Fitzgerald Thomas "Fitz" Grant looked around at his surroundings and marveled at his situation. There he was, after having been dragged out to celebrate by Harrison Wright – one of his oldest and closest friends – at a lounge. Fitz didn't do lounges, especially lounges where, on Saturday nights, played nothing but hip hop, r&b, and dancehall reggae. Oh, it wasn't that he didn't like that type of music. On the contrary, Fitz's eclectic iPod playlist was filled with older and current artists like Joe, Mary J. Blige, Notorious B.I.G., Jay-Z, Miguel, and Robin Thicke. Hell, he even had a few of the more mainstream crossover reggae artists like Shaggy and Sean Paul in rotation – though, admittedly, he sometimes had no clue what they were saying. No, musical selection wasn't an issue. The issue was that he didn't want to embarrass himself. He could dance, and dance very well - most of the time. But sometimes, when he wanted to impress someone, he could sometimes appear rhythmically challenged. During these rare occasions, he'd just look so awkward, as if his body wouldn't cooperate.

Yet, he let Harrison talk him into coming here to hang out. The two men didn't get to see each other as often as they would like. Three years ago, Harrison left the law firm both he and Fitz worked at in order to put his MBA, gotten in a joint JD/MBA program, to use at a consulting shop. Thus, the two men, having been friends since sitting next to each other on their first day of Civil Procedure at Harvard Law School, took any opportunity presented to get together. Since Fitz was made the lead attorney on a workplace discrimination case, Fitz knew that his free time could be severely limited for the next few weeks.

"Here you go, my man. Drink up. Unwind. Relax. We're supposed to be having fun! You know you won't be able to unwind like this for a while," Harrison said, taking a swig of his own drink, a Hennessy and Coke.

Fitz swallowed a gulp of scotch. "Harrison, you know I love you. But, you know I'm not really into the lounge slash club scene. I have no idea what you were thinking."

Harrison grinned. "Honestly? I was thinking you need to get laid, and that this would be a good way to make that happen."

"What the hell are you talking about? I don't need to get laid. Harrison, just –"

"Whoa whoa whoa! Calm the hell down Fitz. I was joking…but given your reaction, maybe you really do need to get laid. Your defensiveness is showing, and we are not in a court of law," Harrison smirked, knowing that he'd gotten the better of his friend.

"I'm just going to ignore you and drink my scotch." Which is what Fitz did, sipping as he looked out onto the dance floor from his spot on the club's mezzanine floor. For a few minutes Fitz and Harrison chatted about work as much as they could over the loud music.

"So how do you like this spot, man?" Harrison asked Fitz, already knowing what Fitz was going to say. Harrison also expected the frown he received before Fitz answered the question.

"Harrison, you know how I sometimes get in places like this."

"But it's 90's Night, Fitz! C'mon man. Montell Jordan? Biggie? This is your kind of music Fitz."

"Yea I know, but—" Fitz cut his sentence short when his attention was caught by the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen—and living in NYC, one often sees their fair share of good looking women. But the woman below in the middle of the dance floor was absolutely stunning. Fitz knew that if he thought she was stunning from this current distance, she'd be even more breathtaking up close.

She was working the dance floor with two girlfriends from what Fitz could see - and she had moves. Fitz noticed that he wasn't the only man in the building eying her, and he felt a wave of irrational possessiveness come over him. He felt aroused and jealous all at the same time, feelings that he'd never experienced working in concert.

"Fitz, what are you looking at?" Harrison asked him. His attention had been momentarily taken away by the waitress who'd brought him a refill on his Hennessy & Coke and her accompanied flirting. When the woman went to deliver drinks to other patrons, Harrison finally realized that his best friend was staring at the dance floor below them. "Ok, so the question isn't what you are looking at, but who you are looking at. Which one Fitz?" Harrison asked as he peered into the throng of the dancing crowd.

When Fitz didn't answer, Harrison looked at his friend who still looked as if he were in a trance. Instead of posing the question again, Harrison followed Fitz's line of sight and zeroed in on a very attractive woman dancing with a group of girlfriends. She was hot, and currently cutting up in the dance floor. Then, the DJ started playing Bell Biv Devoe's "Poison" and the woman in question got noticeably more excited and started doing the wop.

"This must be one of her favorite songs. Hell, Poison is everyone's favorite song. Go down there and dance with her. She's the one you're staring at, right?" Harrison asked Fitz while trying to point, as discretely as he could, to who he thought was the woman who'd captured his friend's attention so thoroughly.

Harrison's suggestion seemed to have gotten Fitz's attention. "You know I can't, at least not while she's surrounded by so many people watching her."

"So, what, you plan on waiting until she's sitting a corner somewhere by herself? Because, I have to tell you, even if she took a dance break she wouldn't be taking that break alone. She'd either be with her friends or any one of these guys that have been staring at her as much as you have. You gotta make your move before it's too late."

Right at that moment a man, clearly confident by the gait of his stride and the way he adeptly maneuvered around those in between him and the mystery woman, walked behind her and grabbed her hips and tried to grind on her. The woman whipped around quickly, wavy locks flying, and held her hand up to the guy. Fitz watched the interaction with a small smile. He couldn't read her lips, but given the way the man walked away dejectedly, Fitz made an educated guess that the woman had told him to back off.

"Maybe she doesn't want to dance with anyone?" Fitz speculated, as he watched another man get the brush off.

"Or maybe she just didn't find those guys attractive enough to want to dance with?" Harrison retorted. They watched the women dance and laugh for a while longer before Harrison had enough. "I'm going down there to dance."

Fitz opened his mouth to speak, but before he could yell out anything over the music Harrison interrupted him. "Don't worry, I'm not going to dance with your girl. I am going to dance with her friends though. They're hot. And maybe this way you'll be comfortable enough to bring your ass down there and get ya girl." With that, Harrison downed the rest of his drink and put the empty glass on the table. He clapped Fitz hard on the back and made his way toward his goal. All Fitz felt he could do was stand there and watch from the mezzanine. He saw Harrison approach the group and tap one of the ladies in the shoulder. Harrison must have said something suave or charming, because the woman smiled and they began dancing front to front.

After a few minutes of standing alone and brushing off two come ons, Fitz felt silly. Here he was, 35 years old, and afraid to talk to a woman. It was ridiculous - he wasn't going to stand for it. He was going to take a chance and hope for the best.

When Poison started playing, Olivia Pope was excited. "Alex, I love this song!" Olivia exclaimed over the music to her older sister Alexandra Pope-Spencer.

"I know girl, isn't the DJ great tonight? I knew you'd like it! What about you two?" Alex asked Quinn Perkins and Abby Whelan, who nodded in response. Abby and Quinn had been friends with Olivia for years, so when Alex decided her sister needed a night out she got the two other women to join her coercion and make the sometimes too cerebral woman come out and enjoy herself.

Olivia was about to answer her sister when she felt hands on her hips and her body being pulled against someone. Olivia frowned in frustration and turned around quickly, moving her body away to regain a semblance of personal space. When she was face to face with the guy - an admittedly handsome guy - the guy opened his arms to pulled her back to him when she held her hand up to him.

"I don't want to dance with anyone but my girlfriends tonight. Thanks but no thanks," Olivia yelled firmly over the beat. When Olivia turned down another prospective dance partner, Alex had had enough.

"Liv, what's your problem, why won't you dance with anyone? We're at a club for crying out loud!"

"Alex, leave me alone. I let you drag me here and I let you dress me as if I were your personal Barbie doll like you used to when we were kids." Olivia pointed at her attire - black leather leggings that appeared painted onto her form, a silk sleeveless wrap around top in white that showed off teases of cleavage that differed depending on what dance move she was doing, and a pair of four and a half inch leopard Christian Louboutin heels - for emphasis. "Alex, I even let you do my hair and makeup," Olivia said, speaking of the soft waves in her hair, very different from her normally structured and sometimes severe styles, and the black rimmed eyes and pouty deep red lips.

"But you look hot, Liv! You can't even say that don't like how I styled you, because you'd be lying!"

Olivia couldn't lie, she did look good. It was definitely far from her more conservative attire and subtle makeup, but she looked great and loved her sister's sense of style. "Yea, I look good. It doesn't mean I want to dance with anyone. You know I hate strange guys grinding all over me!"

Alex was about to respond (and as the older sister, she preferred having the last word) when Quinn spoke up. "Alex, she's right. She's here and she's having fun. If she doesn't want to dance with anyone it's okay. Plus, that leaves more for me and Abby, right Abby?" Abby, who was dancing with a cute guy with serious moves, nodded and gave them a thumbs up. Olivia, grinning at her sister in victory, just kept dancing.

"Just Got Paid" started blasting over the speakers and Olivia turned to Quinn to dance with her. They'd only be dancing for maybe thirty seconds when Quinn's attention was gotten by Harrison. Olivia wiggled her eyebrows at her friend and Quinn giggled in response before giving her attention to Harrison and doing her rendition of the Prep. Olivia turned around to her sister and danced with her.

After a bit of dancing, Harrison leaned over to talk into Quinn's ear. "You're a good dancer!"

"Thanks!" They danced a bit more until Quinn noticed Fitz watching their group. "Hey you see that guy? I think he's been watching us for a while."

When Harrison looked over and saw Fitz, he smiled, happy that his friend was trying to make a move. "Don't mind him. That my friend. I think he's trying to work up the nerve to dance with you friend," Harrison said, subtly pointing his chin at Olivia.

Quinn was about to say "you mean Olivia?" but then remembered that her longtime friend rarely, if ever, gave out her name to random guys, especially in this type of setting. So, in response, she said only "her?" while pointing at Olivia, who had her back turned to them. At Harrison's nod, Quinn said "he's really good looking. Why doesn't he just go up to her?"

"Because he's psyched himself out after seeing her turn down a couple of guys."

"Well, he should try anyway. You never know unless you try."

"That's exactly what I tried to tell him, but he's grown, he's going to do - or not do -what he wants." Harrison didn't know what else to say. Her never really seen his friend become so taken with a woman so fast, but there was a first time for everything. Yet, despite that, he didn't know what Fitz would do. He knew that under normal circumstances Fitz was more than comfortable approaching women, but this wasn't his home court, so to speak. Harrison was actually thinking about trying to find a subtle way to point him out to Olivia, when he saw Fitz begin to make his way toward his mystery woman. Fitz looked at Harrison and was given a thumbs up.

With that Fitz took a deep breath and walked up to Olivia. He tapped her on the shoulder and waited for her to turn around.

Olivia already had a caustic remark waiting on her tongue ready to go for yet another pushy guy, when she turned around and was momentarily struck mute. In front of her was probably the most handsome and all around good looking guy she'd ever seen. He could have easily been on a GQ cover with his simple, but timeless, well fitted jeans, black button up shirt, and leather loafers. He had hair she knew would bring her joy and pleasure to run her hands through, and his lips, twisted into a cocky smirk, made her want to do unspeakable things.

"Hi," the man said.

"Hi," was her simple and seemingly effective response, for the man broke out into a wide and beautiful smile.

"Dance with me," he said with a tone that spoke of confidence and assertiveness, not aggression.

"Ok." And they danced.

A/N: This is my first AU, guys! I'm excited about it What do you think so far? Sexy times in the next chapter! Leave me some reviews :-)
