Hello again, people of Fanfiction.

I am back once more to bring you yet another fanfic that I am sure the lot of you will enjoy taking your time and reading over.

Now this is just one of my stories that is for those who don't mind a bit of inaccuracy on details here and there, and for those who enjoy Killer Croc as much as I do. And for those who don't give a rats ass that one of the main characters is an OC, here ya go.

When the Dark Knight took down and took most of Killer Croc's organization into custody in one night, it only served to concentrate the crocodile-man's perception of humans as cruel and treacherous vermin.

Of course, Batman assisted the police in pulling the beaten crime boss' body to the transporting vehicle that was to take him back to Arkham Asylum, but he then vanished right after that. That left the policemen to take their sweet time kicking around the injured, unconscious, and possibly even dead Croc, likely taking advantage of one of the few chances they'd get to feel power over a clearly superior creature.

That being said, when they eventually did get around to shackling the prisoners and loading them on into the police cars and vans, the apprehension of Killer Croc himself was no small feat. It took no less than ten men to even lift his body, and they had no metal restraints to match his size except for the ones Batman personally put on him. In the end, they had nothing more than his physical state and one pair of bat-cuffs to assure his captivity, which was absolutely no kind of assurance at all. He was bound and gagged on the floor of his carrier, with five officers sweating bullets as they watched him down the barrel of their guns. Their only chance was to hope that he remained unconscious until they reached their destination.

Fortunately for the lot of them, the Dark Knight packed one hell of a punch.

The downpour assaulting the exterior of the prison slash mental facility would make moving the large crocodile-man a difficult task, but it couldn't be helped at that time.

At least their arrival at Arkham Asylum was anticipated; there was an entire crew dispatched to help with processing of the new prisoners slash patients. In addition, the new Vice Warden, Sirius Law, had come to oversee the matter; from a distance the man stood out, being easily taller as the average six foot man. When Batman approached him, however, he saw he was not alone.

The newly appointed Security Adviser, Selene D. Grey, was standing at his side. She donned a combat vest over a black tank-top, with a pair of khaki's tucked into a set of militia-style boots. The was a knife sheathed at her shoulder with the grip pointing down; the handle of her shock prod rose over the opposite shoulder, and the grip of yet another blade poked out above the height of her left boot. And though he couldn't see it, Batman knew she had a six-shooter holstered at the small of her back. He doubted she so much as bathed without some kind of weapon on her.

She gave a familiar frown at the sight of the Dark Knight, and appeared to mutter something to the Vice Warden just before Batman entered earshot.

"Vice Warden," He spoke up in a deep tone, his voice clearly saying that everything he said was and was to be taken seriously, "I see your men have this situation under control".

"Yes, and well done taking Killer Croc down in the first place, Batman. No doubt about it; you and the commissioner's men have pulled off yet another successful take down in the crime boss organization".

"Thank you, sir," The Dark Knight merely nodded in agreement and started to take his leave. "But it was justice that helped both of us out tonight".

They watched him vanish into the darkness of the night before turning to look at one another. "You were right, Selene. He's a dark mystery that one".

"And he's helping out for no known reason other than justice. I don't like it. He's doing it for something else, I just know it".

"Well, what of these... busted sewer pipes he reported in to the commissioner"?

"According to Vlad's report, the locals claim Killer Croc and his men have rigged multiple pipes to burst sooner or later and some already have. I've already told you what they said of Batman being seen snooping around that area looking for clues".

"Yes, you have".

"Is it grounds for arrest since some have claimed that Batman has actually helped Croc's organization find certain pipes? I mean how do you think he manages to find those kinds of things all the damn time. He's a villain in a hero's costume".

Law shook his head. "Arresting him now would do little good. I can relay what you've told me to my superiors, and they'll probably begin another investigation that leads to another dead end on the Bat's case. But beyond that, it's out of our hands, Selene".

"Even the number of times that these men have apparently escaped the Batman where others haven't"?

"We can take it into consideration when distributing the prisoners, but that's a weighty charge. We can't throw around such accusations lightly, and especially not without proof. None of those citizens actually witnessed the criminal's escapes; it's all circumstantial".

The Adviser narrowed her eyes, "I was afraid you'd say that".

The Vice Warden stroked his chin for a second before continuing the conversation with, "Well, that's enough of the Bat for the time being. Right now, let's worry about the matter at hand. I want you to..." He trailed off, spotting a large cluster of guards struggling to lift a large crocodile-man from the police van and onto the ground below. Law's eyes glinted in recognition.

"Waylon Jones".

Selene squinted to get a better look. "He looks completely out of it".

The Killer Croc's eyes were rolled back into his head, with crusted blood running down his face and abdomen. His once-nice vest was stained with dirt and blood, and sported some rather large tears. One of his legs was twisted unpleasantly- swollen and discolored, it was clearly broken.

The Dark Knight certainly did a number on him.

"There's no way no normal man was responsible for that," the Vice Warden assessed with the utmost certainty, and Selene was reluctantly inclined to agree with him. "That's only what the mysterious Batman can do. Now I want you to personally oversee Jones' imprisonment, including sentencing and cell placement. See if you can't get him placed below the normal cells of Block C"

"Containing him this go around is going to be a problem".

Law rubbed the back of his neck, thinking. "Recount some of the reports we received from your man Vlad in the downtown district where his organization was busted. His utter decimation on the whole district, his merciless slaughter of innocent people; argue his misrepresented thought process and really tug at the heartstrings. I want this one buried so deep he can't crawl out this go around".

"Yes, sir". She nodded, moving to follow his orders.

"And Selene"! She quickly turned back to face him. "Meet me in my office later. If Batman is really responsible for the state Killer Croc is in, then we need to make it clear to him that we at Arkham Asylum want our patients to be reasonably healthy when they come to us for help".

"Sir," She acquiesced dutifully before turning to intercept their newest prisoner slash patient.

Croc's striking eyes cracked open slightly, only vaguely aware of his surroundings. He glimpsed at a red-haired woman barking orders and for a minute, that was all he could come to focus on.

When he felt himself being lifted, an uneasy sense of familiarity came over him and he reached out instinctively to stop what was about to happen. His hand wrapped around the upper arm of the redhead, and at the sound of her gasp, he briefly felt salvation.

"Shit," Her voice came out in frantic acknowledgment. There was a pinch in his wrist and his hand gave out, releasing her.

Rubbing her arm, Selene watched as the men dropped him into the water. It was mandatory that all patients brought in by the Batman were to be cleansed and purified of all germs, infections, and cuts by getting thrown into a lukewarm bath. It's somewhat like a baptism ritual, and it is also meant to sterilize clothes as well.

Nevertheless, no matter how out-of-sorts he was, Croc's grip was going to leave bruises. While she was no slouch in combat, she quickly realized it would take a bit more than just her to keep him under control. She now both understood and dreaded her role as his handler; she was definitely earning her pay for this.

The moment he made contact with the water, he instantaneously awoke from his daze. An agonized roar erupted from his throat as he thrashed and struggled to escape.

"Not many have that much vigor going in," One of her men observed hesitantly. All backed away from the vat when boiling water sloshed over the sides. Selene donned an unpleasant expression.

"All right, let's get down there. Be ready when they open the hatch; if he's still struggling then bring him down with the prods. Let's not have this become an incident, gentlemen".

"Yes, ma'am"!

She and her men descended from the first catwalk to the second, stopping by the hatch doors.

"Stand ready, men," She barked, pulling out her shock prod. He was still raving like a lunatic; this was about to get ugly.

"Opening hatch doors, boiler nine," An attendant bellowed from somewhere above them. There was a hiss and an eruption of steam as the water-tight seal was disengaged. Hot water spilled out from the opening, and everyone seemed to tense.

Steam billowed up from below as the water hit the drain-pan, and suddenly no one could see. To make matters worse, the ungodly screech of metal twisting met their ears.

"Filthy humans"!

Killer Croc bolted from the boiler and straight ahead, reaching blindly for anyone. His hand managed to find Selene's throat and he lifted her into the air, only to swing her around and shove her into the outer wall of another boiler.

The scalding metal made contact with the bare skin on her arm and she screamed, kicking at the crocodile-man desperately. Croc was holding her at arm's length, however, and she couldn't manage a clean hit. It wasn't until one of her men drew his attention that he released her, but she had to catch herself on the railing of the catwalk to avoid falling into the drain-pan.

Someone came and hoisted her over; the steam was slowly dissipating, and she could vaguely make out the image of Killer Croc grappling with several of the guards. She looked him over for the best approach, and – remembering his wounded leg – ran at him with as much momentum as she could gather. Just as she got close, she ducked down low to fit between his legs and brought her shock prod up behind her, landing a firm hit behind the knee.

He bellowed loudly, staggering back. Someone got a little too close and went flying over the railing and into the drain-pan with a loud splash! As Selene collapsed backwards, the others closed in with their own prods and successfully brought the crime boss down.

It was then that another guard rushed in, carrying a small case. He stopped to salute Selene, who at the sight of him used the railing to pull herself up.

"Ma'am! Tranquilizer," He informed her rather efficiently, holding out the case.

She seized it like a lifeline, pulling out the needle and running toward the mob of thrashing bodies. Darting between her own men, she took a leap of faith and landed somewhere on the creature's massive chest. Gripping the scales on the back of his head just to keep from being thrown back, she brought the needle down hard onto the nearest bit of exposed green skin she could manage.

Croc, who'd begun to convulse either from the pain or the excessive shocks - or both - let out a weary gasp when she pushed down on the plunger. His eyes widened and a white foam pooled around his teeth and escaped over the side of his mouth. Selene couldn't bring herself to remove the needle just yet.

The steam had completely cleared now, and everyone watched as Croc tensed, gave one final convulsion, and collapsed, unconscious again.

"Not even ten damn minutes and already trouble... the damn steam didn't help matters..." Selene was grumbling to herself, heading toward the Vice Warden's office. The men she passed in the halls stopped to salute her respectfully, but she paid them no mind.

"Steam... steam! Of all the fucking things..."! She reached Law's door and waltzed in without thinking about it. "Why was there steam"?!

Law was leaning back in his chair, reading a report of some kind.

"It's quite common for the boiler room to have steam, Adviser". He remarked absentmindedly.

"Not when water empties into the drain-pan! We keep the damn thing heated so that doesn't happen"!

"Shouldn't you be complaining about this to the maintenance department"?

Selene fell back on the small blue couch in the corner. "Trust me, they heard about it. All I got were a bunch of apologies. 'We'll check on it, ma'am.' 'Please be patient, ma'am.' You know how many people could have died because of this"?

"Calm down. Is this about Waylon"?

She blew a puff of air out in frustration. "Indirectly. Things would have gone a lot smoother if we could have seen shit".

"Did he give you and your men much trouble"?

She nodded. "Plenty, and then some. It started with him trying to drag me into the boiler with him. He's the reason my arm looks purple. And he's the reason my other arm is missing a nice chunk of skin," She informed him, voice dripping with venom. She leaned up to let him get a glimpse of her burn, which was bleeding in places like patchwork. "The second he went into the boiler he went berserk. We were all on our guard. Like I said, if it weren't for the damned drain-pan-"

"You haven't gone to the infirmary"?

"No, not yet. He's in there, though. The injuries he sustained before he got here as well as the trauma he suffered in the boiler room put him in quite a state. They think he might not wake up. Damn it all..." She hissed, inspecting her wound.

"Who's in there with him"?

"Lucy. She owed me a favor. I needed to cool off real quick before heading there".

"Hmm. Well, since you're here I may as well tell you". Law straightened himself out in his chair.

"Tell me what"?

"I went to the warden with your suspicions about Batman. I thought perhaps he could be of some insight. All he told me that this is not the first time Batman has been accused of accepting bribes from criminals and in some cases selling out police secrets to the villains. However, every time someone voices a complaint, it gets mysteriously wiped from the record".


"The warden seemed unsure about that. It seems to be coming from higher up the chain of command".

"Ugh; that's ridiculous. Who would be pulling for a guy like him"?

"You got me".

Selene had to think about that. Did the mysterious Dark Knight have any relatives high up in the government? That was the only conceivable thing she could picture, and it would certainly explain that aura of power and wealth that she felt whenever she was near him.

"Let's nail him to the damn wall this time, huh"?

"Don't get so confident. We don't have any proof to speak of".

Selene furrowed her brow, gazing up to the ceiling. If Killer Croc or any of the other crime lords were the ones paying out bribes, then he'd be proof, of sorts. Maybe she could get him to help her take Batman out of the darkness and get him into the light of the public eye. After all, he paid all those bribes for protection from the law that he obviously didn't get.

Law watched her think.

"You're trying to work Waylon into this, aren't you"?

"I could see him being persuaded to pitch in with helping us out, yes".

Her boss' expression hardened. "Forget it. He's not going to work with other humans".

"Well, he was working with humans to take revenge on the man who landed him here. I'm not ready to count it out just yet".

"You've never said two words to the guy. You'd best leave more experienced handlers to try and talk to him. However, if you wish to try to get the information out of him, you have my permission to do so. I'd rather hear what he has to say from you than those snobbish scientists anyway".

"Deal". She chewed her lip, slightly inspired now.

Law stood and walked to the door, "Alright then. Well, you're welcome to stay, but I'm off for dinner now".

Selene sighed reluctantly, getting to her feet. "No, I'll go. Lucy's been working the long shift today, she probably hasn't eaten".

"I could bring you back something, if you like".

She gave him a weak smile. "It's fine. If that damn crocodile is still under sedation, then my job should be fairly easy tonight".

"I... appreciate you... me out like this..."

"That's... what I'm... for".

Killer Croc struggled to hang on to awareness. Bits and pieces of reality had been trickling in here and there, but this fragment of a conversation was the most lucid thing he'd been able to understand since that fight he'd started with the Batman.

He could still feel the shock pulsing over his skin, even though it had been hours ago. The thought made him dizzy and he suppressed it.

"Is it just me or does the boss-man have it out for the Batman"?

A man's voice questioned from his left. With each passing moment things were growing clearer and clearer.

"Law? I wouldn't say he's fond of him, but I can't see him doing anything unprofessional".

"I know that. I'm not talking about his conduct; everything he's done pertaining to this has been perfectly legal- just what if he's being fueled by something other than justice".

"To be a public servant with intentions other than justice is unprofessional, legal or not. He takes his job very seriously".

"If you say so".

"I say so".

Croc then became aware of his legs dragging along concrete and small hands holding his arms in place. He was partially hoisted onto the shoulders of two people.

"After that mess in the boiler room, we shouldn't be placing him any old holding cell. He should be down on one of the lower levels".

"He hasn't been filed as a returning patient just yet. And he won't be until he wakes up and understands his situation. Ah, this is the one, here".

He felt one half of him dip as one of his captors reached for a set of keys and unlock the door to an empty cell.

"He proved himself a serious threat, today".

"Doesn't he prove that every time we bring him in"? The redheaded woman countered, dragging Croc inside. "It's the nature of the job. And the minute you start to think in terms of individual prisoners, it's over; you've gone paranoid. That mess in the boiler room was more an issue of our blunder than of his calculation. He's no better or worse than anyone else locked up here, just because circumstance played out different this one time".

"You have an answer for everything, don't you, Selene"? The other guard huffed.

"You're just looking for someone to hate and play the bad guy. Well, you've got a whole asylum full of bad guys, so take your pick. But don't recount your logic to me- if it's flawed I'll be the first to say so".

"Fine. Whatever," The man muttered as she shut the cell door. They walked away in silence, and when they were gone Croc propped himself up, shakily.

His head was spinning and his stomach was turned in knots. His vision blurred in and out of focus, and he thought he was going to collapse again. Reaching out to the bars of the cell door weakly, he tried to prop himself up, with little luck. He looked around the cell. There was a toilet and a cot much too small for him. He reached out and tugged the blanket off, hoping to insulate himself from the cement floor. The comfort it provided was minimal, and he shivered.

He tried to roll over. It hurt too much and he gave up. The blanket didn't even wrap around his shoulders entirely, and the little comfort he did take from it only made the rest of his body ache for warmth. Feeling sickness overtake him, he gave a few empty retches before shutting his eyes.

It was hours before he actually managed to fall asleep.

Wow… Well that was certainly long-winded.

I sure as hell can't promise every chapter is going to be that big but I sure as hell hope they will be.

Until the next chapter, my good people!