A day passed, and after each meal, Khan realized that it was as Mina had said. His muscles were still not working to their normal capacity. He felt…weak. As if his strength had been slowly sapped from every muscle. Khan remembered the injection that the doctor had given him, and the continual weakness after he ate or drank. He cursed under his breath, flexing each finger at a time. A first step in which he followed with his arms and legs, stretching them and testing their limits.

He hadn't slept much that night, but it was to be expected in this place.

Khan's thoughts moved towards Mina, his means of escape.

Mina, what a strange anomaly. Her outer shell was convincing, that she didn't care about the situation that she was in. It was similar to what he saw in himself, pushing away all cares and desire of his own in order to protect what he loved. He wondered if he gave her too much credit, but there was no doubt that her many years here had affected her. He had first been shocked by her eyes, though brilliant and shining unnaturally blue, looked as if they had seen horrors. But more so, they looked tired, as if sleep no longer was a part of her life.

But there was one thing he could not get around. She still stank of humanity, of the weakness that was inherent in her species. Her willingness to submit to pain made him sick, and that was enough to want to leave her behind. All of the strength that she had gained had been wasted on other humans. Once he had his chance to escape, he would leave her here, of that he was sure.

The door to his new prison opened, and he looked unto the face of Arion. Slowly, he rose to his feet unsteadily, not liking the idea of being so weak in the presence of this particular man.

"You should probably sit back down, augment. I don't want you to hurt yourself before I have the chance." Arion's slick voice still annoyed the hell out of Khan, but he remained silent, and standing.

"The pain you cause me is nothing compared to what I plan to do with you."

Arion smirked and chuckled darkly.

"You sure talk tough for an experiment without all of his shiny toys in working order"

Khan took another moment to truly look at the man. Monster was plastered all over his face, from the sick smirk that was painted across his face, the red gleam in his eyes, and even the way he held himself. Khan smelled something foul about the man, and he refused to sit back down.

"In case you forgot from our last meeting, my sole purpose here is to correct any silly misconceptions you have about how this next part of your life is going to go. You are going to be dissected, your good parts cut out and used for the progression of our plan. I am here to show you who your new master is."

There was a pause, but slowly, Khan lost control. It started as a quick exhale of breath, but quickly turned into a laugh. Arion's eyes flashed, and the man was obviously offended.

"From the way that people seem to tip toe around you, I would have thought you were actually intimidating. But honestly, come on, I am disappointed. You can't even face me when I have my strength, you have to hide behind all of your drugs and injections to even feel comfortable walking into the same room as me. Leave and find someone else who is better, because there is no way I can take you seriously."

Arion took a few steps forward in challenge, but before he had decided what he was actually going to do, his COM beeped. It stopped the man in his tracks, but his eyes dug into Khan, looking as if he was willing Khan to burst into flame. To say the least, it didn't work.

The COM beeped again, and Arion finally tore his eyes from Khan and turned to give himself some sense of privacy.

"This is Arion."

"Where are you right now?"

Khan recognized the doctor's voice, and continued to listen.

"Secondary Cells, deck 4."

"Is Mina with you?"

Arion paused, turning back and glancing sideways at Khan before responding. The man looked guilty, and Khan wondered if it had been the plan to have Mina join the two men in this very room. He half smiled at the thought of how much less intimidated he would have been with her there as well.


"Probably best. I need you to bring my augment to the Experimental Ward, deck 21. We are ready for testing, and I need a steady transfusion of blood from him to make it work."

Again, there was a pause, and Arion seemed to be struggling to follow the order he had just been given.

"He hasn't been broken. I think I should spend some time getting him acclimated to our way of doing things…."

"No. The drug is still in his system, so he should be weak enough for you to bring him up. Our timetables are moving up. Understood?"

Arion's face scrunched as if he had tasted something sour. Khan realized that the man must have been looking forward to causing him bodily harm, but he knew how things worked, he didn't need to be taught. Arion was going to fall in line and follow orders.

"Yes sir. I will be up in about 15 minutes."

Khan felt his legs shaking slightly, but still he stood.

"It's your lucky day. Let's go." Arion said simply, approaching Khan and taking ahold of his arm, which Khan ripped away quickly. Arion smirked at this and slammed a fist into Khan's stomach, causing him to double over for a moment. It was quite clear that Arion had been manipulated into a machine, for the force of his fist was like a truck running into him at high speeds.

"Like I said, let's go."

Mina looked both ways down the hall before she walked into the security office aboard the station, a small dark room filled with monitors that hadn't been used in quite some time. She sat at a console after waiting for the door to close with a mechanical whisper.

The system didn't give her much trouble. A simple security password and a handprint was all that was needed to get in. Mina had attempted a search for Rebecca before, but that was several years ago. At least…it must have been several years ago. It hadn't worked in her favor that time, as Arion and the doctor were able to track her by her chip at all times, and she hadn't had enough time to hone in on anything other than the engineering crew downstairs. It probably wouldn't have been possible this time without Khan, the new experiment, being present. He was the perfect distraction for the doctor and Arion, giving her some needed privacy.

If she knew one thing, she could not leave the station without Rebecca. Mina's younger sister had been her only guiding light, the only remnant of her past that kept her sane and human. All else had been removed but that small hope that they would be reunited.

The system was outdated, but it did what she needed it to. She quickly brought up the floor map of the station, searching for a life sign under the name REBECCA, which brought up no results. She tried ERIE as well, their shared last name, but again, nothing was brought up, not even her own signal. The map had small glowing nodes for the life signs aboard, and Mina looked quizingly at the right side of the image, where 42 life signs were crammed into a small ship. Mina recognized the ship as the one that she had brought the torpedoes aboard in, and she wondered why the doctor might place them there.

Could he be planning on leaving?

Mina knew that this would hinder her desires to escape this place, as it seemed clear that Khan cared nothing for everything but his family. Not only that, it meant that they had limited time. If there was something Mina knew about the doctor, he never did things too far in advance. Nothing the man did was random, and seeing the pods arranged in the ship showed that Mina and Khan's timetable would have to move up, and they had barely even had time to talk about their escape.

Khan. She had not seen him at his full strength, but she didn't need to in order to understand that he was a force to be reckoned with. He seemed loyal enough to the task at hand, but she didn't know how far that loyalty would get her. His speed and strength would rival even that of Arion, who could easily blow right through her. If she was not careful, Khan could easily turn against her.

Mina's eyes focused on the screen, turning towards the secondary cells and bringing up the camera feeds from that room. She was startled to see that no one was there, and the room was completely empty. Panic began to settle in her belly. Not because Khan had escaped, because that was impossible without a handprint and a password that he would have no access to. Someone had gone and collected him.

Mina scrambled to search the ship for life forms. There were not many people aboard this station, as the doctor had a small base on a separate planet not far from this station. She brought up a filter on the map of the station, looking for known and named life forms. Rick and Arno were labeled respectively GRACUS and SMITH, their last names, and were currently in the common space that they all shared. A few crew members were labeled as well, mostly located in the engineering bays to keep the life support going, but other than that the station was largely empty. She continued to search, starting to feel the panic growing.

Experimental Deck. Four life forms, one labeled as , and one other labeled simply as ARION. The two others were left intentionally blank. Mina knew that if the doctor was in the experimental ward, and Khan was no longer in his cell, there was only one place that the augment would be. Without giving thought of the other life form, Mina stood from the console and left, leaving the system running. Everything was too perfect. Hauser must have been moving to his other base, and should his experiment work on Khan, he would be going as well.

Mina stopped in her room, shutting the door and moving towards the bathroom to look into the mirror. It was looking like it was now or never that they should make their escape, because sometimes, when people went into the experimental ward, they never came out. That would not be the case with Khan, he was far too valuable to her. Mina carefully manipulated a razor, taking one of the three blades from its place by bending it back and forth. She held it between her index and middle finger and began cutting on the part of her neck where the chip lay just underneath. She winced from the stinging, but otherwise it was going along pretty easily. It was a bit deeper than she had realized, but she didn't have time to be very careful, so she hurried the cutting. The chip finally popped out, falling into the bowl of the sink. Mina looked into the mirror, patching up the hole she had put in her neck.

Without a moment to lose, she left, making her way towards the experimental ward. Mina attempted to keep her gait normal, controlling her desire to run towards the experimental ward. The things that happened there were never benevolent, and if she still desired to get off this station, she had to make sure that Khan stayed alive. The longer that he was there with Doctor Hauser, the less likely that would be the case.

Mina exited the lift on floor 21 and she walked down the aisle of cells. Many of them were open for viewing, having only an electrode field separating the hall from the medical equipment inside. Mina stopped in front of one of the first few rooms. An examination table with arm straps lay in the middle of the room, large bulbs turned towards it, but off, unlike what she remembered.

This was where most of her upgrades had taken place. She remembered the cuffs holding down her naked body. Under the eyes of the doctor, she had been nothing but a specimen. No one had been able to hear her screams through the electrode wall. No one had been there to hear them.

"Hold still, this will only hurt for a little while…"

Mina turned away from the room and continued down the hall, looking on either side for signs of Khan. It wasn't until she reached near the end of the hall that she saw Khan, hooked up to a computer and looking at her through the force field. She was relieved at first, to see that he was alive and relatively unharmed, until she looked onto the examination table. It was lifted at an angle towards her, and her heart felt as if it dropped to her feet.

Rebecca. Her sister was strapped to the table, and carefully resisting against the cloth that held her there. It had been years…and Rebecca's face had aged considerably. In fact, it was startling to see lines of age on Rebecca's face. Had it really been so long?

Mina had endured and suffered under the knowledge that Rebecca would be kept safe. But from the looks of it, this was not the first procedure that Rebecca had undergone.

"What are you doing!? You promised you wouldn't hurt her! You said that if I did what you asked, you would allow her to stay as she is…human!" Mina's voice was breaking, and she punched the force field in her anguish.

The field burned her fist and she looked at it for a second to see the first few layers of skin had burned off completely. Mina raised her eyes, and Rebecca's green eyes locked with her own.

"Mina, run! Please, don't watch..." Rebecca raised her hands at the wrists, and Mina imagined that she was beckoning to her, reaching her hand out in her plea rather than the true message.

Arion and the doctor stood beside her. Both looked to see what Rebecca had been screaming about. Neither of them moved when they saw Mina, and the doctor actually continued what he was doing. He looked as if he whispered something to Arion, who nodded silently. Arion gave Rebecca a quick smack across her face, and her head slumped forward, brown curls falling in front of her face.

Tears were streaming down Mina's face and she moved towards the force field again, even as she knew she couldn't get through.

"Let me through you bastard…I swear I will end you! Don't touch her!" Mina was screaming nonsensically. She looked across the field for a way to get around it, knowing in her gut that there was no such trick. Khan looked at her with a blank face, unmoving from the dose he had been administered to keep him incapacitated. Khan felt his skin prickling from the energy change…It was as if Mina was electrically charged, and the feeling was growing, passing over his skin in waves. It caused him pause, for it was not often that a human could give off that amount of energy. He waited, silent, and unmoving for things to play out.

Mina watched in horror as the doctor raised a needle from his pack and slid it into Rebecca's arm, glancing at Mina above the tops of his glasses but otherwise completely natural looking.

Horror washed across Mina's face and she screamed, throwing herself against the force field. With the very strength she had used, it was turned back upon her and she was flung to the other side of the hall. Mina picked herself up again off the floor and again ran at the field, all common sense leaving her. The field remained sturdy, but again she launched herself at the screen which placed her again on the ground. Pain exploded like stars in front of her eyes, and she looked up to Rebecca again. She saw that Rebecca had become responsive, and had arched her back in pain as the doctor finished injecting her with the serum.

Khan recognized what the girl was going through. As her body shook, Khan imagined how her blood must burn, the serum attacking her very DNA without the regenerative properties of his own blood completely filling her yet. Arion stared out at Mina with a smirk on his face. His sick smile showed that the display Mina was putting on gave him nothing more than the sweetest delight. He turned to Khan who was hooked up to a device, transfusing his blood into the girl. Arion checked the small cuffs on Khan's wrists, but seemed satisfied that the augment was not able to put up much of a fight.

"So sorry you had to see this, Mina. I was hoping to continue our working relationship. Which you know, we could still do. Soon, your sister will be just like you! Strong, fast, and alive. And you will be reunited." The doctor said this without even looking at Mina. His hand closed over Rebecca's shoulder, which were moving along with the rest of her body, flailing against the restraints.

"You said you would never hurt her! As long as I did what you said!" Mina was crying now, unable to control herself. She didn't bother answering the doctor and threw herself against the force field again and again. Each time, it threw her back against the opposite wall. The light reflecting across the surface turned blue, but Mina could still not cross the barrier. Mina felt the impact, as it burned hotter than fire, and the shock ran through her, similar to the feeling of the collar when it had rested upon her shoulders.

"You promised!" She roared, again throwing herself against the force field in an attempt to weaken it or even pass through. It didn't matter that it didn't make sense that she would not be able to pass through. "She wouldn't have to be a monster like me!"

In her torment, the memories flooded back, the endless screaming, the numbing sensation that always came after…Over and over again until the years turned to blurs and the pain was just an expected affair.

The procedure was obviously not going according to plan, and everyone knew it. Panic was crossing the doctor's face, and even Arion looked worriedly at the patient, who now had blood running from her nose and eyes.

"You fucking bastards, let me through!" Mina screamed in agony as Rebecca's green eyes rolled to the back of her skull. "Rebecca! Look at me!" It was obvious at this point that Rebecca couldn't hear anything, and her body continued to shake.

"Hauser, by god, do something!" Mina threw herself against the field again, trying to get to her sister.

The doctor said something quietly to Arion, who walked through the force field without an issue. Mina's face was hot, and she could feel and smell her flesh burning. As soon as Arion stepped onto her side of the field, she threw herself at him, now reduced to something less than human. Her nails ripped at his face and she tackled him, grabbing him by the throat and slamming his face against the ground. He had been unprepared for once, and she heard his nose crack against the concrete floor. Mina threw her fists into him, but it didn't last for long. He quickly regained the upper hand with sheer strength.

Through the field, Khan watched Mina, completely frozen. He watched as Arion picked himself off the ground and threw her aside. The man was a beast to behold. He leant over and grabbed Mina, twisting her to face the room and pressing her face against the force field. He was laughing, even as Mina's flesh began to sizzle and steam rose. She began to scream, and she thrashed against the hold on her.

Khan couldn't help but feel something akin to pity for the girl. Like him, all she wanted was for her family to be safe. She had become something more than human, and had gladly thrown it away for her sister. But now, humans showed their true colors, their betraying nature. At last, he understood.

It had been a good while since the serum had stopped affecting his muscles, but he had been curious to see how good the doctor was. Not only that, but Mina's appearance had been an unexpected occurance. The blood on her neck made it clear to him that events were moving faster than anyone could control. He looked at Rebecca, thinking to himself,

"She isn't going to make it. But possibly that is to my advantage."

Khan knew that the doctor had miscalculated just how much blood had needed to be in Rebecca's system while the serum was literally tearing her chromosomes to pieces and burning them back together. It meant the end to his patient's life, and all of the pieces were in their places. Khan closed his eyes in concentration and pulled his arms apart, causing the cuffs to bend. He slipped his hands out and began to unhook himself from the monitor. The doctor whirled around, away from Rebecca to see Khan walking towards him. Khan threw the monitor to the floor and began to break free from the braces on his legs.

"What are you doing? Stop!" The doctor said weakly, backing up towards Rebecca. She was barely conscious now, and the doctor turned away from Khan, trying to salvage his project. He picked up a needle with adrenaline, and he stabbed the girl's heart, releasing it immediately. Rebecca's movements became even more violent, and blood now dropped from her eyes and ears. Everything was going wrong.

The doctor moved away from Khan who was now making his way straight for him. He stopped when he heard Mina screaming again, this time unintelligibly. He looked to Rebecca who had finally fallen still. Her head hung forward, looking to the ground, and the heart monitor that had been hooked to her showed a lack of pulse. Rebecca was dead.

Mina's eyes widened, and she swung her arm over Arion's which was still keeping her trapped against the force field. She locked his arms in her own and gave a swift elbow strike to his face. He stepped back, completely off balance.

Suddenly the station gave a lurch, and all who were present were thrown off balance. Arion fell to the ground, and Mina followed, mounting Arion's waist and beginning to thrash at him. Her fists came in contact with his jaw several times, and fury was rising through her like a hot stream.
Arion raised his hips, causing Mina to lurch forward. He locked his foot around hers and lifted his hips so that she was thrown off of him, and he was able to take hold of the situation. The doctor looked out one of the windows into space long enough to see the Starfleet ship that was pointed in their direction.

The audio system in the station roared to life from the communication from the Starfleet ship, and those who had been fighting stopped, their eyes trapped either on the speaker or the ship that lay just outside the station.

"This Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise. A few days ago, someone aboard this station was tracked with a cargo of 43 torpedoes from one of our secure warehouses. Please respond, or we will be forced to open fire."

"Arion, quickly, get to the ship!" The doctor said, looking at his protégé. Arion gave Mina another punch to the stomach and then one to the face. The force field came down, and the doctor hurried after Arion down the hall. Mina groaned as the station lurched again, and she stumbled over to Rebecca, un-cuffing her and allowing Rebecca's body to fall onto her.

"Rebecca, please…" Her voice was the most timid that Khan had ever heard, and though he knew he should be following the two others, he could not escape the look of deep seated sorrow in Mina. The ship lurched again.

"Mina, if you wish to escape this place, you must come now. I will not ask again, I will not waste my time on a girl who has given up living." His harsh words were enough to bring Mina's gaze up to his own, and when he saw tears, he turned away, starting at a jog down the hall, leaving Mina behind.

Mina didn't seem to completely understand what was happening around her. She heard alarms, pressure valves were being triggered, and there had been some damage to the station. But there she was…holding her sister in her arms. Rebecca's green eyes were still open, but they were empty now, completely devoid of the strange delight that Mina remembered from the days in which they had dreamed together.

"What do I do, Rebecca? I am so lost…" Mina felt hot tears falling down her cheeks, and even as sorrow continued to pour from her, the heat of anger was not gone. She looked down the hall that Khan had run down, and she carefully laid her sister's body on the ground.

"I will destroy them all, Rebecca. The doctor. Arion. Neither will escape alive." Her silent promise gave her enough energy to begin down the same path as the others, her tears turning instead to fuel for her anger.

Arion stepped into the medium sized transport, now cramped from the torpedoes. The doctor stood beside him, readying the ship for take-off.

"Arion, I must go back in order to get my research. Do not leave without me." Arion nodded and watched the doctor exit the ship. Arion smirked to himself, readying the ship for take-off anyway. Should the doctor make it back in the next few minutes, he would probably allow the doctor back on, but otherwise, he was ready to get off this station.

The doctor stumbled towards the main med bay, his steps quick, and his anxiety high. The augment and Mina were still aboard, and he wasn't sure how long it would take for them to catch up with him. He turned over a file cabinet in the office, looking for his research notes on Rebecca's case file. It had been so perfect, he had done everything correctly, or so he had thought. But her death paired with the Starfleet finally catching up was just part of circumstance.

The doctor had the distinct feeling he was being watched, and so he stopped and slowly turned towards the main entrance to the room. The augment stood, his eyes gleaming at the doctor. Slowly, Hauser backed up, trying to head towards the other exit. The notes could be reproduced, his life however, could not. The doctor started at a run back towards the transport, and he made it most of the way there, even as the station lurched again. The main transport area that held the ships was a large circular area with halls leading from a central point. It was here that the augment caught up with him, tripping the doctor. As Hauser fell to the ground, the augment lifted his leg and broke the man's right leg.

Doctor Hauser screamed in pain, unwelcome tears finding their place at his eyes and spilling over. The man's screams continued as he grasped the broken section.

Khan wasn't finished though. He lifted his leg again and crushed the doctor's left knee before picking him up by the collar. The man was shaking, jerking from the force of his sobs. Khan tilted his head to the side, regarding the fragile creature in his hands. There was an explosion, and Khan looked towards one of the large windows displaying the space just outside. Khan watched as the medium transport took off and started towards one of the distant planets.

"Arion…" The doctor said under his breath.

"Your little lap dog got brave without you around. Looks like it is just you and me, all alone." The doctor stared into the eyes of Khan, who dropped the doctor onto his feet.

Hauser couldn't stay standing, and completely collapsed onto the ground. His body curled up upon itself, a pitiful display of weakness to Khan, as both he and the doctor knew these moments were the man's last.

"Where is my family, doctor?" Khan kicked the doctor's side, causing an 'oomf' and a strangled cry from the broken man on the ground. The man said nothing, and instead held his side, rocking back and forth.

"MY FAMILY, WHERE ARE THEY?" Khan roared at him, a thin sheen of sweat starting to appear on his brow.

"The ship that just left…that was the ship I brought you on." Mina's voice came from one of the entrances to the room and Khan's eyes flashed towards her. Mina watched the understanding dawn in his blue eyes. Khan looked about, searching for a way to follow, but he stopped, turning instead towards the doctor. The man had dragged himself towards the closest console in just that amount of time, and had begun opening the system processes.

Khan strode over to him and threw him away from the console, but a countdown had already been initiated. Khan looked back at Mina, whose face was blood smeared.

"Self-destruct sequence." He said as the station gave another lurch.

"You can't stop it now. Arion has gone, and you are trapped here with me. Time to die, augment!" One of the lenses in the doctor's glasses had shattered, and he was left seeing mostly out of one side. He clambered up to his feet as Khan approached him, and he was raised to his feet and then off the ground. Mina watched as Khan's eyes flashed feral again and he wrapped his long white fingers around the man's neck.

"My name…Is Khan." This last whisper was spoken with sure ire, that even the doctor's eyes widened.

In a moment, the air had been trapped from the man's brain, and he began to struggle and flail. Khan pressed his fingers into the man's neck. He clenched his teeth in rage, putting all of his strength into this one last action. Mina drank in the scene, some dark twisted pleasure taking hold as she watched the man's last attempt of escape. Khan's eyes burned into the man as his face turned from red to a purple hue. There was an audible crack, even with all of the surrounding chaos, and all of the fight in the man's muscles for oxygen went completely still.

Khan let the body drop to the floor and he turned to look at Mina, whose eyes were fixed on the broken and bloody remains of the mad doctor. Her chest was heaving, and that same electricity he had felt before was back to dancing on his skin. She looked dangerous, for the first time since he had met her, he knew she was a survivor.

"If you value your life, think quickly Mina. We need to get off this ship." The count down was still decreasing, and Khan's voice didn't seem to be quite reaching her. He stepped over the dead body and approached her carefully, gripping her shoulder in one of his hands.

"Mina. We must go." Her ocean blue eyes met his own, and at last he saw the understanding.

"There is an escape pod. This way." She turned from the scene, starting back towards the circular room they had come from. Quickly, Mina entered her information onto the panel, placing her hand on the pad which caused the pod door to snap open.

It was just a small ship, enough room for two pilots. She knew it wouldn't get them far, but it didn't have to.

Khan climbed in and went to the front, strapping himself in and engaging the pod. He looked at the manual control to close the pod and reached for it.

It would be so very easy to just leave her here….

His hand faltered, and he placed it back on the controls, continuing the startup sequence. Mina stepped in beside him, strapping herself in as well. She was none the wiser to the fact she had almost went down with the station.

Mina pulled on the controls and their pod lurched forward away from the mechanics that hinged it in place. She punched the accelerator, pushing them out with the thrusters on full. The station's countdown was nearing zero, as they passed the threshold of the station's docking area, the core of the ship exploded, a force adding to their own acceleration. Mina continued forward, knowing that they were not out of danger yet.

"You need to start maneuvering, the station is falling apart!" Khan said in a dangerous whisper, holding onto the bar in front of him to keep himself steady. The ship was flung off course by the explosion, and something from the station indeed hit one of the back engines. It sent the ship hurtling down near the planet below.

Mina flipped a switch, trying to stabilize them, but to no avail. She looked at Khan for a moment just as they entered the first layers of the atmosphere.

"Well Khan, it was nice knowing you." She gave a little grin, a pronounced "Fuck you!" to fate and all that had led to this moment. She pulled the stabilizers again as they began falling through the last layer before the ground.

The ship hit the ground, and there was silence.

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading thus far. I finally finished this chapter, sorry again for the wait, but I needed to work out a few kinks.

I would like to thank AvalonTheLadyKiller, who has continually reviewed each chapter that I have uploaded thus far. Thanks for the continued support. Sorry that you won't get your revenge with Arion until a later point. But his demise is sure to be on our main character's minds.

c3lph t1tl3d, I would like to thank you as well for your review. Glad that you are enjoying the mad scientist much as I did while I wrote it. I always do enjoy molding the antagonists right along side my protagonist.

Thank you all for the support. I am glad I decided to do this story, it is really morphing into something I am proud of, and through your encouragements, I have become better! Thanks again!