A/N: Yes another project but a short one. 4-5 chapters. I am sorry that I take so long posting new chapters to my other stories but I started a new job that doesn't leave me much time to write.

I already apologize for things not being a hundred percent historically correct. The names for example, but I hope you can forgive me. Again I'd appreciate reviews. Now have much fun reading.

Chapter 1

The soft spring sun was tickling my skin. Welcomed warmth was spreading through my body. After a colder than usual winter it was a much appreciated sensation. The streets in the merchant quarters were busier than usual. People were streaming through the streets. I heard the merchants praising their many different goods in a loud voice while I still heard some servants and slaves bantering over prices.

Most of them used the chance to restock their pantries with all sorts of food after the long dry period. I had taken the chance to take a look at some of the new exotic goods that the consuls army brought back from their latest victorious battle. Even when I wasn't interested that much in jewelery or expensive cloth it was a good excuse to leave the villa once in a while. Better off than most other woman as the wife of a highly decorated soldiers who had the potential to become a consul or prefect one day, I still felt rather like a prisoner than a free woman.

I sighed a little when I thought about my husband. He would be home in a few days which meant that he expected me to give him the heir he wished for. Every attempt to impregnate me had been fruitless for now. I knew he was getting desperate and if I hadn't been the granddaughter of one of the most eminently respectable Proconsul in our time, he would have already divorced me. To be honest it wouldn't be the worst outcome. I didn't hate the man I called my husband and on the outside the marriage seemed so romantic and perfect, but I wasn't happy. I knew that I was complaining on a high ground. Most women didn't have a life as fortunate as mine. Prostitutes... slaves... poor wives being beaten by their husbands, working until exhaustion, while I lived a life in a golden cage. Surrounded by luxury and wealth. I never had to starve or really work, but it didn't make me blind to it. In winter when people were starving I often gave out food to the dismay of my grandfather and my husband. They always told me to stay away from the lesser people.

I hated that way of thinking but was pretty alone with my opinion. The rich and powerful always looked down at the not so fortunate. They called them necessary but expandable, they were like chattel to them which disgusted me.

I kept on walking until I stopped at the slave market. I flinched my nose at those people. Bartering over people lives like they were things without a soul. I remembered the one time I freed all of my grandfathers slaves because I couldn't keep watching them being mistreated. The punishment was harsh to say the least and kept me from doing it again. He had explained to me that slaves were part of century old traditions, that it was an honor to serve the higher class of roman citizens. He tried to convince me that slaves had it better than the usual free roman citizen. Slaves had advantages and so on. I listened to him but never accepted it as the truth. Nobody had the right to own someone. It just wasn't right. Freedom was the most important thing but of course a powerful, rich man wouldn't understand it how it was to never be your own person. He didn't know the feeling of your life being dictated by others. In Rome there was no equality and that had to change.. Someday...

I was about to leave the cruel bidding on human beings when I saw her. Blonde hair was shining like gold in the warm midday sun. I felt an urge to touch the silk like tresses. I felt my heart pounding in my chest when my look fell on her dark brown eyes. They were warm and mysterious. They were pulling me in and kept me prisoner never intending to let me go again. One second out eyes met and the world stopped for me. My heart was beating rapidly and I felt an unknown warmth spreading through my body just from that look. What was an angel like her doing here? She looked like a fallen goddess seeking for redemption. I wondered what had happened to her that she ended up as a slave. She didn't look like the most unfortunate souls being offered to the highest bidder. Her features were strong and delicate at the same time. The woman was intriguing me like no one ever before. I felt the slight urge to get to know her. I wanted to listen to her story. Where did she came from? How was her life there? How did she end up as a slave? Would I ever get an answer to my questions? I've never intended to buy a slave. All the servants at home were fairly paid and appreciated. I could buy and free her. After all I was the matrona of the house. I was the one who managed the household and was also responsible for the... slaves as much as I hated that. My personal, let's call her servant unfortunately died in the cold winter. She had been old but the kindest woman I've ever met. I had waited to replace her because deep in my heart she wasn't replaceable. She had raised me and was always at my side, always the adviser.

Was it right to replace her with a young, blonde beauty? I shouldn't be lusting after her but my sexual drive had always been in overload. I had my ways with women and men equally and nobody cared as long as I wasn't neglecting my duties but would it be right? Using the girl like that? I would never do anything against anyone will but if she'd be interested... I shook my head. This was wrong. Inside I felt that the blonde was something special something different. She didn't deserve to end up at the end of my sexual hunger no matter how delicious her creamy skin was.

She was beyond beautiful. Her entire being was pulling her in, threatening to never let me go. I felt the urge inside me rising to protect her. To keep her safe no matter what. I didn't understand my body at this moment. Too many emotions were breaking in on me. Unknown, exciting emotions to be honest.

I've finally made the decision to "buy" her and free her the second we got home in the hope that she'd stay with me but when I made my way to the merchant she was gone. I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize that the bidding was over. Frantically I was looking around in search for the beauty but she was nowhere in sight. I turned to my personal guard a little nervous. Hale was one of the bravest and most skillful fighters I have ever met. I trusted him with my life blindly. On top of that he was pleasant company and not bad to look at either. His dark chocolate skin was warm and even a little exotic at this part of town. "Hale, where did she go?" I asked him.

"I am not sure who you mean mistress, my pardon." he answered apologetically.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Bo? I hate this mistress thing..."

"I am sorry mis... ehm.. Bo"

"It's OK but did you see the blonde?"

"The slave that was offered a few seconds ago?" I flinched a little at the word slave but nodded.

"Lochlynius bought her and dragged her somewhere that way" he pointed at a small, dark alley. "Why? You have interest in that girl?"

I cursed inwardly. Lochlynius... Sleazy, filthy bastard. Senator and one of the most rotten ones. Only out for himself with no respect for others. I knew how he treated his slaves.. especially to his beautiful female ones.

I felt my blood getting cold at the thought alone. I wouldn't let him do that to my goddess. If he'd lay one finger on her I swear he would regret it.

"They can't be far. Come on" I said and hurried to the alley.

"Are you sure we should follow them? You could still make a formal request..."

"No. I don't want to risk that bastard doing anything to her..."

"I know that it's not my place to ask, but do you know that girl?" He asked with raised eyebrows. He was confused about my behavior. I rarely acted out any longer these days.

"No but I intend to... Now hurry" I didn't want to waste anymore time. I didn't know why I was so fascinated so drawn to her but it didn't matter now.

Walking through the alley at first I didn't see a thing. Buildings close together kept most of the sunlight from touching the ground. We walked and walked and I was almost about to give up when I heard a slight whimpering. Could that be? My walk turned in to a run following the sound when I heard a voice.

"Please... I beg you.." A female...

"Don't you dare talking against me" That voice definitely belonged to Lochlynius and I felt my blood start to boil. He started to talk again. "You are mine and I can do as I please. You are nothing more than chattel" He spat. His harsh words were followed by a loud slap and the girl crying out in pain.

In that second I snapped. How dare he touch her? Hurt her?! I ran as quickly as I was able and eventually stopped when I took sight of the two. The blondes tunic was disheveled and ripped in different places.

She was crying, hugging her chest to cover her modesty as best as she could as Lochlynius was pressing in to her, touching with filthy fingers where he never was supposed to. I wanted to kill him in this moment. Rip his throat out... break his arms but I knew the consequences of attacking a senator wouldn't be lenient.

"Get your hand off of her!" I said harshly. Lochlynius was visibly surprised when he turned to me.

"The blood kings granddaughter... I should have known..." He sneered. Blood King... I hated that title. My grandfather was a strong, influential politician and descendent of one of the bloodlines of the king. He was never scared to spill some blood to get what he wanted and earned his title early in his political career. Under his lead hundreds of barbaric villages were destroyed. Fields soaked with blood of the... "lesser" he liked to call it. It always send me the creeps thinking about it.

"I want to buy her from you." It disgusted me to say that.

He smirked at my wish. "I always thought you hated slavery... But let me guess... Seeing this beauty even you are getting weak, huh? Want a new plaything? You always liked them blonde..." I tried my best to keep my composure but patience was growing thin.

I took a quick look at the girl that was now visibly shaking. She was scared to death and I could relate. Who wouldn't be terrified? Her perfectly shaped cheek was red and puffy from a blow that made my anger rise. How could Lochlynius destroy such a beauty.

"Stop your games. I pay you double and give her to me."

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Double? You must be really serious... Well then take her. She isn't that beautiful either way..." He huffed and pushed her roughly in my way.

The blonde stumbled from the force and almost fell to the ground if I hadn't caught her. Subconsciously I was pulling her close to me relishing at her body touching mine. I knew I shouldn't be doing this to her especially not after what had happened only a few moments ago but I couldn't keep my body from responding.

It felt right. She belonged here. Save in my arms... I took in a deep breath while nuzzling my nose in her hair. She smelt like a field of flowers it was intoxicating. I felt her shaking and I pulled her a bit closer. I pressed a gentle kiss on the top of her head. I didn't know where that came from but it just felt natural.

"You are save now. I promise. I won't let anybody hurt you anymore..." I whispered in her ear. She visibly relaxed at that. My entire body was tingling at the touch. What was that feeling? Why was my heart making somersaults? All I wanted to do was to sank in to her, to never let her go. This was where I belonged my subconscious seemed to have decided and it was scaring me.

The world was vanishing around us. I didn't realize Hale paying Lochlynius or him leaving. All that mattered was her.

It felt like an eternity we were standing her until we slowly pulled away from each other. Our looks met and her deep brown orbs were pulling me in again. I smiled stupidly at her and she even tried to raise her lips for a smile too. Seeing a loose strand of hair I couldn't help but pull it behind her ear. Her eyes closed and her face melted in her touch. I cupped her unhurt cheek in my hand and looked at her longingly. What was happening? What was this?

"Mistress I..." She stuttered when she sobered up. She blushed and wanted to pull away.

"Please... Call me Bo..." I said in a soft voice. "What is you name beautiful?" I asked.

"Lau... Laurentia mistress... I mean... Bo..."

Laurentia... From that moment I knew that name wouldn't leave me alone anymore...