Nightmare Key here! I know it's been a while since I last updated this story. Before that, I just wanted to thank AmazinglyCool for the idea. Don't worry I'm already planning on doing that for the next few chapters or so. It was a big help. Anyway, sorry for the wait. Chapter 8 is up now.

I know this is impossible but…

"Lucy! I love you, Lucy!" Natsu opened his arms, getting ready to give Lucy a bear hug. His eyes shining brightly and his smile so broad, his teeth showed.

"Geez…I'm writing my novel. Hold on, give me a few more minutes." Lucy leaned forward on her desk avoiding Natsu's outstretched arms. Ignoring her words, he continued his attempts on hugging her. They looked hilarious. Natsu doing his best to tackle Lucy from behind. Lucy, on the other hand, had her pen on her right hand trying to finish her writing while the left was blocking Natsu's advances.

Lucy sighed and closed her book. She had a feeling she would be getting nowhere if Natsu was there. Putting it off until later would be the best choice. Natsu being left by his lonesome was an accident waiting to happen. The last time she left him behind by himself, her wardrobe was turned upside down. Her clothes all over the place. A terrible nightmare.

"Luce, you done yet?" Natsu called from the other end of the room. He had already gotten bored and had ransacked her bookshelf. "How come there aren't any pictures on this. It's so boring." Natsu yawned and threw it on the floor, already picking out another one from the shelf.

"NATSU! Don't throw my books everywhere! My room's a mess now…"Lucy's shoulders sagged, tired of how she actually thought that Natsu would be able to keep his hands to himself.

Lucy closed the distance between her and Natsu, noticing how his lips curled upwards like a Cheshire cat. Sometimes she just wanted to know what was on his mind. The next thing she knew, Natsu lunged for her and they were falling on the ground. Before meeting contact with the floor, Natsu made a quick turn and Lucy was on top of him, using him as a cushion.

"Are you alright, Natsu? What were you thinking? You could have seriously gotten hurt. The books are everywhere, you know?"

Natsu embraced Lucy and whispered in her ear. "I know how much you love books. I wanted us to be surrounded by things you love with the people you love. Did you like it?"

"You didn't have to do it literally. Sometimes, I don't know if you're an idiot or just pretending to be one. I guess…this is one of the reasons why I fell in love with you." Natsu laughed at the comment but was taken aback when Lucy kissed him full on the lips. When it ended, his eyes were staring right back at hers, too shock for words.

"What? You're not the only one who likes to give surprise attacks." Lucy blushed, looking anywhere else but at Natsu.

"I really love you, Lucy." Natsu pulled Lucy's face towards him and began to kiss her once again. It was soft and pure like a child's kiss and so warm like the sun. They were both red, embarrassed but also happy to be together in each other's arms. Their kiss dragged on for a while, neither party minding how they were still lying on the floor. The books encircled them as if they were in an oasis, just the two of them. It was a lovely feeling.

Natsu rolled over and was now on top of Lucy. He began to trail kisses down her neck and proceeded to tug at Lucy's purple one-piece dress. He pulled it down until her mid-riff was visible. He had trouble trying to unclasp her white silk bra, its top adorned with a string of red hearts so he left it aside. Instead he reached from below and proceeded to move it upwards, freeing her mounds. It bounced from the relief.

Lucy gasped from the sudden action, her hand covering her mouth as she suppressed her moans. She looked away; too flustered by the way he looked at her. She really loved how Natsu was able to make her life complete. Days were always fun with him around. No matter how much he might tease her, this kind of thing really tugged at her heartstrings. It was so romantic! Reaching out her hand to touch his face, she said "I love you too, Natsu."

The moment she looked into his eyes, her expression quickly changed to horror. There was nothing left but coldness. The face that greeted her was no longer of the one she loved. It held no trace of warmth and joy only despair and hatred. "What are you talking about, Lucy? I'm Sting."

"Noooo! Let go of me!" Lucy tried her best to escape his vice-like grip but to no avail. Wriggling here and there, Lucy tried to kick him away but found it difficult as he wedged himself between her thighs.

"Do you still not understand, Lucy? Natsu is dead. Natsu died because of you. Because of you! It's all your fault, Lucy." Sting grabbed both her hands and secured it over her head with his left hand while with his right, he pulled at his zipper.

"No! I don't want this. Don't put it in!" Lucy bit her bottom lip so hard, blood started to drip down her chin. Sting paid her no heed and ripped at her panties. It tore into two and he smirked, entering her with one swift thrust. Lucy cringed by the abrupt entrance of his shaft. It was so big inside of her, stretching her.

Despite feeling fear, his movements made her moan and she hated herself for doing so. Tears ran down her face as he continued to drive into her, her feet hitting his back with every thrust. He licked the blood off her lips and she turned away in disgust. Seizing her chin, he made her look at him before saying, "Despite what you said, you're enjoying this aren't you? You're so cruel. You have…betrayed Natsu!"

"That's not true! It's not!" Lucy said, shaking her head violently.

"What are you saying? Here, look!" Sting said, emphasizing it with a strong thrust making Lucy arch her back. He was so deep, it was hitting her womb. "No more! Enough…please…"

He rode her faster and she could feel herself reaching climax. "Please…not inside me!" She never wanted this. Was this how it felt like to be brought to climax against her will? The pressure was building up within her and within moments, she burst. Sting then gave a shout before emptying himself inside her.

Lucy's eyes cracked open and she screamed. Beads of sweat ran down her forehead. She was panting heavily as if she ran a marathon. Taking a deep breath, she scanned her surroundings and saw the familiar scenery. She was in her bedroom, it was all a dream. Not entirely. Flashback of what had happened just mere hours ago ran through her mind.

"You came so hard that you fainted…"

"And this is only the beginning…"

"…But the truth is you wanted to sleep with me too. Isn't that right?"

Lucy clutched the blanket in her hands, anxiety welling up causing her to tremble slightly. "I miss you, Natsu…I want you to laugh and take me in your arms. I miss the way you told me how you loved me. But…I don't deserve you, Natsu." Lucy brought her hands to her face, covering it to muffle her loud cries.

As the rain came down in buckets, it was the only sound that can be heard as Sting sat in his desk. He adjusted his black square-rimmed glasses, and gazed longingly at a photograph from his childhood. It showed the three of them; Lucy, Natsu and him. They were a bunch of exuberant children, mostly Natsu and Lucy. They were even making a peace sign on the photo, smiles on their angelic faces.

Sting got up, taking the photo with him, and plodded towards his window. He brought the picture to his lips and with a painful expression looked fixedly at the window right opposite his. Its windows drawn, not wanting anyone to see inside. Remembering Lucy's outburst, he crumpled it in his hands. He donned a pained expression yet he vowed to himself to continue Lucy's torment in the worst way he probably could.

Lucy sauntered through the school gate the next morning, her eyes glassy, not seeing anything. Everything was silent except for the breeze blowing her hair. It was still early and only a few students could be seen. After waking up from that nightmare, she could no longer will herself to sleep even if she wanted to. The dark circles under her eyes were enough proof to show how uneventful her night was.

Lucy noticed two students, the girl looping her arms around the guy's and walking side by side towards the shoe lockers. This made her feel a sense of nostalgia, remembering how sweet Natsu was when they would hold hands as they walked to school. Lucy held back her tears, tightening her grip on her satchel. Why is it so hard to move on?

A figure bumped her shoulder by accident and she turned back to mouth a word of pardon. She jumped back in alarm. The person she really did not want to see right now was right before her eyes. "Good morning, Lucy."

Wanting to just get out of there as fast as she could, Lucy spun around and began to walk away. She felt his hands touch the back of her head, stroking her hair. "Lucy, you have something in your hair."

A chill ran down her spine and she recalled how with those same hands, he defiled her very being. Even in her dreams. "No! Don't touch me!" Lucy slapped his hand away, her hands shaking as she did so. Sting retracted his hand, noticing how much he had terrified her.

"That fearful look…suits you very well, Lucy." With that, Sting smirked, strutting away from her. Lucy felt outraged by how strongly he had affected her and also dismayed by the fact that it was her own doing that had caused him to become like this.


"Huh?! What?" Lucy let out a small gasp and snapped out of her daze. Looking up, she saw her two friends, worry etched on their faces.

"What do you mean 'What', Lu-chan? Let's eat lunch together." Levy said, grabbing her right hand and pulling her. Her frown quickly faded replaced by a smile.

"Oh…sure." Lucy got up and took a quick peek towards Sting's direction. It seemed he was busy on another bet with Gray. Gray dragged a table towards him and sat down on the nearest chair, holding out his hand. Sting clasped it and the next minute, they were grappling each other like their lives depended on it. This time it was arm-wrestling.

As usual, Gray had already lost his shirt half-way through the challenge. Everyone was making a big fuzz about it and soon a huge crowd had gathered. It even caught the attention of the other classes. Students were betting and the groans of the two were drowned out by the shouts of the spectators. Erza and Levy followed Lucy's gaze and witnessed how it was turning into a debacle.

Students, mostly boys, poured into their classroom non-stop just to witness the two going at it. As if she should be surprised, Gray had already lost his pants. Neither was giving in to the other which made everyone even more crazy to find out who would win. Good thing, Lucy was not claustrophobic. However, after this event, there's a high chance she might become one. What was so exciting about two guys holding each other's sweaty hand anyway? Is this some sort of test of strength for them? I just don't get the logic of boys.

Lucy clasped her bento box to her chest and motioned Erza and Levy towards the door. The jostle of the crowd threw Lucy off-balance several times and Levy almost landed on her face. Erza with her calm demeanor managed to clear a path. It was all going well until someone accidentally elbowed her bento box. It dropped on the floor, spewing its contents. Her strawberry shortcake. It was messed up and to make matters worse, students who were fighting to get to the front had stepped all over it. A vein popped on Erza's forehead as her beloved cake, the one she poured all her heart and soul to make, was reduced to smudges on the dirty classroom floor before her very eyes.

"If you two would excuse me for a bit." Erza clenched her fists, the cacophony adding to her anger. She bumped into a student and the look on her face made him cower in fear. The rest of the students too, made way not wanting to be in her path. All too frightened by the murderous glare she gave them.

By the time she got to the front, the noise had died down. Both Sting and Gray puzzled by the sudden silence, looked sideways and caught a glimpse of a monster. To be precise, a red-haired monster. They knew they were screwed.

"GRAY! STING! Both of your foolishness has cost me my cake, my STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. How will you two make up for this?" Erza said, her hair flaring up from the intense anger.

"You two seem to be fond with this 'wrestling of arms' game. Let's settle it with that. I demand a new cake if I win." Erza pried their hands apart and took it into hers. With her monstrous strength, she copied their form and braced herself. Ignoring their pleas, she put all her strength into her arms. With a mighty push, the unprepared boys fell forward from the abrupt action and hit their heads together, knocking them out.

Laughter from the crowd was heard for the unexpected turn of events yet there was also a wave of disappointment. Mostly the boys as their bets held no meaning if the winner was not in their calculations. The terrifying glare Erza sent their way made them shake in their shoes and they left without a word for lunch.

Levy gave a chuckle while Lucy pinched the bridge of her nose, just when she desperately wanted peace and quiet. She could never achieve it, even if Natsu was no longer there. He was usually the one who used to start all this petty arguments and bets. She felt a pang in her chest and waved off the thought. Come on Lucy, positive! You have to stay positive! Don't think of Natsu, not right now…

Erza joined them, a triumphant smile on her face. Lucy donned on her best smile, hoping it looked fine. It's not like she hated all the joy and energeticness but right now, she just wanted somewhere she could be alone. As if reading her mind, Levy suggested they go to the rooftop for lunch. Lucy almost breathed a sigh of relief but caught herself. Just anywhere but the classroom, she did not want to be in the same room as Sting even if there were a lot of people.

"Please forgive me for having you two share your lunch with me. If only my cake had not fallen…" Erza murmured, her expression turning dark again.

"Er-chan, calm down. You already told us that they were going to buy you a new cake as an apology after school, right? It's even from that famous shop near the station."

"Now that you've remind me, can you two spare a bit of time after school today?"

"What's the matter, Erza? Do you want us to come with you too? We don't really mind."

"It's not about that. I was just wondering if you'd like to hold a commemoration at Natsu's house today. Not just the three of us but some of our classmates too. We asked Sting already and he agreed for us to come over but…" Erza glanced over at Lucy and awaited her response. Levy already decided that she would be there. Only Lucy's reply now.

Sting…what has he planned this time? Of course, I won't go. How could I? But…that room…everything was the same when Natsu was still alive.

Natsu's face showed up in her mind as clear as day. The breeze blew her hair gently and all she could do was mouth an okay. It should be fine. A lot of people are sure to come; Sting would be crazy if he dared to make a move on her with so many witnesses. That gave her even a little bit of courage. Even if she had no clue what he had in store, she would not back down. She would not cower in fear of him forever. That would be just awful.

"That fearful look suits you very well."

Lucy gripped her skirt. Her eyes showed a sliver of sadness but it quickly turned into resolve. She would not let herself be dragged into Sting's insanity.

Sting rubbed his forehead and flinched from the pain. Erza was really a demon when she got angry. He had heard rumors but to actually experience it firsthand was just too much for him. Gray was also rubbing the exact same sore spot as his. Sting's mood was rapidly turning sour. It was supposed to be all fun but right now, it was far from that.

At that instant, he heard the familiar beep from his phone. He flipped it open and read the message. Reading the contents, a smirk appeared on his face. Now everything was set.

I guess that's enough for now. I really hope I was able to satisfy you guys. I know how frustrating it is that I haven't updated for a while but I made sure to make it really long this time for you all. I hope you guys enjoy reading it. Nightmare Key signing off.