Hi guys. It's been a while. I'm actually really busy with finals and all... Anywho, I'm still continuing The End of Us. I have more drabbles I haven't published.

I also have other Harry Potter fanfics too. Should I publish those here too?

I wanted to try a crossover, so here goes:

"You've bought yourself quite some attention, Mr. Jackson."

"Who's there?" Perseus whipped his head about, eyes searching every corner of the alley.

"The government," the man spoke in a deep tone.

Such a nuisance, Percy, such a problem. "Gods, am I in trouble?" His voice only held annoyance, no fear. Despite his calm and playful attitude, his hand was clenched in his pocket around his pen.

"No." The man stepped out of the shadows. In the little light that splashed around, the man looked almost evil with his eye patch and black getup. "But we need to talk."

Perseus held up a hand, his free hand, and laughed stiffly. "How do you know who I am?"

"I know who everyone is, Mr. Jackson. You are a mere speck in the world."

"Yeah, I get it. The whole you-are-a-puny-human thing is getting old, really."

The man raised an eyebrow. He sighed. "I'd been warned of your attitude. Learn to respect your superiors, Mr. Jackson."

"Will you please stop calling me that? It's annoying."

"We need to talk. Elsewhere. Follow me."

"Why should I trust you?"

"This will only take a moment, Mr. Jackson."

"Comforting," Perseus said sarcastically. "Where might you take me exactly?"

"Perhaps into your apartment?"


The man rounded a corner, and Perseus pursued out of curiosity, but kept a cautious distance. The eye-patch man strolled precariously to Perseus's apartment complex, took the elevator in silence, then stopped at the right door. He pulled out a suspicious looking device and used it to unlock the door.

"Hey!" Perseus said. "You can't just–"

"Yes, I can," the man replied and then promptly invited himself in.

Perseus thanked the gods his mother and stepfather were out. They'd freak. "Just who do you think you are?" Percy interrupted the man, who was pacing around the living room, peering at pictures. "And have you ever heard of privacy? Huh?"

The man cleared his throat and seated himself on a chair. "Nicholas Fury of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, better known as SHIELD."

Percy sat down across from him on the couch. "It's a pleasure, Nick of SHIELD." Again, sarcasm.

Nicholas Fury stiffened. "Just Fury is fine, Mr. Jackson. Now, to business."

"Is this about ditching school?"



"We need your help."

"Define 'we' please."

Fury's eye widened slightly, not in shock, but in exasperation. "We, as in the Avengers."

"Pardon?" Gone was the mocking tone. "The… The Avengers? Like The Avengers as in The–"

"Yes," Fury scowled, "the Avengers."

"Dude, I just started my senior year in high school. And I think I deserve a break."

"From what exactly?"

Percy froze. Damn. He tried to cover up his mistake. "Well, I mean I just got back from a long trip around the world. I'm tired and in all honesty I–"

"Am a demigod? Please, Mr. Jackson, work with me here."

"H-How do you know?" Percy's hand clenched around his pen.

"It is not the most surprising thing I've heard of,Mr. Jackson, Greek and Roman gods, you're abilities, you're achievements, you're war in Greece. Tell me, did Hell hurt?"

"Stop it! Y-You–How–I just–" Percy sputtered. "You have no right to say that! Do you know how much it hurt? I–" Lie.

"I am under the impression that you have PTSD, ADHD, and dyslexia? And for a short while, a depression phase?"

How cute, weakling. "Shut up! I… I… Why are you asking me if you obviously know everything about me?!"


"What do you want from me?" Percy had less fire in his voice now.

"As aforementioned, Mr. Jackson–"


"Like I said, Mr. Jackson, the Avengers require your assistance."

"You gotta give me more information here, Fury. You're—Okay, first, you think they need my help? And second, you think that I'll gladly accept, go with you to these awesome guys, do some government stuff, then come back after I've missed most of my life?"

He sighed. "Yes, they need your help. If you do accept, I will explain why. This is a life-time commitment, Perseus, joining SHIELD. You aren't expected to join the Avengers, but it would be best if you trained under SHIELD, become a hero."


"A noticed hero. Someone the world can appreciate."

"I don't want attention."

"You can help people."

"But… My parents…"

"They will be under our care. Mr. Jackson, it is vital that you help our cause, our side."

"Camp, though. School. Life. You want me to throw that all away?"

"You will be educated within SHIELD premises. I'm afraid that you'll have to give up your Camp in the process. But think of what you can do, Perseus."

"Can I have time to think?"

"I will give you a week, Mr. Jackson. When you have decided, go to Times Square. We will find you from there."

Percy nodded numbly. "And what is my purpose for you guys?"

Fury went stiff for a split second, then relaxed. "To fight off injustice. To win world peace."

"That's impossible. There will always be someone who'll argue. You can't stop that!"

"Let me correct myself. You will help us win a universal treaty. You have until Friday. Now, good day. We will be watching." And with that, Fury was out the door and gone.

Percy sat still on the couch, contemplating his choices. He could see a whole new world, be subject to an amazing amount of information, help people. But home. How could he give up that? And his mother… And Annabeth. He couldn't possibly let her go. He was under the impression that relationships weren't advised whether it be with family or a romantic one. But weren't all the agents in a platonic relationship with each other? He was confused and didn't have the slightest idea what to do.

When his mother came home with Paul trailing behind her with an armload of groceries, she found Percy still sitting there.


He grunted in return.

"Honey, are you alright?"

"Yeah, you seem a little out of it," Paul said as he set down the heavy paper bags. "You okay?"

Percy inhaled sharply. "Yeah, just a uh, small headache. I, uh, I gotta go." He made a mad dash to his room and shut the door. He calmed as he got a whiff of the moonlace on the window sill. He didn't think he could tell anyone about his proposition, including his mother and girlfriend. He'd decide his answer after he'd check up on CHB and Camp J.

"Percy?" His mother poked her head through the door. "You hungry?" she asked gently.

"Uh sure. Can you give me a minute?"

She nodded, then shut the door. You call that normal? He took a deep breath, shook his head, and was out the door, following his nose towards the lasagna.

His decision would wait.

So, what do you think? Should I continue? Review please! I'll take critique too. Just review please haha... ?