Hey, sorry it's been so long. I had a bit of writers block with this story and how to end it. This chapter has a bit of humor and a bit of fluff and has spoliers to Thor: The Dark world besides the already spoiled fact that Loki died but didn't actually. hope you like it!


Neither Brother had really known what to do after Loki had revealed himself. Thor was in a disbelieving daze and Loki was trying to understand this ugly knot thing he felt in his stomach every time he thought of how happy Thor was to see him.

The avengers had observed the confusion for a little over an hour before Tony suggested that Thor show Loki around the city. No one agreed with him, it was a city that Loki had tried to obliterate and was still recovering from the damage, but Thor thought it was a splendid idea so no one had argued.

"Aren't you going to remove this?" Loki said, holding up his bracelet-clad wrist.

"Uh no." Tony said. "I know you'll vanish as soon as I do. I put a teleportation damper on you for a reason"

Loki rolled his eyes.

Thor seemed to understand what the odd metal bracelet was and a look of understanding crept on to his face.

"That is unnecessary." Thor said calmly.

"What!? He's a psycho you can't take that off of him. He'll try and kill us!" Clint said in disbelief.

"Honestly guys, he could have killed us this whole time, the bracelet doesn't stop any of his magic." Tony said. "I still don't think you should take it off though."

"It's alright, I trust him" Thor said with utmost confidence.

Loki looked at Thor like he had grown another eye on his forehead.

The avengers shared various degrees of the same expression.

To prove his point Thor walked over to Loki and snapped the bracelet off of his brother's wrist, casting it on the floor as a final measure.

They all waited for Loki to vanish, but he stayed right where he was.

"Let us depart, brother." Thor said, taking Loki's hand and dragging him to the elevator.

No one could find the right words to say, so no one said anything.

"What type of strange, flat meat is this, Thor?" Loki said while suspiciously eyeing an orange and white speckled flat triangle that Thor had presented him with.

"It is not meat, it is called pizza." Thor said, munching happily on his own slice.

"It looks like a rabbit that has been run over by a thousand steeds and cut into a triangular slice."

"Try it."


"Because it is delicious."

Loki took a tentative bite from the tip of the slice.

The trickster gave a small smile, before he remembered that he was trying to make a point and he let the smile fall from his face.

Thor smirked knowingly, "You like it."

"I like this horrid 'pizza' as much as I like you."

"So you love it?" Thor said.

Loki glared at him, but he didn't disagree.

Next Thor took Loki to see a rather unimpressive stone building with lights on the top and a large spire reaching into the clouds.

"Nowhere near the size of any structure on Asgard," Loki said.

"Yes, but it has it's own beauty to it. The humans built it nearly 100 years ago and had no tools as advanced as our own." Thor said, still in awe of the extreme persistence of the midgardians.

Loki scoffed. "It is a building, nothing about it is special."

"It will stand long after the lives of those who built it have passed, does that not attest to its wonder?"

"It will fall eventually."

"Everything will. That does not mean we should not appreciate it while it is still standing, and even after it has fallen."

Loki examined his brother for a moment, not sure if they were still talking about the building.

"I suppose," said the trickster.

Thor smiled.

"It is still short."

Thor managed to show Loki a considerable amount of the city before the sun began to set. They had seen the flashing and colorful lights of the square of times, they had sat on top of a huge red mechanical device with wheels called a bus, looking at the sights of the city while a monotone human spouted information about the city; they had even ridden in a long metal tube in an underground tunnel called a 'subway'.

Loki had particularly hated that last one, he did not like the feeling of being packed into a tin can with dirty humans breathing down his neck. Thor had helped him calm down by taking him outside again and walking across a bridge that led to the land of Brooklyn. It was laughably short compared to the rainbow bridge, but Loki had been informed by Thor that it was even older than the empire state building and he was forced to think about how strong these humans really were.

"I suppose it is a rather impressive place. For a human city." Loki said, standing on the wooden slats of the Brooklyn bridge walkway and looking at the skyline that stretched, silhouetted, before them.

"I'm glad you can appreciate them," Thor said.

"Appreciation is the end of it, I still think they are ridiculous, bickering, ants."

"Do we not bicker? Did we not spend the last few years in constant battle?"

Loki sighed. "Yes, but we are gods."

"We are not, we can die." Thor said. He almost allowed himself to feel a sharp twinge of pain in his chest before he remembered that Loki was alive and he no longer had to feel that way when he thought about his brother.

"We are just as vulnerable and susceptible to fault as they are." Thor added.

"I very much doubt that." Loki said.

"It is the truth. What sets us apart from them?"

"They are flickers, they exist for mere seconds."

"What does it matter, they still live."

"They live to die." Loki said morbidly.

"And we do not? We do not live for an eternity, Loki. No matter how many times you cheat death, it will still catch up with you one day." Thor said, his eyes prickling. He still had trouble believing that his brother was standing, alive, next to him.

Loki was silenced. Perhaps it was true; perhaps he didn't know what death was. He used it as a cloak so many times, faded into obscurity as a dead man, when really he was alive all the time.

"When mother . . . when mother died did it not show you how serious death truly is? Did it not cause you pain? What does it matter if a human lives for only 100 years, they still live, their loved ones still grieve. We are one and the same."

"Is that . . . is that what I did to you? Caused you that pain?" Loki asked quietly, thinking about how broken he had been when he had discovered that Frigga had been murdered.

Thor didn't say anything; he just put a hand over his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath as he did so.

Loki hadn't realized how much love Thor had for him, perhaps if he had he wouldn't have pretended to be dead for so long. Could it be possible that he had made a mistake?

Too many things were swimming around in Loki's mind; the pain of his mother death brought back to the surface, the realization that Thor had possibly gone through such pain because of his own 'death'. Loki didn't know what to think any more, and he absolutely hated that. He always knew what to think, he prided himself on his organized thoughts, and his unrelenting determination to do what he planned on doing with no exceptions.

Without much thought, Loki put a tentative hand on his brothers broad shoulder, not sure of what else to do.

Thor seemed to break under his brother's gentle touch, his whole body giving out a tremor as soon as Loki's hand landed upon his shoulder.

Loki patted his brother's back awkwardly once or twice, trying to figure out why, exactly, his big brother was acting this way.

"I'm sorry," Thor said, apologizing for his weak display.

"It's okay?" Loki said unsurely.

The two stood there in the fading sunlight, listening to far off sirens and honking car horns.

Thor smiled with an effort. "Thank you for telling me."

"You would have found out eventually." Loki said, a smile in his voice.

"But it would not have been the same." Thor said, gazing at the illuminated city.

Loki gave his brother a questioning look.

"You chose to tell me."

"Well I wouldn't exactly call it a choice, those friends of yours can be very threatening when they want to."

"Do not lie to me . . . I saw that bracelet, you could have easily crushed it with your magic. You chose to stay." Thor said.

Loki looked at him in disbelief.

"I won't tell." Thor said with an uncannily Loki-like smirk.

"Forgive me if I don't believe you," Loki said coolly, secretly nervous that his soft nature would be revealed to the avengers.

"Well, you'll have to believe me."

"My, how the tables have turned." Loki said.

"Who is the sly one now?" Thor asked, beginning to walk back towards Manhattan.

"It's still me." Loki said, following his brother.

Thor gave him a playful punch and placed an arm on his shoulder and together walked into the electric light of the vast city.

The End

So, what did you think. Final thoughts? Anything to change? Overall impression? Please review!