Even without the superior hearing that Alex and Pam enjoyed as vampires, they would have clearly heard the commotion that erupted from the Grand Hall of the hotel. Pam looked horrified as she recognised several different voices and the pained screams coming from the recognised Royals. She turned to Alex, hoping for at least some sort of reaction from him, but alas Alex just smiled AGAIN at her. "As much as I would enjoy to continue this little interlude into my night's duties, I'm afraid, my dear Pamela that I am going to have to bid you adieu for the night". He bowed elegantly before vamping off in the direction of the disturbance.

Pam stood stock still for a full ten seconds, completely speechless. She did not like to be speechless and screwed her face up in disgust at the fact that not only had she been completely sidetracked by a mysterious MALE vampire, but she still hadn't actually been able to gather any information. Finally gathering her wits about her she decided to follow after him and see if she could figure out what the hell was going on around here.

She vamped off in the same direction as Alex, but slowed down as she got closer and closer to the noise, it was slowly becoming less tortured screams and more crying. She couldn't hear any obvious dangers in the room but the crying was slowly quieting down now, and she could hear that many of the most powerful vampires in the country were begging their old and often forgotten Gods for forgiveness. This night was just getting weirder and weirder. She could hear Alex starting to herd them out the different exits towards their rooms. Given the fact that vampires in general were not happy to be seen feeling any emotion, let alone crying like babies she decided to go back to Eric and report in. Before she did though, she took her phone out and recorded the noise, which was still a cacophony of different voices, however with their enhanced hearing they could pick it out and figure out who exactly was there. She only hoped that he could make more sense of all this than she could.

When she entered their rooms she went straight to the master bedroom and saw that Sookie was still fast asleep, but that her maker, who she had always thought of as indestructible, looked like shit. His eyes were red-rimmed and he was whispering to Sookie in Old Norse. She shut the door behind her, making sure she made just enough noise to break his reverie. Eyeing the blond danger magnet on the bed she shook her head. "Honestly Master, I have grown fond of her, but who would have thought that a waitress from po-dunk Louisiana would be the one to steal your heart after a millennium!" Eric looked at her and gave her a grim smile. "I can not even count the amount of people I have tortured Pam, I have spent a lifetime fighting, yet seeing her like this makes me re-think it all."

Pam was stunned, of all the things to ever happen to her, she didn't expect to have to face Eric losing his blood lust. He was a fighter. He always had been, even before he became vampire. . . she hoped this was just a temporary thing. You couldn't survive in their world without the violence unless you wanted to be a total recluse, and Eric loved live too much for that. So Pam did what she thought was best and ignored the statement entirely. "Eric, something weird is going on here, I went to figure out what was going on, Eric, from what I can gather most of the American Royalty are here. But they are all sobbing like babies and begging for forgiveness in the Grand Hall." Her statement seemed to snap him out of his dark mood and he looked at her to make sure she was being serious – it just sounded so implausible. Pam saw the look of disbelief on his face and pulled out her phone.

They moved to the lounge area of their rooms and dissected the phone's recording. Between them they could account for nearly every American Royal from just her short clip. All of them were very obviously distraught and the underlying theme of the cries were forgiveness. Eric looked at Pam with mild amusement "You do realise that if any of them find out about this recording your beautiful shoes will be covered in your bloody goo?" Pam rolled her eyes, but after listening another time to pick out particular aspects she did delete the recording and then destroy her phone.

Eric knew only too well that there were some things that you never forgot, and that you never really felt right about, but to hear them all reliving their most atrocious acts confirmed to him that the Ancient Pythoness, or one of her ancient 'friends' had been playing with the heads of the vampires present. He suddenly felt entirely grateful that all he had been treated to was the light show. He'd never seen anything like this type of power before, and after a millennium it was a rare thing for him to come across something new.

"Things like this are normally buried deep down in the pits of a vampires psyche Pam, whatever they went through to make them come to the surface like this would not have been pleasant". Pam gave him a 'no shit' look but nodded anyway. "Although I have survived both encounters with the AP and co so far I don't want to go and search them out. And seeing any of the Royalty right now would not be a good idea. As much as it goes against every instinct I have, I think we need to sit put for now. The AP has a plan and I think we are a part of it, this is just not something that we can go in to guns blazing." Pam gave him the stink eye, she hated the idea of just sitting there not doing anything "You're actually suggesting we just sit here?!" She realised her mistake the moment she started the sentence, but to her surprise Eric just sighed. It was a very human thing to do and he had only been doing it since he had met a certain telepath.

Eric loved his progeny, however she didn't have ¼ of the experience that he did and sometimes he forgot how young she truly was "Pamela, I know this is shit, in the last 24 hours I have been captured, silvered and felt my bonded being tortured by insane fae, my albeit psychotic maker died, which is a fucking millennia of crap to process and also fucking painful by the way. I have then had all of the messed up crap that has happened here on top of it all. I haven't just been sat here moping Pam, I have been attempting to think of plans A to Z. I hate doing nothing. You know this. However with the variables in play I don't know what the effect that our actions could have. With that in mind, this is the best option for us at the moment. I'm not immobile, just tactfully and temporarily staying put." He smiled then and continued " Honestly Pam, I know if you were being tortured you could outlast most out there – why does just sitting here in this lovely palace of a place turn you into a brat?!"

Pam's sarcastic response was stuck in her throat as a knock on the door disturbed them. They looked at each other anxiously before Eric opened the door to reveal Godric. Eric bowed deeply. Godric looked at him fondly before telling him to stand. "I am here just as a messenger this time North Man. Her Grace has had an unexpected visitor this evening, and although she had intended to come and discuss your situation with yourselves and the Telepath, she has asked me to come and tell you that you will be her first appointment tomorrow night." Godric looked at him pointedly "I don't know what she sees in you two but she is putting explaining things to you before her appointments with the Kings and Queens. She requires your presence as well as your progeny and your bonded an hour past sundown tomorrow night." Eric nodded, not really knowing what to say to a statement like that. Godric smirked "Now if you will excuse me, her Grace is putting my thousands of years experience to use as a messenger boy for what remains of the night. She thinks she's funny." And with that he left.