I'm posting this because a friend said that I really should. This is not my story. I have changed and added parts from various other One Piece Fem!Luffy and regular Luffy stories to create a full one that I could enjoy on my kindle or other reading devices. I will give full credit to every author I have borrowed from and if they ask me to remove the story I shall.
I plan to post 1 chapter a day until I have reached the part where I am still editing and adding. Then I shall try to post on a regular basis but I make no promises.
I recommend these fanfiction authors to everyone reading this because they started this whole thing first and I have only added to it. You guys are my inspiration for my own stories!
One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda
The authors I have borrowed from are: Pen-Woman, ChemGirl, and Killjou. (If someone thinks I have added some of their story, I apologize for not listing you. PM me and I will add you)
Beta reader for Pen-Woman is TheBlackSeaReaper.
Without further ado, a FemLuffy x Zoro story written and edited by many One Piece fans!
I'm Gonna be Queen of the Pirates
The sea, the sea calling out to you and me, waves rush in to caress the sand only to roll out again. The sea, the sea, and calmness in its water but in one fowl swoop the calm has turned sour. The sea, the sea, breezes clear as day, salty air meets our lips, longer, will we stay? The sea, the sea: soft sand beneath our feet, breeze cooling our hot hands, one look at your eyes and I know. The sea, the sea: our ally and friend, the seascape drawing us in, in triumph, two sweethearts together creating Minstrels in the sand….by Lillian B. Rose.
Once upon time, there is was a great Pirate King who went by the name of Gol D. Roger. The public took to calling him Gold Roger because he was the fiercest, and most respected Pirate that ever sailed the sea. He had conquered the world and obtained the greatest treasure of all…the One Piece.
But alas his fame and infamy was short lived. The Marines captured the elusive Pirate King after a long struggle and prepared to execute him, but before he died his final words drove countless souls to the sea.
"You want my treasure, you can have it! I left it all together in one place…the One Piece! Now you just have to find it."
Now every Pirate from around the world is traveling through the Grand Line in hope of finding the Pirate King's treasure. The world has entered the Great Pirate Era.
The sun is high in the sky, shining brightly on calm blue seas and flocks of Seagulls happily soaring through the sky. A giant whirlpool swirls below them, bringing only certain death to any ship unlucky enough to sail near it.
Two sailors watch the whirlpool with mild interest and fear on a cruise ship when all of sudden they hear a loud sound coming from below. One glances down to see a large barrel floating calmly in the sea, banging lightly against the ship. He wondered briefly where the barrel came from but soon dismissed that thought and gestured for his partner to help him lift it out of the sea. It was heavy and large for a barrel so both assumed that it had to contain large amounts of Sake
Inside the dance hall of the cruise ship, passengers mingled, conversed, and dined on the most expensive culinary food and fine champagne available.
A ship Admiral talks to his guests about how he was forced to take his position as the Admiral of a fleet of ships, rather than just one. Meanwhile, a tangerine haired girl with cinnamon brown eyes watches the ocean in dream-like state until someone taps her shoulder. She turns her head away from the calm scene to see a fine looking gentleman holding out his right hand to her.
"I'm sorry if I have disturbed you madam, but I couldn't help but to be overwhelmed by your beauty. May I ask for a dance," he inclined his head slightly and the girl nodded, smiling slightly.
The Sailors were still trying to catch the barrel by using fishing hooks, but were failing miserably. Another Sailor on look-out watched them and laughed at his friends failures when something caught his eye. A ship appeared from behind a small island they were passing but what the Sailor saw had him quivering in fear. The symbol flown on the Jolly Roger flag was a skull painted from the side with pink heart on its eye, the symbol for the Alvida Pirates.
"PIRATES! THE ALVIDA PIRATES! GO WARN THE CAPTAIN!" the Sailor yelled in panic. The two below heard the scream and lowered the recently retrieved barrel to the deck before they begin to run towards the ballroom, yelling warnings as they go, leaving behind a barrel.
The Pirate ship starts to fire its canon at the cruise liner but misses by a mile, causing the ship to shake and the barrel to fall and roll. Inside the ballroom people began to scream because of the sudden explosions as the two Sailors burst in.
"Captain! We're under attack by the Alvida Pirates!"
"WHAT?!" but before Admiral could say anything to calm his guests another explosion hit near the ship causing the people to panic. Guests swarmed towards the exits, running around like chickens with their heads cut off except for one tangerine hair girl who got left behind by a cowardly man. She smiles as if she had been expecting the attack. The barrel the sailors had left on deck continued to roll till it reached the kitchen where it finally stopped.
On the Pirate's deck, a group of mean looking men stared over at the cruise ship, all sporting evil grins of malice except for one small, chubby-looking boy with pink hair and round framed glasses. The timid boy is shaking like a leaf as he watches the other Pirates fire cannon balls at the cruise ship by the order of Captain Alvida.
"COBY! who is the most beautiful woman of all the sea?" Captain Alvida asked to the pink hair boy. The poor boy stuttered, trying to find something to say, because she was NOT the most beautiful woman; in fact, she was the most hideous, nastiest, bad-tempered, violent and fattest woman of all the sea. She had long, black, wavy flowing hair with freckles on her cheeks and she wore a pink shirt with lined designs, a red neckerchief under it and a blue captain's coat over it with the arms in the sleeves unlike many other pirates. Around her waist sat a purple sash with a flintlock pistol tucked in it and some jewels along with red painted fingernails. She sported red lipstick and a white cowboy hat with a red plumage and a light-green band around it, grayish pants and to top it all off red, long pointed shoes with buckles on them.
"Oh…uh…y-y-you are C-Captain Alv-v-vida ma'am" Coby replied with a nervous smile as he hoped won't get hit by Alvida's steel mace, that was her trademark weapon. Alvida smirked, obviously pleased with his answer and then ordered her men to keep firing and get ready to raid the ship.
After firing a couple more cannon balls at the ship, the Pirates hooked themselves to the ship using sharp looking fishing hooks and stormed the deck while the Sailors could do nothing but cower in fear. Speaking of fear, Coby still stood on Alvida's ship holding a rope that would swing him right towards the ship but he waited; too afraid to move.
"Coby, get going! I don't got all day," Alvida hissed, feeling her anger rise at the fact that the stupid brat was still not moving from his spot. She clenched the knuckles holding her mace, ready to bash the boy in the head if he didn't move soon but Coby was too afraid to notice it.
"I c-c-can't Capt-t-t-ain, I'm n-n-not cut out f-for this," he stuttered back at Alvida which made her blood boil like lava.
"What did you say, you worthless piece of SHIT?!" and then she lifted Coby off the deck and threw him to the other ship. Coby shrieked in surprise and terror as he flew and when he landed his face came into contact with a metal wall and slid slowly down causing it to screech. He groaned in pain feeling his face burn and a possible broken nose and rolled himself over, laying on his back on the floor waiting for the pain to cease. Then all of a sudden everything got dark.
'Wait a minute, its nighttime already?' when he looked up in confusion he saw the sun get blocked by something big and round and heading right for him. Upon closer inspection the big and round thing turned out to be a very ill-tempered Alvida with mace ready to pound the boy into submission. Coby let out a very unmanly scream and ran as fast as he could away from that menacing woman.
At the ballroom.
"Don't worry we're not gonna kill ya, we just want your valuables jewels for ourselves" one of the Pirates said.
"And if anyone tries to do anything 'heroic' I'll whack you all the way to the Grand Line with my mace and let the ocean dwellers feast on your flesh," said Alvida appearing behind her crew The guests quickly did what she said and gave the pirates everything they had on them before fleeing the room, heading towards the escape crafts. As the ballroom cleared only one girl remained. She had stayed behind and quickly changed her outfit before running to Alvida's ship to steal her treasure.
Once she landed quietly on the ship, she quickly began searching for a hatch that led to where they hid their treasure. Suddenly a man came out from Crew's Quarter spotting the girl.
"Huh, who the hell are you…are you a new crew member?" the man asked stupidly, the girl smiled at him and kicked him straight in the crotch.
Meanwhile, Coby was left all alone, wandering around the ship till he stumbled across the kitchen. He sighed in relief when he noticed that no Alvida Pirates had made there way here when he spotted the biggest barrel he had ever seen.
He inspected the barrel up close and thought of an idea. This barrel was big which meant there was probably a lot of Sake and Pirates loved Sake; if he traded this barrel of Sake for his freedom surely Alvida wouldn't refuse such an offer.
With his mind made up, he pushed the barrel on its side and started to roll it so he could take it to Alvida, unluckily for him three large Pirates took that moment to enter the kitchen and quickly spotted Coby.
"There you are, Cabin boy. You thought you could escape from us again, eh Coby?" the largest Pirate said.
"W-what? Oh n-n-no, I was just uh…" he tried to come up with good excuse when a skinny looking Pirate spoke.
"What is in that barrel, Coby?"
"I bet its filled with Sake. Perfect, I could use a refreshment" said the large Pirate.
"NO, YOU CAN'T! CAPTAIN ALVIDA WILL BE MAD IF SHE FINDS YOU GUYS DRINKING," Coby tried to reason with the Pirates before they took away his chance of freedom.
"If you keep your mouth shut, she won't know. Got it?" said the third fat Pirate, giving him the look that said 'say one word to her and I'll slit your throat'.
"Y-y-yeah, sure n-no problem," Coby stuttered, watching his chance of escape slip away.; the large Pirate cracked his knuckles to loosen up.
"Stand back fellas, let me open the barrel the old fashion way" he raised his large fist to break the barrel open but before his fist could come in contact with the wooden barrel something unexpected happened.
"I SLEPT GRRRREEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTT!" The lid of the barrel shattered as a girl burst from inside of it, her raised fist striking the large Pirate right on the chin. The girl looked no older than seventeen years old and had short length black silk hair and large black eyes with hint of brown. She wore a red button-up vest, short blue shorts and slip-on sandals. The attire appeared quite unusual for a girl to be wearing and a straw hat on her head and small scar under her left eye completed the strange ensemble.
After she stretched her sore back, she noted two men and one boy staring at her with shock written on their face. One of the pirate's looks drifted down and she followed the gaze to see a knocked out man lying on the floor.
"Who's this guy?" she asked, blinking down at him curiously.
"Who the hell are you!" two men yelled in unison but the girl looked unaffected by their outburst.
"He'll catch cold if he sleeps like that."
"You're the one who knocked him out!" they screamed before pulling out their swords.
"Wait a minute, are you playing with us? We're viscous pirates, you know!" said the fat man.
"I'm starving, do you know where the food is?" the small girl ignored the two pirates and turned to ask the pink haired boy standing off to the side.
"HEY, YOU STUPID BITCH, DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE US!" as soon as the man yelled at the girl, both he and his partner lifted their swords up into the air, ready to slice the insolent girl. Coby screamed in fright and covered his eyes, unable to watch the outcome but the girl stood, unfazed by their actions. As the swords arched down, suddenly the tips of both swords broke off and spun up into the ceiling. The men took two steps back, bodies shaking with fear and disbelief at what they had just witnessed and Coby, who uncovered his eyes, couldn't help but to gape in awe at the girl.
"You guys are really weird," she said in bored tone.
"W-what in the seven hells are you?"
"Oh, me? I'm Monkey D. Luffyko but you can call me Luffy," After she said her name the two pirates turned and fled in terror, dragging their unconscious crew mate between them. As they climbed out from the hatch they halted when they saw a very pissed looking Alvida.
"What were you doing down there?" she asked in a slow and low tone that almost sound like hissing, her mace held in a vice grip.
"C-C-Captain, it's not what you think," said the skinny Pirate.
"ARE YOU CALLING ME A LIAR?!" she roared like an animal in carnage and swung her mace to kill them. The two Pirates shrieked and dodged Alvida's mace but unfortunately their crew mate got caught by her attack and she sent him flying to God knows where. The two remaining watched their crew mate fly away when Alvida lifted them up and got ready to pound the living daylight out of them.
"W-wait Captain, t-there's an int-t-truder in the ship," stuttered the skinny man.
"…an intruder!"
Meanwhile, Coby had dragged Luffy into the storage room so that Luffy could chow down on the tasty apples she had found. Coby tried to convince the girl to leave this place but she refused because she was hungry and wanted to eat. He thought that she was insane, but was still surprised that this beautiful girl was able to slice the two swords in half like butter. Even though he didn't see her do it he could tell she was strong so he watched her eat and decided to try and talk to her.
"So your name is Luffy, right? I'm Coby. That was pretty cool what you did out there."
"These apples are amazing."
"So how come you were in that barrel anyway?" he asked, wondering what Luffy was doing in there.
"I was sailing when my ship got caught in a whirlpool," she said as if it was that simple.
"WHAT?!~ h-h-how did you manage to survive that?"
"Nah, it was nothing. Besides, it was kinda fun." Coby stared at the girl in bewilderment as if she had suddenly grown another head. This Luffy girl had somehow endured the harsh swirl of death and lived to tell the tale ...then his thoughts was soon cut short when he heard the girl speak.
"Say, where I am anyway? Is this a marine ship or a Pirate ship?"
"Oh, you're on a cruise ship but it was overrun by Captain Alvida and her crew," Coby replied.
"So are you a Sailor or Marine?" Luffy asked and Coby replied, shaking his head 'no'.
"Neither. I'm Captain Alvida's Cabin boy. I was forced to become a Pirate, I was going fishing like I usually do when Alvida and her men seized the boat and took me with them. I thought they were going to kill me but they found out that I'm good Navigator so they let me live as long as I help them with navigation. I've been their Cabin boy for two years." Coby explained to Luffy about his past event as he slouched down next to her. Luffy stared back at him for a moment before bluntly saying.
"Sheesh, you're an idiot, you know that."
"Gee, thanks for your honesty," he said sarcastically.
"Not only that, you're scaredy-cat too! I hate people like you." Then she grinned and Coby could do nothing but sigh. He had never felt more humiliated in his entire life and it was in front of a girl no less.
"Yeah, you're right. I am nothing but a coward, if I could I would've taken one of their boats and escaped but I'm too afraid to do so… by the way, what made you sail the sea, Luffy?"
"Well…I'm going to be the first ever Queen of the Pirates," she said with big grin. To say Coby was shocked would be the understatement of the day. Queen of the Pirates? That had to be the wackiest thing he had ever heard, this girl was out of her mind.
"Q-q-queen of the P-pirates then that m-m-mean…you're a…Pirate!"
"That's right!"
"NO WAY! The only way you can be Queen is to find the most valuable, the most elusive, the biggest treasure that every Pirate in all the seas are looking for, the ONE PIECE."
"Yep, you got it."
"No, you're crazy! There is no way you can find it, you will die if you step one foot on the Grand Line, it's dangerous, risky, and unsafe and OW…why did you hit me?"
"Because I felt like it," the look on her face was blank but you could tell she was annoyed by Coby's ranting.
"Oh well, I'm used to being hit on head too many times," Coby said slowly massaging his head. Luffy looked away with a sigh before taking off her hat and staring at it fondly. The sight made Coby blush, although he didn't know why.
'Wow~ she looks really pretty when she smiles. AH, what are you thinking? You barely know her.'
"It's not matter if I can…its because I want to. I promised a friend long ago that I would become Queen of the Pirates and if I die trying then I wouldn't mind that." Coby was in awe of the girl's amazing determination and lack of fear at the possibility of death…he never thought of that, she was…an amazing, one-of-kind girl. After one last fond smile, Luffy placed her precious straw hat back on her head.
"Now that I'm full I better get going and set sail."
"Luffy…do you you think I can do it too?"
"Hm? Do what?"
"Do you think I can be a Marine?"
"Yes, all my life I always wanted to become a Marine, catching bad guys and bringing justice to the guilty has always been my dream. Do you think I can do it?"
"I wouldn't know." Luffy replied honestly.
"Alright I'll do it! I will not spend my life as a Cabin Boy. I will join the Marines and arrest big ass Alvida and put her behind bars," he said with new found confidence that he never thought he would have and it was all possible because of Luffy. Sadly his new found confidence was short lived when suddenly the ceiling collapsed on top of them. Luckily, Luffy managed to drag Coby out of the way in time when a booming voice suddenly sounded through the small room.
"Whose ass are you going to arrest, Coby?" That familiar voice was none other than the fearsome Captain Alvida.
"Did you think you could escape from me?" then she looked at Luffy with a mocking smirk on her face.
"So you're the one that my crew was talking about? Heh, you don't look so tough, I guess you're not the famous Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro." Luffy was confused by the name Alvida threw out, Zoro, but she soon snapped out of it when Alvida asked the same question to Coby that she always asked.
"COBY?! who is the most beautiful woman in all the seas?" she flipped her hair over her shoulder to try and appear more attractive.
"EH EH EH EH of of course you…"
"Hey Coby, who is this ugly lady?"
"!" everyone was shocked to hear the little, skinny girl dare to say those dreaded words so boldly to their fearsome Captain and she didn't seem to realize what she had done.
"That kid…"
"I can't believe she said that," Alvida's crew members were whispering at each other on top of the main deck watching the scene play out below.
"What…DID YOU SAY?!" That was the final straw as Alvida saw red and began to swing her mace in an attempt to kill the girl. Luffy was too quick for Alvida though and she ducked out of the way before running over to Coby and grabbing his wrist before dragging him up through the hole in the ceiling that Alvida had made.
On the deck every Pirate drew their sword and charged at Luffy with a roar, but no matter how many times they tried to slice her she moved. She was so fast, almost as if she wasn't there, and when a Pirates tried to sneak up behind her, she would dodge and hit him square on his face with a tight fist.
After less than a minute of fighting she had taken down all of the pirates that had been crowded around the hole. She smiled at her accomplishment and spun in a quick circle before noticing that more pirates were running towards her. With a surprised squeak she turned and began to run from them.
"AAHHH~ why are they ganging up on me?" Luffy had enough of this so she turned around to face the coming mob of dirty Pirates and positioned herself in a fighting stance.
"Gum-Gum Gatling Gun!" She threw the first punch, striking the pirate closest to her and then her arms were everywhere. They seemed to stretch, hitting enemies far outside of her reach and striking 5, then 10, then 20 enemies almost all at once. The pirates had been unprepared for the almost supernatural attack and were quickly pushed back and over the side of the ship. Alvida had climbed out of the hole as the first attack hit and both her and Coby stared at the small girl in front of them, neither quite believing what they had just seen.
"Luffy, w-w-what are you?" Coby stuttered, voice awestruck and she replied with grin.
"I ate the gum-gum fruit."
"Gum-gum fruit?" Coby didn't understand what she meant by that. A shadow loomed over him and he looked up to see Alvida right above him and he quickly hid behind Luffy.
"So you ate a Devil Fruit. I thought they were just mere legend, but after seeing you display your powers now I know it's real. Tell me brat, are you a Marine or a Pirate?" Alvida asked.
"I'm a Pirate," Luffy replied easily.
Alvida smirked, the smile full of scorn. "A Pirate? Don't make me laugh. You're just one kid with no crew."
"I'll get a crew, probably ten or more in week."
"So tell me then, we're both Pirates, right? That makes us enemies," Alvida grinned, a cocky smile, that showed that she believed she could beat Luffy, even with the girl's devil fruit powers. Coby stood off to the side, shaking in fear at the thought of what could happen if she took on Alvida alone.
"Luffyko…" he began, but then he remembered what Luffy had said. "It's not a matter of if I can…it's because I want to. I promised a friend long ago that I would become Queen of the Pirates. If I die fighting for that dream, well then, I wouldn't mind dying."
"Coby? What is it you want to say?" Luffy asked. Then to everyone's utter shock and disbelief Coby started to yell at Alvida.
"You are the ugliest woman in all the seas! The really beautiful one is Luffy and she is a million times more beautiful than you ever were!" Luffy smiled at Coby's courage and let out a loud laugh, watching as Alvida's face boiled red with anger.
"What did you say?!"
"I will join the marines and fight pirates like you!"
"Do you have any idea on what you just said?!"
"I know what I said! I don't regret one word. I'll join the marines and put you behind bars where you belong!"
"YOU LITTLE SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTT!" Alvida lifted her mace into the air with and readied herself to smash Coby's head.
'I did it! I can't believe I did it and I don't feel any regret!' Coby closed his eyes, ready for the pain when Luffy interfered.
"Spoken like a true Marine." She stepped in front of Coby and bent her knees into a ready stance, preparing for the coming attack. Alvida saw her move but didn't stop the swing of her mace, she would kill both of these insolent fools with one smash. Just as the steel mace came into contact with Luffy's head it stopped. Alvida stared in shock at the skinny girl and watched as a grin split her face before she pushed herself up to her full height, causing the mace to rebound off of Luffy's head. The strength of the rebound forced Alvida back onto her ass almost 3 feet away.
Alvida, Coby, and the remaining pirates stared at the young girl in shock as she did a couple of squats and stretched out her legs before standing up again and tilting her hat back on her head. "That won't work on me!" She called cheerfully. She placed her hands on her hips and grinned happily over at Coby.
"W-w-w-w-what what are you?" Alvida was so shocked that this little scrawny brat had forced her back. HER! The strongest female pirate in the East Blue. She rose shakily to her feet. This had to be some sort of nightmare.
"I'm Monkey D. Luffy! Remember my name because I'm the girl who's going to become the Queen of the Pirates!" Then she stepped up to Alvida and pushed her arms back, palms flat. Everyone watched in shock as her arms began to stretch, easily clearing the end of the cruise ship.
"Gum-Gum Bazooka!" Her arms shot back towards her body and she pushed both palms forward into Alvida's gut, sending the overweight pirate flying off the ship and into the distance.
Coby stared in shock at Luffy, amazed by her incredible powers. He was gaping at her as she rocked back onto her heels with a grin and judging by the looks on the faces of Alvida's former crew, he wasn't the only one rendered speechless by the crazy display of power. She twirled on one heel to face the remaining pirates, her grin lessening slightly.
"Y-yes?" the crew flinched in fear when Luffy addressed them, pointing over to Coby.
"Get Coby a boat because he's leaving and is going to become a Marine and none of you are going to stop him, got it?" She gave each of them a stern look, her commanding tone making her look more and more like a real Captain. The illusion was ruined when her bright smile came back but the Crew quickly followed her orders since they knew exactly what she was capable of and didn't want to get beat up by her. Coby couldn't be any happier than he was at that moment. He was finally free from that accursed brute of a woman and her crew, ready to take his first step towards becoming a Marine, and it was all thanks to Monkey D. Luffyko. Just then the sound of three cannons firing around Alvida's ship were heard and the ship rocked slightly, shaking both Luffy and Coby. They quickly regained their balance and saw that the cannon balls had come from three Marine ships heading their way.
"That's the Marines," Coby stated.
"What luck, now you can finally join them." Luffy grinned back at him as she turned to run away.
"Are you crazy?! They'd arrest me before I could join them. They'll think I'm one of the Pirates!" Coby hurriedly followed Luffy before he was thrown to jail.
Meanwhile, the orange hair girl that had snuck onto Alvida's ship had stolen a boat and was tying her bags full of treasures down to prevent them from shifting. There was a loud splash next to her and a small boat with Luffy and Coby in it dropped into the water. Luffy and the girl made eye contact for a second before Coby had raised the sail and they were off.
The little boat that Luffy and Coby had taken sailed them away from where the marines were just beginning to board the cruise ship. Coby looked around them to see if any of the Marines had followed their small craft but thankfully none of them noticed their escape.
"I guess we're safe now considering no one is following us." Coby sighed with relief.
"Man that was fun, huh?" Luffy asked before laughing as if they whole thing had been a huge joke.
"Um Luffy? if you're looking for the One Piece that means you're heading to the Grand Line, right?" she with nodded at him to continue.
"You know people called it the Pirate's Graveyard!" he tried to make her understand the danger she would be putting herself into but her look said that she was determined to go, no matter what he said.
"That why I need a really strong crew to get to the Grand Line…by the way that Pirate Hunter the old hag mentioned back there, what kind of guy is he?" Luffy asked, tilting her head curiously.
"Oh, you mean Roronoa Zoro. Last thing I heard that he was being held captive by the Marines at the Marine Base in Shells Town."
"So…he's weak" her voice sounded disappointed.
"I figured if he was good enough he could join my crew," she smiled when she heard how good this Zoro was while Coby gaped at her because of the crazy plan.
"You never know. Maybe he'll jump at the chance to join me."
"Because I felt like it."
At the Marine Base, a man hung on a stake in middle of the hot blazing sun. Most people would have thought he was dead because he was slumped over and not moving, but he was actually very much alive. If you looked closely, you could see the demonic look in eyes partially hidden under a black bandana. He was truly what people called him…the Demon, Roronoa Zoro.
Thanks for reading and again, check out the authors I have listed above. They are amazing! If possible, I hope to have chapter two up tomorrow evening! Thanks again!