"This case is taking way too long. I just want to get home." J.J. complains to Reid. They had been in Montana for two weeks straight. J.J. wants to get home and see her son.

"I know it's bad. Even I miss the bullpen." Reid agrees.

They both are standing and looking over the wall they had set up in the hotel room they were using as a meeting place/headquarters. The local police department was too tiny and there was not enough space for the BAU to work. Not to mention the local officers were not too pleased the feds were there taking over.

"Hotch and Prentiss will be back here in the morning. I hope we have more to go on by then." Spencer stretches, "I wish Morgan and Rossi would hurry up and get back with the food and coffee. I am about running on empty." Reid grabs his stomach.

"You just want to look at Morgan in that skin tight tee shirt."

"J.J., please. Not now. Your teasing isn't what I need now. They could be back any minute and he could hear you."

J.J. playfully shoves Reid and he falls into the chair, "Just tell him already."


Morgan and Rossi are heading back to the hotel. They just picked up food and coffee from a local diner and extra coffee and sugar for later. Rossi and Morgan listen to the radio as they drive.

Morgan hears his phone ring. He looks at the screen and sees Reid's name so he hits speaker.

"Go ahead Reid, you're on speaker."

"J.J. Stop, don't push me around. You're worse than having a little sister."

"Please Reid. If I was your little sister I would have already read your diary and told everyone all your secrets."

Morgan and Rossi look at each other confused.

"Reid are you there? Hello?" Morgan yells into the phone. He figures Reid didn't know he dialed him. He goes to hang up but Rossi stops him.

"Wait, this is getting good, I want to know some secrets" Rossi laughs.

"You tell anyone about my secrets and I have a few I can let slip about you."

"Please Spence. Everyone knows my shit. My husband left me for a big boobed bimbo six months ago. Everyone knows that."

"They don't know that you dream about someone else though."

Rossi and Morgan look at each other and then the phone. Neither one is going to hang up the phone now.

"J.J., you need to just go for it. I mean what do you have to lose."

"Oh just everything. I am not crossing that line no matter what I feel for him. I liked him before I worked with him, I'll be damned if I am going to ruin it now that I do get to work with him."

Rossi and Morgan both look at the phone that is sitting on the console in between them. They have parked in the hotel lot but neither are ready to hit end, they both now want to know who J.J. wants.

"At least you know he likes women. Mine is as straight as a nail, I have no hope."

The older agents look at each.

"Did Reid just out himself to us and he doesn't even know it?" Rossi says.

"Yup." Morgan smiles and takes a sip of his coffee, listening to J.J. continue.

"You won't know Spence, unless you tell Morgan how you feel."

Morgan spits his coffee all over the window.

"Well, that is a surprise. It is strange way to find out he wants you, but it is good right?" Rossi asks, "I mean you like him, right?" Morgan just look at him, "I'm the best profiler Morgan."

"J.J. I have no chance. Morgan is always leaving the clubs with women, not men. Plus he is my best friend. I am not ruining that by telling him anything. You can tell Rossi, he would jump at the chance."

Rossi coughs on his sip of coffee and spits it all over Morgan.

"Where and the hell are they? I'm going to call them and see."

Morgan hurries and ends the call before Reid can see it has dialed.

"Holy Shit Rossi. Thanks." Morgan laughs as he shakes his hands, coffee flying off. "What do we do now?"

"Well for now we can take this food in there and eat, try to act like we didn't hear any of that, and then we plan our next steps. I'll be damned if I will let that woman get away."


Three days later the entire team is on the plane flying back to Quantico. Everyone is tired and seems to drift to their own space once they are up in the air. Sleep takes every one quickly, everyone but Rossi and Morgan. They are sitting in the back of the plane, across from each other.

"I am thinking of having everyone over on Saturday for a meal. Some nice food, wine, conversation, and such, what do you think?" Rossi asks Morgan.

"Everyone?" Morgan raises his eyebrow, "How is that going to help you?"

"Slow and steady, Morgan."

Morgan smiles. He still hasn't figured out what he is going to do about Spencer. For three days he has thought about it. He has done everything to act like nothing has changed. It has not been easy to do.

Usually it would be simple. He would smile, buy a drink, dance a bit, then take the person home. No strings, not ties, just a night of fun. That was not an option. This wasn't some stranger, it wasn't something to just do, an escape. This was Dr. Spencer Reid. The genius with the 187 IQ and a love of mismatched socks. This was his best friend of over eight years, who loves Doctor Who and coffee with more sugar than any one person should ever use. The socially awkward, shy, self conscious agent, that has slowly taken over most of his thoughts.

Morgan knows that a delicate touch is needed. Morgan is going to have to move slow, something he wasn't very familiar with.

As the agents climb out of the plane, Rossi decides to ask the team.

"I was thinking we all need a break. Dinner tomorrow, my house? I'll cook and we can all relax. Hotch and J.J., bring the boys. Plenty of room and they can play together."

"That sounds really great, count Jack and I in." Hotch says.

"Me too," Prentiss chimes in.

"Sounds really good. Um, I'll come." Reid says as they all walk toward the cars waiting for them.

"I'm in. I'll bring some wine." Morgan looks over to Rossi.

"J.J.?" Rossi asks.

"Sure, why not. Henry will be excited to see Jack. What time?" She asks.

"How about Six o'clock? We can eat about Seven. Would you call Garcia and let her know too?"

J.J. nods.

Rossi throws a smile over to Morgan as they climb into their cars. Morgan sees Reid trying to start his car. He has told the kid he needs a new one, but Reid loves that thing.

"Come on Reid, I'll drive you home. We can figure out how to get the car started tomorrow." Morgan calls over to Reid.

Reid sighs. He loves his car but it is starting to cost way too much to keep it on the road. "Ok, thanks. I am starting to think you are right about a new car. I am spending too much to fix it at this point. Though I love my car."

"I know you do. I can help you look when you finally want to go shop for one." Morgan pulls out of the lot and heads to Reid's apartment.

"That would actually be helpful. I am good with understanding the value, MPG, and such, but I am not good with the sales people. They are like sharks."

Morgan laughs, "You can dazzle them with your facts and statistics and I will make them give you a fair price."

Morgan pulls into the lot and stops the car, "Do you want a ride tomorrow to Rossi's? I can get you on the way."

Reid turns and looks at Morgan, he sees he has a sparkle in his eye that Reid hasn't really noticed before. "That would be great. Um, about 5:30?"

"Sounds good, It's a date." Morgan says as Reid closes the door. Morgan doesn't give Reid time to react, he pulls away.

Morgan laughs to himself, he wasn't sure if that was slow or steady. It felt right though.


"J.J., What the hell do you think he meant?" Reid paces his apartment floor. He glances up at the clock. He has two hours until Morgan will pick him up. If he keeps pacing he was going to need another shower.

"Relax Spence, deep breath. Did you ever think he was flirting, maybe it's his way of letting you know he is interested. Go get dressed and then have a glass of wine, not coffee, you don't need anymore. The wine will relax you and you need it. Oh and wear the new shirt I got you. No sweater, no tie Spence. The dark green shirt with the black pants. Promise me. If he wants to flirt, we will give him someone to flirt with Spence. "

Reid sighs, "Fine, I promise. What are you wearing?"

"Just jeans and a sweater."

"No way. If I have to dress up, you are too. Wear something else. Um, isn't it a law that girls have a little black dress they can always wear?"

"I am not wearing my little black dress."

"If you want me to wear that green shirt, then you wear the black dress. If I am going to attempt to flirt then so are you. Promise."

"Fine. See you in a few hours."

Reid throws the phone on the couch and heads to his room to change. He isn't even sure he knows how to flirt. Morgan had taught him the little he did know. This was going to be a long night.


Morgan sits in front of the mirror. He shakes his head at himself. He never spends this much time worrying about how he looks before going out to the clubs. It never felt like it mattered much before. It matters now.

He almost called J.J. to ask advice, but he didn't want to clue her in that they heard them talking. Rossi has his own plan and Morgan isn't about to mess it up. After a few moments of internal debating, he picks up the phone and calls Garcia.

"Hello my Chocolate Adonis, what can a lady do for you?"

"Hey Baby Girl, gotta question for you..."

"Purple shirt, the lighter one and the Grey slacks."

Morgan smiles to himself, "How do you do that?"

"Momma knows all, hun. What time are you picking him up?"

Morgan sighs, he doesn't know why he even tries to hide anything from her. "5:30."

"Be gentle my love. He has had a rough time of it. He needs some good in his life."

"I am good, aren't I?", Morgan questions.

"From what I have heard, you are fantastic, just be gentle."

"See you in a bit." Morgan hangs up the phone and walks to the closet to find the purple shirt.


Rossi finishes cleaning some of the guest rooms. He wants to make sure if anyone wasn't able to drive home, they would have a place to sleep. What good was having this big house if no one ever used it. He made sure one of the rooms was set up with a tv and dvd player and even picked up a few new toys he thought the boys would like. Rossi was always the favorite uncle.

The team would start arriving within the next half hour. Rossi starts the music and checks the food that is cooking. He pops open the wine and goes to change into something that is sure to impress.