"And what would the pretty girl like today?"
Katarina stood upon her tip toes so that she could get a better look at the burlap covered table of fresh flowers. All of the colors stood out to here, from the yellow sunflowers to the bright daisies, to the deep red roses. The old woman pulled out a pink rose and held it close to Katarina's face. "How does this one look? A pretty pink rose."
Katarina scrunched her nose at the flower. "No… that's not the right one."
The old woman smiled as she put the flower back and then grabbed a purple iris. "How about this one?"
Katarina scrunched her nose and shook her head again. Katarina tried to pull herself up higher so that she could get a better look at the flowers. The woman laughed as she walked up behind her and raised the young girl in her arms.
"Just point to the one you want dearie…"
Katarina put her hand on her chin and eyed all the bunches of flowers. "Hmm…"
The woman laughed again and the young girl's concentration.
"I choose…" Katarina pointed at a bright orange flower that was dead center on the table. "That one!"
The woman smiled and set Katarina down and pulled the flower from the bunch. "A Tiger Lily… great choice!" The woman handed Katarina the flower.
Katarina smiled wide as she reached into her brand new coin purse that her mother gave her and started to pull out a silver coin. The woman shook her head and knelt down to put her hand on Katarina's. "Don't worry… this one is on me." The woman winked.
Katarina smiled and thanked the woman. "Thank you!" She put the flower in her cloak pocket and turned to run through the forest and back to her home. As she neared the clearing of her home she could hear her mother's calls.
"Come inside before it gets dark!"
Young Katarina ran faster towards her home at her mother's call from the forest, her cloak billowing behind her with each hurried step. As Katarina was about to run through the front door, she screamed as she felt arms wrap tightly around her. Her screams turned into those of delight as she felt the fingers beginning to tickle her.
"Nata!" She cried loudly in defeat. "Nata! Please stop!"
Her older sister Natalia laughed as she continued to tickle her sister fervently. As Katarina squealed, their mother walked out of the house with a towel placed upon her shoulder. "Girls! Supper is on the table. Please come inside before the food gets cold!" She looked at her daughters sternly before turning and walking back into the house.
"Come on munchkin… let's go." Natalia lifted her sister up off the ground and carried her into the house. She walked past her father, who was sitting at the table, cleaning his blacksmithing tools. As she set Katarina down on her chair, Natalia watched as her mother walked up to her father, snatching his tools out of his hand.
"Not at the table John!" Her mother stood by the table with her hands on her hips.
Natalia smiled as she saw her father turn red from being scolded. As he walked to the sink to wash his hands for dinner, Natalia poured a cup of juice for her sister from the pitcher on the table and handed it to her. Katarina quickly put the cup to her lips and started to down the drink. Natalia rolled her eyes. "Kata… slow down! You'll make yourself sick."
Katarina stared at her sister with narrowed eyes as she continued to finish the juice. When the cup was empty, she pulled the cup away from her mouth and wiped the liquid from her lips. After a moment, she hiccupped loudly.
Natalia shook her head as she took the cup and sat it down next to the pitcher, deciding to wait before she poured her another glass. When her father turned off the water in the sink, he walked over to Maria and kissed her on the cheek softly, taking the pot of fresh lamb stew from her hands.
As they walked over to the table, Natalia took her place across from her sister at the table, and her mother and father took their places at either ends of the table. Natalia took her sister's bowl and reached for the ladle. She scooped some of the stew for her sister and placed it in front of her.
"Thank you Nata…" Katarina smiled.
Natalia winked to her sister and poured some of the stew for herself. "Anything for you my sweet Kata…"
Katarina gasped as she frantically reached into her cloak pocket. Natalia furrowed her brow as she reached across the table towards Katarina. "What are you doing?"
"I almost forgot!" She reached into her pocket and pulled out the slightly scrunched Tiger Lily and handed it to her sister. "Happy Birthday Nata."
Natalia took the flower and looked to her sister and smiled softly. "Thank you…and you even got my favorite!"
John cleared his throat. The family joined hands as they lowered their heads to bless their meal.
"For the food that nourishes our bodies, for the fellowship here that feeds our souls." Her father looked to his two daughters. "For all things good and beautiful with which our lives are filled," he looked to his wife. "We give our thanks today."
"Amen." Maria spoke softly.
"You were right… she doesn't recognize us." Tiger Lily spoke quietly. Hidden away inside of her small wigwam, both Peter Pan and Tiger Lily looked out into the center of the native's campsite. They watched as Jessica sat awkwardly around the campfire with the elder women of the village surrounding her. The elders smiled as they adorned her hair with beads and painted her face to match theirs.
"It's because she's not Kat." Peter said curtly. He crossed his arms over his stood from the ground and walked over to the opening, watching Jessica intently. After Tiger Lily took the girl in her arms for a hug, she felt her heart rip from her chest as Jessica pulled away and looked at her as if she were a stranger.
Peter Pan had quickly introduced her as Jessica and that he had wanted to show her Neverland. As she exchanged pleasantries with the warriors, Tiger Lily jerked away as Pan placed his hand on her shoulder.
Tiger Lily could not believe that this was not her Kata. She looked so similar that it was mind blowing. Sure it had been years since she had last seen her sister, but her sister was not something that she would forget so easily. Perhaps this was a cruel joke from this land. Being in Neverland changed a person. It also made you see things that weren't there. "Perhaps she is just an illusion? Some enchantment that the dark forest is doing to play with us."
Peter shook his head as he continued to watch Jessica with the elders. Jessica scrunched her nose as the women applied to dark paint upon her cheeks. "I found her in the land without magic. I had my shadow bring her here."
Tiger Lily paled, "You kidnapped her?"
Pan glanced back towards her. "Kidnapping is such a strong word… I would prefer saying that I expanded her horizons." He gave her a sideways smile.
Tiger Lily stared at him in alarm. "You abducted this poor girl!"
Pan shrugged as he resumed watching Jessica. One of the elder women pulled a purple flower from a woven basket and put it in Jessica's hair and smiled wide. The woman patted her cheek and reached down and handed her a bowl of steaming spruce tea. Jessica took it and nodded as she took a small sip. Jessica moaned in delight as the warm liquid went down her throat.
Tiger Lily could see Peter give a small smile in response. Tiger Lily stood slowly from where she was sitting and walked over to stand beside him at the doorway. She watched him, noticing that he never took his gaze off of Jessica. Tiger Lily smiled at his change in demeanor, or better yet, his return to his old self.
She looked to Jessica and saw her finish off the bowl quickly. As she handed the bowl back to the elder woman, Jessica hiccupped loudly. Her face turned beet red as the women around her giggled in return.
Tiger Lily crossed her arms over her chest. "She's still the same."
Peter's smile quickly turned into a grimace. "Yeah… but she is different."
"You're different." She said flatly as she nudged him slightly. "Time changes people."
Peter stepped away from the opening and took his seat back in the center of the wigwam. "A lot more than time can change a person. You and I both know that."
Peter was right. Tiger Lily knew that a lot more than time could change a person. She had seen Peter go from that warm man that was deeply in love with her sister, to this sad and cruel little boy who thought escaping to Neverland would solve all of his problems. But in this little time that this doppelganger came into their realm, she knew that this was their second chance. This was a truly a sign from the gods.
Out of the corner of her eye, Tiger Lily saw Howahkan, the village eldest and medicine man, walk out into the meeting ground from his wigwam, following close behind him was the chief. Howahkan nodded to Tiger Lily and she slowly nodded in return. It was time. Tiger Lily turned and looked to Peter.
"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" She asked cautiously.
Peter looked to her in confusion. "Why wouldn't I?"
"Why wouldn't you?" Tiger Lily point out of the wigwam towards Jessica. "You are willing to take everything this girl has ever known and just throw it all away? Replace it with false memories?" The look Peter gave her caused her to take a step back. "Is Malcolm really completely gone from you?"
Pan raised his hand in warning. "Don't dare speak that name…ever! Do we understand each other?"
Tiger took a few steps towards Pan in resentment. "Kata would not want this. She would want…"
Peter stood up violently. "KATARINA is DEAD!" His voice echoed throughout the wigwam. Tiger Lily winced as the sky outside darkened and thunder boomed in the sky. A small voice coughed lightly at the entrance to the tent. They turned and saw a young boy walk into the tent apprehensively. His eyes were painted with the same intricate patterns as Howahkan. His body tensed from the tension filling the air.
"We are ready to start." The young boy spoke quietly, so not to cause Pan any more eruptions.
Behind him, Tiger Lily could see that Jessica had stood from her spot with the women and was now watching them with uncertainty in her eyes. Tiger Lily felt Pan place his hand on her shoulder. She turned towards him and saw the determination in his eyes.
"Let's begin." His sneer turned into a wide grin. As he walked towards Jessica and put his hand on her shoulder, Tiger Lily sighed and closed her eyes tightly.
"What are we doing?" She spoke to herself silently, as she resigned and trudged out of the wigwam.