Rose didn't dream. Dreaming would mean that she was sleeping, and she rarely slept. She hadn't been able to get a good night's sleep since John's death five years ago.

Was it five years? Or had it been more?

As something akin to a Tardis, Rose could float in the Time Vortex just as the Tardis did, and it was something she had done in between leaving the parallel universe after her husband's death and meeting River Song. River had gotten her out of her depression, and helped her start to figure out things.

So, in reality, Rose had no idea how long it had been since Jonathan's death. Maybe it was five years, maybe it was five hundred, and Rose had a sinking feeling it was closer to the latter.

Rose wandered through the halls of the Tardis, feeling more at peace than she had in a long time. She entered the kitchen, thankfully the same as it had been when she had left, it hadn't changed, unlike the Doctor and the console. But, if Rose were to be honest, she didn't mind the changes. She was a different person than she had been when the Doctor left her and Jonathan on Bad Wolf Bay, and the Doctor was a different person, so it worked out.

Rose made herself a cup of tea, jumping in surprise as she turned and spotted the Doctor, the new new new Doctor, standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"I can leave," the Doctor said, moving as if to turn and leave.

Rose smiled, shaking her head. "Stay, please. If you don't mind," she said, fingering her diamond encrusted wedding band.

The movement of Rose's fingers drew the Doctor's gaze, who smiled sadly upon seeing the ring.

"You married him, then?" The Doctor poured himself a cup of tea before sitting down across from Rose.

"Ten years, almost. He was killed about a month before our anniversary. We were going to go back to New Earth, and he promised to buy me chips. He was finally going to buy me chips." Rose laughed, caught up in memories.

"I'm so sorry, Rose," the Doctor reached across the table, placing his hand over hers.

"Don't be," Rose told him. "It was his time, I know that. I knew, only a few months into our marriage, when we discovered I hadn't changed since the Game Station, that I was going to outlive him. That's why we came up with the plans for a new dimension cannon, so that, when the time came, I could come back to you. My return wasn't a spur of the moment idea. It was several years of planning, Doctor."

"And he was okay with that?"

"John only ever wanted me to be happy. With him, or without him. He knew that I wouldn't return here until his death, and, by designing the dimension cannon, he was ensuring I would be happy upon his death. We just didn't expect his death to happen as it did."

"What's going to happen with us, Rose?"

"That depends on you, Doctor. I love you. I've loved you for a long time. But if you don't want me like that, then I can accept that, and just be your friend."

The Doctor stood up, making his way to the other side of the table so he could kneel before Rose.

"Rose Tyler. Or is it Noble?" The Doctor paused, waiting for Rose's answer.

"Tyler-Noble," Rose answered softly, staring into the Doctor's eyes.

"Rose Tyler-Noble," the Doctor began once more. "I've had a long time to think about this, and not a day goes by when I wish I had taken you with me that day on Bad Wolf Bay. I don't regret leaving you there with John, but I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you at my side, however long that may be. So, Rose Tyler-Noble, will you marry me?"

Rose grinned, not surprised to find herself crying silently. John's last words to her had been an order to let herself be happy with the Doctor, and she knew, that if he could see this from wherever he was now, he would approve of what she was about to say.

"Of course, Doctor," Rose responded, pulling the Doctor up as she stood. "But first, there's something I have to do."

Rose pulled the Doctor into a kiss, snogging him thoroughly. Rose pulled back slightly, grinning at the panting Doctor.

"But, I can only marry you on one condition," Rose warned the Doctor.

"What is it?" He asked cautiously.

"I want Jack, Mickey, and Martha at our wedding. I didn't really get to meet Martha, but she was your friend, so she has to be there. Along, of course, with Amy, Rory, and River. Anyone you want to invite?"

The Doctor gaped slightly. "I'll get back to you on that," he promised, before remembering. "I know you already have a wedding band, but here," he said, pulling a silver ring out of his pocket.

Rose grinned, sliding off her wedding band, which she then slid onto a chain that had been around her neck, before allowing the Doctor to slide her second engagement ring onto her finger.

"It's beautiful," Rose said, watching the gemstone, a sapphire, glitter in the light of the kitchen.

"So, all of Time and Space at our disposal, where do you want to go?" The Doctor grinning at the girl he loved, the girl who had just agreed to marry him.