Chapter 5- Hypnotism and sibling rivalry

Kitty: Hello! From the poll I tallied the votes. (Not really X3) HAWKFROST IS OUR NEW CO-HOST! :D

Lexi: WOOP WOOP! I can't wait for all the ridiculous jokes and awkward moments we can make! And poor Lexi the cat host will suffer the most from this! I'M SO SADISTIC TOWARDS MYSELF. :D

Raven: You made me fangirl over Hawkfrost? That thing? He needs to go die in a hole filled with snakes and deathberries and poisoned water! *Stabs It in the back*

*His magical ability to hypnotize she-cats into falling in love with him and mooning over him.

Hosts: Kitty, Lexi, Raven.

Co-host: Hawkfrost

Guests: Scourge, Ruby, and Socks

"Welcome to The Room! We're your hosts, Lexi, Raven, and Kitty!" Kitty announced happily, her smile broad and slightly eerie as always.

Scourge, Ruby, and Socks all sat, glaring at each other. Scourge was trying to keep his temper while Ruby was glaring at him. Socks shook a little when he saw his little brother's claws.

"Br-brother, don't you think you should sheath those cl-claws?" Socks stammered in fear.

Scourge's lips twisted into a wry smile. "Br-brother," He mocked. "Don't you think you sh-should shut up?"

On the other paw, Raven, Lexi, and Kitty were enjoying the sibling rivalry. It was awesome. Lexi squealed with joy, Raven got the Room ready, and Kitty was smiling like a crazy person.

"...As you see," Kitty was saying. "Our guests are Scourge, Ruby, and Socks!"

Lexi stepped forward.

"And Brokenstar has been fired and replaced. Our new co-host is..." She gulped. As much as she hated their new co-host... She still had an itty-bitty-teeny-weeny-non-existant... Crush, on him.

"H-Hawkfrost." She stammered. Hawkfrost stood in the corner, obviously not wanting to deal with the three crazy hostesses.

"The things I do for money," he grumbled. There was many things he hated, but the things he hated the most was small spaces, she-cats, and his magically ability to*- oh no...

He let his eyes wander. And he let his eye's wander onto Kitty's eyes. Kitty's eyes went blank, and they widened slowly but surely until Hawkfrost was sure they were going to pop. And then her eye lids drooped, and drooped, and drooped until they were barely open. A small dreamy smile grew on her face.

"Kitty... Snap out of it..." Hawkfrost growled, but panic was already slipping into his voice. Out of all the cats he would want to charm with his stupid icy blue eyes, THE HEAD HOSTESS CERTAINLY WASN'T ONE OF THEM. Raven and Lexi hadn't noticed Kitty. But the certainly noticed Hawkfrost's reaction.

"Hey," Raven hissed, " Don't talk to Kitty like that-... Like that... Like th-... Gosh, I never full appreciated how stunning your eyes are!" She rushed right on over to Hawkfrost to stare deeply into his soul. Lexi fidgeted. She would not fangirl, she would not fangirl...She was NOT in love with Hawkfrost... She hated Hawkfrost, right, right?!...

Scourge, Ruby, and Socks just stood there, flabbergasted. They didn't know whether to snicker or scream or both.

"CURSE YOU MAKE-UP ARTISTS!" He yowled as the three hostesses surrounded him.

Suddenly a very angry Mothwing burst out of the back room.

"Don't complain," Mothwing snapped, " you wanted me to put on the mascara that brought out your eyes, so I did it! And it took several long hours to do it! SO BE HAPPY!" And with that, she turned and took her leave.

Kitty blinked.

"Mascara?" The terrifying thought had broken her out of her trance... For now.

Meanwhile, Scourge, Ruby, and Socks were rolling around on the floor laughing.

Raven was the first to recover. She jumped in, shouting "THAT TOOK WAAAAAAAY TOO LONG! LET'S BEGIN!"

Lexi jolted out of her thoughts and hurried to yank down a lever and a room materialized around the siblings.

"AAAAAAAAH!" Ruby, Socks, and Scourge all screamed in unison.


Scourge pounced on Socks and pinned his brother to the wall. "Finally, it's time for my revenge!" He gloated. Socks looked like he was about to cry. Smirking, Scourge unsheathed a claw and...

"I'M WIDE AWAKE," Ruby screamed/sang. "I WAS IN THE DARK, NOW-" Scourge groaned.

Socks muttered, "She has an awful voice."


"How to you get her to shut up?" Scourge asked bluntly.

The hosts, on the other paw, weren't paying attention. They were too busy mooning over their co-host, Hawkfrost. Hawkfrost was unlucky enough to cause what I like to call "the Bedazzlement Effect" on ALL three of the hosts AT ONCE. So now he had three cuckoo she-cats crushing on him. In a relatively small space. With no escape. He was already starting to feel his claustrophobia kick in.

"Hawkfrost!" They squealed. He looked very, VERY uncomfortable.

"Um, right! I need to-" He began awkwardly.

"GO WHERE?" The hosts asked in unison. He took a step back and they took a step forward. He was obviously going nowhere.


Socks and Scourge had called a truce so that they could protect each other from the horrors that is Ruby's horrendous singing.

The two brothers shivered together. "So, much, singing." Scourge gasped.


"Hey... Scourge." Socks whispered. "If you feel anything thick and sticky on your fur, that's the blood from my bleeding ears."

Scourge didn't know how to respond to that.

The hosts for some reason, didn't seem to notice the awfulness going on in the Room. They were practically foaming at the mouth over Hawkfrost.

"Hi there Hawkiepoo!" Squealed a deranged Kitty. Hawkfrost turned around to run, but Raven was already trying to glomp him.

Lexi tackled Hawkfrost when he tried to duck away and screamed, "HAAAAAAWKFROSTY!" While she was snuggling her head into his fur, she remembered something. The whole world knew of her crush on Hawkfrost SHE NEEDED TO COVER THIS UP.

Kitty and Raven snapped out of their trances, and realized they were fangirling on the cat they absolutely hated. And exposed it to the media. Live. THEY NEEDED TO COVER THIS UP.

"EW!" They shrieked. Poor old Hawkfrost's eardrums had popped from the noise.

HOUR 10:

Ruby had finally cracked. From her own singing. She stopped warbling- I mean singing- and started attacking Scourge.

"DIE EVIL LITLE BROTHER! DIEEE!" Her eyes looked wild and savage and she chased after him with a chainsaw. Despite his evilness, Scourge was screaming. Because not even dog-teeth claws could be a match to a chainsaw.


Socks snickered and stuck his foot out to trip Scourge.


Ruby was on top of him! She was going to kill him! With a twisted glint in her eyes, she lift the whirling, oh-so sharp chainsaw above Scourge's head. His life was finally going to end...

Lexi scratched her head. "Uh, aren't the guests supposed to annoy the heck outta each other, but not kill each other?"

Kitty gasped. "Oh right!"

Raven got her bat ready to knock someone out.

Hawkfrost shivered. He lay in the corner, curled up into a fetal position, murmuring to himself as his ears ached and cramped. But nobody paying attention seemed to care.

HOUR 20:

"YOU LITTLE TWERP!" Scourge raged. "I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU WISH YOU WERE NEVER-!" Scourge was juuuuuuuust about to make Socks wish he was never born, but Raven smacked him upside the head with a bat. Kitty snatched the chainsaw from Ruby, and Lexi sucker-punched Socks in the jaw.

HOUR 21:

With Scourge and the gang knocked out, our beloved hosts had plenty of time to sit around and do nothing.

Kitty was on her phone, looking at the Room's ratings and reviews.

Raven looking at the requests, trying to figure out who should go into The Room next.

And Lexi was poking Hawkfrost.

"Haaaaaaaawkfrooooooost... Haaaaaaaaawkfroooooooooost..." Lexi mewed softly, as she prodded the sleeping Hawkfrost's side.

"What?!" He snapped, as he turned to glare at Lexi.

"Oh nothing..." Lexi breathed creepily. She then leaned in, in hope's that the the mic wouldn't be able to catch what she said.

"I just like to hear the sound of your voice."



"AND THE TIMES UP!" Kitty and Raven screamed. Lexi said nothing, for she was too busy maiming Hawkfrost for trying claw her face three hours ago.

Raven dragged Scourge out, then begged him to marry her.

Kitty dragged the other two out, grumbling.

"Why does Raven fangirl over the evil ones?"

"Not all the evil ones! I've decided to blind Hawkfrost after the episode is over! He got me to have a crush on him! He. Should. Die!" Raven held out a copy of the Last Hope and shoved it into Hawkfrost's face.

"I know where you live. I've got proof of what you did. I knowwwww wherrrrrrrrrreeeeeeee yooouuuuuu liiiiiiiveeeeeeeee" She whispered in the perfect horror movie voice.

Raven then grabbed a shrew and gave it to Scourge, then threw two baby mice to Socks and Ruby.

"But-" Ruby started to say, infuriated that she got a tiny minuscule piece of prey.

"No buts." Raven said flatly.

"Now, how did you enjoy the room?" Kitty asked, pushing Raven aside quickly.

"It...was...horrible." Scourge choked out as Raven hugged him VERY tightly.

"It was...enjoyable." Ruby said, pausing from eating her mouse's brain.

The hosts turned their heads away in disgust.

"I have amnesia. Who are you?" Socks asked sweetly, giving Bambi eyes.

"CUUUUUUTE!" Raven squealed, hugging Socks and then carrying him away to pet him and hug him and rename him Doom.(Short for Doom of Life)

"Okay then..." Kitty said.

"THANK YOU FOR WATCHING THE ROOM!" The hosts screamed, and Doom-Socks?

"I'm gonna die..." Hawkfrost groaned.

Raven punched him in the nose, breaking it.