I'm excited about this one. I have a lot written out and hopefully it should be done soon so you guys should be getting this fic in full pretty soon. I'm still working out the ending, but I can't imagine it being much longer than what I already have written.

Anywho, enjoy! I own nothing and reviews are nice!

Cartman was in the waiting room of the auto shop he worked at. He was leaning against a chair, legs up on the table in front of him, donut in hand as he was watching a football game. His peaceful moment was disturbed by a car honk. He turned and could see he had a customer. He sighed and got up, but not quickly enough it seemed since the new customer honked their horn again, about six to seven times in succession.

"All right, all right, I heard you the first eighty fucking times you honked," Cartman complained, walking towards the car.

The new customer was bent over in the car, his upper body was through the driver's window, it seemed like he was trying to get something.

"I'm sorry! I was trying to reach for my wallet and I hit the horn with my elbow!" He said as he pulled himself out, triumphant that he had his wallet in hand.

"Butters?" Cartman said. It had been years since he last saw Butters, but it was definitely him. He was wearing khakis, a grey sweater vest over a light blue shirt, and he had glasses now.

"Eric!" Butters said excitedly, a huge grin on his face. He made to go hug his old friend but Cartman put his hands up, stopping him in his tracks.

"Sorry, these clothes are dirty, I don't want to put oil stains on your clothes," Eric explained.

"Oh, okay," Butters replied, he kept smiling. "It's so great to see you! It's been years."

"Yeah, like, almost ten." Cartman thought about it. He hadn't really seen Butters once high school ended and the blond left for Berkley, and then he stayed there for post-grad. "Are you back visiting your parents or something?"

Butters shook his head. "I got a job here."

"Weren't you living it up in California? Why the fuck would you come back here?"

"Well, that was always the plan. I always wanted to come back and help kids here."

"Child psychologist, right?" Cartman asked, pointing at Butters. He was pretty sure that's what the blond does, but he wanted to make sure.

"Yep," Butters nodded.

"So, what's up with your car?" Cartman asked, changing subjects.

"Oh, well I just got here like, two days ago, and I drove here. Half way through the drive the check engine light came on, and the steering wheel would randomly freeze, and I'm pretty sure it's dripping oil…"

Cartman asked Butters to open the hood so he could have a look. He told the blond he could watch tv in the waiting room but Butters stayed with him, talking about old times and whatnot.

"Yeah, you're not getting your car back today," Cartman said around five, close to closing time. He was wiping oil from his hands.

"Oh well," Butters shrugged. "Good thing I live so close to here I can just walk."

"Or I can drive you to your place," Eric said, as if that was the more obvious answer.

"I don't want to inconvenience you," Butters quickly said.

Cartman shook his head, what inconvenience? He had nothing to do that day anyways.

Butters waited outside next to Eric's truck for Cartman to close up shop. Eric locked up everything and in his office he changed from his greasy work clothes into a clean shirt and red flannel.

"Do you need to be somewhere?" Cartman asked as he unlocked his truck.

"No." Butters shrugged and shook his head. "I've just been busy unpacking boxes."

"Want to go get some beers?" Eric asked as they entered his truck.
