
Well, it's been a while, if anyone is still even reading this. You might want to freshen up on the first chapter.

And if any of you are following Stay With Me, it might be a long while. I have ideas, but I just might quit altogether.

But enjoy. It's just a filler. Next chapter will be up soon and will be better.


I own very little.

Chapter Two

"Jesus Christ, kid, are you following me?!" I groan, trying to shake off the youngest Oliver as she jogs towards me. It's not like I'm unhappy to see her. Actually, I am. Detention ran a little longer than expected and Dickers was a massive pain in the ass. I won't even begin with the three stooges bickering and cat-fighting over that sleaze.

"What? No!" Tori says, running a little ahead as she faces me, walking backwards.

She doesn't try to touch me at all.

Good girl. I hate being touched.

"Then why are you still here? Were you waiting for me?" I roll my eyes, my hips swaying a little sensual than I want as I walk faster.

"Come on, you don't have to walk home," The brunette says—or pleads as I watch her forehead crease and her brows scrunch at the bridge of her tiny nose. "I swear I'm not a creep."

"You're proving otherwise," I deadpan, throwing her a sarcastic smile as I shove past her.

"Alright, that's pretty fair, but in my defense, I was totally at practice and then helped out for the fundraiser. I just happened to see you coming out of detention," She explains with a soft grin. "You're in LA! Let me show you around. I'll be your tour guide—or better, we can be annoying tourists and scour all over with visors and a fanny pack!"

"Let me think real hard on that one," I quip back as she continues to skip back in front of me, clearly not making it easy.

"I'll buy you a funnel cake!" She offers. "Even two!" She says a little desperately, but she stays rooted to the ground when I don't meet her eyes and continue past her, finally getting the hint though I'm pretty close to caving. "Three?" She questions in a tiny little voice that's beginning to give up.

I toss my head back to the sky and let out a dramatic grunt or whine. Maybe a mix, "Jesus. Fine!" I exclaim, whirling around to face her stupid pout before I point at her chest. She only says a small 'ow' and rubs at the poke with a bigger stroppy pout. "But you owe me, sweet cheeks. And we're not friends. Or tourists."

Then she's just smiling, hardly fazed by my demeanor, but most likely on the verge of doing another stupid dance before she nods her head towards her car.

So I get in and then she drives off, the California breeze settling in as she zooms down the road. I let myself enjoy it. I let myself enjoy Tori's company and her lame, random ramblings, but I don't let myself get too close because it's only a matter of time before we have to pack our crap and move all over again.

Then it's a whole new town and a whole lot of people I won't bother to get to know.

If I'm honest, Tori's the first one. She's my first potential friend in a long while. Maybe that's why I got in the car with her on the first day of just knowing her—which is something I would never, ever do.

First she takes me to a bakery, claiming it's the best one in town and makes me try every fucking pastry. Then we're at Venice Beach, walking along the pier and down the crowded shore and shopping for miscellaneous things at the boardwalk.

She even bought me a fucking funnel cake.

"I can get you two more, you know."

I roll my eyes, "I don't need three. But at the rate you're going, you might," I say. Chick can really fucking throw down when it comes to food, I notice in the last two hours of being with her. It's nice. And of course, my mom doesn't bother asking me where the hell I am since I was supposed to be home a little over four hours ago. "But thank you. For showing me around… Or whatever."

Tori shrugs, absently licking at her mint chocolate ice cream from her cone when it starts to melt as I give her a once-over before turning away. "Thanks for coming. I hope you like California and want to stay." She says, her brown hues flickering into my blue ones as she tucks a stray of hair behind her ear.

"Well, you basically forced me to hang out with you. It's not like I had any choice."

"Aw, come on. Deep down, you want to be my friend!" She croons, her eyebrows doing a little wiggle and a waggle there as I try not to laugh. She's a brave one. Honestly. She didn't even bat an eye when I threatened a few strangers for getting a little too close to me.

She's so weird. So dorky and so, so cheesy, but it somehow makes me feel a little at ease around her—like she's willing to act a little silly and embarrass herself so I can be comfortable. Surprisingly, I don't not like it. "How come you're a Vega and Oliver's an Oliver?"

For a moment, I think I see her go rigid, but it might be because a drop of ice cream fell on her top as she mindlessly cleans it off, her caramel tresses serving as a veil of curtain to shield her face. "Well, Beck has dad's surname. He married my mom, but she kept Vega, though we share the same father."

"And your parents? What are they like?"

"Um… Mom's dead and dad's a bit of a dick," She says simply, nearly at ease had it not been the pained smile across her pink lips. "But don't worry, he loves dearest Beckett. He's a real champ, you know? He's gonna go places, be big. The one who will make the family name proud," She says in a voice that makes me assume it's an impression of her dad. There seems to be more to it, but I don't have time to ask. "I have a little sister. She's ten. I think you might like her. So what about you? Any brothers or sisters?"

I shake my head, "None. It's just me and Momma dearest. Dad abandoned me a long time ago. I guess we're just a pair of daddy issues, hey?" I smirk lightly, not knowing if I'm treading a thin line, but there's a smile.

"I suppose. Come on. Let's get you home," She says, even going out of her way to get another funnel cake to-go. For my mom, she says, if I don't want it.

Then we're driving to my house, nearly getting lost a couple thousand times because all of Los Angeles looks the exact fucking same and I never bothered to learn my way 'home'. Till then, we just talk or sometimes she'll sing, trying to coerce me to join, even if it's futile.

I tell her not to count on me staying because my mom has a string of affairs that'll only crash and burn and I'll be out of town by the next few months. She tells me not to worry about any of that until we're walking down that line and for a fleeting moment, I believe her.

We finally make our way to the curb of our ugly, white picket fenced house and of course, my mom is out working on the garden and the whole of Jefferson, Franklin, Roosevelt and Washington Street are either walking by our house to gape at my mother or trying to offer help.

"Honey! Hi! There you are!" She shouts, waving like a madman as she takes off her gardening gloves, jogging over. "Where have you been? Who is this?" She asks, looking at Tori. "Did you make a new friend?"

"She's not my friend."

"I'm Victoria," The Latina says with a same, both my mom and her not really bothered with my quick response.

"Well, Victoria, join us for dinner. Please, I'm insisting, whether or not Jade wants you to. Oh! And you can call me Jenna." She says with a bright smile before heading back inside. I'm a little surprised. Man or woman, gay or straight, everyone stares at my mother. Seriously, she's fit, curvy, beautiful.

"Victoria?" I ask a bit in confusion. It's a small thing, but she did introduce herself as Tori.

"Yeah. Victoria. The only people who call me Tori are my brother's friends or people who are interested in getting to know him through me. Tori Oliver, actually. But they don't know anything about me," She says a bit stoically as she gets out of the car while I follow her lead and seeing my mother taking out food to make dinner.

We sit at the breakfast bar as Mom hands us a can of coke each, moving around the kitchen. Victoria and my mom idly chat as I take a second to really look at her. She's pretty. Perfect, wavy hair, straight, pearly-white teeth, a slim, athletic build, too. I'm trying to understand why anyone would use her to get to know Beck when she's as equally worthy, if not, more.

"So, Victoria, how do you know my oh-so lovely daughter?" Mom gives me a smirk nearly identical to mine.

"We have Chemistry," Vic replies. "And History." She adds before her eyes nearly bulge out at the way it sounded. "I-I mean, not ch-chemistry like attraction or um, magnetism or gravitational pull, u-uh, I mean like flasks and… Chemicals." She finishes off awkwardly as Mom and I only look at her in amusement. "How about I make dinner, yeah? You two can unpack and unwind."

She stammers, practically shooing us out of the kitchen as Mom laughs, "I like her. She's funny. I better see her around, you know."

I roll my eyes as Vega makes a bit of a ruckus with making dinner. Seriously. Give Victoria enough time and she'll burn everything. Nothing was salvaged or even edible, so she treated us to take out and apologized profusely for ruining dinner, but it was all just a laugh.

"Alright, you girls have fun. I've got a date," Mom winks after descending down the steps in a flattering dress. Even I gape at her, but Tori doesn't really bat an eye. I kind of like that.

"Drummer?" I ask.

"Doctor," She smiles hesitantly. "Well, veterinarian… Technician."

"Jesus," I groan. It won't be long until we're packing that crammed hatchback. "You're dating a dog nurse."

"Thank you for dinner, Victoria. Best takeout."

Vega only blushes as she cleans up, "Have fun, Ms. West." After she's done and Mom's left, she grabs her jacket and car keys. "I guess that's my cue. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I guess," I shrug. "Thanks for today."

She nods before she opens the door to see Alyssa, the cheerleader from detention, close to knocking. "Ew. Oliver," The light brunette says in distain as she takes in Vic, actually looking repulsed.

"It's Vega," Vic sighs before rolling her eyes, heading to her car before Alyssa turns to me.

"I want to bring down you-know-who."

She walks in, makes herself at home before I shut the door, but a moment later, the bell chimes.

"Jade… Right?" Meredith smiles politely as she lets herself in and I'm so, so close to screaming at the intruders until a gentle knock interrupts me, revealing Cat.

"Normally, I'm opposed to the slaughter of animals, but in Beckett Oliver's case, I'll make an exception." She says in a soft voice with a big smile, her dimples showing before she flicks back her red hair, strutting in.

Next thing I know we're in my room and the girls are giving me another fucking headache as they argue about who is really Beck Oliver's true love.

"Guys! Peace and love!" Cat cries, trying to separate the overly-involved and the cheerleader.

"He's mine!" Alyssa calls out before Cat gasps and thwacks her head.


"He's mine!"

"Christ! This guy is cheating on all of you and instead of doing something about it, you're beating the shit out of each other?!" I yell, the girls stopping at the sound of my voice and glare. "Seriously, what the hell are you three doing here?!"

"Well… You're like Swiss. You're neutered," Cat says in a scared voice, wide-eyed and afraid I might yell again. Oh, I just might.

"What Cat is trying to say is you're neutral. Jade, look, if the three of us tried this alone, we would kill each other. You brought us here and showed us we have… Something in common." Meredith reiterates as Alyssa and Cat glare at each other.

"So? I don't even know the guy, why would I want to even help you three?" But then I think about it. All the tools my mom dates, Beck is exactly like them. Because of that, I want to hurt Beck. Those jerkbags ruined my life and I want to hurt him so badly. I want blood.

"We all wanna kill Beck Oliver. And you're gonna help." Alyssa says with a grin.


This was all a bit lazy, but I've got a block in my head.


Hm, Bade or Jori?