query, but found himself unable word any further. A fissure of golden light discharged from the dark clouds above, striking Aizen directly upon his form, forcing him to bend his knees by the weight of the attack. The earth itself buckled and shattered from the enormity of the high voltage currents that seared, cut, and cauterized his left shoulder and upper back.

"Shunpo allows you to move in an instant, more specifically, the blink of an eye. Even masters of this technique cannot alter this fact, and can only move a fraction faster than lesser practitioners of this incredible feat. However, you are facing a force of nature, that produces electrical currents at speeds far beyond what even the human eye can adjust to," Chojiro explained, his hand still extended towards the slowly rising Aizen, "three times the speed of sound is how fast the electrical discharge from the sky down to its designated target. Even you, with all of your mastery of the Shinigami Arts, cannot evade this kind of power."

"I see why he allowed someone like you to become his Lieutenant, Sasakibe," Aizen spoke with a grated tone, his glare growing even colder as he stood fully erect, despite the smell of burnt flesh and linen stinging his nostrils, "you're about as arrogant and pretentious as that old fossil ever was..."

"SILENCE!" Chojiro bellowed out, in sync with another dramatic thunderclap, discharging a powerful geyser of ferocious electricity to strike Aizen from overhead yet again.

This time, however, Aizen managed to raise his blade a moment before the lightning would touch down. Deflecting it with a vivid hue of indigo light at the forefront of his blade, he stared back at Chojiro with iration and amusement. His smile elapsed across his immaculate face, as dozens of tendrils of sun-hued electrical energy discharged away from his person as the edge of Kyoka Suigetsu split the lightning bolt into many directions save for his own proximity.

"Using my Spiritual Pressure, I can deflect even the strongest forces of nature, Lieutenant Sasakibe," Aizen proudly boasted, lowering his steaming blade down beside him, cooling off with an audible hiss as the rain continued to pour upon his smoldering person, "your Bankai's aggressive nature may be enough to wound me or outmaneuver me, but it cannot overpower me. You are a Lieutenant with a Captain's power, not your Captain Commander-"

KRAK-KOOM! Aizen once again found himself cut off, as another fissure of lightning cascaded down from the darkened sky. In a timely fashion, Aizen began raising his indigo-hued Zanpakuto up to preemptively block the most thought out area he would strike.

Then, the fissure of barely visible energy did something unorthodox. It seemed to instinctively bank away in a twisting arc and thrust into Aizen's abdomen.

As Aizen felt saliva and blood flow out of his mouth, his whole body flew off his feet in the wake of the immense power carrying him away from the Bankai-employing Shinigami. His body was enraptured by incredibly searing golden energy, as it thrust him across the air like a missile. Past the lying Captain Commander's burnt form, he could only imagine him smirking with a certain smugness that drove Aizen into a disposition of complete iration.

"Damn you, Yamamoto!"

BOOM! By the time the fissure halted, it exploded through another line of buildings, this time having the last structure collapse upon him within the brilliant webbed blast of golden light. Blistering winds flowed across the battle-scarred, fabricated city as glass was ripped from other empty buildings and streets were indented from the explosion's shockwave.

"You may NOT speak of my Captain Commander, Aizen!" Chojiro growled aloud with a righteous fury. This was best emphasized by widened eyes filled with distaste and hatred for the man whom wounded his closet companion, rival, and superior, "you have no right!"

A spiraling twister of indigo-hued spiritual energy blasted away the debris, causing the darkened air to distort from Aizen's Spiritual Pressure raised to its utmost peak. In the distance, a bloodied and burnt Shinigami rose from the soot and debris with an eerie calm, and controlled form. Only his hazel eyes, now glowing white with contempt, showed any indication of true temper boiling beneath his controlled demeanor.

Raising his free hand, Aizen would utter aloud in a manner that seemed to echo the space of the thunderclapping Fake Karakura Town, "Hado #61, Rikujokoro!"

In that moment, an enormous locomotive-sized yellow pyre of electrical Kido energy discharged from the palm of his hand. It screeched through the air, carving a swathe through the decimated streets and piles of debris, aiming to pummel directly into Chojiro and his majestic Bankai.

Through his Will, Chojiro manifested another bolt of lightning to pummel straight into the Kido-originated one, causing the two to clash in a brilliant flash of sparks and explosive spiritual power. Even as it uproared into a vertical blast of electrical energy, Chojiro saw Aizen appear in a near instantaneous fashion, just a handful of meters away via Shunpo.

"His idle stance is the weakness of his Bankai," Aizen assumed as he began swinging his blade towards Chojiro's chest, aiming to pass directly through the empty space underneath the light of the dome above, "he may have sacrificed maneuverability for incredible offensive ability, but his defense is sorely lacking. A mistake you won't live to make again, Lieutenant!"

It was when Aizen felt his blade become white-hot, that this assumption proved indefinitely false. Webs of transparent electricity suddenly materialized in front of Chojiro, spiraling down from the dome itself and chained along the dozen pillars surrounding his flanks. With equal aggravation and surprise, Aizen felt his body pushed back by a repelling force of electrical fields, keeping him from swinging his blade towards Chojiro itself.

"You cannot penetrate the Palace's perimeter through martial force, Aizen," Chojiro declared icily, his eyes still glaring at him with an extended hand balling up into a fist, "I didn't train my Bankai for the last several hundred years to simply leave myself wide open for counterattack. I allowed this opening to be made known to you, so that you could see the error in your folly."

"Damn...you...!" Aizen snarled out, glaring at him as electrical tendrils snaked along his freshly cooked form. Blood oozed from cauterized spots his body was struck by his enemy's Bankai, and sweat finally began to mingle with the rain that continually soaked his ruined white coat and uniform. His previously magnificent aura of white spirit energy coating his being dimmed in the face of the golden construct of Chojiro's power.

"Surrender now, Aizen!" Chojiro swung his hand out in a declaring motion, his eyes glaring with intense fervor at his enemy and former comrade.

"Not to the likes...of you!" Aizen growled out, raising his left palm upwards, smiling cruelly as he did so. A black-violet spark emitted from his fingertips, causing Chojiro's eyes to widen with sudden realization as the traitorous White General uttered aloud, "Hado #91, Kurohitsugi!"

Walls of enshrouding darkness began to form up and around Chojiro's proximity, swallowing up him and his Bankai's construct. Four walls manifested, with spikes already jutting out of each facing side of the tomb built for the Shinigami's imminent demise. Even as the top of the doom barrier began to close over top the vibrant dome, aiming to seal the constantly flowing discharge of electrical energy funneling to the heavens, Aizen couldn't help but laugh cruelly.

"Know that you died in vain, Lieutenant!" Aizen declared with a wave of his hands, sword gleaming under the constant flashes of lightning within the dark sky, "just like your comrades and your dear superior before you, you all fell before me. None rise beneath my heels, especially y-"

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Chojiro bellowed passionately, his voice drowning out the damning shadows created by his Kido coffin. The pillar that geysered from the top of the dome expanded widely, becoming just as wide as its golden roof beneath it, cracking the roof of Kurohitsugi. The walls soon became webbed with cracks, with golden electrical light escaping its dark violet-black enclosure and discharge dozens of violent tendrils to decimate the landscape around its vicinity.

"Th-This cannot be!" Aizen uttered with dumbfounded disbelief, eyes widened and mouth agape. His body skidded unwillingly back by the intense spiritual pressure leaking from the Lieutenant and the Bankai as a whole, his heels digging through cracked and debris-ridden street. He raised his left hand up to cover his eyes from the blinding light that suddenly escaped the prison altogether when Kurohitsugi was destroyed completely.

The calm and reverent Chojiro that Aizen saw was gone. A wrathful visage was donned, as the brightest golden-hued aura of spiritual power crackled and glistened around his uniformed person. His eyes, vacant of the golden irises, now replaced with electrical pulses that ebbed from both sockets. An angry snarl crossed his red skinned visage, showing an anger that Aizen had rarely witnessed from any in the Gotei 13. He felt more livid than even Toshiro Hitsugaya had displayed!

"This is the end, Sosuke Aizen!" Chojiro shouted with a hallowed, dark voice, raising either arm up in a slow and methodical manner.

Doing this, Aizen would notice the atmospheric changes above his head. With widened eyes looking directly above, Aizen couldn't help but feel cold shivers go down his spine. Electrical energy began to culminate into a single point, swirling and contorting, as it expanded into something that could be roughly the size of several city blocks in mass.

The dark clouds began clap in a cacophony of thunder, as if war drums signaling the finale of the end of a long and arduous struggle.

"Th-This is...?!" Sosuke spoke aloud as his eyes looked up at the contorting mass of spirit-endowed, electrical energy.

"Migoto Koushin no Kyuuten!" Chojiro declared vengefully, as the construct of electrical energy twisted and transformed. What seemed to be an enormous lion's head emanating brightly within epicenter of the darky skied horizon, it bore hollow and vacant eyes filled with nothing but animal rage. A sound-breaking roar came from the lion's maw, crashing down into Fake Karakura Town.

"Ngh!" Aizen bowed his head as he raised his sword arm to block the blistering shockwave, as it leveled the tallest level of every standing structure across the artificial town's perimeter, "what...power...!"

"Begone," Chojiro snarled out, as he swung down both arms with a flourishing sweep as he finished, "with the thunderclap!"

The lion's head roared out, its maw agape as it dove down towards Aizen's proximity, its entire head swallowing up the ground around its target.

KRAAAAAAK-KOOM! A voluminous pyre of golden-white spiritual energy speared through the earth and drowned out what would've been any form of resistance. Across the landscape, pillars of electrical energy geysered across the town sporadically, spewing up light and flames from its sheer destructive potential. Shockwaves leveled any semblance of structures, save for the pillars that kept the artificial town intact, shaking it violently.

Aizen's head raised to look up moments before, only to be blinded by the pillar of gleaming light that consumed with his person. With a yell that was drowned out by the deafening scream of electrical surging energy, his entire world turned golden-white.

Ichigo Kurosaki had seen it all.

From the moment the Captain Commander was subdued by Aizen's machinations to turn his own power against him, to when a vaguely familiar Lieutenant stepped in and began to truly fight Aizen on a level none other could. Using power he hadn't witnessed when he first incapacitated him on Sokyoku Hill, the Bankai seemed to constrict him and hold him in place the entirety of the battle. It felt as if his whole body was drenched yet on fire simultaneously, with the sheer ferocious power that this true strength the man held.

Lightning hailed from the sky like artillery shots. They were all hitting the man whom was responsible for hurting his friends, kidnapping Orihime, and aiming to kill everyone he knew and loved in his hometown. The replica of the place where he was born was torn apart, rended asunder, and detonating through the fierce battle that surpassed all other conflicts before it.

Then, the giant lion-head manifested near his strangled form in the darkened sky. His eyes widened with alarm, feeling all of the Bankai's power compressing into that construct of semi-intelligent fury. Leaping away with a burst of speed, his blurring dark form would be caught by the powerful shockwave of the electrical explosion's impact.

His flight through the airspace was barely halted, feeling his body tumble towards the ground like a ragdoll. Relying on a raw burst of his own spiritual pressure from his pores, he broke the airspace around him and cracked the debris-ridden ground just below him. Righting himself up on what used to be a playground, Ichigo clenched his blade upon his blade, feeling the renewal of heavy rain shower upon his person, dampening his orange-hued tresses.

"That guy...did he beat...Aizen?!" Ichigo wondered aloud. After this thought was verbalized, he shook his head and took off in a full-on sprint. He wouldn't leave anything to second chance, especially when anything is concerning with Aizen.

"Hah...Hah...Hah...Hah..." Chojiro heaved heavily, staring upon the gargantuan sized pit created by his Bankai's attack. The dome above him shrunk swiftly, all of the flowing energy shimmering and swirling towards his right hand. When it reformed back into its rapier clad state, the golden light had all but evaporated, along with the intimidating aura he once wreathed his uniformed, now soaked, body.

Closing his eyes, he looked up at the heavens, feeling its tears streak across his body. He could hear the ominous rumbling melody of thunder still present in the clouds above. As he basked in the moment, he could only whisper, "Just a little longer...and you will rest in peace again," as he bowed his head forward.

Staggering forward, his caramel colored eyes peered down the pit where Aizen was presumed to be within. There, he saw the White General blackened and crispy from the staggering damage inflicted upon his body. In a posture that looked like he was kneeling, with a ashen hilt that seemed to be crumbling into dust in his bleeding, black-crusted digits. His hair had narily been burnt all off his scalp, leaving a humiliating baldness over the orange-cracked, burnt skull that oozed pus and blood from the steaming and smoldering flesh.

The renegade Shinigami looked like a husk of its former glory, and it sickened Chojiro how gruesome a fate he had. He only saw faint signs of breathing, agonized groans emitted with each breath Aizen took. But there was one thing that glittered amongst the ashen pit: A stone.

Glittering like a gem and fused into a star-shaped seal upon his upper torso area, it was none other than the acclaimed Hogyoku. It seemed undamaged from the experience, glowing and projecting its ominous presence as it always had done. Yet, it began to wedge itself out of the crevice of which it had taken refuge, oozing its way out of Aizen's flesh. With an unceremonious flop, the artifact fell to the ground before his knees, causing Aizen to cough with hilarity.

"So...I disappointed you...Hogyoku?" Aizen whispered, chuckling in between coughing fits as blood oozed out of his cracked lips, his eyes barely able to open. His vision blurred from the flash of light that overwhelmed his being, he looked up to see the Lieutenant watching over him from the rim of the pit, "I see. If I couldn't...defeat you, Sasakibe...how could I...test myself...against...him...? As ridiculous...a notion...this is...it appears...I was bested...by you...and my gamble...was for naught..."

"Did you expect otherwise, Aizen?" Chojiro inquired, almost rhetorically, but humored the broken and bleeding man that lied defeated upon his knees in the ashen filled crater.

"I suppose...this could have...transpired...in any...number of...ways," Aizen guessed, coughing and gargling on his own bile-tainted blood. As he heaved with effort, he bent his head, closing his eyes with resignation, "I guess it is only fitting...that Captain Commander's disciple...would be the one to...finish me off..."

As Chojiro heard his words, he heard sounds assemble around him. Turning his head, he almost gasped by the two of those who made their way to his side.

Ichigo Kurosaki, clad in his Bankai Shikhakushou, solemnly looked at Chojiro with an understanding stare. Having come to fix things and stop Aizen for all the cruelty he helped inflict, he had a sense of relief and closure to see him finally defeated. Even if it was by the most unlikely man, one he had quickly discarded in the past as nothing more than a small obstacle towards the goal, he was glad to accept it.

Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, clad in burns himself, but less severe was standing his ground to look on with approval towards his Lieutenant. Standing with sheer will alone, he wanted to see the handiwork of his Lieutenant and to see the diabolical traitor put down in the ground as he should. A grim light in his eyes, directed to his subordinate, showed all the pride and thankfulness he had for the man who defeated Aizen.

After a solemn smile crossed Chojiro's visage, he turned his gaze back to Aizen. Raising Gonryomaru up into the air, he muttered one last technique to finish Aizen once and for all, "Genzen Jukei!"

As a faint rumbling was heard overhead, Aizen allowed himself a pain-filled smile to elapse his formerly immaculate face. As a sigh escaped his lips, a fissure of golden light rained down the from the sky and poured itself into the pit, detonating with prejudice on the mortally wounded White General.

Flesh rend asunder.

Bones turned to ash.

Blood boiled and evaporated.

A single shining stone was all that remained in the wake of the pyre of golden light, as the Wrathful Lightning felled the enemy lying in the pit.

At last, the White War, had been drawn to a close.

A/N: Whew! Finally got this piece done! Feel accomplished like that -w-

Now a few thoughts about this I wanted to share:

1 - For those who are Aizen Fans, Purists to Canon Manga facts, and those who just like to critique Fanfiction I'd like to point out that I took some things into consideration when I had Chojiro battle Aizen. Aizen used Kyoka Suigetsu in 3 different instances in the Manga and the Anime, two of which took a dramatic amount of control and power. After this, when he was confronted by Isshin, Kisuke, and Yoruichi he never used ANY Zanpakutou abilities afterwards. I know it might've had to do with the Hogyoku awakening, but seeing as Aizen's an arrogant bastard, I thought it was only fitting that he'd enter with the mindset that he "could" handle Chojiro's Bankai without needing his Zanpakutou's power. That, and we never even got confirmation that he ever witnessed his Zanpakutou release (if he did, I might've missed a reference, but alas, its irrelevant to the point of this story)

2 - Considering how little we know about Chojiro's Bankai, I obviously tweaked it a bit to show his mastery and his power if he employed it in battle. Considering the Stern Ritter "Overkill" didn't seem to have full control over it, it failed to even wound Yamamoto. I think that at its fullest power, Koko Gonryo Rikyu could potentially be the most destructive and lethal Bankai in the whole Soul Society.

3 - I had an idea that I could continue writing this into a mini-series, and have Ichigo pair up with Chojiro, have this war spiral into a different path, but the ending I placed kind've dictated that not to be the case. With the Hogyoku out of Aizen and never bonding to him completely, Aizen is about as mortal as any Elite Captain would be in his position. Its not that I wanted to give Chojiro the Main Protagonist Hax JUST for the sake of keeping this story from continuing beyond this point, I just legitimately believe that Chojiro (if given the chance) COULD beat Aizen with his trained and fully powered Bankai.

Hope you all liked what I did here, and would be pleased to hear your thoughts in the comments/reviews below.

Fun Fact: Migoto Koushin no Kyuuten is translated to, "Splendid Parade of the Heavens."

PS: For those who are my DBZ Fans, I will be updating The Other World Saga this weekend ;)