A/N: Last chapter, xx Enjoy!

They kissed for a while, a long overdue kiss. Elliot had wondered for so long what Olivia's lip would feel like against his. Their kiss was so passionate and so personal. Olivia blamed it on twelve years of foreplay. She parted her lips from Elliot's, catching her breath.

"Yes," She said breathlessly, "I'll leave."

Elliot began kissing Olivia's neck; leaving a trail of hot wet kisses.

"I love you so much Liv."

"I love you too." The moment was to perfect and just as Elliot was about to sweep Olivia off her feet and make love to her like he had always dreamed, she stopped him.

"El, I..." It was too soon, Brian hadn't touched her since what happened with her and Lewis and even though she felt so much safer while Elliot held her in his arms, she couldn't do it. She wasn't ready.

"Liv, I'm sorry." Elliot said sympathetically.

"He taunted me; he said such terrible things…" She drifted her eyes, avoiding Elliot's while she spoke, "I promised myself I would never let it happen again. I swore I would be smarter, but I couldn't stop it. He's always there, always in my thoughts. I try so hard to not think about him." The urge to cry was strong, but no tears came from Olivia's eyes, she was so sick of crying. Every time she did she was reminded of how weak she had become. "I just don't think I can do it anymore… I don't want to do it anymore," Olivia felt herself open up. "I've given this job fifteen years old my life, and what do I have to show for it? No kids, no husband, no family. I wanted all of that. I wanted a happy ending; I wanted everything my mother didn't get to have." Olivia paused before continuing, "Sometimes I get up in the morning and I think about how different things could have been if I just took a chance. If I just had faith."

"Faith will take you a long way, but faith isn't all you need. You need love and happiness, you need to know that this journey isn't going to be easy; it's going to be hard. You need to know that you are a survivor, not a victim." Elliot lifted Olivia's chin up so that he was looking directly into her eyes. "And you need to know that I will be here every step of the way. Being you're friend, a shoulder to cry on, and hopefully one day something more." He lightly kissed Olivia on the lips.

It hurt Elliot so much to see how broken Olivia was, to know that some man could do such horrific things to her. Olivia was the most honorable, loving, trusting person Elliot had ever met in his life. He wanted to kill Lewis for what he did, he wanted to torture him and make him feel just as vulnerable and exposed as Olivia felt. Elliot grabbed Olivia and pulled her closer to him, he held her so tightly in his arms hoping that maybe some of her hurt would fall off. As Elliot held her in his arms, he noticed just how much she had changed. Her hair was a lot shorter, he could tell that it hadn't been professionally cut at first, but was fixed by a hairstylist. As he looked down and analyzed her more, he noticed the burn marks along the back of her neck; he rubbed his hands against them, causing Olivia to flinch. Olivia pulled from Elliot's arms; she didn't say anything as she stood in front of him. She pulled her shirt down, just enough to show the burn marks on her chest. Elliot winced as he looked. She rolled up her sleeves exposing the scars that had been left from the handcuffs. Tears filled Elliot's eyes.

"I want to kill him for what he did to you." Elliot whispered, he pulled Olivia back into his embrace. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, you saved me once before and I couldn't save you." Olivia was brought back to six years ago, when Dale Stuckey had nearly killed Elliot. It was such a painful memory to think about, she had come so close to losing Elliot.

"I forgive you. I understand why you left, I get it now. I'm sorry for not understanding before." Olivia kissed Elliot on the lips. "I love you Elliot Stabler." A small smile grew on her face, "Thank you."

"For what?" Elliot said softly.

"For calling." Elliot smiled, and kissed Olivia lightly on the lips. Olivia felt so innocent while Elliot held her, so safe and secure. For the time that he held her she forgot about Lewis, she forgot about Brian, her job, she forgot about the world. All she thought about was just how happy Elliot made her. It had taken fifteen years, but Elliot had finally admitted how he felt about Olivia, and after fifteen years it was all she wanted to hear. To know that he was just as crazy about her as she was about him. Olivia knew that Special Victims wasn't where she belonged anymore; she belonged in Elliot's arms, where she was always meant to be.