Disclaimer: I do not own Kickin' It or its characters, but I do own the OC's

Chapter 28 - Countdown To Midnight

Grace's POV - 11:50pm

Everyone was talking and getting excited for new years when Jack & Kim came back and walked over to us,

"Hey how was the date?" Julie asked them and they looked at each other, Kim blushing,

"Everything I dreamed," She said snuggling into Jack chest and he kissed her forehead, it was then I noticed Kim had put her hair up in a pony tale, and the top button of Jack's shirt was undone and I rose an eyebrow looking at Kim who noticed and blushed again looking away, "Anyway, we're gonna go find Kaitlyn, She's with one of our family members," She said and they walked away,

"Did anyone else noticed the undone button on Jack's shirt and Kim's hair?" Kels asked and we all except Jerry nodded,

"What?" He asked confused.

"Never mind babe," I said smiling and he shrugged,

Kim's POV

We walked over to mine & Jack's family who were all stood next to each other talking,

"Hey," I said and they smiled at us,

"Hey, how was the anniversary date?" Gabriella asked,

"Amazing," I said as Jack kissed my cheek and I smiled,

"Where's Kaitlyn?" He asked,

"Um, Kim, dont get angry," Dad said and I looked at him confused and he pointed to across the room at my mother who was holding Kaitlyn with Colton, Destiny, Kian and her husband Steven,

"Normally, I'd have a fit, but since its New Years, and I'm in a good mood, I'm not gonna, Come on," I said pulling Jack over to them and I cleared my throat and they looked at me,

"Kim, I-" Kirsty started,

"I'm in a good mood so I'm not gonna argue," I said to her and politely took Kaitlyn off her, "How's my baby girl? I missed you sweat pea," I said kissing her head and she smiled leaning her head against my chest, "Is someone tired?" I said and looked at Jack, "I think we should put this one in her stroller for her to go sleep, we just need to feed her, you wanna do it, I need to go toilet," I told Jack who nodded and we walked back over to our families and told them what we're doing,

"Oh just before you do, Amelia, Shaun, Buster, Lorna, come here," Phoebe said and they all walked over,

"We need to tell you something," Niall said smiling,

"I'm pregnant," Gabriella said smiling,

"Really?" Amelia said smiling happily.

"Yeah," She aswered,

"How far?" Lorna asked,

"3 weeks, so we have a long way to wait yet," Gabriella said smiling,

"Jack, Shaun? What do you two think?" Phoebe asked,

"I think its Great," Shaun said and they all looked at Jack, who smiled,

"Same," He said and they smiled,

"On that note, toilet," I said and Alicia stood,

"I'll come with you," She said and I nodded and we headed to the toilets and no one else was in there,

"So, What did you and Jack get up to?" She asked,

"What do you mean?" I asked confused,

"Oh you know what I mean, you look like your in a little bit of pain down south," She said raising an eyebrow at me and I sighed,

"Okay, we, we made love," I said smiling,

"Were you careful?" She asked and I nodded, "Good, and maybe if you want, I can take you to the doctors to get you some birth control." She said and I again nodded,

"Thanks." I said,

"But you do have to tell your dad what your doing, you know that." She said and I nodded sighing,

"I think I'm gonna leave it for another month or 2," I said and she nodded,

"Now go to the toilet before you have an accident," She joked and I nodded chuckling,

Jack's POV

I fed Kaitlyn and she fell asleep just as she finished the bottle, and I carefully placed her into the stroller and put the blanket around her,

"Hey," Jason said sitting down on a chair next to me,

"Hey," I said putting Kaitlyn's bottle away.

"Look, I want to talk to you, man to man, father to father," He said and I nodded, "You know how protective I am of Kim, expecially after everything thats happened, and I know I've been tough on you since the beginning, but, I just want to say, It means a lot to me, that you stepped up and are raising Kaitlyn, and how much you care for her & Kim, You'll understand when Kaity's older how its the hardest thing in the world, your little girl growing up, and I've never been happy with the idea of Kim growing up, but her being with you, and I know you'll look afte her, it makes it more bareable," He said and I nodded,

"I appreciate that, It means a lot coming from you," I said,

"And a piece of advice Jack, treasure every moment with Kaitlyn expecially now at her age, because they grow up really fast, expecially girls," He said and I nodded looking at Kaitlyn who was still fast asleep,

"I will." I said and he stood up walking over to Alicia as Kim walked over to me and sat on my lap after giving Kaitlyn a kiss and I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck,

"What was that about?" She said nodding over to her dad,

"Just some man to man talk, nout to worry about," I said and she nodded, resting her head on my shoulder,

"Okay everyone, the countdown will begin in 2 minutes, it you would please make your way outside ready for the fireworks," Someone said into the speaker,

Kim's POV - 11:59:43

"I love you," Jack whispered into my ear and I smiled,

"I love you too," I said,

"10!" Everyone yelled, "9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New years!" And Jack pulled me into a kiss which lasted about 10 seconds and we broke apart when fireworks began to explode in the sky and I smiled, this year is gonna be amazing, I know it, because I have my family, my friends, my guy & my daughter, and who knows, maybe we'll get a dog this year, haha, So thankyou to everyone who has been on this journey with me, and the story of how the love of my life and the father of my child, was once, my Bestfriend's Boyfriend...

The End... For now, I cant believe that this story is over, it means soo much to me, it honestly does, and I know I left you hanging for a while, and I'm sorry, but check out my profile to see why, I honestly love you all and this story soo much, and I am working on a sequel, although I'm not sure when I will upload, I would like to say October, possibly the 14th, as its my birthday, but I honestly don't know, I kinda want to get it mostly written before hand so I just have to upload it when the time comes, anyway, thank you all for supporting me with this story, I am so proud of how this story turned out, and it upsets me that Bestfriends Boyfriend is over, and as most of you know I got the idea from Emmerdale, an English soap with the characters Gemma & Sean, Gemmas best friend Belle was seans girlfriend, and just to let most of you know, in Emmerdale now, Gemma has actually died, her and Belle had an argument and Belle pushed her, Gemma got back up and walked away but it turns out she cut her head, she collapsed and ended up dying in hospital, right now Belle is doing time for her murder, xxx

-Demi xXx