1. I'm coming off Fanfiction. Every week I keep getting threatening messages from people because I support evolution and if you've read the reviews there is one particular person who has been quite aggressive. Also because I said I had mental depression a fortnight ago I've been getting threatening messages and when I've asked Fanfiction about it they did nothing about it. For that reason my therapist has advised me to come off Fanfiction.

2. There is a second reason why I'm leaving. With my mental depression I can get very close to the edge (I'm thankful that people did send their support). I'm doing this episode as a finale so at least you guys can have some closure on the series in case I do end up going off the edge.

3. I haven't seen Jurassic World yet so please no spoliers.

episode will fill in the gaps with my planned chapters between Extinction World and A Keeper's Story as well as giving some other background information.

At the end I'm going to leave some thanks for you guys.


The following extracts have been taken from the Prehistoric Park servers.

To: Simon Masrani

Date: 4th February 2013

Subject: The Project


It was a success! I have been watching over the monitors and we have a first extinct animal! In fact we actually have more than one. Nigel and Chiyo really excelled themselves. We have one Ankylosaurus, a small herd of Torosaurus, a small herd of Triceratops and three T Rex! Nigel was worried about the Rex's health though; Nigel told the staff that the shortage of food was forcing the great predators to scavenge. Luckily they seem to be in good health. We're still aiming to use natural barriers and as little fencing as possible like at Hageman. This will be the greatest wildlife sanctuary in the history of the world!


Prehistoric Park Incident Report #2

One breakout. Caused by a Dromaeosaurus causing a jeep to crash into the generators shutting down the power. Only escape was Cronus the juvenile Tyrannosaurus and the before mentioned Dromaeosaurus. No fatalities and only one injury; Deputy Manager Chiyo Ishado whose bottom lip was clawed by the Dromaeosaurus. Not expected to be serious.

Report Issued By: Robert Muldoon

Prehistoric Park Incident Report #12

Reported BioSyn agent discovered. The actual agent has not been found but their equipment including a modified Barbasol canister. BioSyn must have sent an agent to take the research that InGen has been working on with the labs being moved to Isla Nublar. From the discarding of the equipment BioSyn must previously have not known what we have on the islands.

Report Issued By: Nima Cruz

To: Simon Masrani

Subject: Mission 43

We've had a massive success with this mission. Nigel and Chiyo have successfully brought back breeding pairs for all the animals that have previously lacked partners. There was a slight incident with the Megalodon although that was, according to Owen, through brief establishment of territory. Nigel brought back a few extras as well: Eryops Megacephalus, Edaphosaurus pogonias, Hesperornis regalis, Squalicorax bassanii, Odobenocetops peruvianus and Moeritherium andrewsi. Had a slight set back with the Gyrospheres. Turns out Triceratops don't like them; one called Theo put his horn through a sphere which is now being repaired. Mr Arnold has suggested that when we open to the public for someone in the control room to watch the Gyrospheres when they pass through the Trike enclosures so they don't disturb the Trikes. Luckily they don't mind the safari jeeps and trucks so at least one tour is safe!


To: Simon Masrani

Subject: Mission 44


Nigel went to rescue dinosaurs after the meteorite had hit the earth so it really was a desperate rescue mission. Prehistoric Park now exhibits four Alamosaurus sanjuanensis, two Tarbosaurus bataar, four Zalambdalestes lechei and a small flock on Mononykus olecranus. We also have another male and female Quetzalcoatlus!


Prehistoric Park Incident Report #23

Territorial fight between the male Quetzalcoatlus. We found that that males like to have a harem of females so they fought over the females. The new male Kotal received a nasty gash on his left wing. Their aviary has now been split in two but we let one of the females in with Kotal. No further incidents have happened between the Quetzo's since although it is too early to tell.

Report Issued By: Robert Muldoon

To: Simon Masrani

Subject: Mission 44


Nigel went to Jurassic China 157 million years ago! The new Yi Qi are very cute I must say but they have a very nasty bite as Bob found out! We have about ten of them; rescued from a flash flood. We got two Guanlong wucaii as well and a flock of seven Darwinopterus linglongtaensis but they came through unexpectedly with the flood! Bob spent a long time trying to catch them. A bit of bad news though. Ed Regis has been injured making the trailer for when we open. Don't worry he will make a recovery but he's in hospital at the moment. In other news the Garden of Extinction is growing rapidly. Our paleobotanist Dr Ellie Sattler has been making a few trips for extinct plants. Well until next time (especially as we are moving onto the next island!).


Prehistoric Park Incident Report #24

The Public Relations manager Ed Regis has been injured. He has three very serious gashes: one on his inner leg, one around his bladder and one in his stomach. We warned him to be careful but he assumed just because they live in Pleasant Park they were safe! One of the North Island Giant Moa kicked him repeatedly with her clawed feet when he tried to get an up close look at her. Seemed to forget that like emus and cassowaries they can be aggressive. It could have been much worse if Bob hadn't of been there. He's expected to make a full recovery.

Report Issued By: Robert Muldoon

Prehistoric Park Incident Report #25

A small flock of the pterosaur Darwinopterus came through the portal unexpectedly. I spent three hours catching them after they spread all around Isla Muerta. The biggest difficulty was actually finding them! Luckily they are small so they couldn't get across the sea to the other islands. Only difficult one to catch was one that flew into the Kelenken enclosure. I thought they were on the opposite side of the exhibit. Quite scary seeing a giant terror bird running at you. Thank goodness Nigel was there to distract them. The Darwinopterus are now living in the Pterosaur Aviary on Nublar.

Report Issued By: Robert Arthur

To: Simon Masrani

Subject: Mission 45


We have our first animals now on Isla Tacano now. Well we finally caved into you and the board's request as well. Nigel and Chiyo went to rescue the most requested animals that we already didn't have. Getting the Great Auks (we now have fifteen) had no problem but Chiyo wanted to stay to see a Viking longship on the way to Iceland that they saw. The little birds now live with the Stellar's Sea Cow on a rock formation in their exhibit. Turns out they were the original penguin! Their Latin name is Pinguinus and when penguins were discovered by science well the similarity was uncanny despite them being unrelated. We now also exhibit two Titanoboa. Nigel used a friend of his (I can't remember the name but something like Lion Gleek) method to capture them. The only problem was the Giganotosaurus… Goodness they're bigger than the Rex! I know we already have two carnivores larger than the Rex but they are still a sight. They gave Nick a very nasty shock who was looking down at them on the walkway. Roared right in his face! Well until next time.


To: Simon Masrani

Subject: Mission 46

We got a few extra big staff members. A helper with the raptors called Barry, two people in the control room called Vivian and Larry and a deputy for Muldoon called Vic. Muldoon's even been talking about hiring Roland Tembo although with his loose morals on poaching we're not sure yet. Anyway I digress. Nigel and Chiyo went to the Devonian to rescue the Dunkleosteus. We have two males and two females but in separate sea tanks; Nigel told us that he saw one eat another! We have a few extra animals including Bothriolepsis nitidia and darbiensis and Stethacanthus altonensis. I always thought Stethacanthus was large but it's only half a meter long! They're now living in the Aquarium safely although our big armoured fish now have a sea tank. Had a bit of an issue with a Dunkelosteus trying to eat the unfinished walkway but it's an easy to solve problem. Just throw in chum and they swim right off.


Prehistoric Park Incident Report #43

The new Dunkleosteus keep attacking the unfinished underwater walkway. It is difficult problem to solve with us having to have a constant watch to throw chum into the sea round the clock. Hopefully this problem can be averted soon.

Report Issued By: Robert Arthur

To: Simon Masrani

Subject: Mission 47

Nigel took a trip to Barremian Utah for to cleverly named Utahraptor (come on Simon it's a joke!). We have a familial pack of the species although we're cautious. Very intelligent, pack hunters (turns out the Veloci pack was only because of the drought. The pack splintered into a groups of three last week) and just over human height they are dangerous. Owen's been working tirelessly to install himself as alpha. We have three males and two females and are called Alpha, Blue, Charlie, Delta and Laura. (Chiyo named the last after someone she used to know). Oh yeah almost forgot we have two Gastonia as well. The two little polecanthids were rather overshadowed by the raptors.


The point of view of Nick

His footsteps echoed loudly against the metallic walkway. Below him a forest vibrant in colours of dark green, bright yellow and sparkling blue flowers stretched all around. His head felt lighter as he properly entered the oxygen rich exhibit. Why did they do this? Just put them in a cage and if the monsters don't like it then tough. There was a horrifying screech below and he saw a few giant raptors covered head to toe in black feathers running around. He felt his heart rate increase. No he couldn't be scared of those feathered things. Yeah it was fine to be scared of the Gigawhatsitzillasaurus but not those things. That bloke Owen was up on the walkway with him. Owen took one look at him and shook his head.

"Nick to say you're a builder I've never seen you actually do work," he said aggressively.

He shrugged and leant on the railing. When Owen went to speak he made a crude hand gesture. With a sense of triumph at Owen turning back to the raptors he went to see if he could wind up Bob again. When he put his foot down he felt a snag on his foot and then falling. He had tripped on his shoelaces and gone over the railing! He felt branches slap his face as he fell through a tree and a thud as he hit the earth. There was a snarl as the raptors surrounded him. Their evil green eyes stared at him with hunger. They weren't like the others; they were taller than he was. Oh god they were going to eat him! Oh please no I just want to see my kids again.

"Eyes on me!" a voice yelled. The raptors turned around where Owen was standing with his arms wide. "Blue I see you! Eyes on me."

He flicked his head at a metal gate for him to go through it. He got up and ran hearing another threatening snarl which went right through him. "Laura look at me. Don't you growl."

As he got through the gate Owen followed him and looked the metal door. A raptor went up to the gate and pointed its sharp snout through the gap in the gate snarling.

"How did you do that?" Nick asked in awe.

"I'm the alpha," he replied.

"Thank you, thank you so much," Nick said hugging him "I promise I'll leave the dinosaurs and stuff alone from now on. Oh thank god I can see my kids again."

Taken from Prehistoric Park servers

To: Simon Masrani

Subject: Mission 48

We have an orthocone! Well we have four to be precise. Cameroceras trentonense from the Silurian. They live in a slight abyss off the coast of Tacano; they live so deep that we have to use a submarine to look for them. Their shell is six meters long at least! Nigel brought back a small fish as well called Atealaspis but their small size meant that they got a tank in the aquarium. We're also starting the beginning of replacing some of the sea tank walls with sonar panels. They release a wave which stops the animals from swimming out of their exhibit. Of course this will initially be for where the walkways are not attached to the sea tank wall and the less dangerous animals. The Cameroceras exhibit has these sonar instead of tanks and it seems to be working fine. We did the same with the Leedsicthys as well and so far there haven't been any issues.


To: Simon Masrani

Subject: Mission 49

Nigel and Chiyo took a visit to the La Brea Tar Pits in the Pleistocene. Years ago this tar pit would trap herbivores and then carnivores would go to eat the corpses only to get trapped themselves. We have a few rescued animals including a pack of Smilodon fatalis (we had populatar at the park), two American cheetah, a herd of Mexican horses, a herd of Columbian mammoths, a few Californian turkeys and two giant condors called Teratornis. They even saw the burying of the La Brea woman in the tar! It was a ceremony where they slowly lowered her into the tar with her family around her. Nigel wanted to take her young daughter to adopt her but then he realised that the child still had her father! I've been ill this week so I haven't seen them yet.


Prehistoric Park Incident Report #45

Had two issues today. One was with the male Columbian mammoth rescued. He managed to scare the operators and got out of the holding pens. Everyone was too scared to go near him but we manage to tranquilise him in the end. Although that was only after he was scared half to death by the Giganotosaurus! The second incident involved the female Teratornis. Turned out someone hadn't closed the door to the condor aviary and she flew out. Took an hour to track her down and get her into her exhibit. She was flying around the Titanoboa swamp when he found her. She's been fine since.

Report Issued By: Robert Arthur

To: Simon Masrani

Subject: Mission 50

My, my the 50th mission. Nigel went back to rescue 'lost but not forgotten animals' again for the occasion. He rescued so many that we had to go onto Matanceros! Now we have a herd of Hadrosaurus foulkii (saving twelve Maiasaura as well) that now live with the Edmonotosaurus, a few Eudimorphodon and Ikrandraco for the Pterosaur Aviary, two Amphicyon major, a few Entelodon, a Hyaenodon gigas pack, Chalicotherium antiquum herd, a few Hybodus houtienensis and a Troodon pack just for Tacano! He got the two Rhinesuchus and a few Xianglong for Matanceros and the rest got sorted into other enclosures with past animals. The Psittacosaurus sinensis and Jeholosaurus went into the same exhibit with the Microraptors and Caudipteryx. We also got a few Wixwaxia for the aquarium. It's been a busy few days I can tell you!


Prehistoric Park Incident Report #46

We had to move the Caudipteryx eggs. Over the last few days they have made nests but we've had a problem. The Microraptor and Psittacosaurus raided some of the nests and ate a few eggs. To avoid all the eggs being eaten Suzanne moved the eggs to the vets to be incubated. Will release the chicks eventually.

Report Issued By: Robert Arthur

To: Simon Masrani

Subject: Mission 51

Well Nigel went to rescue a few recently extinct animals. Most came from Mauritius including the Small Mauritian Flying Fox (our first bat), the Tropidophora snail, a few Mauritian Blue Pigeons, Broad-billed parrots, Domed Mauritius giant tortoise, Mauritian giant skink and the palm orchid. I must say I was excited to see Nigel come back with a few Elephant birds from Madagascar as well! I was curious to find out that the rescued Pyrenean Ibex had been brought back from extinction once before! It had been cloned (like my original idea when it was Jurassic Park) but had quickly died. I'm glad that Prehistoric Park now has a stable population of them.


To: Simon Masrani

Subject: Mission 52

Just three missions left before opening! Nigel went to rescue extinct horses this time. Someone he knew had suggested it where he would rescue horses through their evolution. Well we already had Propaleotherium but it was still a good idea. We got a few Hyracotherium who are now living in the Eocene enclosure with the Darwinius and others from Eocene Germany. On Matanceros we have a small herd of Mesohippus obliquidens from the Oligocene and the Hipparion mediterraneum from Pleistocene, well you can guess where they came from. Who knew how interesting horse evolution was! The Hyracotherium actually had toes instead of hooves. Hope you'll come to the park soon!


To: Simon Masrani

Subject: Mission 53

Nigel's rescued some of the earliest known dinosaurs today. Three Eoraptor, a herd of Mussaurus and three Herrarasaurus now stalk Prehistoric Park. Although I was surprised to find out the strange creatures that lived at the same time which Nigel rescued. We have a strange crocodilian which stood upright called Saurosuchus although Muldoon wants them to be taken off the jeep tour. They are very territorial. The park is now ready for the public. I just hope the public is ready for us.


To: Simon Masrani

Subject: Mission 54

Spinosaurids everywhere. We have three new species: Baryonyx walkeri, Suchomimus tenerensis and Irritator challengeri. The Baryonyx and Irritator are safe enough to be on the boat tour although we had to divert the tour for the Suchomimus. I'm glad that we had a practice or otherwise I doubt the public would take it too well being dragged of the boat by the younger cousin of Spinosaurus. Well at least they'll be entertained by the British and Brazilian equivalents. Ooh I almost forgot. Chiyo recued a herd of Amargasaurus and the coelacanth Lepidotes at the same time. Wanted to prove herself I think while Nigel rescued spinosaurids. The Amargasaurus will be on the boat tour with their lake overseeing the river. She rescued so many Lepidotes though! Some will be in the aquarium while the rest will be in a cornered off area on the boat tour. The people will love this!


To: Simon Masrani

Subject: The Last Mission

What a final mission. Two ancestors to Tyrannosaurus! They both came from the same area in Montana so it was an easy find. The very fast Albertosaurus and the more stockier Daspletosaurus. Turns out Albertosaurus hunted the faster hadrosaurs while Daspletosaurus went after the stronger ceratopsians so that's how they could live together. We had to put the larger ones in different paddocks though after we found them to occasionally channel Hannibal Lecter; a scary thought indeed. We got a few of the marsupial Alphadon and a herd of Pachyrhinosaurus. Everyone will love them. This will be the greatest wildlife sanctuary in the history of the world!


BBC Broadcast from 2015

"Hello the date is the 11th June and here're today's headlines.

Dinosaurs walk the earth once more. Philanthropist John Hammond and wildlife explorer Nigel Marven last night revealed the existence of Prehistoric Park a wildlife sanctuary for extinct animals. Among those confirmed to live in the park are the Japanese carnivorous dinosaur Fukuiraptor, the Dodo bird, woolly mammoths and the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The park will open to the public on July 1st but in the meantime special guests to try out the park will include several children from Make a Wish, the Royal Family, CEO of Masrani corp Simon Masrani and palaeontologists including Xu Xing, Robert Bakker and Jack Horner."

Prehistoric Park Incident Report #50

Drunken brawl between two guests. After excessive drinking the two men had spat insults at each other before fighting. Guards had to restrain both and are currently in the cells. Nigel has decided to ban the sale of alcohol over a certain amount to avoid another incident.

Report Issued By: Nima Cruz

The following are announcements made at the park

'Ladies and Gentlemen. Prehistoric Park is proud to announce the arrival of a new species on Isla Matanceros. The Dilophosaurus. This crested dinosaur from the early Jurassic hunted its prey using its strong forearms to swipe at prey. You will be able to see this unique and exotic dinosaur next month'

'Ladies and Gentlemen. Prehistoric Park is proud to announce a new attraction next month on Isla Matanceros: Permian Prides. Here you will see the great herds of Scutosaurus from Siberia, an animal distantly related to tortoises, as well as the furry creature which hunted it, the gorgonopsid Inostrancevia. Observe the giant crocodile like amphibian temnospondyl Prionosuchus and the omnivorous, horned Estemmenosuchus which lived like a hippo.'

'Ladies and Gentlemen. On Isla Nublar something bigger, louder and more terrifying than Tyrannosaurus will be arriving. Newly discovered in South America the intelligent, colour changing abeliasaurid Indominus Rex will be available to see. Beware this dinosaur will give the parents nightmares!'

Prehistoric Park Incident Report #51

Tourist was using a selfie stick in the Jurassic Coast Walkway in the Pterosaur Aviary until it was taken by a Rhamphorhyncus. For animal safety Nigel has banned selfie sticks and similar devices.

Report Issued By: Bob Arthur

Taken from the Prehistoric Park Website

Plan your visit

Pterosaur Aviary

Located on Isla Nublar the Pterosaur Aviary houses the park's pterosaurs. Here you and your family will see the giants which soared above the heads of dinosaurs. Take a stroll over the Jurassic Coast Walkway as the British pterosaurs Rhamphorhynchus and Dimorphodon dart above your heads or trek through a Jurassic Chinese forest home to the tiny Darwinopterus. See the stark contrast in pterosaurs between the great pterosaurs including the filter feeding Unwindia and the albatross like Pteranodon. Finally you will see the largest pterosaur in the park Quetzalcoatlus, a pterosaur so big that it mostly walked on the Cretaceous earth like a stork.

Matanceros River Tour

Explore the past through the rivers of Isla Matanceros. As you cruise along the running streams you will see the piscine Irritator and Baryonyx, two carnivores that specialised in fish. Along the river you will see the giant sauropod Amargasaurus drink as you pass and the ancient horse Hipparion pass by. Look carefully though in the water: you might catch a glimpse of the primeval coelacanth Lepidotes!

Eocene Trail

Have you ever wanted to walk through a prehistoric rainforest? At Prehistoric Park you can walk through the Eocene jungles of Germany as the tiny horses Propaleotherium and Hyrcotherium dart past. See our close relatives the Darwinius jump through the trees as you follow the trail. At 5 pm on Sundays escorted by a keeper you can even feed the Darwinius their favourite food! Beware these animals bite so do not pet them. Our animals have a specific feeding programme and we ask do not feed the animals without keeper supervision. Beware with loose objects the Darwinius has been known to steal jewellery, cameras and purses.

Prehistoric Park Incident Report #52

Two students (aged 17 and 18) on a trip with their school broke off on snuck into the Permian Plains. There they went jumped over a barrier and ignored the warning signs assuming that the site was merely for decoration. It took two hours to rescue them after they had to climb into a tree to escape the big male Prionosuchus. No injuries.

Report Issued By: Robert Arthur

Prehistoric Park Incident Report #53

Celebrity Zach White climbed into the Kelenken exhibit. Was almost killed by the birds but was rescued by myself, Maria and Jordan. Zach was not injured although the stress caused John to have a fatal heart attack. It is a sad day at the park.

Report Issued By: Robert Arthur

Taken from the servers at Prehistoric Park

To: Dennis Nedry

Subject: Computer systems


I believe that before Hammond's unfortunate passing that he had asked you to finish the last bugs in the system. As co-owner of the park with Lex I feel it is up to me to ensure the problem is fixed; especially as Nigel is too nice to challenge you. We still are facing countless of problems and the fixing of the computers will halve those problems. With the I Rex being put up for public view after Dr McNab clears it the fixing of the systems is paramount.


Prehistoric Park Incident Report #54

Where to begin. We're lucky there were just eleven fatalities. Five were BioSyn employees, three were staff and the last two were guests as well as Nedry. It turns out that following the I Rex being put on public display Lewis Dodgson was mad. It also turns out that Dennis Nedry's gambling debts made Dodgson's very high sum of money an appealing proposition. He invited two BioSyn agents and three mercenaries to the island. He and the agents put a virus in the system. After interrogation from Jordan Matthews and Chiro Ishado (in which Chiyo broke Nedry's nose by punching him) we found out that the original idea was to put security in the Control Building down so BioSyn could break in and steal the animal genomes and disease research that Dr Wu had. Turned out Dodgson had ordered the virus to be more widespread without Nedry's knowledge and it shut down the entire park's power. Dodgson wanted the animals to kill the 2000 guests, the 500 staff, the 980 Neaderthals and 500 Homo Erectus so the ensuing lawsuit would destroy InGen. BioSyn would then make their own zoo with cloned animals made to be more docile to make a fortune. The mercenaries would escort Nedry and the agents out of the park when all hell broke loose. Thank goodness quite a few guests were in the monorail, underwater walkway, Pterosaur Aviary, aquarium and similar attractions. Seth, Chiyo and her girlfriend Charlotte managed to turn on the auxiliary power (allowing John Arnold to restore the entire power) and rescue Claire Dearing's nephews Grey and Zach as well as Lex and Tim in the process. Muldoon estimated that there was at least 80% of the fences had been broken. Zhun managed to lure a Liopleurodon which had escaped and attacked the sea tour boat back to its enclosure (luckily no injuries). A young couple (Lindsey Carter and Logan Hunt) were tragically killed as the I Rex escaped. One of the mercenaries was killed and eaten by Cronus as he escorted the agents. It tried to attack the Visitor's Centre but was driven off by the return of the power of the Perimeter Fence.

Nedry escaped with a mercenary when the I Rex had attacked. We lost nine animals; a dodo was killed by a Dromaeosaurus, twelve Caudipteryx chicks was eaten by a Cave Bear and a baby Triceratops was eaten by the Deinosuchus. Owen managed to use the Utahraptor pack to round up quite a few animals. Unfortunatly we lost Robert Muldoon and Ajay Sidhu. In the initial breakout they had gone straight to tranquilise the Utahraptors but the raptors found them first. We found Muldoon nearby the generators on Tacano and we found Arjay in the long grass near the Chalicotherium. Sanka Sindh, one of the waitresses on Sorna, was tragically killed by a stampeding hadrosaur.

What happened to all the BioSyn employees we don't know yet. One mercenary was killed by a Stegosaurus by accident; the mother felt that her son was threatened and he was killed by her. Another was found dead on the beach. Dr Paulson said he didn't find any bites or scratches and the way his body was waterlogged made us think that he tried to swim away but drowned. The I Rex got the two BioSyn agents. We know that the BioSyn people were meant to meet up on Tacano where a boat was to sneak in when everyone was distracted. Nedry and the last mercenary was found clawed to death and half eaten in the Dilophosaur enclosure.

Nigel was amazing. He managed to wrangle up quite a few animals. Attracting Paraentelodon using himself, beating back Velociraptors with a klaxon, using a jeep to distract a Mapusaurus. How many lives he saved I don't know. I broke my arm trying to escape the I Rex but because I took a pregnant woman with me my kids have called me a hero (a big overstatement). Ian Malcolm got badly injured as Matilda picked him up and dropped him as he tried to save a jeep full of ten year olds. The Rex actually saved the day. All seven banded together for the first time and fought the I Rex. The I Rex grabbed Terrance at one point as was going to snap his neck until Cronus bit her on the neck. It was amazing. Their roars could be heard across the other side of the island. She only backed down from the Tyrannosaurs assault when Cronus, Matilda and Jane bit her at the same time. Currently she's in the vets for her injuries.

We've managed to recapture most of the animals. Richard the Megalosaurus took a chunk out of the Passenger Pigeon aviary and we're still trying to catch them all. We still have to recapture the last twelve. A Leedsichtys is still swimming wild and Zhun is slowly ushering him back into the exhibit. Wu's research is still missing. Nedry used the same Barbasol device as before to steal the genomes and other research but it went missing when he was attacked by the Dilophosaurus. It was raining that day so we assume it's under a tonne of mud. BioSyn is going bankrupt. The families of those who died are suing BioSyn, Dodgson has resigned but he's been arrested and Simon Masrani is suing as well. Hopefully this will never happen again.

Report Issued By: Robert Arthur

A month later

All the head staff was congregated in the resting area. All still had evidence of their scrapes from the previous month. Bob had his arm in a sling, Chiyo was sporting a black eye and Nigel was wincing with his slowly healing ribs after his run in with a frantic Iguanodon. All were there: Nigel, Bob, Chiyo, Suzanne, Ashley Quintain, Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Hussein Kahn, Ian Malcolm, John Arnold, Vic Hoskins, Roland Tembo, Vivien, Larry, Owen, Barry, Claire, Henry Wu, Ed Regis, Gerry Harding, Sarah Harding, Sam and Mary Paulson, Jordan, Maria, Zhun, Saeed, Conor, Winston and Nick. Lex Murphy was also there sporting a scar on her face from the incident. A bronze statue of John Hammond dominated the area, his Santa like beard, beaming face, amber walking stick and rosy cheeks immortalised forever. A Microraptor and Smilodon looked up at him with expressions which seemed to be full of gratitude. Plaques had been erected in commemoration for those who had been killed. Simon Masrani entered the area and beamed.

"We've seen success," he said "The group of people who had been supporting Hammond are continuing to support us. We can continue with the park!"

Nigel laughed happily. Hammond's dream could continue. Maybe even grow. He looked at the plaque on Hammond's statue 'Extinction doesn't have to be forever!'

Thanks to these people who made this possible (in no particular order):

Quintain the Apprentice Alduin




Drew Luczynski






Park Guest






Elder Cryptid



Indominus the Qwaser of Iron










The Queen of Water




knight Of Cybertron 1984.3



Godzilla Walking Dead Fan 21



I'm really upset that I'm ending but I hope this would be a satisfactory ending. I feel that this would be a good way to give everyone closure in case anything happens to me. I want to thank everyone for staying with me and enduring my writing for so long. Thank you.