The cover art for this story says 'We're just trying to find some color in this black and white world'. These are lyrics from The Maine's "Color"; it's a really great song, and it's the inspiration for this three-shot. On another note, lyrics from "Listen to Your Heart" by The Maine also served as inspiration, and the title for this came from the song "Color My World" by Chicago. Both are amazing songs that I highly recommend :)

Part 3:

Matthew blinked up at the sky as he saw a midnight blue blur shoot higher into the clouds before disappearing from sight. What on earth…that-that looked kind of like…

However, the blonde shook his head, cutting off that thought process. No impossible…

"Oi Birdie! Whatcha looking at?!"

Matthew blinked and focused his attention on his amused Prussian boyfriend. "Huh? Oh nothing Gil, nothing at all. I was just…" He looked back up at the sky. "Nothing…"

He jumped slightly as he felt a pair of lips peck his cheek, his pale skin flushing with warmth, and he turned to meet Gilbert's mischievous grin and glittering ruby orbs. "That didn't seem like nothing to me! Alright, Mattie, spill it—what did you see…or were you thinking about something? You were thinking about my awesomeness again, weren't you?! I knew it!"

Matthew instantly regained himself and giggled, shaking his head. "What makes you so sure that I'd be thinking about your awesomeness?"

Gilbert's grin broadened while he intertwined their fingers so that they were holding hands. "Well, for one thing, the fact that you're acknowledging my awesomeness is proof enough and second off, what else could you be thinking about when you're with the Awesome Me?! Even when I'm not around, I can guarantee that you're thinking of the gloriousness that is me, Gilbert Beilschmidt!"

Matthew chuckled and squeezed the warm hand in his, receiving a squeeze in response. "Oh really? You guarantee it?" When Gilbert confidently nodded, the Canadian quipped, "Okay then, I guess that means that you're obviously thinking of me when I'm not around, eh?" He enjoyed how his lover's pale face darkened to a light pink, and he contently snuggled close to him. "Am I on your mind, Gillie~?"

Gilbert lightly coughed and absentmindedly scratched his cheek, his eyes soft and his smile a bit less roguish. "Well, I…of course, Birdie, I…oh damn you and your cuteness! Even someone as cool as me is no match for someone as sweet as you!" He grinned slightly when Matthew giggled and then changed the subject. "So, uh, speaking of sweet, we might wanna buy some extra maple syrup if that kid Jack is gonna sample your pancakes! We don't know how much that kid's gonna eat, especially with your cooking, Matt!"

The blonde smiled in appreciation and replied, "I suppose we can stop by the market. After all, teenagers have big appetites. I mean, I remember Al when we were younger; he would supersize everything!"

Gilbert cackled with amusement. "When you were younger?! Your bruder still does that now!"

Matthew chuckled as he recalled a particular memory of watching Alfred scarf down a burger in one bite, practically inhaling it as he reached for another one. "No arguments there." Then something occurred to him that caused him to furrow his brow. "Huh, random thought, but I just realized something about Jack…he wasn't wearing any shoes."

Gilbert considered this, mentally reimagining their conversation with the teen. "He wasn't, was he? How weird." Nevertheless, a bright grin spread across the Prussian's countenance. "The kid probably thinks he's too cool to wear them! Good for him! Hell, I'm too awesome for them! No shoes, no shirt, and I still get service! Ha!"

"Even so, it's much too cold for him to not wear any shoes; he seems sensible enough to know that, especially if all he has to do is look outside." He paused for a moment, allowing a notion to come to mind. "You don't think he's homeless, do you?"

Gilbert briefly looked concerned before it melted away with a smile. "If he is, then I say let's adopt the kid! You can never have too many people appreciating my awesomeness!"

Matthew felt his face warm up and his heart flutter at the thought of him and Gilbert raising children together. He imagined little boys and girls running around their humble home or playing in the backyard snow or listening to stories he and Gilbert have to offer them, their eyes sparkling with wonder. Perhaps their eyes will be a soft blue like his or a bright, vibrant crimson like Gilbert's. Maybe they'll have soft blonde hair or platinum white. But the question was would they be invisible and painfully shy or social and confident?

Though Matthew couldn't tell for sure, he liked the possibilities of the future, what their future held. Before he could get lost in the blissful reverie, Matthew regained his focus and said, "R-right but…Jack's probably not homeless. After all, he did mention something about guardians if I recall correctly."

The albino casually shrugged. "Oh yeah huh, but I think we'd make awesome parents, and he'd make an awesome son! It'd be a blast having the kid around, and I'd mentor him on how to be truly awesome, and I'd give him beer! I'd be the best Vater ever!"

Seeing Gilbert's eyes shine and his expression glow at the idea, Matthew softly smiled. You sure would, Gil. "Don't get ahead of yourself, he hasn't even come over yet. For all we know, we might never see him again once we give him pancakes."

"Or he'll be so amazed by your Pfannkuchen and my awesomeness that he'll be over every day!"

Matthew chuckled and commented, "I guess we'll just have to wait and see then." He then thought of something and hummed a bit. "Hmmm, perhaps while we're out shopping we could get him something for Christmas. What do you think? Is that creepy? I mean, we just met him and all so it might be kind of out of the blue…"

However, Gilbert beamed with approval. "Hell no, that's not creepy! That's a great idea, Birdie! The kid will be happy that we got him something! Besides, it's the freakin' holidays! Everyone deserves something awesome during Weihnachten! Ja, let's get him something!"

Matthew warmed at Gilbert's enthusiasm. "Great, so uh, what do teenage boys like?"

"I have no clue." Gilbert discreetly looked at the Iron Cross around his neck and beamed. As long as I know what I'm getting you, Birdie.

Gilbert twirled the chain around his fingers while his musings progressed. But…Jack sure as hell deserves something awesome for reminding me why I wear this and how Matthew is my life, my perfect vögelchen, my real awesomeness, and the color in my awesome world.

The albino grinned and exclaimed, "Ah whatever! No matter what we get him, it's gonna be awesome! The kid will bask in the glory of our awesome gift!"

Matthew chuckled fondly and drew closer to Gilbert who automatically wrapped him in his arms. "I like the sound of that. C'mon, let's head to the mall and hopefully we can get a few ideas."

Seeing his boyfriend's eyes glow like the Northern Lights made Gilbert subtly softened, and he pressed a kiss to Matthew's temple. "Du bist zu verdammt gut für dieser welt, mein vögelchen."

"I don't speak German, Gilbert. What did you say?"

"Nothing…and that was Prussian! Don't you recognize the language of awesomeness?!" Matthew giggled knowingly, and the two continued to walk along, neither of them more than a breath away from one another. As they strolled through the snow, their footprints trailed behind them, unknowingly imprinting into Jack's wintry creation of soft ice crystals, essentially similar to how they left a colorful impression on his winter-white world.

However, unlike their footprints, they won't fade away and their impact on the Guardian of Fun will last longer than time itself.

The End

Prussia and Canada's kids...did anyone else just imagine cute little chibi Canada carrying a stuffed bear and adorable Teutonic Knights running around causing mischief? So cute~ X3

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading this and for those who reviewed! I appreciate the wonderful response to this! Have a nice day! :D

Google Translations:

German/Prussian/the language of awesomeness



Du bist zu verdammt gut für dieser welt, mein vögelchen-You are too damn good for this world, my birdie (Thanks for a more accurate translation, Masterliful)