Part of my clearing out my fic folder... Hope you like it. It's set around ep 200.

Emily had been back with the team just two days. She sat in the front passenger seat of the SVU with Morgan next to her driving. Glancing over to him, it felt as if she had never been away. She allowed herself a small smile as she warmly remembered their partnership. It was the first time since being back that she had actually smiled. It had all been so rushed. Walking into the bull pen for the first time in nearly a year and a half had been overwhelming, but she was sure that it would have been a hell of a lot more overwhelming if it had not been for the fact that really all she could think about was JJ being abducted. Nothing would have kept her away from her old team... Her family.

And now that JJ was ok and her kidnapper in custody, she allowed herself to smile and enjoy for a moment, being back in DC. But a moment was all it lasted. Quickly the smile faded as she recalled the brief, yet seemingly so significant conversation that had been exchanged on her first day back.

Emily sat next to Reid at the round table. He was speed reading through the three thick files Cruz had provided them with and handing Morgan and Emily each bit of paper that he thought had some clue or some important piece of information for them to note down before the next briefing that was in fifteen minutes. Morgan's cell buzzed for the fifth time on the desk. He glanced at the screen and ignored it for the fifth time, frowning as he read through the papers.

"How's it going in here?" Rossi asked as he entered the room, followed closely by Blake and Garcia. Hotch had remained in a meeting with Cruz.

"Not fast enough." Morgan answered in frustration, not removing his attention from the papers.

"I think Hotch and Cruz have something new." Rossi told them, "He's bringing the briefing forward."

"They have a lead?" Emily asked looking up to the older profiler expectantly.

"I hope so." Rossi agreed, sitting across from her.

Garcia grabbed for the remote control from the middle of the round table and began to bring up some files on the big screen hung on the wall that Hotch had sent her just moments before. "Oh Morgan." She said absently, her concentration on what she was doing.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Savannah called. She said she's been trying your cell. Can you call her back."

"Sure." He uttered, not really paying any attention to the techie, too absorbed in trying to find clues to find his friend. "As soon as I finish this." He added.

Emily turned and looked to Derek, then to Garcia. "Who's Savannah?"

Morgan suddenly stopped what he was doing and his eyes widened, but before he even managed to look at the brunette, the words had fallen from Reid's mouth, "It's Morgan's girlfriend." He said, his fingers still tracing the white sheets of paper.

Emily first caught Garcia's stare. The word, "Girl...?" escaped the brunette's lips, but the rest faded away in a whisper.

The techie had realised her mistake. Derek had asked her not to gossip with Emily about Savannah and said that he would tell her in his own time. With everything going on, it had been the last concern on Garcia's mind.

Emily could feel Morgan's glare on her, and she could only glance at him, immediately seeing those apologetic puppy dog eyes that only ever seemed to be for her. She averted her look from him and then saw Rossi staring at her. He too looked apologetic. She wasn't sure what for so she forced a small smile at him in a vein attempt to mask the swirl of emotion and the mass of questions she had. He gave a small smile back and at that point she realised it wasn't an apologetic stare at all he had been giving her.

It was one of pity.

Then all of a sudden Hotch walked in the room with Cruz and it was all forgotten...

Until now. Until right now...

Now, as they drove to the hospital, she was free to remember. She looked over to him again. He sensed it and turned to her briefly, giving her a warm, genuine smile. One that let her know that he was glad she was there. He was glad that JJ was ok. He was glad they could finally relax... He clearly had forgotten the exchange from a couple of days ago.

He jumped out of the SVU after parking up and led Emily through the sliding doors in to the accident and emergency reception area. It was packed from the usual Saturday evening trade. His badge was out before he got to the desk, "Agent Morgan with the FBI. You should have an Agent Jareau here?" He asked the receptionist.

She gave an understanding nod, then moved her eyes to the screen and tapped away at the keyboard. But before she could pull the information up, Morgan turned feeling a tap on his shoulder.

"Savannah?" He said, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

Emily's eyes widened, and Derek shot her a glance, swallowing nervously. He quickly looked back to Savannah, but she had not missed the fleeting exchange between the two.

"What are you doing here?" He continued, "I didn't think you were working tonight."

"I got called in." She told him, "Dimitri's sick."

Derek just stared at her, looking at a loss for words and she looked between her boyfriend and the unfamiliar brunette.

"I take it you're here to see JJ?" She asked, turning her attention back to Morgan and breaking the strange silence.

Emily's stomach clenched at Savannah's apparent familiarity with the team, and Morgan just nodded.

"I was just about to call you." She continued. Her voice was soft and she placed a tender touch to the back of his hand.

"How is she?" He asked, shifting his weight from foot to foot, uncomfortable with the small, yet public display of affection from his girlfriend.

"She's gonna be ok." Savannah said with a smile, "A few cuts and bruises and a little shook up, but considering what happened to her, she's doing just fine."

"Thank God." Morgan puffed.

"Can we see her?" Emily asked, her want to see her friend outweighing the want for the ground to open up and swallow her right at that moment

"Of course." Savannah smiled, the two women sharing a curious look that neither of them really understood. "Come this way."

Savannah began to lead them along the corridor, but just a few steps in, Derek's cell sounded. He pulled it out of his pocket and eyed the screen.

"It's Hotch." He said, looking between the two women alternately. He wasn't sure who he was supposed to talk to. Why was this so hard? Speaking to two people at the same time. He could barely look either in the eye. "I have to take this." He continued, "You go ahead and I'll catch up."

Emily shot him a hard glance, but he ducked it, pretending not to notice as he inwardly thanked Hotch for removing him from the situation. Emily hoped he could feel the daggers she was shooting into his back with her glare right at that moment.

Savannah watched the brunette as the brunette stared at her boyfriend with what appeared to be a look of disgust. She half smiled curiously and wondered just what kind of trouble he had gotten himself into.

But ignoring Emily's apparent awkwardness, she indicated along the hallway with her hand. "Shall we?" Savannah suggested,

"Sure." Emily half smiled politely.

She followed the woman. "Is anyone with her? Police wise I mean." Emily asked as they walked, trying what she could to divert the thoughts racing through her mind.

"Yeah. There's two cops guarding her on the door."

"Oh good."

But as they turned the corner, Emily felt an almighty blow to her ribs and yelped. It was muffled as a hand gripped her mouth tightly.

"Move!" A man's voice shouted.

Emily was trying to move, but she realised quickly that he wasn't to talking to her, but to Savannah. The Doctor looked scared to death and was staring at Emily with her big, light brown eyes. She glanced above Emily's head causing her to do the same which was when she saw the handgun just hovering above her temple. She felt the cold metal connect with her skin.

"Get in there!" He ordered, pointing to a red, hard wood door.

"But it's just a boiler room." Savannah bargained.

"I know what it is bitch! Now get in there!"

Savannah looked to Emily for an answer and she nodded, indicating for her to do as the man said.

"What do you want?" Savannah asked desperately as they all entered the room and he slammed the door shut behind them.

"Shut up or I blow her brains out."

Emily let out a cry of pain as the man punched her in the stomach then kicked the backs of her legs so she fell to the ground.

All Savannah could do was watch in horror with her hands firmly pressed against her mouth for fear of aggravating the man further with her screams.

"What are you doing?" Emily shouted as he tied her hands behind her back.

"Just shut up!" He shouted back. "I want your weapons." He said, furiously patting her body all over.

"I haven't got any."

"Bullshit!" He spat, taking her cell from her pants pocket, "You're FBI. You gotta have weapons."

"I'm not." She answered, grimacing from the pain and discomfort, "I'm not FBI."

The man scoffed and grabbed Emily's suit jacket, ripping it off her body, then letting his hands wander all over every inch of her, clearly enjoying it.

"I told you I haven't got any weapons." She snarled through her teeth as his hands rode up the inside of her leg.

He stopped and looked at her with a grin, "Just had to make sure beautiful."

Emily's whole face tensed, and without really thinking it through, she spat in his face. The man's face turned a deep shade of purple with anger and before she could react, the back of his hand connected with a smack across her face.

Savannah grimaced at the sound of bone hitting bone.

He then turned to Savannah and she instantly recoiled, thinking she was about to get the same treatment, but all he did was hold out his hand. "Give me your cell. Now!" He ordered.

She looked to Emily questioningly and the brunette gave her another small affirmative nod, so she reached slowly into her pocket and gave the man her phone.

He dropped it on the floor and stamped hard over and over until it was in small pieces.

"Right." He said turning back to Emily, "That FBI guy you were with, the black guy. His number in your cell?"

She nodded reluctantly.

"PIN code." The man ordered holding Emily's cell up to her.

"What do you want?" She asked, her breathing heavy already from the pain.

He put his face an inch from hers, "I want the god damn PIN code." He snarled, pressing the barrel of the gun to her temple.

"Ok Ok." She conceded, "Two, eight, three, nine."

"His name!" The man barked at her.

Emily just stared at him. She didn't want to play his games, but just as she went to answer him, the phone rang out, the Hawaii Five-0 theme tune reverberating around the room.

The man looked at her screen and smiled, then turning the cell to show the two women, "Well how about that for a coincidence eh? The man himself."

Derek's smile beamed at the women from the cell screen and Savannah turned to glance at Emily wondering just who exactly she was and why she had a picture of Derek on her phone. But Emily hadn't noticed. All of her attention was honed in on the man, trying to read everything about him. His body language. His tone. His words.


She turned as she heard Derek's familiar tone coming from the loud speaker.

"Go on." The man said, holding the device next to her face, "Speak to him."

"Emily. What's going on? Where are you?"

"Derek." She said whispily.

"Are you ok? Who's that with you?"

She went to speak, but the man whipped the phone away.

"My name is Travis Barnes." He began, "I want to speak to the person in charge."

"Who the hell are you?" Derek spat down the phone, "Let me speak to Emily."

The man laughed in a single snort, "She's a little tied up at the moment, Agent."

"What did you do to her? If you hurt her, I swear to God..."

"Awww. That's very sweet." The man said mockingly, "But what exactly are you going to do? I hear you so much as making a move to come here, I'll put a bullet in her brain. You hear me?" He shouted.

"Ok. Ok." Derek answered, softening his tone just a little, "Tell me what you want. Just don't hurt her ok?" The desperation in his tone was not lost on anyone in the room. Emily silently willed him to calm down. He would normally be calm, but she knew that the past events with Doyle would be firmly planted in the front of his mind, not to mention what they had just gone through with JJ.

"I want to speak to whoever is in charge." He spat impatiently.

"In charge of what?"

"The arrest of Harry Mathers."

"You can speak to me about that." Derek said.

"Ok then. I want him released."

"You know it's not that simple. He's in a lot of trouble for what he did."

"But it's not his fault. We were tricked. The man who got us to do it didn't tell us blondie was FBI."

"It doesn't matter."

Derek couldn't see it, but Emily and Savannah could. The rage built up again, just as quick as it had gone down.

"No!" He shouted, kicking a medical supplies tray, sending its contents crashing all over the floor. He then quickly turned to Emily and grabbed a handful of her hair at the back of her head and shoved the cell back next to her face. She yelped in pain as he pulled hard on her hair.

"Emily!" Derek shouted from the cell.

"Listen to me." The man began, "I am not playing games here. You do as I say or I will hurt her... even more!"

"Ok. Listen." Morgan said, attempting some reason, "Give me something to work with here. You know I can't just release him. You have to work with me Travis. You understand?"

"He's right." Emily said softly.

The man looked to her and then the cell, "Ok." He said, "I'll have to think about it."

"Sure." Derek said, "Take a few minutes. Think about how we can work this out together."

"I'm hanging up now."

"Wait!" Derek called, "Let me speak to Emily. I have to know she's ok."

The man, distracted by his thoughts, just held the phone back towards her face.

"Derek." She said.

"You ok?" He said softly with a little break in his voice. His tone had completely changed.


"Has he hurt you?"

"Nothing I can't handle." She smiled.

"Just do as he says Emily." He told her.

"Derek, I..."

"I mean it." He interrupted, "I'm not losing you again."

Emily's eyes widened as she remembered the other woman stood next to her. She gave her a quick glance with a small, almost apologetic smile,then turned back to the cell,

"Derek. The Doctor is here too."


"The Doctor we were with earlier. She's here too."

There was silence at the other end. Savannah stared at the cell and then to Emily, she was quick enough to realise Emily couldn't let the man know that Derek had a personal connection to her too. That was if Emily even knew they did... she still wasn't entirely sure.

Emily broke the silence, "But she's ok Derek. She's fine. He hasn't touched her."

"Ok." Derek almost whispered, "No heroics Emily. You hear me?"

"Yes Derek." She replied, just as Travis snatched the cell away and cut the call off.

"Right." He barked, "Over there the two of you and sit on the floor." He ordered, pointing towards the opposite end of the room.

Both women did as he said, sitting next to one another on the cold stone floor, against some metal pipes than ran around the edge of the room.

Travis remained by the door, leaving a good twenty five foot gap between them. He sunk down to the ground, pressing his back against the door and pulled out a cellphone from his inside jacket pocket.

He pressed the screen and then put it to his ear, placing his free hand over his other ear.

"Are you ok?" Savannah whispered, leaning into Emily, now that the man was distracted.

The brunette glanced to the Doctor with a small smile, "Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing a few pain killers won't cure when we get out of here."

"Can I?" She said gently, reaching up to the small wound on Emily's forehead that was trickling with blood.

"Sure" Emily nodded.

"So you do think we'll get out of here then?" Savannah nervously chuckled as she gently cleaned the cut with a sterile wipe she had in her pocket.

Emily's smile widened, "Derek knows we're here. He'll figure it out. He's good at that."

Savannah let a few beats of silence pass before continuing, "Speaking of Derek, he never introduced us."

Emily let out a small laugh, "No he didn't. I'm Emily. I would hold out my hand to shake but I'm..." And she shrugged.

"Yeah." the other woman smiled, "I'm Savannah."

"Nice to meet you."

Emily couldn't help but like the woman. She was sweet. And she was caring. There was tenderness about her. May be it was because she was a Doctor, but that usually had the opposite effect. It seemed genuine.

"So." Savannah began, letting her head fall back against the wall and turning slightly to face Emily, "If you're not FBI, who are you?"

Emily looked back to her, "I used to be. I used to work on Derek's team. I came back when I heard JJ had gone missing."

"Oh I see." Savannah nodded, "So where do you work now?"

"London. I work for Interpol."

"Wow. Sounds impressive."

Emily pressed her lips together in a subdued smiled and shrugged, "Not really. No where near as exciting as it sounds... or my old job."

"You worked with Derek for long?"

She nodded, "About six years. We were partners."

Inside, Savannah began to put the pieces together. She swallowed before continuing her line of questioning. "So how come you left?"

She watched as Emily's face drop a little. The smile was gone and a darkness consumed her face.

"I'm sorry." Savannah said, "I didn't mean to pry, I just..."

"No, it's fine." Emily interrupted, "It's just it's a long story. I take it Derek never told you about it?"

Savannah just shook her head.

"Well, to cut a very long story short, I was undercover for a time years ago. Someone from that time came to find me and I had to run to protect everyone I cared about. Part of that was faking my death."

Savannah's brow shot up.

"Dramatic I know eh?" Emily half smiled.

"They faked your death?"

"Yeah. Derek thought I was dead for seven months. I'll never forgive myself for that."

"Wow." The Doctor uttered, "How did he think you died?"

Emily swallowed and shuffled a little feeling more and more uncomfortable. Savannah stared at her, consumed by the story. To any outsider, her story was intriguing, but every time Emily had to repeat it, no matter how brief, it tore another little piece of her away. But being trapped in the tiny space with this woman, Emily felt no escape, she had to continue.

"Derek found me. The man who was after me stabbed me in the stomach with a broken table leg. I pretty much died in the ambulance. They managed to revive me at the hospital. Derek and some of the others never knew I made it."

"How did they find out in the end?"

"I came back." Emily explained, "Derek managed to hunt down the man who stabbed me, so it was safe for me to come back."

"Oh." Savannah said, so many questions in her mind, but she couldn't help the Doctor in her coming out. It was what came naturally, "That's a hell of a trauma to your body. Are you ok now?" She asked, glancing down to Emily's stomach.

If her hands would have been free, she would have placed them over her stomach protectively, but instead she felt entirely exposed. She nodded, "Yeah. I mean there's a big scar there to remind of what happened every day, but on the whole, I'm fine physically."

"Is that why you left the FBI? Because of your injuries?"

"No." Emily replied, shaking her head, "I left because I felt guilty."

"What for?"

"The lies. What I put everyone through. It wasn't fair. I guess I couldn't live with the guilt every time I saw them, knowing what I'd done."

"They all seem like nice people though. I'm sure they didn't hold anything against you."

"They are nice people." Emily smiled. "They're good people. I am the problem. Not them."

"So that's what Derek meant... when he said he didn't want to lose you again?"

Emily gave an almost apologetic smile, "Yeah." She breathed.

"You two were close?"

The brunette stared at the other woman momentarily, not knowing the right thing to say, "We were partners for over six years." She decided upon.

Savannah smiled. It didn't take a profiler to figure out that this woman was avoiding answering the question properly.

"Can I ask you something?" Savannah continued.


"Did you know about me? I mean, did Derek tell you about me before you came here?"

Emily fidgeted and looked downward. Savannah didn't wait for a response, "You didn't, did you?"

Emily gave a small, almost nervous laugh, "I'm sure he meant to tell me, men are just like that you know."

"How often do you talk to him?" The Doctor asked quickly.

"What?" Emily said, turning to make eye contact with the other woman.

"How often?"

Emily swallowed and turned to look forward, averting Savannah's stare. "I'm not sure." She said with a shrug.

"Every day? Every week?" Savannah asked gently. Not accusatory.

Emily looked back to the other woman who looked at her kindly. She just wanted her to be honest and Emily couldn't do anything else at that moment.

"It really depends on how busy we are, but may be once a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less."

Savannah smiled, "And he never mentioned me." She stated.

Emily shook her head, "It doesn't mean anything."

Savannah paused. It was her turn to give Emily an apologetic smile, "He never mentioned you." She stated softly, "I've never heard your name before."

And that's when Savannah saw it. A bolt of hurt hit Emily, just the same as it had her a few moments before.

So there will be one more chapter to this... what do you think will happen?