After the explosion in Tokyo Butei High School, Aria, Kinji, Riko, Shirayuki and Reko found the strength to stand themselves up, even though being weak to overcome the pain of their injuries. They told the rest of the other Butei agents to rest before asking Aria and Kinji to call the ambulances, fire fighter brigades and police for assistance and access the situation. So, they came just as being informed and help the injured, trapped and the reporting of what the incident is about and how did it happen. Aria and Kinji informed Riko, Shirayuki and Reko about their plane-ambushed incident and continued that it is related to the bombing in Tokyo Butei High School. They said that it is clear that both events which happened were linked to the truth behind the threat that the Buteis was trying to find out.
However, what Kinji, Riko, Shirayuki and Reko did not know that Aria was able to foresee what the real threat really is from the man whom she might had recognized outside the school compound. Despite the man's disguise, she can tell from him that he was a German and he might be one of them who leaked the threat into the Buteis. She had been hiding a dark secret from not just Kinji, but also to the rest. She was hesitant to do what was right because she did not want the rest to find out her ugly relationships with whoever the threat, which she claimed was the Germans. Moreover, she did not want to tell them that they were still hiding somewhere in Tokyo and started their killing spree on every Butei agent they see and went to. Every plan they think of will leave the Buteis to fall into another trap of theirs, and one of their main targets was Aria Holmes Kanzaki.
Meanwhile, the German assassins are hiding in separate secluded warehouses in Tokyo with all of their plans been executed and stationed well enough to get rid of the Buteis. These German assassins were controlled under a fictitious notorious artillery regime group whom the agencies around the world found it extremely difficult to track them down and kill them. It was called the Power Of Willingness, in short is the P. . They main goal was to hunt down any agent who tried to underestimate their firepower right to the point which he or she could not escape. The leader of the branch which was stationed in Tokyo was named Klein Blutig. He had known the Buteis for a long time, especially Aria Holmes Kanzaki. He and Aria had a bitter relationship over the years because he had been unknowingly working with Sayonaki Tooru over an classified genetic experiment which Sayonaki Tooru had been hiding from the Buteis after he was arrested. It was proven to be deadly and efficient to wipe out the Buteis at once, provided that it went smoothly after his plans are shaken. Klein Blutig wanted to avenge him to defeat the Buteis, and he would do it to every Butei he studied strategically for many years. After that, the German outside Tokyo Butei High School ran back into the warehouse in time for their master plan on the Buteis.
He said: "I will drown the Buteis in their own blood. We will take everything that they love. Victory will be ours forever!" (In Japanese)
One of his men said: "What are the targets, my leader?" (In Japanese)
He replied immediately but slowly: "Aria, Kinji, Riko, Reko, Shirayaki and Jeanne..." "Then, the Buteis!" "They will pay the price, especially Aria Holmes Kanzaki!" (In Japanese)
- End of Hidan no Aria: The Movie - Being a Shadow Target (Scene 4)
- Next: Hidan no Aria: The Movie - Being a Shadow Target (Scene 5)