Alright, so this is based off of DarkenedDawning's mythology au ( darkeneddawning. tumblr. com ) remove spaces- and here are the basics: Danny is a deertaur (half deer, half human) born to Maddie (a dryad) and Jack Fenton (a centaur). Basically, everyone lives in a forest and the leader is usually the biggest and the strongest- centaurs. Anyway, humans live in a sort of Victorian kinda way and they use myths as slaves, servants and pets. I'll add more if I think it's relevant later, but yeah. This is for DarkenedDawning and her beautiful au.

I slowly blinked my eyes open, adjusting to the bright morning light. Stretching out, I yawned widely. I looked up at the sky and stood up, shaking out my legs. I sighed and headed out of my glen and into the family room.

Dad had gotten the fire going already and was cooking something that vaguely resembled a rat. Mom was stationed at the large gray boulder that we used as a table and counter. She fluttered above it, chopping veggies and shoving them into a massive heap.

Dad trotted over and placed the rat things into the pile and kissed her cheek. I grimaced and looked away.

Ugh it's so gross when they do that. I mean, who wants to see their parents do that? I sure don't.

My Dad was supposed to be the leader. He's the biggest and strongest centaur in the forest! But because of his and Mom's… interest… in the spirit world, he kinda ignores his responsibility. If he were to maybe acknowledge that responsibility, even a little bit, maybe Dash wouldn't pummel me every day.

I huffed and made my way to the boulder. I sat back on my haunches and Mom scooted a lump of the pile over to me, along with a fork.

"Thanks, Mom." I took the fork in my hands and munched away.

"No problem, Sweetie. What are you going to do today?"

"I don't know. Probably go hang out with Tucker." Mom smiled and nodded.

Tucker is my best friend. I suppose I could probably say only friend, but he's a great guy. He's a satyr.

My sister flitted in with a smile on her face. Her hair, made of leaves the color of fall, trailed behind her like a gust of wind. She was 12 years old but she thought she was already an adult. I have a few different thoughts. But she doesn't listen to me, I'm only 10 years old.

I finished my breakfast quickly and pranced out of the clearing.

"Bye, I'm gonna go play with Tucker!"

"Be safe, Danny!" my Dad called after me, but I was already on my way.

I nimbly leapt through the trees and hopped towards Tucker's house.

When I got there, he was already waiting for me, sitting on top of a massive root, a smile on his face. "Hey, dude. You ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah, let's go!" Tucker slid off of the root and ran up beside me. We strode off in the direction of the Hollow, where most of the kids went and played.

"So, do you think Dash'll try and race you again?"

"Probably. He's so mad that I can beat him. It's funny."

"You should just run extra slowly this time, y'know- almost let him win and then cream 'im."

"Sounds good to me!" I laughed.

When we finally arrived at the Hollow, Dash was waiting for me.

He stormed up to me, his heavy hooves beating the earth and red coat shining in the sunlight. His face was held in a permanently angry and confused expression, making him look like someone who just heard a very wordy insult.. It's hard to believe this moron was supposed to be the next leader of the forest.

"Hey, Fen-ton!"

"What, Dash?" He's not even trying anymore, that nickname is just my actual name.

"I want a rematch. You cheated."
"No, Dash, I didn't cheat, I just ran faster than you did." I watched in amusement as his face grew almost as red as his fur and he blew up in an angry roar.

"You'll pay for this, Fenton!" He lunged at me, his massive body coming in fast. I dodged out of the way, but not fast enough. He clipped my back leg and sent me sprawling.

"OW!" I looked back at my leg, red blood was slowly oozing out of the fresh cut. I heard Dash laugh and looked up.

"Aww, look at the little big-eared baby! Are you gonna cry?"

"No! Go away, Dash!" I stood up shakily. It's hard when my legs get hurt. They're small when they're not missing a hunk of skin, I'd hate to see 'em without one. I stood on three legs and glared up at Dash.

"What is it Fen-turd? What're you and your big ears gonna do about it?"

I opened my mouth to reply but it was cut off by the cracking of a branch. Our heads all snapped in the direction of the noise, out ears straight up with caution.

Ever so slowly, a two legged man comes stepping through the brush, his face carefully blank. I was hidden behind Dash- he couldn't see me. His leather jacket was long and heavy looking, hanging down to his ankles from his shoulders. Black pants were stuffed into tall black boots. In his hand, a long, strangely shaped stick with an open end. In another hand, a set of reins that led up to a saddled horse, lean and strong.

A hunter.

Dash backed away from the hunter slowly, revealing me. The hunter's eyes narrowed and a determined look grew on his face as soon as his eyes met mine. He mounted his horse in a blink and SNAP!

We all darted off in separate directions, afraid of being caught by the hunter.

I don't know where the others went. All I knew was that he was after us, and most likely, me.

Myth children are the most valuable to them. We're young enough to mold into whatever they want us to be. And me, being a deertaur, who were once hunted specifically because we're 'elegant' or something, makes me rare, and rare is good.

I slipped through the trees noiselessly, the hunter trailing clumsily behind me. I leapt over creeks, valleys and roots, desperate to get away.

We got to a clearing and he finally caught up with me. His horse panting heavily and my leg throbbing with each heartbeat.

He raised the stick in his arm and a shot rang out.

Pain ripped through my chest and I fell, crashing to the ground.

My vision blurred and I looked up at the hunter. I couldn't see his face, I only saw him turning his horse and walking away.

I wanted him to stay and save me. I didn't care if he was the one who put me here in the first place, I needed help. I didn't want to die alone! I was too young! I called out to him, my voice breaking and weak. "Ple- a-ase, h-h-elp..."

He stopped his horse and turned back to look at me. He paused, just staring at me, blood leaking out of my chest, shuddering with the struggle of every breath. It wasn't long before he turned away from me and spurred his horse onward.

It wasn't long before my vision went black.