OK guys, I've waited about a week so that you guys could give me a few reviews and tell me what to do. I got 3 reviews on the last chapter, all requesting more. Thanks to kuro12, Freya the Mistwolf, and Necromancer15. Oh, and people: READ ROY AND HIS BROTHER REWRITE BY KURO12! IT IS AMAZING! Well, the original is good too, but it hasn't been edited yet. Anyway- read it! Gooood story there! OK, so I'm not really sure how I would stretch this story, but you guys wanted the mushy aftermath part, so here you are!
Ed sat up to see people. He'd taken a nap after talking to Al for a bit- he was in bad shape, and it had exhausted him just to sit up, not even taking in the whole coughing fit and then the crying... He turned his mind back to the present. There were people- a bunch of them. All the people who worked with Ed fairly often were crowded into the room- Major Armstrong, Colonel Mustang, Hawkeye, and the gang, Hughes and his family, Winry had somehow gotten here, and of course, Alphonse.
"He's awake!"
"Ed, you're up!"
"Edman, you know, you gave my daughter quite a scare!"
"Edward, if you ever scare me like that again, I'll hit you so hard you'll see stars for a week!"
Everyone was talking at once- Havoc, Gracia, Major Armstrong, Hughes, Winry- the list continues. When Winry came forward, he flinched. He wasn't sure if she would hug him or hit him- hopefully, neither. He was so sore that everything hurt even without physical contact with other people. Everyone was so happy. Ed found he had tears in his eyes and brushed them away. The party went on around him, people shifting. The people constantly with him were Al and Winry, though. Al guarded him, and Winry kept looking at him with tears of love and relief in her eyes.
Ok, so I wasn't really sure how to do that, but I managed to squeeze it out of me. I'm not really sure how I would expand it, but if you give me a few ideas, I can try. I have a new philosophy I found on someone else's story: Silence can quench any author's imagination- very true! So please review!