Summary: Harry learns that being normal is overrated.

Warning: Slash, Mpreg,

Pairing: HP/LV, HP/SS

Disclaimer: Not mine. Harry Potter is not mine I just own the plot


A few months ago if someone had said that he would be a teen parent he would have laughed in their face. He never once thought he would be a parent let alone still a child himself.

But fate the bitch that she is took the choice from him. Back in October Harry was hit with a potion that put him into heat. Not that he was the only one hit. The potion engulfed the entire classroom infecting everyone. They shared that class with the Slytherins only a few girls got pregnant from it Pansy Parkinson of Slytherin and Lavender brown of Gryffindor.

Hermione for some unknown reason thought it prudent to tell Ron and him that she was on the pill. He could have gone his whole life without knowing that.

Ron didn't take it well, he had to be told what that is so Hermione told him. Harry had no idea that it was against the law to prevent pregnancy.

While he agreed with Hermione on that no one can tell you when to have a child. He had to take into account that the Magical race was dying out. He understood that the law had a purpose, didn't mean he had to like it.

The Magical people were a Minority as it was. Most families only had one child. Like the Malfoys. Harry knew that Sirius had a younger brother and that his parents had siblings as well. Even Harry's paternal grandparents had several siblings each.

This generation though did not. Very few had more than one child. Thanks to Voldemort many families have died out.

Hermione didn't help herself when she tried to interfere with Ron and Pansy's decision concerning the baby. She tried to make him leave Pansy that he shouldn't marry her just because she was pregnant. Ron wasn't going to marry Pansy he would bond with her though. Purebloods don't marry they bond. It helps the children to better except the magic into their very beings. It's why Squibs are looked down upon so much. As punishment for cheating on their husbands, the child would be born without magic.

A Squib only happens when the carrier breaks the bond. That's not to say that Squibs don't happen outside bond pairings. To much muggle blood and the child will be born muggle. A Squib still has enough magic to make potions and bypass muggle repelling charms. But a muggle is the worse thing a magical can have.

A Squib born outside a bond pairing is not a pureblood but half-blood. While a muggle will be born between two muggle-borns.

The things you learn while hiding in the room of requirement. It really does give you anything you want.

Madam Pomfrey used a spell that shows one's parentage. It's used on unborn children when things like this happen. To think Snape has to deal with potion accidents that can turn his classroom into a den of iniquity. Harry honestly never thought that was a thing.

It's how we learned who the fathers were of the children, Ron for Pansy and Neville for Lavender.

Molly, and Nevilles grandmother would not allow anyone to interfere with the bonding of their children.

Hermione really needs to shut up. It's been months since then and she still can't except that Ron is bonded to Pansy. Of course, she hasn't noticed that the both of them are avoiding her either. Harry because he didn't need human friends that would die soon enough and Ron because Hermione is proving to be the worst sort of muggle-born.

Harry knew he put up with her for the homework help and because it was obvious he liked her. But Ron wasn't the type to dishonor his bonded, a blood traitor he may be, but a cad he was not.

Harry himself refused to believe he was expecting. A human wouldn't be able to knock him up. There was no way. Unfortunately ignoring it wouldn't make it any less true. Harry was pregnant by a human.

The most unsuitable human he ever met.

Because of that Harry was forced to walk back to Gryffindor Tower after spending the weekend in the room of requirement. He had to lay his eggs in the room nowhere else would he trust to protect them during this time of weakness.

In a few months, his children will be born, they will hatch and he will have to have somewhere to keep them. This will be his last year at Hogwarts, his children come first.

He was still sore from laying his eggs in the Room of Requirement. Even taking it easy the last few days to recover didn't help much.

Going to class was nerve-wracking, but Harry trusted Dobby and Winky to protect his children. The two elves warded his bed against anything that could harm his children. It's the only reason he left them long enough to go to class.

During winter break he went to the Ministry to inquire about any homes his family owned. The Department of Records helped him with the information he needed. His family did have a Manor that burned down before he was born. He also inherited an apartment building from Sirius upon his birth. Harry still owned the land where the Manor burned down. He planned to go assess the damage during the summer. See if it was salvageable or he would rebuild.

Harry snuggled up with his babies and thought back to how this happened in the first place.