Lucy stared hard at her guild mark as she laid on her bed, right hand stretched out in front of her and the left supporting her head.

Travelling huh…

Travelling itself wasn't a bad idea; she does it a lot. Neither was helping people; it was in her blood. The really bad idea was the outcome of it. If what Drake said was true, it sounds almost as though he plans to make her a messiah. And that was something she has no plan on becoming.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in." Lucy answers as she sits up from the bed that was temporarily hers.

"Lucy?" Loke starts. "Are you okay?"

Realising it was only her stellar spirit, Lucy returns to her laying position.

"Yeah, I'm fine Loke."

Loke stares at her for a while, obviously unconvinced by her words.

"I know you better than that Lucy…" He says, settling down on the side of her bed.

Lucy lets herself laugh a little.

"Yeah… I know… It's just-" She pauses, wondering how she was to phrase it. "I don't think I'm capable of becoming… what Drake wants me to become…"

Loke raised a brow.

"I'd thought you'd love to help all those people."

"I do! Of course I do! But… to lead them… I can't do it." Before Loke could argue, Lucy added, "Not for a long shot anyways."

Loke closed his eyes as he considered what he should say to cheer up the blonde girl.

"Well, as long as you want to help those people, I think you should go and help them, after all, if you don't you'll only regret it further. As for the leading, we can think about it when the time comes. Who knows? You might even come around by then."

Lucy sighed.

If only it were that simple…

"Thanks Loke, I'll think about it… I just need some time alone right now."

Loke's heart sank. He could tell that Lucy was still troubled, but it was abundantly clear that he wasn't going to be able to help ease her mind. After sitting there for a while longer, he decided it was time he left.

"If you need me, I'll be in the spirit world."

"Thanks, Loke."

He may not be able to help Lucy himself, but he could help her get someone who could. With a flash, Loke disappeared and Lucy resumed her previous position on her bed to resume staring at the ceiling. She wondered if Loke understood the meaning of what he said; if she were to become the leader of the rebellion, and her identity is leaked, it won't just ruin her life and put a black spot in FairyTail's name, it would actually lead to an international incident, a war between the two countries! And that was the last thing she would ever want; to ruin the ones she loves and have others lose their loved ones.


"BOO!" – "WAH!"


"NATSU!" Lucy chided in exasperation as the pinkette crouched over at the other side of the bed, forehead in hands hoping that the pain from their previous collision soon subside.

"Ahahaha, my bad my bad!"

Anger slowly ebbing away, Lucy's anger was replaced with slight irritation, "When did you get back?"

Without asking, Natsu made himself comfortable in the temporary "Lucy's bed" and laid beside her.

"Just. What's wrong? You seem a little down."

Lucy laughs weakly as she rest onto the bed again, gaze once again returning to the ceiling.

"Just a little something…"

Natsu frowns but Lucy doesn't see it.

"Go on…"

Lucy hesitates for a good long while before daring to look in Natsu's direction, who by now was gazing back with burning curiosity. Sighing, she explains the events of the afternoon to Natsu and the plan that Drake had revealed to her that very evening, all while stealing occasional glances at the pinkette whose eyes would either be on the ceiling or closed. When she was done, she continued to stare at Natsu, her heart somewhat expecting something, but she didn't know what exactly was it.

"So, what's the problem? It sounds like something you'd jump for!" Natsu suddenly burst in joy, to which startled Lucy.

"Well, I mean… do you understand what it means if I go through with this?"

Natsu immediately went quiet as he stared at Lucy, expression unusual hard to read. Suddenly, his face cracked into a grin and he spoke cheerily again.

"You think too much Luce."

Lucy felt a tug at her heart. It'd been such a long time since he used that nickname and it was a pleasant nostalgia to hear it again. Back then, she'd correct him and tell him to call her name properly, she'd scold him for being so happy-go-lucky. But right now, she welcomed it back warmly. But that didn't mean that she was going to miss up on an opportunity to jab at him.

"And you think too little."

But Natsu had made a point, it seemed like she was thinking too hard this time. All she had to do was to make sure that she wasn't caught. Also, it wasn't as though the one who led the group had to be Lucy, honestly, anyone would make the cut so long as they were against the prejudice, a mage, and a Bellum citizen. It seemed like she'll have some deals to make and people to find.

Lucy closed her eyes and let out a sigh of relief at being able to finally have things all sorted out in her head, however, Natsu thought she was letting out a troubled sigh as she was still not convinced and decided to give one last push.

"But really, I want to help these people too and I'm sure everyone agrees with me." Natsu continues. "We're in this together!"

At this, Natsu had held out his fist, signalling Lucy for a fist bump. Sighing with a smile, she returned the bump.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in." Vanessa answers.

As Lucy steps into the room, she notes that the others seemed to be in the midst of a meeting, causing her to feel a little bashful.

"U-Um… If now isn't a good time, I can come back later…"

Vanessa gives a polite smile and waves off her concern.

"It's quite alright. We were discussing about you anyways."

Lucy could understand that. After all, it seemed like everyone could tell that she wasn't very keen on the idea. She takes in a breath to steel herself as she tells them her decision.

"I'm all in."

Joel's expression flexed a little before he stands from his rest.

"Lucy, when one says "I'm all in.", they mean "I'm completely willing and I want this.". I'd hardly say that you fit the bill."

"Joel." Vanessa warns him but Lucy stops her.

"It's quite alright." Then, turning to Joel, she addresses his concern. "I know what you're worried about and you're right. I'm only all in if you'd agree with my terms."

Drake takes a step forward.


"Yes. I'm all in to help those people and I want nothing more than for them to finally get the peace and equality they deserve. But I'm not willing to become their leader."

"But-!" Drake tries to argue but Lucy stops him.

"Fairy Tail will be more than willing to become proof that mages do care for non-mages and will be responsible with our powers, but as for a person who leads them, I think it'd be best to have a Bellum citizen to do so."

"But Lucy-sama, you do have Bellum blood!" Drake argues.

"Having Bellum blood is one thing, but being a Bellum citizen is another." Joel suddenly explains in Lucy's stead, finally making eye contact with the blonde. The smirk on his face showing that he finally sees where Lucy is coming from. "In the event where Lucy's identity is revealed, people who don't want her up there would only see things how it benefits them. They won't see her as someone who is of Bellum origin but an outsider pretending to be a part of Bellum."

Lucy nods in agreement and so does Vanessa.

Lucy takes a breath and brings up her suggestion. "That's why I was thinking… that Kyle would be a better suited person for that role."

"What?" At this, Joel and Vanessa were taken aback.

"Why Kyle?" Vanessa asks.

"Honestly, Drake would fit the bill too. I just thought that someone who is a Bellum citizen and is more than capable to protect and fight for their people would be suitable for the role. And the only ones who fit that description and can be we trusted, is Kyle and Drake."

There was a pregnant silence as the members in the room did their thinking. Realising that they weren't convinced, Lucy further elaborates.

"Of course, it doesn't have to be them. Along the way, if we deem anyone is suitable, we can try consulting them about it. It doesn't have to be now."

Joel lets out a soft smile in concede as he turns to the remaining two.

"Well, I'm sold, so it's up to you two to decide now."

Drake makes multiple small nods as he slowly agrees to Lucy's terms.

"If that is what you wish, should the situation become dire, I and Kyle will step up to that responsibility."

Vanessa sighs as well, making her way to the blonde.

"It seems my vote won't be necessary." She smiles gently at Lucy, her eyes seemingly mixed with both pride and a tinge of sadness before shifting to a much more urgent note. "We'll make the necessary preparations. Will your friends be able to mobilise tomorrow?"

Lucy nods, not missing a beat and matches with Vanessa's pace.

"Yes, we've made contact with our remaining friends back at the Fairy Tail headquarters. They are already on their way and say that they will be able to arrive tomorrow at noon if they hurry. Of course, if it's possible, we'd like to utilise the portal and underground transportation for a much quicker arrival."

"I'll do it." Joel volunteers quickly, jumping off the table that he had casually rested on during the whole duration of the discussion. "Tell them to meet me at the front gate of Burma's mansion and I'll guide them here."

"Do that." Vanessa agrees as Joel slips out of the room. "As for you, Drake, please get the others to start preparing the necessary resources for tomorrow's care. If it's possible, I'd like to set up a triage for the refugees. Oh, and please remember to inform Kyle of the plan."

Drake nods and takes a bow to the two ladies before taking his leave.

"And Lucy."


"Thank you."

A/N: Now, I won't bother with the excuses, it's been a long time and I'm really sorry ^^; Please rate and review cause really, they really help keep me going and it's the only way I'd know if I made some sort of mistake or some thing =) Till next time ^^