Author's Note: I slightly changed how they met each other ;) Enjoy :) My first KnB fanfic, pardon the foul language, and this is my first attempt on "yaoi", this is rather mild... if you ask me:)
Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no basuke (sadly, I badly want to)
Enjoy! :)
Teiko Middle School.
A school where the rich and the elite are gathered, trained to be powerful figures in society through the school's unique, high-standard curriculum.
Each student has their own talent, may it be academic wise or social wise. And of course in a school with students like that, elite and not elite are easily distinguished, those failing to meet expectations are immediately dealt with.
And a certain student was at the verge of experiencing the risk of being expelled, but his father, the headmaster, was trying to think of some way to avoid that from happening, if not for Aomine Daiki's talent in sports, specifically basketball, the board wouldn't even bother, he would immediately be expelled.
Those expelled are not necessarily "expelled", they are merely transferred off to other schools fit for them, but in comparison to Teiko, those schools were more of the normal curriculum, more of the normal coverage.
"Aomine Daiki, I can't believe you are one of the pending candidates for this semester's expulsion, how could I call you my son?!" The headmaster, Aomine Daichi, took the matter rather seriously, all the more because the person at hand was his only son.
On the other hand, Aomine Daiki didn't have any interest in it at all. He didn't even know why he attended a school like this, he didn't even bother to fit in, because he didn't want to be someone he wasn't, and he didn't really care about his future. He didn't bother to think about the future, because the present mattered most to him. He yawned, he didn't get much sleep yesterday night, because a certain annoying person who was his dorm roommate was just so utterly noisy he couldn't sleep at all.
His roommate ended up in bruises, and it didn't do Aomine's conduct grade any good.
"You see this, conduct grade, a D?! Look, I took my eyes off you for too long, a person like you should be guarded on at all times. Who knows how many people you have beaten up while I wasn't looking?!"
"Calm down, old man. Cut me some fucking slack." They were in the headmaster's office, alone, father and son, having anice talk with each other, just like old times. Imagine attending an academy for the elite, and you're the headmaster's son, a lot is expected from you, and yet you don't meet expectations.
"Don't 'shut up' me young man. Look at your report card, you see this?! Such a colourful card, full or red marks! Only Physical Education actually has a passing grade, are sports the only thing you're good at? Sports won't do you any good in the future."
His father was actually a former basketball player himself, but due to a serious injury which up till now hasn't been fully recovered, he couldn't seem to even play. Aomine Daiki knew his father was speaking from self-experience, but nonetheless, it changed nothing. Aomine just wished his old man would shut up, he didn't want his father to remind him of how he was dumb every time of the day, every day of the year.
For Aomine Daiki, basketball was entertainment for his boring life, but now, he seemed to be bored of basketball too, he never was satisfied in whatever he could do, he always aimed higher.
"Look, I don't know what you're expecting from me, but don't aim too high, you'll only be let down." Aomine Daiki, about to walk out of the room, was stopped by a certain gentle touch of hand which pulled him away from the door.
"Wha-?" Aomine looked around, but he saw no one, except his father, who wasn't of reachable distance.
~Aomine's POV~
The heck? Was that a ghost that pulled me, or was it my imagination?
"I'll leave you two alone for now." said Mr. Headmaster a.k.a old man.
Two? But, I don't see anyone aside from me and my old geezer of a dad...
"What's the meaning of th-" but old man was already gone.
"Look whoever you are, come out come out wherever you are."
*no response*
"Shit, don't make me look like an idiot, talking to myself... tch..." Am I crazy? Maybe it was just a spirit known as "righteousness" which prevented me from walking out, or... maybe a spirit known as "retardedness".
"Umm... I'm over here..." That's a lame of an excuse of a voice, wait, where the heck did it come from?
I turned around to see a teal-haired boy, about my age I guess. He was wearing the same middle school uniform like mine, but the pin near his collar proved otherwise. The pin of a "miracle" student, part of special classification class 2, the most elite class, which only had 5 students at present. It just proved the difference of the two of us, was that old geezer trying to smack me in the face with this... innocent-looking stranger?!
"Do you plan to make me look like an idiot?!"
"I trust you're Aomine-kun?"
"Yeah, so what? What fucking business do you have with me?!"
"At your father's request, from now on, I am tasked to hone you into a student worthy of expectations." In other words... he was here precisely because I was an idiot.
"What can a shrimp like you teach me?!"
"Aomine-kun, that's not very nice. So, shall we start?"
I have a feeling, the real shit starts now.
His expression told me he had something else in mind, or was I the one thinking it over too much?
Either way, it wasn't any good for me.
~Meanwhile...~ ~Narrator's POV~
"Akashi Seijuro, I trust you know the two requirements to get into the Miracle class?"
Miracle Class, was the class which consisted of the 'Miracles', the elite of the elite. There were two requirements.
"Firstly, one must have at least seven perfect average among the ten subjects in the average curriculum."
"Go on." The man, Akashi Seiji, was a man who had a big influence in the school's system, being close friends to the headmaster, was the one who proposed the idea to have a "Miracle Class", and it had been three years since the program was established. His son, Akashi Seijuro, being one of the students himself.
"And second, to be privileged to be a Miracle, one must have a record of a serious case of homosexuality..." said Akashi with disgust, because he himself was a victim.
"Now, don't treat it as a bad thing. Do you know the reason why Kuroko Tetsuya, a mere scholarship student, was put into your class even if he didn't fulfil the second requirement."
"I suspect it is merely one of your rather unique plans, father, exactly what do you have in mind?"
"Oh... I'll tell you in the near future son. For the meantime... you are aware the headmaster has a son?"
"..Aomine Daiki, yes?"
"Yes, and do you know my... close friend, that headmaster, hired Kuroko Tetsuya to be his son's personal tutor?"
"WHAT?!" Akashi's tone was not a tone of surprise, but of outrage.
"Oh? So my son has developed feelings for Kuroko Tetsuya as well? Interesting..."
"What do you mean by as well?!"
"Oh, you can ask your fellow... Miracle students. They have the answer."
And yet Kuroko Tetsuya was unaware of all the conflicting feelings for him, he remains unaware of what he got himself into.
No one planned to give in their dear Kuroko Tetsuya.
Thank you for even reading this, how was it? I hope you liked it, I know the plot is rather weak in a way, but please bear with my amateur writing :)