Universes Collide

by Starsinger

Well, I was challenged, by Milky Way Supernova to merge the normal Star Trek AOS, with my Deneva universe, and have, among others, Kirk and McCoy switch with their counterpart. I'm giving it a shot. Oh, wish me luck. No, I haven't forgotten Road to Deneva, I'll get back to it soon, promise. This is not a Mirror Universe! Don't own anything.

Captain James Tiberius Kirk sat next to his best friend, Doctor Leonard Horatio McCoy. Behind them sat Lieutenant Nyota Uhura and Lieutenant Montgomery Scott, and Jim yawned. They were returning to the Enterprise after a four day conference on Yeneb IX, and it had been a long one. Jim, for one, was looking forward to seeing his girlfriend, Dr. Carol Marcus upon his return.

Bones, of course humphed as Jim maneuvered the shuttle's way through the sector, "Are you sure you got enough on wormholes to satisfy Spock?" he asked.

"Look, short of finding a miraculously stable wormhole, Gamma Quadrant would take seventy-five plus years to full explore,"* Jim told him. "Not even Spock would live long enough to get out there and back."

"Aye," Scotty agreed, "and wormholes are not stable, no matter where ye come from."**

"I'm still reeling from some of the data coming back from our deep cover agent on Rihannsu," Uhura said. "Some of these language dynamics among the indigenous species is overwhelming."

"Hold on, going through an ion storm, guys, might be a little rough," Jim warned. Only McCoy was concerned. He hated flying, much less flying in space. No one noticed the bright light that surrounded the shuttle.

Soon, they approached the Enterprise, Jim still smiled at the thought of this being his ship. "Almost home, guys. Kirk to Enterprise, request permission to dock."

The person who answered sounded a little surprised, "Permission granted for Shuttle Bay 2. Welcome home Doctor Kirk. I hope the conference went well."

"As well as could be expected, Spock. Have some new scientific data for you that Physicist Roger Crone promised me would get your attention."

"Thank you, Doctor. Please ask Captain McCoy to join me on the Bridge as soon as you arrive," Spock disconnected the conversation.

Uhura looked up, "Wait, did he just say 'Captain McCoy'…"

"…'Captain Kirk'?"

Bones looked up from his piloting to look over at his best friend, "Did you mutiny while we were gone?"

"That would have been difficult considering we were on the other side of Sector 12," Jim replied, looking forward to spending some time with his fiancée, Christine Chapel, and the kids. Uhura shrugged. They'd find out soon enough. The shuttle landed and they emerged talking about the conference animatedly. Lieutenant Hendorff was there to meet them.

"Captain, would you come with me? Admiral Archer wants to speak with you."

Grumbling good-naturedly McCoy set off to find out what the Admiral wanted, Hendorff looked oddly at him, "Not you, Dr. McCoy, he wants to see Captain Kirk."

*Star Trek: Voyager

**Wormhole in Star Trek Deep Space Nine is about eighty years away from being discovered.