This is the last one. Hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into their future together.

KristenLynn helped shape this one a lot.

~they said~

/ he said: Honey, I'm home... 4:30 p.m.

It's a rare day when I get off work early – but when it happens, I head straight home. To you and Bree.

I can't fucking wait.

She's got your smile, Gorgeous. Right down to that hint of a dimple in her left cheek. The eyes are all mine, though not quite as green. There's a ring of chocolate brown around the iris that exactly matches yours. Her hair is thick, like mine, but it lies in perfect little waves around her face, just like yours.

I never knew I could love this hard. I think the same thing every day... yet every day I love you even more. Both of you.

It's always like this, whether I'm coming home at the normal time, or coming home three hours late, or three hours early. I feel this... this pull, and it's always calling me – to the two of you. By the time I turn that knob and let myself in through the garage, then drop all my shit in the mud room, I'm itching to get my arms around you. If I'm super lucky, Bree is awake and part of it all, and I'll get to drag you both down on the couch with me.

You two are my world. The two loves of my life.

I still can't believe it's been more than nineteen months since she was born. It still feels like just yesterday that I held your hand while you gave birth to our daughter. You did so great... and I know you'll do the same when the next time comes. Because I know I want more. More sweet little perfect babies that somehow manage to look exactly like the both of us. More of the best of us perfectly blended in tiny little packages.

I know what's up with the lunch teases, Gorgeous. You want to make another baby.

I'm with you, all the way. It'll be the most fun I've had since we conceived Bree. Or maybe our trip to Brazil. Or hell, last week in the laundry room while our little tornado took a rare nap.

The house is quiet and cool when I let myself in. I can't even hear the TV. I hope you're home. Your car is here, but I forgot to check for the stroller. It's a nice day; maybe you took Bree for a walk. Disappointment dims my excitement a bit, but I'll just wait here for my girls to come home.

When I find you asleep on our bed, cuddled against our daughter... I sigh in relief and try to pretend I don't melt a little.

I'm the luckiest fucker alive.

Quickly, I shuck off my shoes and socks, strip off my tie and belt, and carefully slide into bed next to you. I curve myself around your back and slip an arm around your waist, then close my eyes and bury my face in the back of your neck.

Fuck, you smell good. Like warm, sexy woman and sweet, soft baby. You smell like home. I nuzzle a little deeper and get a hint of my own aftershave. That's right. You smell a little like me, too. How could you not, after the way I had you spread out on my desk today?

Relaxation floods my tired limbs as a smile tugs at my mouth. I rest my hand on the delicate, warm curve of Bree's back, letting my fingertips register the rhythmic ebb and flow of her breath. Content beyond all reason, I melt into the mattress... sink against the rich curves of your body... and slide easily into sleep with my girls.

Thanks for reading, everyone. Hope it made you warm and fuzzy. Cause you all do that for me. :)