Chapter 1

"This has got to stop, if you don't like him running off then you should lock him up somewhere." Explains a very annoyed Gwendal.

"I would if I could!" Yells a sad Gunter in response.

"Well I'm not stopping you." States Gwendal "It might actually be better having the king locked up here."

Gunter's eyes fill with glee as he happily imagines himself and King Yuri alone.

"You're right, a place where I could have his majesty all to myself for morning till night with no interruptions!"

Gunter's head turns, his cheeks redden as his palm comes to rest upon his left cheek. " Oh what a sweet temptation, blissful oh."

Gwendal lowers his head to a frown "Then prepare a room for his return."

Gunter's eyes widen "You mean I can actually lock his majesty away?"

"Do what you like Gunter; either way King Yuri will forgive you."

Gunter now jumps with glee as thoughts of having Yuri all to himself swim throughout his head.

"Yes, I shall find an abandoned room and begin repairs!" Screams Gunter as he happily runs out of Gwendal's office.

Gwendal sighs "King Yuri better be careful."

What the two lords didn't know was that tiny little ears had overheard their entire conversation.

I know that I should be working on my other stories, but I have been working on this one for a long time now and I feel it's time for me to share it with you all :)