"Were back" Snow sighs.

I turn to face her and see that her hair is long again and that she's wearing her classic white cloak. I then slowly look down at myself and scowl, when I see one of my black Evil Queen outfits because Emma and Henry have changed me and despite the fact that we are all back in the enchanted forest where I can feel how powerful the magic is and the fact that I'm now the most powerful magic being, I'm not going to change back, I don't want to let them down. Even if they don't remember me. Everyone is looking around trying to distinguish where we are in the enchanted forest, except Belle who just standing staring in a daze and Snow who see's me scowl at my clothing and raises an eyebrow, In question.

I reply "Can't breath"

I don't know why I said that not because it isn't true but because the reason isn't the corset, despite it being very uncomfortable after not wearing one for 30 years. The reason is because I feel like my heart just has given up, It keeps loving and losing, I've lost the last two people I've ever loved and I never even got to tell Her that I loved her. I don't want people around me to that I'm collapsing from the inside out as i feel trapped around them because if i let my guard down anything could happen but at the same time they are making me feel completely alone, like i always end up being. No one here knows me like Emma and Henry did and no one here is going to want to be around me or get to know and it's all my fault. Slowly as my thoughts grow more erratic I start to feel faint and I try to hide it as I feel guilty and weak, which are two things I am not used to indulging in feeling or want to feel. My quilt intensifies,

As Belle responds "Yeah, me too"

Snow looks at both Belle and I, and I see an expression that must match my own as she adds

her two cents. "Yer, I hate these damn corsets"

I feel a little less alone as Belle and Snow second my misery because, misery loves company.

AN: This wouldn't leave my mind, so now I'm doing an after 3x11 story because my mind won't shut up. I feel like I'll mainly be focusing on these three but will see what my mind and heart agree on as the story continues.

Ps: sorry for any mistakes I couldn't get the scene to be like how i pictured it in my head