Miss Blue Star: Okay, this is my first story so it's kind of stupid but you better be nice to me. x.x; Goku and Vegeta are both 5 years old here. They are on Earth. Serena, Rei, Ami, Minako, Makoto are all 5 years old as well. Vegeta and Goku made a wish to the dragon that they could go to a different time line and are 5-years old again. They both got their tails back. I do not own DBZ or Sailor Moon.


Vegeta, Goku, Serena, and Minako were all starting their first day at school. They stood in front of the classroom, waiting to be told which table to sit at. Vegeta and Goku had their tails wrapped around their waists so it looked like they were just wearing furry belts.

"Son Vegeta, Son Goku, Tsukino Serena, and Aino Minako, please sit at table 5." Miss Haruna, the children's teacher said.

The 4 children walked over to table 5 and sat down. Minako sat at the end on the right, Serena sat next to Minako, Goku sat next to Serena, and Vegeta sat next to Goku.

Vegeta glared at Goku because Goku had told everyone that he and Vegeta were brothers.

Everyone got seated and Miss Haruna wrote her name on the board. "My name is Miss Haruna and I will be your teacher for this year. Welcome to kindergarten."

Vegeta raised his hand.

"Yes, Vegeta?" Miss Haruna asked.

"Can I sit somewhere else?" Vegeta asked.

"You have to stay at your table but you can switch places with someone at your table." Miss Haruna said.

Vegeta looked at Minako and pointed at her. "What's your name?"

"My name's Minako. What's your name?" Minako asked. She smiled at Vegeta.

"Vegeta. Minako, would you mind switching spots with me?" Vegeta asked.

"Sure." Minako stated. She got up from her chair as Vegeta did. They then switched seats.

~ Lunch Time ~

Vegeta and Goku walked outside with their lunches. They looked around for a spot to sit and eat when they saw Serena and Minako. They walked over to them.

"Hi, Serena. Hi, Minako. Do you mind if we sit here and eat with you guys today? Everywhere else is packed." Goku asked.

"Sure." Serena stated.

Goku and Vegeta sat down with the girls.

A girl with long brown hair and green eyes walked up to the 4 kids. She had a black bow in her hair, black pants, and a black tank top. She grabbed Serena's lunch box before she could open it and punched Serena in the face.

Serena immediently started crying. The girl did the same with Minako, who cried too.


The girl grinned at Goku. "Shut up if you know what's good for you."

Goku looked at the two crying girls. Both of them had bruises forming on their cheeks where the girl punched them.

Vegeta stood up grabbed the two girls' lunchboxes and tossed them to Goku. He then punched the girl in the stomach and she went flying backwards.

Goku caught the girl's lunchboxes and put them down on the table. "It'll be okay, Minako, Serena."

"I got an owie!" Minako whined.

The girl that had punched them hit a tree and that's what stopped her. She stood up and glared at Vegeta, then walked away.

Vegeta walked back to the 3 and sat down. He opened up his lunch box and took out two senzu beans he had taken with him. He gave one to each of the girls. "Eat it." He ordered.

The girls both put the senzu bean in their mouths, chewed, swallowed, made a disgusted faces, but felt no more pain.

"Wow! What were those?" Serena asked.

"Special medicine." Vegeta stated.

~ End of Day At Serena's House ~

"How was your day, Serena? Did you make any friends?" Serena's Mother asked.

"My day was great! I made 3 new friends! Their names are Aino Minako, Son Goku, and Son Vegeta! Goku and Vegeta are really nice! When a mean girl stole Minako's and my lunch boxes, Vegeta got them back and Goku cheered us up!" Serena told her Mother.

Luckily, Serena's Father was not in the room.

"Sounds like you had a great day, dear."

~ At Minako's House ~

"How was your day, Minako?" Minako's babysitter, Cindy, asked.

"It was great! I made three new friends! Tsukino Serena, Son Vegeta, and Son Goku!" Minako told Cindy.

"Good!" Cindy said. She smiled sweetly at Minako.

~ At Goku's and Vegeta's House ~

"What do you think of those girls, Vegeta?" Goku asked.

"What girls?" Vegeta asked. He had his head in the refrigerator and his tail waved behind him happily.

"Serena and Minako!" Goku shouted.

"Oh, them. They're nice, just kind of weak." Vegeta stated.

Goku sweatdropped.


Miss Blue Star: Was it good, okay, bad, terrible? Review please. Oh, the girl that hit Minako and Serena was one of Chrissy C.'s made up characters. I got permission from her to use some of her characters.