I do not own Naruto Thirteen or any of the characters.


Riddick ducked under a low section of the tunnel, goggles up and feet landing silently. Derek was bringing up the rear with Justin between them and holding an assault shotgun. In the tunnels, it would more than cover them. Riddick was holding a pair of shivs he had made from stones that were strong enough to cut through the stone walls of the mine allowing them to be very effective weapons against Bioraptors. Derek, on the other hand, had an axe.

The three of them quickly but silently made their way through the tunnels, screams and the shrieks of Bioraptors echoing from the tunnels around them.

"Which way do we go?" Riddick breathed.

"Quiet," Derek growled. "The next right. After that, I'm not entirely sure. This stretch seems to have new tunnels."

"They do love to dig," Riddick growled. "Fine. We'll do it the hard way."

He lifted Kyra a bit higher and she held on tighter before Riddick began to move faster, still barely making a sound. Justin and Derek followed and Riddick ducked and weaved through the maze of tunnels, doubling back several times before finally stopping. He growled in annoyance and knelt, looking around and gripping his shivs tighter.

"We've been going in circles," Justin growled, hand resting on a series of slashes.

"I know," Riddick growled. "I was hoping it wasn't what I thought."

"And what's that?" Derek snarled.

"It's an ambush," Riddick stated just as Kyra slid to the ground and Bioraptors began to pour out of the tunnels.

Justin spun, blasting a group of them while Riddick began to spin, slicing into them rapidly and dropping them one after another. Derek killed them quickly with his axe as well but there were simply too many.

"This way!" Riddick shouted, kicking a Bioraptor down a tunnel and clearing a path.

He grabbed Kyra, throwing her onto his back before sprinting through the gap in the Bioraptors, Derek following as Justin continued blasting the creatures behind them, falling behind a little at a time.

Riddick and Derek sprinted through the tunnels, killing any Bioraptors that attacked them. Finally, they skidded to a stop, Bioraptor blood pouring off of them, and Justin slowed to a stop beside them. Ahead of them was a massive hollow cavern. The walls and ceiling was swarming with Bioraptors while the bottom was covered in a massive pile of corpses, likely meant to be food for later. There were prisoners, guards, mercs, and a pair of legs that could have belonged to anyone. Justin opened his mouth to speak but Riddick covered it and he stopped himself. They all silently made their way around a outside on a fallen catwalk that now rested on the ground at the edge of the cavern. They stopped halfway down when the Bioraptors all began to screech and on landed on the catwalk in front of them.

"Damn," Riddick growled crouching with his shivs while Derek and Justin readied themselves.

"Now what?" Derek whispered.

"Brightest flair you've both got," Riddick instructed pulling his goggles on as Derek pulled on his own.

He and Justin both lit and hurled a flare and the Bioraptors instantly fled into hundreds of tunnels. Riddick, Derek, and Justin began sprinting down the catwalk then across the bodies. Just as they got halfway across, the flares both died out. As Derek and Justin reached for more, Riddick dropped to the ground, Kyra landing beside him, and covered her mouth. Bioraptors flooded into the room, swarming through the air and being blasted by Justin. Derek was swinging his axe as hard as he could at first but soon a Bioraptor plunged both its extendable blades into his back and dragged him into the air then through the swarm and into a tunnel. Justin managed to stay alive for about another second, killing another two Bioraptors. Then, a swarm of infant Bioraptors shot out of the tunnels and shredded him, tearing him into tiny pieces before carrying him away as well. The gun landed beside Riddick's head but before he could grab it, a Bioraptor grabbed a body below it and carried both the body and the gun away. Other Bioraptors began to swoop down and grab bodies. After a few moments, one swooped down at Kyra. Riddick gripped his shivs tighter just as the remaining Bioraptors all shot out of the room, likely sensing more food. Riddick stood and tackled the Bioraptor that had been less than a foot from Kyra. He slashed its throat then moved its intestines outside. He stood and quickly moved to Kyra, pulling her up to his back then sprinted out through a tunnel.

The shriek of an infant Bioraptor swarm rang out behind him and he sped up, gritting his teeth as he ran. Finally, he slipped as the tunnel dropped into a steep slope. He managed to pull Kyra around in front of himself before his back slammed to the ground and he slid down the rough stone slope for several minutes. Finally he stopped and dropped to his knees, gritting his teeth against the pain of his new road rash. He sprinted forward, holding Kyra bridal style and finally a light came into view. When he stepped out of the tunnel, he saw he was in a hanger with a ship waiting. There were flood lights illuminating every inch of the room and the inside of the ship was lit by interior lights. Despite this, the people that had been there, guards, mercs, and prisoners alike, were all dead.

Just as Riddick noticed, the lights all flickered and died. The inside of the ship was still illuminated Riddick sprinted into it, pulling the lever to close the hatch just as Bioraptors flooded into the hanger. One scrambled onto the ship and Riddick instantly began slashing at it, killing it. Once the hatch was closed, Riddick carried Kyra to the front and set her in the copilot seat then sat in the pilot's chair and fired up the engines. the flames blasted Bioraptors into pieces and the ship lurched forward, shooting out of the hanger and then into the air. Riddick steered the ship away from the planet and toward the meeting point. Finally they stopped and activated the beacon, drifting through space as they waited.

"What about the others?" Kyra questioned. "Did anyone make it?"

"No," Riddick stated flatly. "We got swarmed."

Kyra nodded and silently waited for their rescue. Neither was really sure what they could say if they wanted to talk anyway. They were too busy reliving M-344/G.

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