"It's…so beautiful.." Sakura said with wide eyes as she watched the crystal blue waterfall flow out and downwards into a crystal clear lake, so clear, that polished rock could be seen below down to the depths.

Takigakure was a beautiful village, more beautiful than Sakura had ever imagined it to be. As a child, she'd heard about their glistening and pristine waters, and she'd always wanted to take a trip over to the village one day. And now, she'd finally had her chance.

Fuu had only taken residence in Konoha for three days, and after the duration of her stay, she'd been graced with the escort of Team Seven back to her home. After all, it wasn't like they'd let her head on home by herself, especially after all that had happened. No way.

"Well, Taki is named after the waterfalls!" Fuu said brightly. "So its only natural that our waterfalls are gorgeous, not to brag or anything."

"Nah, you've got a right to!" Naruto exclaimed excitedly as his blue eyes twinkled brightly. "This is so cool, -ttebayo!"

"You sound like a child." Sasuke sighed to himself as he stared at his reflection in the water.

Naruto huffed to himself as he looked to Sakura and Fuu. "He's just pissed off because this water is clearer than his talent."

"Don't you mean, your talent?" Sasuke glared at Naruto.

"Say that to my face, why don't ya?!"

"I just did."

"Well…say it again!"

"You really are as stupid as you look."

Sakura rolled her eyes as a small smile spread onto her lips. Those two were impossible.

"Thank you, by the way." Fuu said suddenly.

"Hm?" Sakura turned towards her friend, a questioning look on her face. "What for?"

Fuu looked to the waterfall suddenly, a faint blush spreading onto her tanned cheeks as she smiled sadly. "For everything. For getting me out of that cave, for ridding me of my guilt, for saving others from that bastard's awful presence!" Her amber eyes darted back to Sakura's. "Sakura, you've helped me in more ways than one, I don't even think that I can properly thank you all…you have no idea!"

Sakura smiled as she placed her hand on Fuu's shoulder. "You don't need to thank us. I know you would've done the same for me if I were in your position."

Fuu smiled gratefully at Sakura as she turned her attention back to the glistening waterfall. "It's funny how things happen, don't you think? I'm ending this chapter right where it all began."

Sakura frowned as she processed Fuu's words, silently wondering what they'd meant. Though, she only had to look to the water to realize that this was the spot that Fuu had told her about in her story back in the cave, back when she'd first been taken.

Sakura brought a gloved hand up to cover her mouth as her heartbeat picked up a sad tune. She then clenched it into a fist beneath her chin as she watched the melodic water flow on endlessly.

"Are you…okay with this? Being here?" Sakura asked Fuu, who nodded her head softly.

"Yeah, I think so….I think that this is where I need to be…where I'm supposed to be." Fuu said softly, clutching a hand over her heart. "It's where they'd want me to be, to face my troubles head on and not let my demons drown me."

Sakura's mind slowly brought up a warped vision of Koichi and Hanako as she'd seen them, only this time, their eyes were soft and their faces were adorned with brightness and life, as they should have been. Yes, she'd seen them in person, but not in the correct way. That image would only ever belong to Fuu, and Sakura knew that she'd always keep them in a special place in her heart.

Sakura glanced over at her two teammates, who were busy examining the water once more. She felt a depressed frown form on her lips as she took in their appearances.

She remembered the dream that she had before they'd left on the mission weeks ago, how in her dream she could only watch as her teammates were killed in cold blood by a deranged, bloodthirsty version of herself. She'd supposed that it was some sick sort of a premonition, as she had almost killed them the night Joryoku had jabbed her forehead and taken her as his. It was then that she'd realized that Fuu's sad reality had almost become hers.

"Hey, Naruto!" Fuu said suddenly, trotting over to the blond ninja. "I've heard from a reliable source that this water is healthy for bijuu if you drink it!"

"Oh, awesome!" Naruto exclaimed. "Who'd ya hear that from?"

Fuu rolled her eyes and smiled as she lead Naruto a few feet away to a shallow portion of the lake. "Here, try some."

Sakura watched them with amusement before sinking back into the depths of her mind, staring aimlessly into the falling waterfall without a single purpose besides hoping that she'd seek comfort in the crystal water. Maybe the clearness would rub off on her, who knew?

"What are you thinking about?"

Sakura gave Sasuke a small smile as she felt him approach her and stand by her side, looking at her questioningly, his dark eyes unreadable.

Sakura sighed as she let her mind speak for itself. "I can't help but wonder what I would do if I lost the two of you." She said, watching as Naruto dipped his hands into the water and cupped them together to bring water up to his lips. "I almost did…back when I lost control…I don't know what I would've done if I'd actually killed you."

"But you didn't kill us." Sasuke reminded her.

"I know that." Sakura said. "But even so, I just can't help but realize the true hardship of it all. I mean, what if this had happened to Naruto? If he had lost the two of us by his own hands, I couldn't imagine what would go through his head."

"That idiot is too proud to be controlled by anyone." he answered her, to which Sakura giggled softly.

"I suppose that's true." she told him, crossing her arms and sighing.

She froze when she felt a pair of hands touch her shoulders softly, giving them a small squeeze of support, and she immediately felt her face light up.

"What matters is that we're all here now, and it'll stay that way." Sasuke promised her, causing Sakura to smile as she turned to face the Uchiha. "And you're here."

Sakura nodded up at him and smiled softly. "And so are you."

And suddenly, nothing else mattered, because his words were undeniably true. They were both standing tall, devoid of any pain or suffering, living against the hardships of the world as if they were the most trivial things.

When Sakura looked up into Sasuke's eyes, she felt a safety that she couldn't even begin to dictate, a bond closer to anyone that she'd ever felt before. It had always been between them, even when they weren't together, even when his heart was at its most darkest. They'd been separated physically for a great time, but suddenly it didn't matter to Sakura at all.

Sakura felt a comforting warmth settle into her belly as their lips met, picking up an ancient rhythm that had been practiced for centuries. And they were slowly becoming pro's.

They knew that their hardships were far from over, and that they'd have bigger challenges to face in the future, but Sakura didn't care.

Because she had him, and he had her.

And they'd take on those fights together,whenever they would come about, and she'd welcome them with open arms.

She was right where she'd wanted to be, and he knew that she was everything he needed in his life. Finally, they were together in every tangible way.

Inseparable, unbreakable, irreplaceable…


A/N: And that's all she (I) wrote.

My first ever story is completed..I feel so bittersweet about this.

From the bottom of my heart, I'd like to thank each and every one of you for keeping up with this story. From those of you who started with me at the beginning of my start as an author, to those of you who picked this up along the way, I am eternally grateful that you've stuck with me all this way. Honestly, when I started this story, I had no idea where I was going with it, the idea to stick Fuu into the plot only came to me after I'd written a few chapters, and I'm so glad that I put her in this story.

It feels utterly amazing that I'm finishing a story with a shonen couple that actually became canon..I mean, the only canon things in this story besides sasusaku were Fuu's use of her wings, and Naruto giving Sasuke his headband back! Go figure, huh?

It's with a heavy heart that I end my first ever story as a fanfic writer, thankful that this story has helped me grow as a writer.

I can't thank you all enough...I love you all!

If you're still up to reading some of the sasusaku that I give ya, I still have my on-going fic Memory, which I'll get to updating as soon as my schedule allows it.

That's all for me, see you guys later!

And, as always, love you to Konoha and back! xx