AUTHOR'S NOTE: Welcome to chapter 2 of A-ko's Mistake. This chapter contains a scene of vomiting; if you are queasy or sensitive at the moment, you might wish to skip over said scene. It is a brief detail and will not affect the overall story. Enjoy!

As A-ko hung up her phone, she looked at the corpse in front of her. C-ko's blood continued coming from her throat as she laid there lifeless and pale. Her face would be forever frozen in that frightened expression on her face. A-ko then got closer and touched her cold hand. She then ran to the Science lab and washed the blood off of the pocket knife, and then bent it and stuck it in the bottom cabinet. She then ran back to her main classroom.

What had she done?

From the pure stress of the situation, A-ko's stomach started to feel queasy. She ran to the classroom trash can and vomited inside of it. She thought she was done at first, but then she vomited some more, almost filling the entire trash can.

Finally, A-ko collapsed on the floor next to the trash can.

"Miss? Miss? Miss, are you okay?"

A-ko's eyes slowly began to open as she saw the blurry image of three cops standing above her.

"Too bright..." A-ko moaned, having difficulty figuring out what was going on.

"Miss, what happened? Who hurt you?" One of the cops asked. He was an older male, about 6'3, bald and holding a notepad. A-ko slowly began to snap back to reality and realized the kind of trouble she was in. She tried to think of a lie, and quick.

"There was a here...he..." A-ko tried to say in a daze. She then began to cry. One of the cops helped her up and patted her on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, everything's going to be just fine." Another one of the cops said. She was female, about 5'11, blonde hair, and was also holding a notepad.

"Thank you, ma'am." A-ko barely managed to choke out between tears as the officers tried to comfort her. Little did the officers know the tears weren't because she watched her friend be murdered, it was because she actually murdered her friend.

A-ko knew she was never going to be alright again. Life would never be the same after this.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Short chapter but I'll write another one tomorrow, did this in a rush before dinner. R&R highly appreciated!