Jason POV
"So do you have your worksheet?" asked the latino elf kid," Cause I used mine for spit wads weeks ago".
"I don't particully care about worksheets at the moment", said Jason,"So who're you guys?"
"I'm Piper McClo-McLean and this is Leo Valdez", said the newly dubbed Piper.
And then the clouds rolled in…
So after some crazy classmate of theirs had turned into a storm spirit of some kind, Jason had gotten electrocuted and lost his shoe, a tan girl with blonde hair curled like a princess and penetrating gray eyes held a knife to his neck.
"Where is he?" she hissed,"You're the key to finding him, so where is he?!"
"Woah Annabeth take a breather," said a buff guy with a tattoo of a rainbow on his arm.
"I will not just 'take a breather', Butch!" yelled the girl," Hera said that I would find Percy here so where is he?!"
"Who's Percy?" asked Leo looking very confused,"Who are you guys?"
The blonde girl took a deep breath and then let it out. "My name's Annabeth and this is Butch. We're here to find a friend of ours…"she trailed off, "Where's Grover?" she asked urgently.
"Umm…"said Leo looking around,"I think he's inside with the other kids, why?"
Annabeth sighed in relief,"Ok, I'll get him. Just get on the chariot with Butch".
So after the crazy blonde went to go and find Grover, Leo, Jason and Piper went onto the flying chariot with the buff guy with a rainbow tattoo (real manly).
"So what exactly is going on?" asked Piper.
Leo thought that she looked awfully calm for someone who almost got thrown over the side of the catwalk, almost as if she was used to stuff like this happening to her.
And even weirder, after Butch explained the demigod thing and they were in the air with Annabeth and Grover, Leo could have swore he heard Piper mutter,"Not the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me", out of the corner of her mouth.
After they got to camp, crashed into the lake and had Piper's hair insulted, Leo sat in his bed and watched as his hand lit on fire. He frowned. Even here, he was a freak amongst freaks.
Piper POV
Drew's remark about her hair hadn't bothered her too much. It was just annoying. Piper realized that she would have to tell her friends from home about the demigod thing. Maybe she could Iris-message them, a thing Annabeth had told her about on their tour. Annabeth had even given her some drachmas to use for it.
Piper took out the drachmas and whispered,"Please Goddess, accept my offering, show me Conrad in New York".
She threw the drachma in and Conrad's face appeared in the mist.
"Hey Conrad!" Piper exclaimed.
"Wha- AHH!" he fell out of his chair.
She started laughing and couldn't stop,"Yo-your face".
"What, how are you doing this?" he asked, looking alarmed.
"This? This is an Iris-message", Piper said and explained everything.
"So your real mother is Aphrodite and you can charm speak which is how you take stuff," Conrad said.
"Ah", he said.
Piper nodded, used to him immediately understanding things,"Anyway I gotta go to bed".
"Ok, just so you know, I'm going to visit Kimber and Jasper tomorrow".
"Oh, that's cool", answered Piper,"Tell them I said hi and explain the demigod thing to them".
"So see ya, Conrad!"
She ended the message and went back to bed.