Rev! KevEdd Break-Up

Eddward stands before his gaping locker, staring at its emptiness. He still hasn't told Kevin that his parents were "moving him closer to them" but it won't change that he will never see them. Marie stood next to him, but says nothing. Eddward slams his locker shut making a loud slam echo through the silent and empty hallway.

"God dammit..." he mutters under his breath, voice shaking in anger as tears threaten to spill over his cheeks. Marie's only response is to wrap her arms around him, but he can't bring himself to do the same. He only stands, held in her arms, head hanging low, as tears begin making their way down his cheeks.

He skips school that day, he just can't face Kevin. He waits until it's late, and he looks out his window, only to see the one thing he had hoped he wouldn't, Kevin making his way to his front door. Eddward cringes in sadness, in fear for what he knew was to come. He can't let him inside. He makes his way down the stairs, and before Kevin can knock, Eddward opens the door. His face has grown emotionless, as not to show his pain to Kevin.

"E-eddward. Why didn't you-" he is interrupted with Eddwards sharp and cold voice.

"Hey, Pumpkin, we should split." And with that, Kevin falls silent. His eyes are frozen wide, he can't believe what he is hearing. He can't say anything, he can only stand in silence. "Well, then... that's that." Eddward steps back to close the door, but Kevin interrupts this action by speaking.

"Why... Why would you do this to me? Why would you make me fall in love with you and then... then just leave me?" his voice is shaking with anger and sadness as tears begin spilling over his cheeks. He receives no reply from Eddward, which only messes with his emotions even more, "Say something!" he shouts to Eddward, whose only reply is to slowly swing the door shut. "Eddward! Eddward, please! Don't leave me!" but, the door only closes in his face. Later that night, Eddward broke into the school and left a letter in Kevin's locker, knowing he wouldn't get it until Monday.

The next day he leaves early in the morning to catch his plane, but before he climbs into the cab, he sees Nazz sitting and talking to Kevin. When her fiery eyes meet Eddwards icy ones, she stands and quickly makes her way towards him. Eddward prepares to be yelled at, but receives a little more than that. In one swift move, she backhands Eddward across the face. There is a brief moment of silence where Nazz stands fuming, preparing to scream and Eddward stands silent, head turned to the side, eyes frozen wide as he processes what she just did.

"How the fuck could you do that to him?! After everything Kevin did he deserves better than this! You're such a prick! You never even loved Kevin!" with that, Eddward snaps. He slowly turns his head, his neck popping with the sudden movement of the cramped muscles. He glares down at her with his ice cold eyes, and her anger is swiftly replaced with fear.

His voice is cold and sharp, but more than anything, it was dark, "What do you know? I obviously love him, I'm hurting myself and him now to spare us the worse pain of breaking up later. I have to move to fucking Florida, excuse me for trying to spare him the difficulties of a long distance relationship." He throws his bags into the trunk of the cab, slams it shut then turns, leaning down to her level, "Excuse me for sparing him from myself out of everything." He leaves those words hanging in the air and climbs into the backseat of the cab and the driver takes off, heading straight for the airport like he was paid to do by Eddwards parents, leaving Nazz standing dumbstruck, shocked Eddward would say something like that.

As Monday rolls around, Kevin muscles up the energy to go to school despite Nazz's recommendations. He forces a smile as his friends wave to him, and he waves back. When he reaches his locker he enter his combination. He freezes before he opens it, remembering all the notes Eddward had left for him to find in there. A faint sad smile appeared on his face as he opens his locker. A neat letter falls out, and the writing on the front is unmistakeably Eddwards. It reads " To ~ Kevin". He slowly reaches down and picks it up. He slowly and carefully opens the seal and pulls out the letter which reads;

Dear Kevin,

I know I broke up with you in a shitty way, and I know I left you confused and heartbroken, and I'm sorry. I didn't want to break up with you, but I had to. I am moving to Florida under my parents wishes. I just couldn't find it in myself to put you through all of the hardships of a long distance relationship.

I remember how when I called you Kevin you would always flush a little. I remember how focused you looked while you were reading, and how that focused expression always mixed with entertainment when I watched a documentary with you. I remember how happy you were when you found the notes I left you, but, sadly, this is going to be the last one. I know I didn't say it much but,

I Love You.



Kevin holds the note in his hand, eyes wide as tears swell in his eyes. The person who appears before him is not Nazz, but Marie. Her eyes are swollen and red and her cheeks are lightly flushed from all the crying she had most likely done due to Eddward's leaving, and his face turns from that of shocked sadness, to that of full-out crying. They embrace in a mutual hug of sadness, and both wished to have Eddward back. Marie's pocket held Kevin's not to her, it reads;

Please Marie, Take care of Kevin. You better than anyone know what he's going through.
