
Chapter 2

Okay, now the story continues. I'm sure you were all waiting eagerly for the second chapter. Anyways, I guess since a bit of a cliffhanger saying something about a month later, I'll just start from there, since nothing really happened in that first month.

Okay, so I was doing a dance to ET by Katy Perry (and my sluttly alien costume was pretty damn gorgeous if you ask me) when I suddenly was on the ground, crawling around and getting close to the guys. I could smell the sickening scent of sweat and smoke, but I was getting out of control.

By the time the music stopped, I had to make myself stop. It was too much for me. I had to have some kind of release, whether it was from myself or not.

I was just getting out of the employee room when I saw a horribly familiar face. He smirked at me as he stomped out the bud that was his cigarette. The lighting made it hard to tell, but I was pretty sure he was giving me the "look," which is the look I get from guys constantly. It's basically them begging for a quickie.

This look though...something about it was different. It was more demanding than it was begging. I liked it, almost. It was refreshing to see a man with good taste in women, who also had good seduction technique.

If only it hadn't been Scourge…

"Hey sweet cheeks, you seem like you've been doing well for yourself," he grinned. "I see you lost your head a bit on stage there. That's new for you."

"Wait...how often have you seen my shows?" I asked, almost a little scared.

"Since I heard you began dancing here, and that may have been your third night. You've got quite the fanbase, Amy." He was so damn cocky… "So, how much?"

"How much for what?" I questioned, already knowing the answer. I let my fear go and replaced it with a wall. He wasn't going to break me.

"You know, for sex. The humpty dance. A fuck. Whatever the hell you call it, I would like to have it with you. For the right price, of course."

I was intrigued by this bastard for some reason, by the way he was so bold. So I humored him.

"...How much?"

"How's a thousand dollars sound?"

I nearly choked on my own saliva. A thousand dollars? Jesus, he must've thought I was really good at sex…

"I-I-I-I…" I couldn't answer. How do you respond to such a large offer for something that seems so trivial? I only say "seems" because, well…

"So? What do you say?" Scourge asked.

I just nodded. I needed the tension release anyways.

He smirked and I lead him to the special room where this sort of thing happened. I was trembling, it was terrifying. Scourge was capable of anything, so who knows what could happen here. When we got into the room, I was shaking twice as bad. This room was so much nicer than what I had been expecting.

The room had the smell of cinnamon in the air (most likely from the bondage candles) and the bed was actually nicely made. The red glow that surrounded the room gave Scourge an odd glow. I felt overwhelmed by the situation, so I just blurted out what needed to be said.

"Scourge, I know this probably doesn't matter, but I think you should know that I-I've never been with a man before."

He laughed outright at me, then grabbed my chin. Quite gently, surprisingly. I didn't know if he'd take me seriously or not, so I braced myself for anything.

"Oh, a pure little virgin? How sweet. Wouldn't have expected that outta you." His words were both surprised and mocking. "This is definitely worth the money." He must've noticed my nervous look, because he then said, "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you. Why would I want to break the most expensive thing I've ever bought, anyways?"

He had a point, no matter how weird that point was. Either way, I didn't want to have to remember my first time as the worst night of my life. Then again, it isn't exactly as romantic as I'd been hoping it would be. But, still, a thousand dollars can pay for so much. I'd be set for a while, including all of the money I get from the other men. Also, it wasn't like Scourge wasn't the worst-looking guy in the world…

Before my thoughts could go any further than that, Scourge had let go of my chin and was holding my arms and pulling me close. His lips ever so carefully touched mine, and then he pursued my mouth. We were locked by our lips, which were moving in a fiery passion, I guess is how you could phrase it.

I became slightly scared when his tongue poked my teeth. I had never done ANYTHING like this, whether it was sex, making out, or even touching. I'd never had a boyfriend, so all of this was new to me. Scourge pulled back, so he must've noticed how nervous I was.

"Have you ever even kissed a guy?" He asked. I shook my head. He laughed, though it didn't sound mean. "This is great! I'm gonna be your first for everything, aren't I?"

"Well, if you became my boyfriend, then yeah, you would." I blurted. I regretted saying it immediately after it was too late.

His grin told me everything. Before I could take it back, though, we were on the bed, with Scourge pinning me down. It wasn't too tight though.

"What's wrong?" He asked, leaning into my ear and sending chills up my spine. "Lost all of that confidence you had when you were dancing?"

I felt like I was going to die, but, in a good way. For some sick reason, I liked this. I liked this attention that I was getting. It was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. Instead of telling him that, though, I just groaned and squirmed, as if I were asking him to take control, which was new for me. As I said before, I like taking charge, so finding a man who likes the same thing was just amazing. He takes charge when he wants to.

"Ah, I see, the great and powerful Amy Rose is being seduced by none other than Scourge the Hedgehog. What an honor." His grin was maddening, and I was loving it.

I have no idea what came over me, but when he started kissing me again, I lost it. I wiggled my hands out from under his and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer. His hands traveled down my body, sending foreign signals all throughout that felt amazing. I begged for him not to stop when he took breaths for air. I couldn't get enough of someone that I wanted nothing to do with no more than five years ago.

"Jeez, Amy, for a virgin, you're a real sex freak." Scourge laughed. "I like it."

I couldn't respond, I was already in Heaven.

He laughed again, and I just wanted to hear his voice more. I wanted more of him with everything. His voice, his touch, his eyes, his body. Oh god, how I wanted his body. It was insane, I was insane. It was so wrong, but it felt so right.

"Scourge...please, please, more…" I begged. "Please. More."

"Aren't we greedy? Fine then…" He instructed me to lift my hands up, then he took my shirt off. I had decided against a bra tonight, so my bare breasts were in front of him. I didn't even care, as long as he kept touching me. "...I'll give you more."

When he started to do more and more, I felt myself blanking out at times. I was jumping in and out of reality, so the way everything felt I knew was good, I just can't remember in detail. Hell, I couldn't even describe it then.

When he first went inside, I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes. It hurt and I almost screamed. He had gone in so quickly, so fiercely. I couldn't breathe and tears were forming in my eyes. He noted my pain and stayed still, not moving. He even began to whisper in my ear, trying to calm me down.

"It's okay, it'll stop hurting in a minute. Just stay still," Scourge cooed, nuzzling my cheek. "Tell me when it's okay to move the minute it stops hurting, you got me?"

I nodded weakly. I also began to regret this entire deal. But, as the pain began to subside, I felt a little more comfortable and I told Scourge it was alright.

The rest of the night is a little hazy, so I can't really describe the rest. I do know that it lasted for quite a while, maybe an hour at the least. I don't know where our endurance came from, but it wasn't like we were complaining.

Anyways, he took me to his house after that. I didn't want to go home because I didn't want to be alone after having such a good time with someone else. If anything, I didn't want to be alone ever again, but I knew being with Scourge was too risky, that he, as I said before, is capable of anything. Still, it was the most tempting thing I could have ever thought of.

"Scourge?" I asked as he ran to his home. "Why did you want me? Was it to make Sonic mad?"

"Why would Sonic get mad at me for taking his ex's virginity? It isn't like he would care." Scourge answered coldly. It was as if he was mad.

"Besides, I hadn't even thought of the Blue Blunder when I saw you."

"Then why?" I questioned. "Why not Rouge, or Sugar? Why me of all girls, the flat-chested, loud-voiced little girl that everyone runs away from?"

"Because you are more than that."

He simply left it at that. I am more than that. Where did that make sense? I am just a stupid little girl, and now a stupid little girl that pole dances. I don't see the point in wanting that in a woman. But, now, here we were, running against the wind, heading to his house.

When we reached our destination, I hopped out of his bridal style grip and hopped to in the door as he opened it. I was feeling a little less afraid when I felt the warm touch of his heater against my cold skin. He also walked up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. His sigh told me something I wanted to hear.

"So...how long are you going to stay here?" he asked.

"As long as I want, that's how long." I said with a grin, jumping onto the couch and laying myself out. "Is that okay with you?"

"I knew you wouldn't take too long to seduce, but I didn't know you'd be the most expensive thing I'd ever buy either."

"Well, it's not like it wasn't worth it." I giggled, feeling sleepiness take over me. I yawned. "You want me to sleep here?"

"Nah, follow me."

I stood up and followed him to his bed, which was quite big. A king size, I noticed. I laughed a bit to myself, and he looked at me curiously.

"What?" He questioned.

"It's...nothing." I breathed, trying to hold in the laughter now. "Just the bed. It's a king-size."

Scourge rolled his eyes and moved to the bed. When I just stood there, he motioned for me to lay down as well. I could feel my eyes widen. He groaned and stood up, walking towards me and putting me on the bed. He then took his jacket, gloves, sunglasses, and shoes off to go to sleep.

"Do whatever you need to to be comfortable." He mumbled as he rolled over.

I took my shoes and gloves off, and my jeans I had worn to work before I changed into my working outfit. That left me in a small t-shirt and my panties, along with my boots, which I took off as well. I could already hear him sleeping, and when I was about to lay down myself, he rolled over and grabbed on to me, like I was a teddy bear or something.

He was talking in his sleep, though I could barely understand what he was saying. It was cute, though, seeing such a big and bad guy being so gentle and loving for once. Sure, he was out cold, but still. It was nicer than how me and Sonic used to sleep when we lived together. We had separate beds, and I had craved night after night to have him hold me like Scourge was now.

I watched his chest rise up and down as he breathed slowly in his sleep. He was too damn cute, it was nearly unbearable. I snuggled closer to him, and buried my head into his chest, his scars feel oddly soft yet slightly rough. I could smell him, and he smelled like light cologne and it scared me a little when I smelled a bit of copper, like blood.

'Whatever,' I thought. 'I'd rather be here than in my own home. It's nice and warm here.'

End of Chapter 2