This is NiteOwl18 here, and I have just posted a new story of TAWoG. It's been almost a month since I have made my first story. Sorry I had posted for a while. I had spent the last week studying for mid-terms. But I pass them all and have four weeks off from college. However, since I had to restart Elmore's Warriors again because there were some things that I didn't agree, so technically, it's my first story. For those you don't know what's about or you have read the summary, I'll save you the troubles. Gumball had always been everyone's problem. His reckless and immature act had gotten his family scolding at him, his girlfriend broke up with him and not to mention everyone at school hating him. Soon he finds himself in a organization that dedicated their lives to get rid of all crimes in Elmore. It's not like the first story I had wrote; this is different. It's kinda like a neighborhood watch program, but, in this story, its a city watch program. Then some people don't like what they're doing and will tried their best to get rid of them. It'll be a lot of sense that if you read the story.

Chapter 1: Meet the Hip and Cool English professor.

In the beginning of a school day, Gumball Watterson sat in his desk, listening to Miss Simian's boring lessons. Gumball thought Man. She and her boring lessons. Why are we learning this? It's all ancient history. In fact she is ancient history. Right next to him was his adopted brother, Darwin. Gumball was seeing his younger brother taking notes, but when he lean in on him to see not notes, but doodles of him and Gumball. Gumball then see his crush, Penny Fitzgerald, a few seats from him. She was being bored to death by this torture. She wasn't the only one, of course. The entire class were all being bored to death. Some of them didn't pay attention; they were doing something else other than this. They were listening to their iPhones, chatting quietly to each other and playing their gameboy. The rest of them were watching the clock to end this lecture, including Gumball. Finally after ninety minutes of boring lectures, class had ended. Most of them were going to lunch, the rest of them were going to their next class, including Gumball and Darwin. Gumball was glad to be out of that class and not hear another lesson from Miss Simian.

Gumball said to his brother "Man. If I had to heard one more lesson from that baboon one more time, I'm going to blow my brains out."

Darwin cried "Whoa, man! Don't you talk about suicide like that!"

Gumball said "It was just a figure of speech."

Darwin stupidly asked "How is killing yourself a figure of speech?"

Gumball tired to point out, but said in defeat "Never mind." Darwin was always this naive ever since he was adopted by the Watterson's family. Whenever Gumball said something like "hearing another boring lesson from an ancient baboon makes me want to kill myself." Darwin objects this by explaining suicide is not the way, even though Gumball didn't mean it. Regardless, he still loves him like a brother/ fish/ friend. They were walking to their next class. English class. They weren't too happy about this. They weren't too happy of letting Miss Simian teach class and make everyone lives horrible. But the thing about English class was that Mr. Small was teaching this class. The worst thing about it was that he doesn't teach the class anything about English. All he taught was how peaceful the world is and the right and wrong of society. The only work they ever done was to write how the world is a perfect place. That was the only assignment they ever done. The rest of the semester was that they had to hear Mr. Small's hippie talk about peace and love. The two brothers entered the classroom, where everyone was there. Gumball saw Penny and waved at her. She waves at him back. He and Penny had been dating for some time now. They always hang out after school and go to different locations for a date. Penny walked up to him and greeted "Hi, Gumball."

Gumball greeted back in a smooth voice "Hey, Penny." He leans on a table and falls down flat on his face. Most of the students laugh at him. Gumball put himself up and declared "I'm fine! I'm okay!" Penny giggled softly.

Penny said "So, did you heard?"

"Heard about what?"

"That Mr. Small is not going to teach this class anymore."

Gumball's eyes widen. He said "Really?" His moment of happiness soon disappear when he just thought of something that seem less surprising for him. "Let me guess. Miss Simian is teaching this class?" He asked in a depressed mood.

Penny answered "Nope. Say it's going to be a professor from a local university. An English professor."

Gumball said in amazed "Wow. I hoped this guy is better than Mr. Small. I can't stand of listening to another one of his "Peace and Love" speeches."

Soon the bell ringed; everyone got into their seats. Principle Brown came to the door and faces his students. He said in calm manner "Attention students. I have an announcement to make." He fixes his glasses and continued "Mr. Small will not be teaching your English class."

The entire students clapped their hands and cheered loudly. Principle Brown said "All right, all right. Calm down." The entire students stopped cheering. "I have made a phone call to millions of English teacher to help teach this class, and I had found one. He's from a university and an English professor. So make sure you treat him with lots of respect and don't cause him to leave." He glared at Gumball as he fixes his glasses. "This man will challenge your minds and filled your head with knowledge. So, without further ado, please welcome Professor Paul Webster."

Soon the door wide open and out pops a walking black panther entering the classroom. The man was in his early thirties, wearing a suit like all the professors in universities worn, carrying a briefcase, his eyes were yellow and was wearing the same round thickened glasses as Principal Brown was wearing. His appear to have muscles that are sticking out from his suit as most of the students are seeing it. The classroom was in awed.

Paul Webster said to Principal Brown in a Brooklyn accent "Thank you, Principal Brown. I'll take it from here." Principal Brown then walk out from the classroom. The panther begin "Alright, kiddies. I'm here to talk to you about the only thing you need to learn. English. You're all thinking that this will be an easy class, right? Well…." His voice raises up. "You're wrong!"

The class was startled by this. Professor Webster continued "I'm here to challenge your minds. Throughout the semester, I will be giving you all lessons, assignments and tests. At the end of the day, you folks will have all the knowledge you'll need to survive the world." The class was horrified by this. The panther professor stare at them with his yellow eyes, scaring them even more. Then he exclaimed "Just kidding!" before he started laughing.

The students were confused by this. Professor Webster kept laughing while saying "Oh, man! You guys should have seen your faces! You were like…" He makes the reaction the students had made. "And I was all…" He said in a tough voice, making his Brooklyn accent made him even more tougher 'I'm here to challenge your minds!' He stopped laughing with a loud sigh.

Professor Webster said "Now that's outta of the way. I here to tell you the real reason why I'm here. See Principle Brown here asked me to come and teach you to challenge your minds. That's what he thought. I'm here to give you guys some tips about being creative. Out of all those English British professor who teach smart people about the meaning of life and what not. But not this guy!" He pointed himself with one thumb at the end of the sentence.

The students in the room had their hopes rise higher by that surprise. Gumball thought This guy is all right.

"You guys will still learn and I will challenge your little brains. But hey, no rush. You guys are what, 12? I'll just take it nice and slowly. I don't want to be the guy responsible for damaging your brains."

Most of the students laugh at the expression. They seem to like this new guy. Professor Webster kept talking "You know, I don't know why this principle of yours called me in here to try to teach the mines of you all. What an idiot."

The student kept on laughing by the professor's statement. Gumball yelled "And why he calls himself principle in the first place that we will never know!"

The young professor pointed his finger and grinned "Bingo, kid." Upon looking at Gumball made the professor raise his thoughts with curiosity. He asked "And who you might be, kid?"

Gumball introduced "My name is Gumball Watterson."

"Watterson? Watterson, where did I heard that name?" The young professor grab his clipboard and check on the names on the list. He then saw the name 'Watterson' at the bottom of the list. It made his yellow eyes widen. He said "Oh, Watterson. Brown told me all about you."

Gumball pretends to be touch "Oh, he's talked about me in his office? How very touching!"

Professor Webster explains "It said here that I should be aware of you and…" He looked at the clipboard again and said "...Your brother Darwin. Now, who that might be?"

Darwin pops out and exclaimed with his eyes shining like stars "Here I am!"

Professor Webster said one word "Cute." He turn his attention to both Gumball and Darwin "Now he told me all the things you guys do at this school and said that I should be watching out for any of your surprises. He also mention that you guys are ruthless, destructive and dangerous." Both of the Watterson's brothers looked at him in a very nervous look. He added "But you guys don't look like any of the things Brown said, right? You guys looked like angels."

Both Gumball and Darwin smiled and their eyes glistened as halos magically pops out of their head.

"Well, since you guys are not destructive and won't do any of the things that will make me leave or put me at the hospital, I think we're going to get along just fine." He ended the sentence with a smile. He declared to the entire class "Now lets begin with the lesson on thinking up ideas."

So the young professor began his lesson. To the student surprise, it didn't find boring to any of them. They stood there and listen to the whole lesson. After the lesson was finished, he tell jokes and tells stories of the things he did back at the university. He wasn't like any of the teachers in school or professors in the universities. He's a hip and cool professor. Everyone seem to like this guy. They weren't being bored to death like in Miss Simian's class. Gumball seems to like him, also, but not like the rest of the students. The weirdest thing about this guy was that he kept staring at Gumball during lessons and storytelling. Soon the bell ringed, which made everyone groan in defeat. The students left the classroom, while Professor Webster said "See you later, kids! We'll continue on tomorrow on the next lesson and I'll be throwing in more stories." The last ones were Gumball and Darwin. Darwin made it out to the door, Gumball follow him as the professor added "See you later, Gumball."

Gumball replied "See you later, Professor Webster."

As Gumball left the classroom, Professor Webster was all alone in the classroom. He then took out his cell phone and dial some numbers. He held it up to his ear and said "Hello, Alex? It's me, Paul. Listen, I found Gumball Watterson."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm sure. But are you sure you want to make him join in?"

"Of course. Just look all the things he has been through. He's the one we want."

So what did you guys think of it? It's only the first chapter, but when I kept posting new chapters, it's going to make a lot of sense. What did guys think of my new character? A hip and cool English Professor. I got the idea of the character of Mr. Turner while watching "Boy Meets World." So what is up with this guy? Why was he staring at Gumball? What about that phone call? Who was the caller? Find out!