When Naruto saw that he would be fighting against Kabuto he thought, 'Good one Anko. I'm the only one that can do what needs to be done.' As he planted his right hand on the railing and used it to jump over the railing. When he landed he walked to the centre, where Hayate was waiting, Kabuto joining him soon after. Hayate asked, "Anything to say?"

Naruto said, "No, nothing."

Kabuto said, "I do." Naruto raised an eyebrow, silently telling the snake to continue. "You should withdraw now Naruto-kun," pushing his glasses up on his nose.

"Oh," Naruto said, "and why would that be exactly?"

"Fighting against my abilities will only prevent you from reaching your goal. As such, it would be better to…"

Naruto scoffed and said, "You must be joking," annoyed at just how overblown Kabuto's sense of self-worth was.

Kabuto frowned, thinking, 'You little worm. You should have taken me up on my offer, because now you will learn exactly how much you lack.' He said, "Why would you think that?"

"Because," Naruto said, raising the hood on his coat, "this isn't going to be anything close to a fight. No. This is going to be an assassination."

Hayate looked surprised at the words coming from Naruto, as he thought, 'Assassination! What in the…'

"A…" Kabuto said his eyes becoming bloodshot as they narrowed in anger. He coldly said, "You worm! You think you're superior to me? It would appear that you need to learn exactly where you sit, kid."

Naruto said, "Well, it would appear that our little chat would be over, Kabu-chan," purposefully trying to aggravate the traitor.

"Kabu…! Why you…" Kabuto growled.

"There is a special circle in hell reserved for snakes like you."

Kabuto, and Orochimaru, thought, 'Snakes?! He couldn't…' Kabuto said, "Well, it would appear that you may have been right..." Naruto raised his eyebrow, not expecting an answer. "…though I wouldn't classify it as an assassination."

Naruto's other eyebrow raised, as Hayate asked, "You done?" thinking, 'I think I'll have to keep a close eye on this match so that I can jump in to stop them from killing each other.'When Naruto and Kabuto had told him that they had no more to talk about he said, "Hajime."

Kabuto crossed the distance between Naruto and himself almost instantaneously, chakra swirling around his hands. When he was close enough to Naruto he thrust his hand at his neck, trying to kill Naruto.

Naruto though, bent back, dodging it and tapped two places on his coat where he had sealed kunai and grabbed them as they appeared. He swung his body around, turning his back to Kabuto as he streamed chakra into his kunai before changing their nature into water. He said, "Takigakure-ryū: Mizukiri no Yaiba." Kabuto came into Naruto's view, just in time as Kabuto's other hand was now nearing his face. But it was too late for Kabuto, as Naruto's sword cut clean through his arm, barely missing his head as the second came around, aiming for it, but Kabuto ducked under it, stumbling past Naruto, screaming in pain.

Kabuto held his arm breathing heavily as he lost blood. He breathed, "Damn…you…why…?"

"Didn't I tell you that this would be nowhere near as kind as a fight," Naruto said as he advanced towards Kabuto, holding both swords out to the side.

In the stands, Souha said, "Sensei, that's…!" unable to come up with a theory as to how a shinobi from another village could know one of their hidden techniques. Let along a genin.

Their sensei said, "Yes. It is. Though I have no idea as to how he could have come to know it. Maybe the young Hyūga there could enlighten us," looking to Hinata.

Hinata said, "Hmm…" to look as if she was seriously considering it. "I could…but it's really not up to me now then, is it?" not turning from her husband's fight.

Kakashi thought, 'When did…no, better yet,wheredid Naruto, of all people, learn that?'and glanced at the Takigakure jōnin suspiciously, before noting the surprise on his face as well.

As Naruto advanced on him Kabuto screamed as he activated In'yu Shōmetsu, regenerating the hand that he had just lost. As the hand came into existence, Hiruzen's eyes widened, thinking, 'No mere genin should be able to do something like this.'He looked at Anko out of the sides of his eyes. 'So, this is why she wanted Naruto to fight him. If Kabuto has something to do with the war that they were telling me about, he might be one of Orochimaru's men. If that's so then he might know something about Orochimaru's plans and how they relate to Sasuke, and my supposed oncoming death. Which means that I'll need to step in before Naruto kills him.'Hiruzen closed his eyes. 'I'm sorry Naruto. Even if it does affect your plans for the future, I need to deal with the present, so I can't let you kill him.'

As Kabuto's hand finished healing, Naruto did something that all the gathered shinobi thought was rather odd, especially the ones from Takigakure. Naruto stopped walking forward, and extended both of his index and middle fingers down the flat of his kunai's blades. Then he pointed his right hand at the ceiling and his left at the ground before saying, "Takigakure no jutsu," and a thunderous roar resounded throughout the room as the water from Naruto's kunai turned to mist as more mist burst forth from them, covering him before filling the room. The only other shinobi that didn't think that it was strange was Hinata as she had seen Anko signing to Naruto that something was up, so he had better do it already.

Once the arena was filled with mist, the roar kept on going, though the kunai were no longer generating mist. Kabuto was looking in every direction, extending his senses as best he could, but he couldn't feel Naruto at all, which was why he couldn't move when a kunai appeared through the mist, silently passing by his ear. Kabuto sighed as he thought, 'Good, he's just…'

"Trying to find me, right?" Naruto said from behind Kabuto.

Kabuto said, "What…? How did…!?" then he lost all semblance of sense when he felt the full force of Naruto's Kage-level killing intent pouring down on him. It was of a level that nearly every shinobi in the arena was struggling for breath, with the exclusions of Hiruzen, Orochimaru and the time travellers. Sakura and Ino threw up. Gaara's sand started to swirl, but his face showed no pain as he stood still, resisting the fear that was permeating throughout the room, having regularly been exposed to such levels of KI due to Shukaku's lax control of his own.

A Mizukiri no Yaiba pierced through Kabuto's midsection, severing him off from his chakra as Naruto didn't want Kabuto trying to heal himself again before a second blade pierced through Kabuto's heart. Naruto then spun on the spot, severing Kabuto's body into chunks before placing a seal on Kabuto's head and lower body, letting the mist drop as he headed to the stairs. Before he reached the stairs an explosion resounded throughout the room, destroying all traces of Kabuto that could be used to recreate any of his abilities.

Hayate said, "Winner, Uzumaki Naruto," letting Naruto go up the stairs to join his wife.

When Naruto reached Hinata he leant back on the railing, saying, "I suppose you want to talk to me, don't you?" to the Takigakure genin's sensei.

The Takigakure jōnin simply said, "Yes."

"Fine. There's this great ramen stand that sell the best ramen around. Meet me there in two days."

"Very well."

Kakashi eye-smiled and said, "You know I'm here too."

"Your point, Scarecrow?" Naruto said, referring to Kakashi as his codename from the future.

Kakashi frowned as he thought, 'Scarecrow? I haven't gone by that name for years, so how doesNarutoknow that?'

As Naruto scheduled a meeting with the Taki-nin sensei, Hiruzen narrowed his eyes as he thought, 'I'll have to keep an eye on him.'

Anko, seeing the look on the Hokage's face, stepped up to him and lowly said, "Whatever it is you're thinking of doing, don't bother. Naruto-sama will only do that which is best for the shinobi world. And right now, keeping Konoha strong is vital…"


"Besides, he'll see through anything you try to do."

'Well, based on what we just saw, I'd say that there is a very good chance that what he told me before could well be true. In that case…well, I'll deal with that later. But for now…'





Chakura no Mesu(Chakra Scalpel)

This medical technique forms one's chakra into a small, sharp blade. This can then be used for highly accurate incisions necessary for surgeries and anatomical dissections. Unlike regular scalpels, the chakra scalpel can make cuts inside the body without actually creating an open wound, limiting the risks of an infection.

In'yu Shōmetsu(Yin Healing Wound Destruction)

A medical ninjutsu where one anticipates the spot the enemy will attack and pre-emptively applies medical treatment to it, reducing damage to a minimum. The user concentrates chakra to that area and begins the cell recreation process even before the targeted area becomes damaged. Using opponent's facial expression and movements, the technique's speed and power, the user analyses everything in an instant and accurately deduces where the attack will land


Takigakure-Ryū: Mizukiri no Yaiba(Hidden in a Waterfall Style: Watercutting Sword)

A secret technique of Takigakure that allows the user to manipulate water into the form of a sword which is also shown to be very resilient as it is able to withstand and cut through most Fire Release techniques